Exemplo n.º 1
  def act(self, obs, info):
    """Run inference and return best action."""
    act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

    # Get observations and run pick prediction
    gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)
    pick_prediction = self.pick_model(gt_obs[None, Ellipsis])
    if self.use_mdn:
      pi, mu, var = pick_prediction
      # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
      pick_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
      pick_prediction = pick_prediction[:, 0, :]
    pick_prediction = pick_prediction[0]  # unbatch

    # Get observations and run place prediction
    obs_with_pick = np.hstack((gt_obs, pick_prediction))

    # since the pick at train time is always 0.0,
    # the predictions are unstable if not exactly 0
    obs_with_pick[-1] = 0.0

    place_prediction = self.place_model(obs_with_pick[None, Ellipsis])
    if self.use_mdn:
      pi, mu, var = place_prediction
      # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
      place_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
      place_prediction = place_prediction[:, 0, :]
    place_prediction = place_prediction[0]

    prediction = np.hstack((pick_prediction, place_prediction))

    # just go exactly to objects, from observations
    # p0_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[3:5], 0.02))
    # p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
    #     (0, 0, -gt_obs[5]*self.theta_scale))
    # p1_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[0:2], 0.02))
    # p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
    #     (0, 0, -gt_obs[2]*self.theta_scale))

    # just go exactly to objects, predicted
    p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
    p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
        (0, 0, -prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))
    p1_position = np.hstack((prediction[3:5], 0.02))
    p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
        (0, 0, -prediction[5] * self.theta_scale))

    # Select task-specific motion primitive.
    act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
    if self.task == 'sweeping':
      act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
    elif self.task == 'pushing':
      act['primitive'] = 'push'

    params = {
        'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
        'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
    act['params'] = params
    return act
Exemplo n.º 2
    def act(self, obs, info=None, goal=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""

        # Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
        img = self.get_image(obs)

        # Attention model forward pass.
        pick_conf = self.attention.forward(img)
        argmax = np.argmax(pick_conf)
        argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=pick_conf.shape)
        p0_pix = argmax[:2]
        p0_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / pick_conf.shape[2])

        # Transport model forward pass.
        place_conf = self.transport.forward(img, p0_pix)
        argmax = np.argmax(place_conf)
        argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=place_conf.shape)
        p1_pix = argmax[:2]
        p1_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / place_conf.shape[2])

        # Pixels to end effector poses.
        hmap = img[:, :, 3]
        p0_xyz = utils.pix_to_xyz(p0_pix, hmap, self.bounds, self.pix_size)
        p1_xyz = utils.pix_to_xyz(p1_pix, hmap, self.bounds, self.pix_size)
        p0_xyzw = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, -p0_theta))
        p1_xyzw = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, -p1_theta))

        return {'pose0': (p0_xyz, p0_xyzw), 'pose1': (p1_xyz, p1_xyzw)}
Exemplo n.º 3
    def act(self, obs, gt_act, info):
        """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""

        del gt_act
        del info


        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}
        if not obs:
            return act

        # Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
        colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config)

        # Concatenate color with depth images.
        input_image = np.concatenate(
            (colormap, heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None],
             heightmap[Ellipsis, None]),
            axis=2)[None, Ellipsis]

        # or just use rgb
        # input_image = colormap[None, ...]

        # Regression
        prediction = self.regression_model.forward(input_image)

        if self.use_mdn:
            mdn_prediction = prediction
            pi, mu, var = mdn_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = prediction[:, 0, :]

        prediction = prediction[0]

        p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
        p1_position = np.hstack((prediction[3:5], 0.02))

        p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
            (0, 0, -prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))
        p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
            (0, 0, -prediction[5] * self.theta_scale))

        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
        if self.task == 'sweeping':
            act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
        elif self.task == 'pushing':
            act['primitive'] = 'push'
        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params

        return act
Exemplo n.º 4
    def act(self, obs, info):
        """Run inference and return best action."""
        del obs

        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

        # Get observations and run predictions.
        gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)

        # just for visualization
        gt_act_center = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)  # pylint: disable=unused-variable

        prediction = self.model(gt_obs[None, Ellipsis])

        if self.use_mdn:
            mdn_prediction = prediction
            pi, mu, var = mdn_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = prediction[:, 0, :]

        prediction = prediction[0]  # unbatch

        # self.plot_act_mdn(gt_act_center[None, ...], mdn_prediction)

        # just go exactly to objects, from observations
        # p0_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[3:5], 0.02))
        # p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
        #     (0, 0, -gt_obs[5] * self.theta_scale))
        # p1_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[0:2], 0.02))
        # p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
        #     (0, 0, -gt_obs[2] * self.theta_scale))

