Exemplo n.º 1
 print str(dirname) + '\n'
 #get neuralynx main clock start time
 MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = rateMapUtils.getNeuralynxStartTime(CHEETAH_LOG_FILE_NAME)
 MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = datetime.strptime(MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START,'%H:%M:%S.%f').time()  
 #convert the main clock start time to timedelta object
 MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = timedelta(hours=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .hour, minutes=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .minute, seconds=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .second, microseconds=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .microsecond)
 print 'Neuralynx Start Time: ' + str(MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START) + '\n'
 #get start acquisition time for cheetah log file
 print 'Neuralynx Start Acquisition Time acc to NTP Server: ' + str(START_ACQ_NTP_TIME)
 print 'Neuralynx Start Acquisition Time acc to SX Box: ' + str(START_ACQ_SXBOX_TIME) + '\n'
 #check if already processed data exists in directory
 processedDataExists = rateMapUtils.checkIfProcessedDataExists(os.getcwd(), NlxFlag=True)
 #if processed data exists, use that for rate map generation
 if processedDataExists:
     for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
         if filename.startswith('Day') and 'ProcessedData' in filename and 'nlx' in filename and filename.endswith('.mat'):                
             currentDir = os.getcwd()
             #load the picamera posx, posxy, timestamps, spiketime, spikeposx, spikeposy
             processedData = sio.loadmat(filename)
             #get the picamera data in one dictionary
             nlxData = {}
             nlxData['pos_x'] = list(processedData['nlx_posX'][0])
             nlxData['pos_y'] = list(processedData['nlx_posY'][0])
             nlxData['pos_t'] = list(processedData['nlx_time'][0])
Exemplo n.º 2
 MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = datetime.strptime(MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START,'%H:%M:%S.%f').time()  
 #convert the main clock start time to timedelta object
 MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = timedelta(hours=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .hour, minutes=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .minute, seconds=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .second, microseconds=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .microsecond)
 print 'Neuralynx Start Time: ' + str(MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START) + '\n'
 #get start acquisition time for cheetah log file
 print 'Neuralynx Start Acquisition Time acc to NTP Server: ' + str(START_ACQ_NTP_TIME)
 print 'Neuralynx Start Acquisition Time acc to SX Box: ' + str(START_ACQ_SXBOX_TIME) + '\n'
 #load nlx time drifts slope, nlx sx times, ntp time, picamera clock drift, picamera clock time, picamera ntp time 
 nlxDriftSlope, nlxNTPTime, nlxLynxSXTime, picamDriftSlope, picamNTPDateTime, picamClockTime = nlxandpicamTimestampDriftCalculation.calculateDriftSlopes(CHEETAH_LOG_FILE_NAME, START_ACQ_SXBOX_TIME, os.getcwd())
 sio.savemat(dirname + '_nlxandpicamtimestamps.mat', mdict={'nlxDriftSlope': nlxDriftSlope, 'nlxNTPTime': nlxNTPTime, 'nlxLynxSXTime': nlxLynxSXTime, 'picamDriftSlope': picamDriftSlope, 'picamNTPDateTime': picamNTPDateTime, 'picamClockTime': picamClockTime})
 #check if already processed data exists in directory
 processedDataExists = rateMapUtils.checkIfProcessedDataExists(os.getcwd(), False)
 #if processed data exists, use that for rate map generation
 if processedDataExists:
     for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
         if filename.startswith('Day') and 'ProcessedData' in filename and filename.endswith('.mat') and 'nlx' not in filename:                
             currentDir = os.getcwd()
             #load the picamera posx, posxy, timestamps, spiketime, spikeposx, spikeposy
             processedData = sio.loadmat(filename)
             #get the picamera data in one dictionary
             piCameraData = {}
             piCameraData['pos_x'] = list(processedData['picam_posX'][0])
             piCameraData['pos_y'] = list(processedData['picam_posY'][0])
             piCameraData['pos_t'] = list(processedData['picam_time'][0])