def test_hbvec(self): rvs = get_local_testdata("raven-hbv-ec/raven-hbv-ec-salmon.rv?") ts = get_local_testdata( "raven-hbv-ec/Salmon-River-Near-Prince-George_*.rvt") model = Raven(tempfile.mkdtemp()) model.configure(rvs) model(ts)
def test_gr4j(self): rvs = get_local_testdata("raven-gr4j-cemaneige/raven-gr4j-salmon.rv?") ts = get_local_testdata( "raven-gr4j-cemaneige/" ) model = Raven() model.configure(rvs) model(ts)
def gr4j(): rvs = get_local_testdata("raven-gr4j-cemaneige/raven-gr4j-salmon.rv?") ts = get_local_testdata( "raven-gr4j-cemaneige/" ) model = Raven(tempfile.mkdtemp()) model.configure(rvs) model([ts]) return model
def test_hbvec(self): rvs = get_local_testdata("raven-hbv-ec/raven-hbv-ec-salmon.rv?") ts = get_local_testdata("raven-hbv-ec/Salmon-River-Near-Prince-George_*.rvt") model = Raven() model.configure(rvs) model(ts) z = zipfile.ZipFile(model.outputs["rv_config"]) assert len(z.filelist) == 5
def test_gr4j(self): rvs = get_local_testdata("raven-gr4j-cemaneige/raven-gr4j-salmon.rv?") ts = get_local_testdata( "raven-gr4j-cemaneige/" ) model = Raven() model.configure(rvs) model(ts) z = zipfile.ZipFile(model.outputs["rv_config"]) assert len(z.filelist) == 5
def test_raven_error(self): rvs = get_local_testdata("raven-gr4j-cemaneige/raven-gr4j-salmon.rv?") ts = get_local_testdata( "raven-gr4j-cemaneige/" ) model = Raven() model.configure(rvs) # Set a typo in the RVH model.config.rvh.content = model.config.rvh.content.replace( ":SubBasins", ":Subbasins" ) with pytest.raises(RavenError) as exc: model(ts) assert "Unrecognized command in .rvh file" in str(exc.value)
def test_lievre_tutorial_v21(self): """ This test reproduces the Lievre tutorial setup (with the Routing Product V2.1): """ ############### # Input files # ############### routing_product_shp_path = get_local_testdata( "raven-routing-sample/") vic_streaminputs_nc_path = get_local_testdata( "raven-routing-sample/") vic_temperatures_nc_path = get_local_testdata( "raven-routing-sample/") observation_data_nc_path = get_local_testdata( "raven-routing-sample/") ######### # Model # ######### model = Raven( identifier="raven-lievre-routing-v21", description= "Lievre catchment draining towards 02LE024 (using Routing Product V2.1)", ) ####### # RVI # ####### model.config.rvi.tmpl = """ :CatchmentRoute ROUTE_DUMP # Catchment routing method, used to convey water from the catchment tributaries and rivulets to the subbasin outlets. DEFAULT ROUTE_DUMP, which instantly ‘dumps’ all water in the subbasin stream reach. :Routing ROUTE_DIFFUSIVE_WAVE # Channel routing method which is used to transport water from upstream to downstream within the main subbasin channels. DEFAULT ROUTE_DIFFUSIVE_WAVE, which analytically solves the diffusive wave equation along the reach using a constant reference celerity. :PrecipIceptFract PRECIP_ICEPT_NONE # Estimation of the precipitation interception fraction. In this routing model, stream input(s) are "pretending" to be precipitation going into Raven, thus using DEFAULT PRECIP_ICEPT_NONE to indicate no interception processes are adopted. :PotentialMeltMethod POTMELT_NONE # Estimation of the potential snow melt. In this routing model, snow melt processes are not relevant, thus using DEFAULT POTMELT_NONE method. :SoilModel SOIL_ONE_LAYER # In this routing model, use DEFAULT SOIL_ONE_LAYER to define single soil layer structure. :HydrologicProcesses :Precipitation PRECIP_RAVEN ATMOS_PRECIP PONDED_WATER # Moves stream input(s) from ATMOS_PRECIP to PONDED_WATER storage (waiting for runoff). Use DEFAULT PRECIP_RAVEN method. :Flush RAVEN_DEFAULT PONDED_WATER SURFACE_WATER # Moves water from PONDED_WATER to SURFACE_WATER (routed to outlet). Use DEFAULT RAVEN_DEFAULT method. :EndHydrologicProcesses """ streaminputs = xr.open_dataset(vic_streaminputs_nc_path) start = streaminputs.indexes["time"][0] end = streaminputs.indexes["time"][ -4] # to match the tutorial end date model.config.rvi.start_date = start.to_pydatetime() model.config.rvi.end_date = end.to_pydatetime() # Raven will use 24h even though the NC inputs are 6h model.config.rvi.time_step = "24:00:00" model.config.rvi.evaluation_metrics = [ "NASH_SUTCLIFFE", "PCT_BIAS", "KLING_GUPTA", ] ####### # RVH # ####### rvh_extractor = RoutingProductShapefileExtractor( routing_product_shp_path, hru_aspect_convention="ArcGIS", routing_product_version="2.1", ) rvh_config = rvh_extractor.extract() channel_profiles = rvh_config.pop("channel_profiles") # There are 3 gauged subbasins in the HRU file generated for the Routing Product V2.1, # but we are only interested in the most downstream one, "02LE024". gauged_sbs = [sb for sb in rvh_config["subbasins"] if sb.gauged] assert len(gauged_sbs) == 3 gauged_sb = None # we're looking for gauge 02LE024 which is the most downstream for sb in gauged_sbs: if sb.gauge_id == "02LE024": gauged_sb = sb else: # Raven will ignore the other two sb.gauged = False sb.gauge_id = "" rvh_config.update({ "land_subbasin_property_multiplier": SBGroupPropertyMultiplierCommand("Land", "MANNINGS_N", 1.0), "lake_subbasin_property_multiplier": SBGroupPropertyMultiplierCommand("Lakes", "RESERVOIR_CREST_WIDTH", 1.0), }) for k, v in rvh_config.items(): model.config.rvh.update(k, v) ####### # RVP # ####### # The labels used for the following commands ("Lake_Soil_Lake_HRU", "Soil_Land_HRU", etc) # must correspond to the values of certain fields of the Routing Product: # LAND_USE_C, VEG_C, SOIL_PROF model.config.rvp.tmpl = """ {soil_classes} {soil_profiles} {vegetation_classes} {land_use_classes} {avg_annual_runoff} {channel_profiles} """ total_area_in_m2 = sum(hru.area * 1000 * 1000 for hru in model.config.rvh.hrus) model.config.rvp.avg_annual_runoff = get_average_annual_runoff( observation_data_nc_path, total_area_in_m2, obs_var="Q") assert model.config.rvp.avg_annual_runoff == pytest.approx(597.6287) model.config.rvp.soil_classes = [SoilClassesCommand.Record("AQUIFER")] model.config.rvp.soil_profiles = [ SoilProfilesCommand.Record("LAKE", ("AQUIFER", ), (5, )), SoilProfilesCommand.Record("Soil_Land_HRU", ("AQUIFER", ), (5, )), ] model.config.rvp.vegetation_classes = [ VegetationClassesCommand.Record("Veg_Land_HRU", 25, 5.0, 5.0), VegetationClassesCommand.Record("WATER", 0, 0, 0), ] model.config.rvp.land_use_classes = [ LandUseClassesCommand.Record("Landuse_Land_HRU", 0, 1), LandUseClassesCommand.Record("WATER", 0, 0), ] model.config.rvp.channel_profiles = channel_profiles ####### # RVT # ####### streaminputs_extractor = RoutingProductGridWeightExtractor( vic_streaminputs_nc_path, routing_product_shp_path) temperatures_extractor = RoutingProductGridWeightExtractor( vic_temperatures_nc_path, routing_product_shp_path) model.config.rvt.set_nc_variables([ dict( name="StreamInputs", data_type="PRECIP",, var_name_nc="Streaminputs", dim_names_nc=("lon_dim", "lat_dim", "time"), scale=4.0, offset=0, grid_weights=streaminputs_extractor.extract(), ), dict( name="AverageTemp", data_type="TEMP_AVE",, var_name_nc="Avg_temp", dim_names_nc=("lon_dim", "lat_dim", "time"), grid_weights=temperatures_extractor.extract(), ), dict( is_observation=True, data_type="HYDROGRAPH", subbasin_id=gauged_sb.subbasin_id, units="m3/s",, var_name_nc="Q", dim_names_nc=("nstations", "time"), index=1, # StationIdx ), ]) ############# # Run model # ############# model([ vic_streaminputs_nc_path, vic_temperatures_nc_path, observation_data_nc_path, ], ) ########## # Verify # ########## assert len(model.hydrograph.time) == (end - start).days + 1 assert model.hydrograph.basin_name.item() == csv_lines = model.outputs["diagnostics"].read_text().split("\n") assert csv_lines[1].split(",")[:-1] == [ "HYDROGRAPH_ALL",, "0.253959", # NASH_SUTCLIFFE "-17.0904", # PCT_BIAS "0.443212", # KLING_GUPTA ] for d, q_sim in [ (0, 85.92355875229545), (1000, 74.05569855818379), (2000, 62.675159400333115), (3000, 42.73584909530037), (4000, 128.70284018326998), ]: assert model.hydrograph.q_sim[d].item() == pytest.approx(q_sim)
def test_version(self): model = Raven() assert model.raven_version == "3.0.4" model = GR4JCN() assert model.raven_version == "3.0.4"
def test_raven_version(self): model = Raven() assert model.config.rvi.raven_version == model.raven_version
def test_identifier(self): model = Raven() assert model.identifier == "raven-generic" model = Raven(identifier="toto") assert model.identifier == "toto" rvt = get_local_testdata("raven-gr4j-cemaneige/raven-gr4j-salmon.rvt") model = Raven() model.configure(rvt) assert model.identifier == rvt.stem rvp_tpl = get_local_testdata("ostrich-gr4j-cemaneige/raven-gr4j-salmon.rvp.tpl") model = Raven() model.configure(rvp_tpl) assert model.identifier == Path(rvp_tpl.stem).stem