        # just go exactly to objects, predicted
        p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
        p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
            (0, 0, -prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))
        p1_position = np.hstack((prediction[3:5], 0.02))
        p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
            (0, 0, -prediction[5] * self.theta_scale))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
        if self.task == 'sweeping':
            act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
        elif self.task == 'pushing':
            act['primitive'] = 'push'

        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params
        return act
    def reset(self, env):

        # Add goal zone.
        zone_size = (0.12, 0.12, 0)
        zone_pose = self.get_random_pose(env, zone_size)
        env.add_object('assets/zone/zone.urdf', zone_pose, 'fixed')

        # Add pile of small blocks.
        obj_pts = {}
        obj_ids = []
        for _ in range(50):
            rx = self.bounds[0, 0] + 0.15 + np.random.rand() * 0.2
            ry = self.bounds[1, 0] + 0.4 + np.random.rand() * 0.2
            xyz = (rx, ry, 0.01)
            theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
            xyzw = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta))
            obj_id = env.add_object('assets/block/small.urdf', (xyz, xyzw))
            obj_pts[obj_id] = self.get_object_points(obj_id)
            obj_ids.append((obj_id, (0, None)))

        # Goal: all small blocks must be in zone.
        # goal = Goal(list(obj_pts.keys()), [0] * len(obj_pts), [zone_pose])
        # metric = Metric('zone', (obj_pts, [(zone_pose, zone_size)]), 1.)
        # self.goals.append((goal, metric))
        self.goals.append((obj_ids, np.ones((50, 1)), [zone_pose], True, False,
                           'zone', (obj_pts, [(zone_pose, zone_size)]), 1))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def act(self, obs, info):
        """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""
        del info

        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}
        if not obs:
            return act

        # [Optional] Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
        colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config)  # pylint: disable=unused-variable

        # Do something here.

        # Dummy behavior: move to the middle of the workspace.
        p0_position = (self.bounds[:, 1] - self.bounds[:, 0]) / 2
        p0_position += self.bounds[:, 0]
        p1_position = p0_position
        rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, 0))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
        if self.task == 'sweeping':
            act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
        elif self.task == 'pushing':
            act['primitive'] = 'push'

        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, rotation)
        act['params'] = params
        return act
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self, movej, movep, ee, pose0, pose1):
        """Execute pick and place primitive.

      movej: function to move robot joints.
      movep: function to move robot end effector pose.
      ee: robot end effector.
      pose0: SE(3) picking pose.
      pose1: SE(3) placing pose.

      timeout: robot movement timed out if True.

        pick_pose, place_pose = pose0, pose1

        # Execute picking primitive.
        prepick_to_pick = ((0, 0, 0.32), (0, 0, 0, 1))
        postpick_to_pick = ((0, 0, self.height), (0, 0, 0, 1))
        prepick_pose = utils.multiply(pick_pose, prepick_to_pick)
        postpick_pose = utils.multiply(pick_pose, postpick_to_pick)
        timeout = movep(prepick_pose)

        # Move towards pick pose until contact is detected.
        delta = (np.float32([0, 0,
                             -0.001]), utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, 0)))
        targ_pose = prepick_pose
        while not ee.detect_contact():  # and target_pose[2] > 0:
            targ_pose = utils.multiply(targ_pose, delta)
            timeout |= movep(targ_pose)
            if timeout:
                return True

        # Activate end effector, move up, and check picking success.
        timeout |= movep(postpick_pose, self.speed)
        pick_success = ee.check_grasp()

        # Execute placing primitive if pick is successful.
        if pick_success:
            preplace_to_place = ((0, 0, self.height), (0, 0, 0, 1))
            postplace_to_place = ((0, 0, 0.32), (0, 0, 0, 1))
            preplace_pose = utils.multiply(place_pose, preplace_to_place)
            postplace_pose = utils.multiply(place_pose, postplace_to_place)
            targ_pose = preplace_pose
            while not ee.detect_contact():
                targ_pose = utils.multiply(targ_pose, delta)
                timeout |= movep(targ_pose, self.speed)
                if timeout:
                    return True
            timeout |= movep(postplace_pose)

