def test_env_accessors_no_env(): """Sould all raise an exception.""" with pytest.raises(EnvError): delenv() with pytest.raises(EnvError): setenv() with pytest.raises(EnvError): getenv()
def test_env_accessors(gdalenv): """High level GDAL env access.""" defenv() setenv(foo='1', bar='2') expected = default_options.copy() expected.update({'foo': '1', 'bar': '2'}) assert getenv() == rasterio.env._env.options assert getenv() == expected assert get_gdal_config('foo') == '1' assert get_gdal_config('bar') == '2' delenv() with pytest.raises(EnvError): getenv() assert get_gdal_config('foo') is None assert get_gdal_config('bar') is None
def test_env_accessors(gdalenv): """High level GDAL env access.""" defenv() setenv(foo='1', bar='2') expected = default_options.copy() expected.update({'foo': '1', 'bar': '2'}) assert getenv() == rasterio.env.local._env.options assert getenv() == expected assert get_gdal_config('foo') == 1 assert get_gdal_config('bar') == 2 delenv() with pytest.raises(EnvError): getenv() assert get_gdal_config('foo') is None assert get_gdal_config('bar') is None
def test_env_accessors(gdalenv): """High level GDAL env access.""" defenv() setenv(foo='1', bar='2') expected = {'foo': '1', 'bar': '2'} items = getenv() assert items == rasterio.env.local._env.options # Comparison below requires removal of GDAL_DATA. items.pop('GDAL_DATA', None) assert items == expected assert get_gdal_config('foo') == 1 assert get_gdal_config('bar') == 2 delenv() with pytest.raises(EnvError): getenv() assert get_gdal_config('foo') is None assert get_gdal_config('bar') is None
def test_env_accessors(gdalenv): """High level GDAL env access""" defenv() setenv(foo='1', bar='2') assert getenv() == rasterio.env._env.options == {'foo': '1', 'bar': '2'} assert get_gdal_config('foo') == '1' assert get_gdal_config('bar') == '2' delenv() assert getenv() == rasterio.env._env.options == {} assert get_gdal_config('foo') is None assert get_gdal_config('bar') is None rasterio.env._env = None with pytest.raises(EnvError): delenv() with pytest.raises(EnvError): setenv() with pytest.raises(EnvError): getenv()
def test_env_accessors(gdalenv): """High level GDAL env access.""" defenv() setenv(foo='1', bar='2') assert getenv() == rasterio.env._env.options == {'foo': '1', 'bar': '2'} assert get_gdal_config('foo') == '1' assert get_gdal_config('bar') == '2' delenv() assert getenv() == rasterio.env._env.options == {} assert get_gdal_config('foo') is None assert get_gdal_config('bar') is None rasterio.env._env = None with pytest.raises(EnvError): delenv() with pytest.raises(EnvError): setenv() with pytest.raises(EnvError): getenv()
def warp(ctx, files, output, driver, like, dst_crs, dimensions, src_bounds, dst_bounds, res, resampling, src_nodata, dst_nodata, threads, check_invert_proj, force_overwrite, creation_options, target_aligned_pixels): """ Warp a raster dataset. If a template raster is provided using the --like option, the coordinate reference system, affine transform, and dimensions of that raster will be used for the output. In this case --dst-crs, --bounds, --res, and --dimensions options are not applicable and an exception will be raised. \b $ rio warp input.tif output.tif --like template.tif The output coordinate reference system may be either a PROJ.4 or EPSG:nnnn string, \b --dst-crs EPSG:4326 --dst-crs '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84' or a JSON text-encoded PROJ.4 object. \b --dst-crs '{"proj": "utm", "zone": 18, ...}' If --dimensions are provided, --res and --bounds are not applicable and an exception will be raised. Resolution is calculated based on the relationship between the raster bounds in the target coordinate system and the dimensions, and may produce rectangular rather than square pixels. \b $ rio warp input.tif output.tif --dimensions 100 200 \\ > --dst-crs EPSG:4326 If --bounds are provided, --res is required if --dst-crs is provided (defaults to source raster resolution otherwise). \b $ rio warp input.tif output.tif \\ > --bounds -78 22 -76 24 --res 0.1 --dst-crs EPSG:4326 """ output, files = resolve_inout(files=files, output=output, force_overwrite=force_overwrite) resampling = Resampling[resampling] # get integer code for method if not len(res): # Click sets this as an empty tuple if not provided res = None else: # Expand one value to two if needed res = (res[0], res[0]) if len(res) == 1 else res if