        # Move to prepick pose if pick is not successful.
            timeout |= movep(prepick_pose)

        return timeout
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_random_pose_6dof(self, env, obj_size):
     pos, rot = super(BlockInsertionSixDof,
                      self).get_random_pose(env, obj_size)
     z = (np.random.rand() / 10) + 0.03
     pos = (pos[0], pos[1], obj_size[2] / 2 + z)
     roll = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * np.pi / 2
     pitch = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * np.pi / 2
     yaw = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
     rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((roll, pitch, yaw))
     return pos, rot
Exemplo n.º 9
  def reset(self, env):

    # Generate randomly shaped box.
    box_size = self.get_random_size(0.05, 0.15, 0.05, 0.15, 0.01, 0.06)

    # Add corner.
    dimx = (box_size[0] / 2 - 0.025 + 0.0025, box_size[0] / 2 + 0.0025)
    dimy = (box_size[1] / 2 + 0.0025, box_size[1] / 2 - 0.025 + 0.0025)
    corner_template = 'assets/corner/corner-template.urdf'
    replace = {'DIMX': dimx, 'DIMY': dimy}
    corner_urdf = self.fill_template(corner_template, replace)
    corner_size = (box_size[0], box_size[1], 0)
    corner_pose = self.get_random_pose(env, corner_size)
    env.add_object(corner_urdf, corner_pose, 'fixed')

    # Add possible placing poses.
    theta = utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(corner_pose[1])[2]
    fip_rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta + np.pi))
    pose1 = (corner_pose[0], fip_rot)
    alt_x = (box_size[0] / 2) - (box_size[1] / 2)
    alt_y = (box_size[1] / 2) - (box_size[0] / 2)
    alt_pos = (alt_x, alt_y, 0)
    alt_rot0 = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, np.pi / 2))
    alt_rot1 = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, 3 * np.pi / 2))
    pose2 = utils.multiply(corner_pose, (alt_pos, alt_rot0))
    pose3 = utils.multiply(corner_pose, (alt_pos, alt_rot1))

    # Add box.
    box_template = 'assets/box/box-template.urdf'
    box_urdf = self.fill_template(box_template, {'DIM': box_size})
    box_pose = self.get_random_pose(env, box_size)
    box_id = env.add_object(box_urdf, box_pose)

    # Goal: box is aligned with corner (1 of 4 possible poses).
    self.goals.append(([(box_id, (2 * np.pi, None))], np.int32([[1, 1, 1, 1]]),
                       [corner_pose, pose1, pose2, pose3],
                       False, True, 'pose', None, 1))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def act(self, obs, gt_act, info):
        """Run inference and return best action."""
        del gt_act

        assert False, 'this needs to have the ordering switched for act inference -- is now xytheta, rpz'  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

        # Get observations and run predictions.
        gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)
        prediction = self.model(gt_obs[None, Ellipsis])

        if self.use_mdn:
            mdn_prediction = prediction
            pi, mu, var = mdn_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = prediction[:, 0, :]

        prediction = prediction[0]  # unbatch

        p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
        p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
            (0, 0, -prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))

        p1_position = prediction[3:6]
        p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
            (prediction[6] * self.theta_scale,
             prediction[7] * self.theta_scale,
             -prediction[8] * self.theta_scale))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place_6dof'

        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params
        return act
Exemplo n.º 11
def push(movej, movep, ee, pose0, pose1):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    """Execute pushing primitive.

    movej: function to move robot joints.
    movep: function to move robot end effector pose.
    ee: robot end effector.
    pose0: SE(3) starting pose.
    pose1: SE(3) ending pose.

    timeout: robot movement timed out if True.

    # Adjust push start and end positions.
    pos0 = np.float32((pose0[0][0], pose0[0][1], 0.005))
    pos1 = np.float32((pose1[0][0], pose1[0][1], 0.005))
    vec = np.float32(pos1) - np.float32(pos0)
    length = np.linalg.norm(vec)
    vec = vec / length
    pos0 -= vec * 0.02
    pos1 -= vec * 0.05

    # Align spatula against push direction.
    theta = np.arctan2(vec[1], vec[0])
    rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta))

    over0 = (pos0[0], pos0[1], 0.31)
    over1 = (pos1[0], pos1[1], 0.31)

    # Execute push.
    timeout = movep((over0, rot))
    timeout |= movep((pos0, rot))
    n_push = np.int32(np.floor(np.linalg.norm(pos1 - pos0) / 0.01))
    for _ in range(n_push):
        target = pos0 + vec * n_push * 0.01
        timeout |= movep((target, rot), speed=0.003)
    timeout |= movep((pos1, rot), speed=0.003)
    timeout |= movep((over1, rot))
    return timeout
  def spawn_box(self):
    """Palletizing: spawn another box in the workspace if it is empty."""
    workspace_empty = True
    if self.goals:
      for obj, _ in self.goals[0][0]:
        obj_pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(obj)
        workspace_empty = workspace_empty and ((obj_pose[0][1] < -0.5) or
                                               (obj_pose[0][1] > 0))
      if not self.steps:
        self.goals = []
        print('Palletized boxes toppled. Terminating episode.')

      if workspace_empty:
        obj = self.steps[0]
        theta = np.random.random() * 2 * np.pi
        rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta))
        p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(obj, [0.5, -0.25, 0.1], rotation)

    # Wait until spawned box settles.
    for _ in range(480):
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_random_pose(self, env, obj_size):
        """Get random collision-free object pose within workspace bounds."""

        # Get erosion size of object in pixels.
        max_size = np.sqrt(obj_size[0]**2 + obj_size[1]**2)
        erode_size = int(np.round(max_size / self.pix_size))

        _, hmap, obj_mask = self.get_true_image(env)

        # Randomly sample an object pose within free-space pixels.
        free = np.ones(obj_mask.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        for obj_ids in env.obj_ids.values():
            for obj_id in obj_ids:
                free[obj_mask == obj_id] = 0
        free[0, :], free[:, 0], free[-1, :], free[:, -1] = 0, 0, 0, 0
        free = cv2.erode(free, np.ones((erode_size, erode_size), np.uint8))
        if np.sum(free) == 0:
        pix = utils.sample_distribution(np.float32(free))
        pos = utils.pix_to_xyz(pix, hmap, self.bounds, self.pix_size)
        pos = (pos[0], pos[1], obj_size[2] / 2)
        theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
        rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta))
        return pos, rot
Exemplo n.º 14
 def get_random_pose(self, env, obj_size):
     pose = super(BlockInsertionTranslation,
                  self).get_random_pose(env, obj_size)
     pos, rot = pose
     rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, np.pi / 2))
     return pos, rot
Exemplo n.º 15
  def act(self, obs, info):
    """Run inference and return best action."""
    act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

    # Get observations and run pick prediction
    gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)
    pick_prediction = self.pick_model(gt_obs[None, Ellipsis])
    if self.use_mdn:
      pi, mu, var = pick_prediction
      # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
      pick_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
      pick_prediction = pick_prediction[:, 0, :]
    pick_prediction = pick_prediction[0]  # unbatch

    # Get observations and run place prediction
    obs_with_pick = np.hstack((gt_obs, pick_prediction)).astype(np.float32)

    # since the pick at train time is always 0.0,
    # the predictions are unstable if not exactly 0
    obs_with_pick[-1] = 0.0

    place_se2_prediction = self.place_se2_model(obs_with_pick[None, Ellipsis])
    if self.use_mdn:
      pi, mu, var = place_se2_prediction
      # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
      place_se2_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
      place_se2_prediction = place_se2_prediction[:, 0, :]
    place_se2_prediction = place_se2_prediction[0]

    # Get observations and run rpz prediction
    obs_with_pick_place_se2 = np.hstack(
        (obs_with_pick, place_se2_prediction)).astype(np.float32)

    place_rpz_prediction = self.place_rpz_model(obs_with_pick_place_se2[None,
    if self.use_mdn:
      pi, mu, var = place_rpz_prediction
      # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
      place_rpz_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
      place_rpz_prediction = place_rpz_prediction[:, 0, :]
    place_rpz_prediction = place_rpz_prediction[0]

    p0_position = np.hstack((pick_prediction[0:2], 0.02))
    p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, 0))

    p1_position = np.hstack(
        (place_se2_prediction[0:2], place_rpz_prediction[2]))
    p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
        (place_rpz_prediction[0] * self.theta_scale,
         place_rpz_prediction[1] * self.theta_scale,
         -place_se2_prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))