target_aligned_pixels: if not res: raise click.BadParameter( '--target-aligned-pixels requires a specified resolution') if src_bounds or dst_bounds: raise click.BadParameter( '--target-aligned-pixels cannot be used with ' '--src-bounds or --dst-bounds') # Check invalid parameter combinations if like: invalid_combos = (dimensions, dst_bounds, dst_crs, res) if any(p for p in invalid_combos if p is not None): raise click.BadParameter( "--like cannot be used with any of --dimensions, --bounds, " "--dst-crs, or --res") elif dimensions: invalid_combos = (dst_bounds, res) if any(p for p in invalid_combos if p is not None): raise click.BadParameter( "--dimensions cannot be used with --bounds or --res") with ctx.obj['env']: setenv(CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=check_invert_proj) with[0]) as src: l, b, r, t = src.bounds out_kwargs = src.profile.copy() out_kwargs['driver'] = driver # Sort out the bounds options. if src_bounds and dst_bounds: raise click.BadParameter( "--src-bounds and destination --bounds may not be " "specified simultaneously.") if like: with as template_ds: dst_crs = dst_transform = template_ds.transform dst_height = template_ds.height dst_width = template_ds.width elif dst_crs is not None: try: dst_crs = CRS.from_string(dst_crs) except ValueError as err: raise click.BadParameter(str(err), param='dst_crs', param_hint='dst_crs') if dimensions: # Calculate resolution appropriate for dimensions # in target. dst_width, dst_height = dimensions try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = transform_bounds(, dst_crs, *src.bounds) except CRSError as err: raise click.BadParameter(str(err), param='dst_crs', param_hint='dst_crs') dst_transform = Affine( (xmax - xmin) / float(dst_width), 0, xmin, 0, (ymin - ymax) / float(dst_height), ymax) elif src_bounds or dst_bounds: if not res: raise click.BadParameter( "Required when using --bounds.", param='res', param_hint='res') if src_bounds: try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = transform_bounds(, dst_crs, *src_bounds) except CRSError as err: raise click.BadParameter(str(err), param='dst_crs', param_hint='dst_crs') else: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = dst_bounds dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, xmin, 0, -res[1], ymax) dst_width = max(int(ceil((xmax - xmin) / res[0])), 1) dst_height = max(int(ceil((ymax - ymin) / res[1])), 1) elif target_aligned_pixels: try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = transform_bounds(, dst_crs, *src.bounds) except CRSError as err: raise click.BadParameter(str(err), param='dst_crs', param_hint='dst_crs') xmin = floor(xmin / res[0]) * res[0] xmax = ceil(xmax / res[0]) * res[0] ymin = floor(ymin / res[1]) * res[1] ymax = ceil(ymax / res[1]) * res[1] dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, xmin, 0, -res[1], ymax) dst_width = max(int(ceil((xmax - xmin) / res[0])), 1) dst_height = max(int(ceil((ymax - ymin) / res[1])), 1) else: try: if src.transform.is_identity and src.gcps: src_crs = src.gcps[1] kwargs = {'gcps': src.gcps[0]} else: src_crs = kwargs = src.bounds._asdict() dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = calcdt( src_crs, dst_crs, src.width, src.height, resolution=res, **kwargs) except CRSError as err: raise click.BadParameter(str(err), param='dst_crs', param_hint='dst_crs') elif dimensions: # Same projection, different dimensions, calculate resolution. dst_crs = dst_width, dst_height = dimensions dst_transform = Affine((r - l) / float(dst_width), 0, l, 0, (b - t) / float(dst_height), t) elif src_bounds or dst_bounds: # Same projection, different dimensions and possibly # different resolution. if not res: res = (src.transform.a, -src.transform.e) dst_crs = xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = (src_bounds or dst_bounds) dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, xmin, 0, -res[1], ymax) dst_width = max(int(ceil((xmax - xmin) / res[0])), 1) dst_height = max(int(ceil((ymax - ymin) / res[1])), 1) elif res: # Same projection, different resolution. dst_crs = dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, l, 0, -res[1], t) dst_width = max(int(ceil((r - l) / res[0])), 1) dst_height = max(int(ceil((t - b) / res[1])), 1) else: dst_crs = dst_transform = src.transform dst_width = src.width dst_height = src.height # If src_nodata is not None, update the dst metadata