    # Select task-specific motion primitive.
    act['primitive'] = 'pick_place_6dof'

    params = {
        'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
        'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
    act['params'] = params
    return act
Exemplo n.º 16
  def act(self, obs, info):
    """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""
    del info

    act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}
    if not obs:
      return act

    # Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
    colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config)

    # Concatenate color with depth images.
    input_image = np.concatenate(
        (colormap, heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis,

    # Get top-k pixels from pick and place heatmaps.
    k = 100
    pick_heatmap = self.pick_model.forward(
        input_image, apply_softmax=True).squeeze()
    place_heatmap = self.place_model.forward(
        input_image, apply_softmax=True).squeeze()
    descriptors = np.float32(self.match_model.forward(input_image))

    # V4
    pick_heatmap = cv2.GaussianBlur(pick_heatmap, (49, 49), 0)
    place_heatmap = cv2.GaussianBlur(place_heatmap, (49, 49), 0)
    pick_topk = np.int32(
            np.argsort(pick_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:], pick_heatmap.shape)).T
    pick_pixel = pick_topk[-1, :]
    from skimage.feature import peak_local_max  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
    place_peaks = peak_local_max(place_heatmap, num_peaks=1)
    distances = np.ones((place_peaks.shape[0], self.num_rotations)) * 10
    pick_descriptor = descriptors[0, pick_pixel[0],
                                  pick_pixel[1], :].reshape(1, -1)
    for i in range(place_peaks.shape[0]):
      peak = place_peaks[i, :]
      place_descriptors = descriptors[:, peak[0], peak[1], :]
      distances[i, :] = np.linalg.norm(
          place_descriptors - pick_descriptor, axis=1)
    ibest = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distances), shape=distances.shape)
    p0_pixel = pick_pixel
    p0_theta = 0
    p1_pixel = place_peaks[ibest[0], :]
    p1_theta = ibest[1] * (2 * np.pi / self.num_rotations)

    # # V3
    # pick_heatmap = cv2.GaussianBlur(pick_heatmap, (49, 49), 0)
    # place_heatmap = cv2.GaussianBlur(place_heatmap, (49, 49), 0)
    # pick_topk = np.int32(
    #     np.unravel_index(
    #         np.argsort(pick_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:], pick_heatmap.shape)).T
    # place_topk = np.int32(
    #     np.unravel_index(
    #         np.argsort(place_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:],
    #         place_heatmap.shape)).T
    # pick_pixel = pick_topk[-1, :]
    # place_pixel = place_topk[-1, :]
    # pick_descriptor = descriptors[0, pick_pixel[0],
    #                               pick_pixel[1], :].reshape(1, -1)
    # place_descriptor = descriptors[:, place_pixel[0], place_pixel[1], :]
    # distances = np.linalg.norm(place_descriptor - pick_descriptor, axis=1)
    # irotation = np.argmin(distances)
    # p0_pixel = pick_pixel
    # p0_theta = 0
    # p1_pixel = place_pixel
    # p1_theta = irotation * (2 * np.pi / self.num_rotations)

    # # V2
    # pick_topk = np.int32(
    #     np.unravel_index(
    #         np.argsort(pick_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:], pick_heatmap.shape)).T
    # place_topk = np.int32(
    #     np.unravel_index(
    #         np.argsort(place_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:],
    #         place_heatmap.shape)).T
    # pick_pixel = pick_topk[-1, :]
    # pick_descriptor = descriptors[0, pick_pixel[0],
    #                               pick_pixel[1], :].reshape(1, 1, 1, -1)
    # distances = np.linalg.norm(descriptors - pick_descriptor, axis=3)
    # distances = np.transpose(distances, [1, 2, 0])
    # max_distance = int(np.round(np.max(distances)))
    # for i in range(self.num_rotations):
    #   distances[:, :, i] = cv2.circle(distances[:, :, i],
    #                                   (pick_pixel[1], pick_pixel[0]), 50,
    #                                   max_distance, -1)
    # ibest = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distances), shape=distances.shape)
    # p0_pixel = pick_pixel
    # p0_theta = 0
    # p1_pixel = ibest[:2]
    # p1_theta = ibest[2] * (2 * np.pi / self.num_rotations)

    # # V1
    # pick_topk = np.int32(
    #     np.unravel_index(
    #         np.argsort(pick_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:], pick_heatmap.shape)).T
    # place_topk = np.int32(
    #     np.unravel_index(
    #         np.argsort(place_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:],
    #         place_heatmap.shape)).T
    # distances = np.zeros((k, k, self.num_rotations))
    # for ipick in range(k):
    #   pick_descriptor = descriptors[0, pick_topk[ipick, 0],
    #                                 pick_topk[ipick, 1], :].reshape(1, -1)
    #   for iplace in range(k):
    #     place_descriptors = descriptors[:, place_topk[iplace, 0],
    #                                     place_topk[iplace, 1], :]
    #     distances[ipick, iplace, :] = np.linalg.norm(
    #         place_descriptors - pick_descriptor, axis=1)
    # ibest = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distances), shape=distances.shape)
    # p0_pixel = pick_topk[ibest[0], :]
    # p0_theta = 0
    # p1_pixel = place_topk[ibest[1], :]
    # p1_theta = ibest[2] * (2 * np.pi / self.num_rotations)

    # Pixels to end effector poses.
    p0_position = utils.pix_to_xyz(p0_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,
    p1_position = utils.pix_to_xyz(p1_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,
    p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, -p0_theta))
    p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, -p1_theta))

    act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
    if self.task == 'sweeping':
      act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
    elif self.task == 'pushing':
      act['primitive'] = 'push'
    params = {
        'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
        'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
    act['params'] = params
    return act
Exemplo n.º 17
    def reset(self, env):

        # Add pallet.
        zone_size = (0.3, 0.25, 0.25)
        zone_urdf = 'assets/pallet/pallet.urdf'
        rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, 0))
        zone_pose = ((0.5, 0.25, 0.02), rotation)
        env.add_object(zone_urdf, zone_pose, 'fixed')

        # Add stack of boxes on pallet.
        margin = 0.01
        object_ids = []
        object_points = {}
        stack_size = (0.19, 0.19, 0.19)
        box_template = 'assets/box/box-template.urdf'
        stack_dim = np.int32([2, 3, 3])
        # stack_dim = np.random.randint(low=2, high=4, size=3)
        box_size = (stack_size - (stack_dim - 1) * margin) / stack_dim
        for z in range(stack_dim[2]):

            # Transpose every layer.
            stack_dim[0], stack_dim[1] = stack_dim[1], stack_dim[0]
            box_size[0], box_size[1] = box_size[1], box_size[0]

            for y in range(stack_dim[1]):
                for x in range(stack_dim[0]):
                    position = (x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5) * box_size
                    position[0] += x * margin - stack_size[0] / 2
                    position[1] += y * margin - stack_size[1] / 2
                    position[2] += z * margin + 0.03
                    pose = (position, (0, 0, 0, 1))
                    pose = utils.multiply(zone_pose, pose)
                    urdf = self.fill_template(box_template, {'DIM': box_size})
                    box_id = env.add_object(urdf, pose)
                    object_ids.append((box_id, (0, None)))
                    object_points[box_id] = self.get_object_points(box_id)

        # Randomly select top box on pallet and save ground truth pose.
        targets = []
        self.steps = []
        boxes = [i[0] for i in object_ids]
        while boxes:
            _, height, object_mask = self.get_true_image(env)
            top = np.argwhere(height > (np.max(height) - 0.03))
            rpixel = top[int(np.floor(np.random.random() * len(top)))]  # y, x
            box_id = int(object_mask[rpixel[0], rpixel[1]])
            if box_id in boxes:
                position, rotation = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(box_id)
                rposition = np.float32(position) + np.float32([0, -10, 0])
                p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(box_id, rposition, rotation)
                targets.append((position, rotation))
        self.steps.reverse()  # Time-reversed depalletizing.