NODATA # value to src_nodata (will be overridden by dst_nodata if it is not None if src_nodata is not None: # Update the dst nodata value out_kwargs.update({'nodata': src_nodata}) # Validate a manually set destination NODATA value # against the input datatype. if dst_nodata is not None: if src_nodata is None and src.meta['nodata'] is None: raise click.BadParameter( "--src-nodata must be provided because dst-nodata is not None" ) else: # Update the dst nodata value out_kwargs.update({'nodata': dst_nodata}) # When the bounds option is misused, extreme values of # destination width and height may result. if (dst_width < 0 or dst_height < 0 or dst_width > MAX_OUTPUT_WIDTH or dst_height > MAX_OUTPUT_HEIGHT): raise click.BadParameter( "Invalid output dimensions: {0}.".format( (dst_width, dst_height))) out_kwargs.update({ 'crs': dst_crs, 'transform': dst_transform, 'width': dst_width, 'height': dst_height }) # Adjust block size if necessary. if ('blockxsize' in out_kwargs and dst_width < out_kwargs['blockxsize']): del out_kwargs['blockxsize'] if ('blockysize' in out_kwargs and dst_height < out_kwargs['blockysize']): del out_kwargs['blockysize'] out_kwargs.update(**creation_options) with, 'w', **out_kwargs) as dst: reproject(, list(range(1, src.count + 1))), dst, list(range(1, src.count + 1))), src_transform=src.transform,, src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_transform=out_kwargs['transform'], dst_crs=out_kwargs['crs'], dst_nodata=dst_nodata, resampling=resampling, num_threads=threads)
def warp(ctx, files, output, driver, like, dst_crs, dimensions, src_bounds, dst_bounds, res, resampling, src_nodata, dst_nodata, threads, check_invert_proj, overwrite, creation_options, target_aligned_pixels): """ Warp a raster dataset. If a template raster is provided using the --like option, the coordinate reference system, affine transform, and dimensions of that raster will be used for the output. In this case --dst-crs, --bounds, --res, and --dimensions options are not applicable and an exception will be raised. \b $ rio warp input.tif output.tif --like template.tif The output coordinate reference system may be either a PROJ.4 or EPSG:nnnn string, \b --dst-crs EPSG:4326 --dst-crs '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84' or a JSON text-encoded PROJ.4 object. \b --dst-crs '{"proj": "utm", "zone": 18, ...}' If --dimensions are provided, --res and --bounds are not applicable and an exception will be raised. Resolution is calculated based on the relationship between the raster bounds in the target coordinate system and the dimensions, and may produce rectangular rather than square pixels. \b $ rio warp input.tif output.tif --dimensions 100 200 \\ > --dst-crs EPSG:4326 If --bounds are provided, --res is required if --dst-crs is provided (defaults to source raster resolution otherwise). \b $ rio warp input.tif output.tif \\ > --bounds -78 22 -76 24 --res 0.1 --dst-crs EPSG:4326 """ output, files = resolve_inout( files=files, output=output, overwrite=overwrite) resampling = Resampling[resampling] # get integer code for method if not len(res): # Click sets this as an empty tuple if not provided res = None else: # Expand one value to two if needed res = (res[0], res[0]) if len(res) == 1 else res if target_aligned_pixels: if not res: raise click.BadParameter( '--target-aligned-pixels requires a specified resolution') if src_bounds or dst_bounds: raise click.BadParameter( '--target-aligned-pixels cannot be used with ' '--src-bounds or --dst-bounds') # Check invalid parameter combinations if like: invalid_combos = (dimensions, dst_bounds, dst_crs, res) if any(p for p in invalid_combos if p is not None): raise click.BadParameter( "--like cannot be used with any of --dimensions, --bounds, " "--dst-crs, or --res") elif dimensions: invalid_combos = (dst_bounds, res) if any(p for p in invalid_combos if p is not None): raise click.BadParameter( "--dimensions cannot be used with --bounds or --res") with ctx.obj['env']: setenv(CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=check_invert_proj) with[0]) as src: l, b, r, t = src.bounds out_kwargs = src.profile.copy() out_kwargs['driver'] = driver # Sort out the bounds options. if src_bounds and dst_bounds: raise click.BadParameter( "--src-bounds and destination --bounds may not be " "specified simultaneously.") if like: with as template_ds: dst_crs = dst_transform = template_ds.transform dst_height = template_ds.height dst_width = template_ds.width elif dst_crs is not None: try: dst_crs = CRS.from_string(dst_crs) except ValueError as err: raise click.BadParameter( str(err), param='dst_crs', param_hint='dst_crs') if dimensions: # Calculate resolution appropriate for dimensions # in target. dst_width, dst_height = dimensions try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = transform_bounds(, dst_crs, *src.bounds) except CRSError as err: raise click.BadParameter( str(err), param='dst_crs', param_hint='dst_crs') dst_transform = Affine( (xmax - xmin) / float(dst_width), 0, xmin, 0, (ymin - ymax) / float(dst_height), ymax ) elif src_bounds or dst_bounds: if not res: raise click.BadParameter( "Required when using --bounds.", param='res', param_hint='res') if src_bounds: try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = transform_bounds(, dst_crs, *src_bounds) except CRSError as err: raise click.BadParameter( str(err), param='dst_crs', param_hint='dst_crs') else: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = dst_bounds dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, xmin, 0, -res[1], ymax) dst_width = max(int(ceil((xmax - xmin) / res[0])), 1) dst_height = max(int(ceil((ymax - ymin) / res[1])), 1) else: try: if src.transform.is_identity and src.gcps: src_crs = src.gcps[1] kwargs = {'gcps': src.gcps[0]} else: src_crs = kwargs = src.bounds._asdict() dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = calcdt( src_crs, dst_crs, src.width, src.height, resolution=res, **kwargs) except CRSError as err: raise click.BadParameter( str(err), param='dst_crs', param_hint='dst_crs') elif dimensions: # Same projection, different dimensions, calculate resolution. dst_crs = dst_width, dst_height = dimensions dst_transform = Affine( (r - l) / float(dst_width), 0, l, 0, (b - t) / float(dst_height), t ) elif src_bounds or dst_bounds: # Same projection, different dimensions and possibly # different resolution. if not res: res = (src.transform.a, -src.transform.e) dst_crs = xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = (src_bounds or dst_bounds) dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, xmin, 0, -res[1], ymax) dst_width = max(int(ceil((xmax - xmin) / res[0])), 1) dst_height = max(int(ceil((ymax - ymin) / res[1])), 1) elif res: # Same projection, different resolution. dst_crs = dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, l, 0, -res[1], t) dst_width = max(int(ceil((r - l) / res[0])), 1) dst_height = max(int(ceil((t - b) / res[1])), 1) else: dst_crs = dst_transform = src.transform dst_width = src.width dst_height = src.height if target_aligned_pixels: dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = aligned_target(dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height, res) # If src_nodata is not None, update the dst metadata NODATA # value to src_nodata (will be overridden by dst_nodata if it is not None if src_nodata is not None: # Update the dst nodata value out_kwargs.update({ 'nodata': src_nodata }) # Validate a manually set destination NODATA value # against the input datatype. if dst_nodata is not None: if src_nodata is None and src.meta['nodata'] is None: raise click.BadParameter( "--src-nodata must be provided because dst-nodata is not None") else: # Update the dst nodata value out_kwargs.update({'nodata': dst_nodata}) # When the bounds option is misused, extreme values of # destination width and height may result. if (dst_width < 0 or dst_height < 0 or dst_width > MAX_OUTPUT_WIDTH or dst_height > MAX_OUTPUT_HEIGHT): raise click.BadParameter( "Invalid output dimensions: {0}.".format( (dst_width, dst_height))) out_kwargs.update({ 'crs': dst_crs, 'transform': dst_transform, 'width': dst_width, 'height': dst_height }) # Adjust block size if necessary. if ('blockxsize' in out_kwargs and dst_width < out_kwargs['blockxsize']): del out_kwargs['blockxsize'] if ('blockysize' in out_kwargs and dst_height < out_kwargs['blockysize']): del out_kwargs['blockysize'] out_kwargs.update(**creation_options) with, 'w', **out_kwargs) as dst: reproject(, list(range(1, src.count + 1))), dst, list(range(1, src.count + 1))), src_transform=src.transform,, src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_transform=out_kwargs['transform'], dst_crs=out_kwargs['crs'], dst_nodata=dst_nodata, resampling=resampling, num_threads=threads)