            (object_ids, np.eye(len(object_ids)), targets, False, True, 'zone',
             (object_points, [(zone_pose, zone_size)]), 1))

  def act(self, obs, info, compute_error=False, gt_act=None):
    """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""

    # Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
    colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config)

    # Concatenate color with depth images.
    input_image = np.concatenate(
        (colormap, heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis,

    # Attention model forward pass.
    attention = self.attention_model.forward(input_image)
    argmax = np.argmax(attention)
    argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=attention.shape)
    p0_pixel = argmax[:2]
    p0_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / attention.shape[2])

    # Transport model forward pass.
    transport = self.transport_model.forward(input_image, p0_pixel)
    _, z, roll, pitch = self.rpz_model.forward(input_image, p0_pixel)

    argmax = np.argmax(transport)
    argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=transport.shape)

    # Index into 3D discrete tensor, grab z, roll, pitch activations
    z_best = z[:, argmax[0], argmax[1], argmax[2]][Ellipsis, None]
    roll_best = roll[:, argmax[0], argmax[1], argmax[2]][Ellipsis, None]
    pitch_best = pitch[:, argmax[0], argmax[1], argmax[2]][Ellipsis, None]

    # Send through regressors for each of z, roll, pitch
    z_best = self.rpz_model.z_regressor(z_best)[0, 0]
    roll_best = self.rpz_model.roll_regressor(roll_best)[0, 0]
    pitch_best = self.rpz_model.pitch_regressor(pitch_best)[0, 0]

    p1_pixel = argmax[:2]
    p1_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / transport.shape[2])

    # Pixels to end effector poses.
    p0_position = utils.pix_to_xyz(p0_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,
    p1_position = utils.pix_to_xyz(p1_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,

    p1_position = (p1_position[0], p1_position[1], z_best)

    p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, -p0_theta))
    p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW(
        (roll_best, pitch_best, -p1_theta))

    if compute_error:
      gt_p0_position, gt_p0_rotation = gt_act['params']['pose0']
      gt_p1_position, gt_p1_rotation = gt_act['params']['pose1']

      gt_p0_pixel = np.array(
          utils.xyz_to_pix(gt_p0_position, self.bounds, self.pixel_size))
      gt_p1_pixel = np.array(
          utils.xyz_to_pix(gt_p1_position, self.bounds, self.pixel_size))

      self.p0_pixel_error(np.linalg.norm(gt_p0_pixel - np.array(p0_pixel)))
      self.p1_pixel_error(np.linalg.norm(gt_p1_pixel - np.array(p1_pixel)))

      gt_p0_theta = -np.float32(
      gt_p1_theta = -np.float32(

          abs((np.rad2deg(gt_p0_theta - p0_theta) + 180) % 360 - 180))
          abs((np.rad2deg(gt_p1_theta - p1_theta) + 180) % 360 - 180))

      return None

    return {'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)}
Exemplo n.º 19
  def reset(self, env):

    # Add kit.
    kit_size = (0.28, 0.2, 0.005)
    kit_urdf = 'assets/kitting/kit.urdf'
    kit_pose = self.get_random_pose(env, kit_size)
    env.add_object(kit_urdf, kit_pose, 'fixed')

    n_objects = 5
    if self.mode == 'train':
      obj_shapes = np.random.choice(self.train_set, n_objects)
      if self.homogeneous:
        obj_shapes = [np.random.choice(self.test_set)] * n_objects
        obj_shapes = np.random.choice(self.test_set, n_objects)

    colors = [
        utils.COLORS['purple'], utils.COLORS['blue'], utils.COLORS['green'],
        utils.COLORS['yellow'], utils.COLORS['red']

    symmetry = [
        2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 3, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, 2 * np.pi,
        np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 5, np.pi, np.pi / 2, 2 * np.pi / 5, 0, 2 * np.pi,
        2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 0, 2 * np.pi / 6, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi

    # Build kit.
    targets = []
    targ_pos = [[-0.09, 0.045, 0.0014], [0, 0.045, 0.0014],
                [0.09, 0.045, 0.0014], [-0.045, -0.045, 0.0014],
                [0.045, -0.045, 0.0014]]
    template = 'assets/kitting/object-template.urdf'
    for i in range(n_objects):
      shape = f'{obj_shapes[i]:02d}.obj'
      scale = [0.003, 0.003, 0.0001]  # .0005
      pos = utils.apply(kit_pose, targ_pos[i])
      theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
      rot = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, theta))
      replace = {'FNAME': (shape,), 'SCALE': scale, 'COLOR': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)}
      urdf = self.fill_template(template, replace)
      env.add_object(urdf, (pos, rot), 'fixed')
      targets.append((pos, rot))

    # Add objects.
    objects = []
    matches = []
    # objects, syms, matcheses = [], [], []
    for i in range(n_objects):
      shape = obj_shapes[i]
      size = (0.08, 0.08, 0.02)
      pose = self.get_random_pose(env, size)
      fname = f'{shape:02d}.obj'
      scale = [0.003, 0.003, 0.001]  # .0005
      replace = {'FNAME': (fname,), 'SCALE': scale, 'COLOR': colors[i]}
      urdf = self.fill_template(template, replace)
      block_id = env.add_object(urdf, pose)
      objects.append((block_id, (symmetry[shape], None)))
      # objects[block_id] = symmetry[shape]
      match = np.zeros(len(targets))
      match[np.argwhere(obj_shapes == shape).reshape(-1)] = 1
      # print(targets)
      # exit()
      # matches.append(list(np.argwhere(obj_shapes == shape).reshape(-1)))
    matches = np.int32(matches)
    # print(matcheses)
    # exit()

    # Add goal.
    # self.goals.append((objects, syms, targets, 'matches', 'pose', 1.))

    # Goal: objects are placed in their respective kit locations.
    # print(objects)
    # print(matches)
    # print(targets)
    # exit()
    self.goals.append((objects, matches, targets, False, True, 'pose', None, 1))
Exemplo n.º 20
        def act(obs, info):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
            """Calculate action."""

            # Oracle uses perfect RGB-D orthographic images and segmentation masks.
            _, hmap, obj_mask = self.get_true_image(env)

            # Unpack next goal step.
            objs, matches, targs, replace, rotations, _, _, _ = self.goals[0]

            # Match objects to targets without replacement.
            if not replace:

                # Modify a copy of the match matrix.
                matches = matches.copy()

                # Ignore already matched objects.
                for i in range(len(objs)):
                    object_id, (symmetry, _) = objs[i]
                    pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(object_id)
                    targets_i = np.argwhere(matches[i, :]).reshape(-1)
                    for j in targets_i:
                        if self.is_match(pose, targs[j], symmetry):
                            matches[i, :] = 0
                            matches[:, j] = 0

            # Get objects to be picked (prioritize farthest from nearest neighbor).
            nn_dists = []
            nn_targets = []
            for i in range(len(objs)):
                object_id, (symmetry, _) = objs[i]
                xyz, _ = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(object_id)
                targets_i = np.argwhere(matches[i, :]).reshape(-1)
                if len(targets_i) > 0:  # pylint: disable=g-explicit-length-test
                    targets_xyz = np.float32([targs[j][0] for j in targets_i])
                    dists = np.linalg.norm(targets_xyz -
                                           np.float32(xyz).reshape(1, 3),
                    nn = np.argmin(dists)

                # Handle ignored objects.
            order = np.argsort(nn_dists)[::-1]

            # Filter out matched objects.
            order = [i for i in order if nn_dists[i] > 0]

            pick_mask = None
            for pick_i in order:
                pick_mask = np.uint8(obj_mask == objs[pick_i][0])

                # Erode to avoid picking on edges.
                # pick_mask = cv2.erode(pick_mask, np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8))

                if np.sum(pick_mask) > 0:

            # Trigger task reset if no object is visible.
            if pick_mask is None or np.sum(pick_mask) == 0:
                self.goals = []
                    'Object for pick is not visible. Skipping demonstration.')

            # Get picking pose.
            pick_prob = np.float32(pick_mask)
            pick_pix = utils.sample_distribution(pick_prob)
            # For "deterministic" demonstrations on insertion-easy, use this:
            # pick_pix = (160,80)
            pick_pos = utils.pix_to_xyz(pick_pix, hmap, self.bounds,
            pick_pose = (pick_pos, (0, 0, 0, 1))

            # Get placing pose.
            targ_pose = targs[nn_targets[pick_i]]  # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable
            obj_pose = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(objs[pick_i][0])  # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable
            if not self.sixdof:
                obj_euler = utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(obj_pose[1])
                obj_quat = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, obj_euler[2]))
                obj_pose = (obj_pose[0], obj_quat)
            world_to_pick = utils.invert(pick_pose)
            obj_to_pick = utils.multiply(world_to_pick, obj_pose)
            pick_to_obj = utils.invert(obj_to_pick)
            place_pose = utils.multiply(targ_pose, pick_to_obj)

            # Rotate end effector?
            if not rotations:
                place_pose = (place_pose[0], (0, 0, 0, 1))

            return {'pose0': pick_pose, 'pose1': place_pose}