Exemplo n.º 1
def cancel(workflow_id: str) -> None:
        workflow_manager = get_management_actor()
    except ValueError:
        wf_store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage(workflow_id)
Exemplo n.º 2
def list_all(
        status_filter: Set[WorkflowStatus]
) -> List[Tuple[str, WorkflowStatus]]:
        workflow_manager = get_management_actor()
    except ValueError:
        workflow_manager = None

    if workflow_manager is None:
        runnings = []
        runnings = ray.get(workflow_manager.list_running_workflow.remote())
    if WorkflowStatus.RUNNING in status_filter and len(status_filter) == 1:
        return [(r, WorkflowStatus.RUNNING) for r in runnings]

    runnings = set(runnings)
    # Here we don't have workflow id, so use empty one instead
    store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage("")
    ret = []
    for (k, s) in store.list_workflow():
        if s == WorkflowStatus.RUNNING and k not in runnings:
            s = WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE
        if s in status_filter:
            ret.append((k, s))
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
def run(entry_workflow: Workflow,
        workflow_id: Optional[str] = None,
        overwrite: bool = True) -> ray.ObjectRef:
    """Run a workflow asynchronously.

    # TODO(suquark): The current "run" always overwrite existing workflow.
    # We need to fix this later.
    store = get_global_storage()
    assert ray.is_initialized()
    if workflow_id is None:
        # Workflow ID format: {Entry workflow UUID}.{Unix time to nanoseconds}
        workflow_id = f"{entry_workflow.id}.{time.time():.9f}"
    logger.info(f"Workflow job created. [id=\"{workflow_id}\", storage_url="

    # checkpoint the workflow
    ws = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage(workflow_id)
    commit_step(ws, "", entry_workflow)
    workflow_manager = get_or_create_management_actor()
    ignore_existing = (entry_workflow.data.step_type != StepType.FUNCTION)
    # NOTE: It is important to 'ray.get' the returned output. This
    # ensures caller of 'run()' holds the reference to the workflow
    # result. Otherwise if the actor removes the reference of the
    # workflow output, the caller may fail to resolve the result.
    result: "WorkflowExecutionResult" = ray.get(
        workflow_manager.run_or_resume.remote(workflow_id, ignore_existing))
    if entry_workflow.data.step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
        return flatten_workflow_output(workflow_id, result.persisted_output)
        return flatten_workflow_output(workflow_id, result.volatile_output)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _recover_workflow_step(input_object_refs: List[str],
                           input_workflows: List[Any],
                           instant_workflow_inputs: Dict[int, StepID]):
    """A workflow step that recovers the output of an unfinished step.

        input_object_refs: The object refs in the argument of
            the (original) step.
        input_workflows: The workflows in the argument of the (original) step.
            They are resolved into physical objects (i.e. the output of the
            workflows) here. They come from other recover workflows we
            construct recursively.
        instant_workflow_inputs: Same as 'input_workflows', but they come
            point to workflow steps that have output checkpoints. They override
            corresponding workflows in 'input_workflows'.

        The output of the recovered step.
    reader = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
    for index, _step_id in instant_workflow_inputs.items():
        # override input workflows with instant workflows
        input_workflows[index] = reader.load_step_output(_step_id)
    input_object_refs = [reader.load_object_ref(r) for r in input_object_refs]
    step_id = workflow_context.get_current_step_id()
    func: Callable = reader.load_step_func_body(step_id)
    args, kwargs = reader.load_step_args(step_id, input_workflows,
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_shortcut(workflow_start_regular):
    assert recursive_chain.step(0).run(workflow_id="shortcut") == 100
    # the shortcut points to the step with output checkpoint
    store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage("shortcut")
    step_id = store.get_entrypoint_step_id()
    output_step_id = store.inspect_step(step_id).output_step_id
    assert store.inspect_step(output_step_id).output_object_valid
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_embedded_objectrefs(workflow_start_regular):
    workflow_id = test_workflow_storage.__name__

    class ObjectRefsWrapper:
        def __init__(self, refs):
            self.refs = refs

    wf_storage = workflow_storage.WorkflowStorage(workflow_id,
    url = storage.get_global_storage().storage_url

    wrapped = ObjectRefsWrapper([ray.put(1), ray.put(2)])

    asyncio_run(wf_storage._put(["key"], wrapped))

    # Be extremely explicit about shutting down. We want to make sure the
    # `_get` call deserializes the full object and puts it in the object store.
    # Shutting down the cluster should guarantee we don't accidently get the
    # old object and pass the test.
    subprocess.check_output("ray stop --force", shell=True)

    storage2 = get_workflow_storage(workflow_id)

    result = asyncio_run(storage2._get(["key"]))
    assert ray.get(result.refs) == [1, 2]
Exemplo n.º 7
def _workflow_step_executor(func: Callable,
                            context: workflow_context.WorkflowStepContext,
                            step_id: "StepID",
                            step_inputs: "StepInputTupleToResolve",
                            outer_most_step_id: "StepID",
                            catch_exceptions: bool,
                            step_max_retries: int) -> Any:
    """Executor function for workflow step.

        func: The workflow step function.
        context: Workflow step context. Used to access correct storage etc.
        step_id: The ID of the step.
        step_inputs: The inputs tuple of the step.
        outer_most_step_id: See "step_executor.execute_workflow" for
        catch_exceptions: If set to be true, return
            (Optional[Result], Optional[Error]) instead of Result.
        step_max_retries: Max number of retries encounter of a failure.

        Workflow step output.
    ret = None
    err = None
    # step_max_retries are for application level failure.
    # For ray failure, we should use max_retries.
    from ray.experimental.workflow.common import WorkflowStatus
    from ray.experimental.workflow.common import Workflow
    for _ in range(step_max_retries):
            workflow_context.update_workflow_step_context(context, step_id)
            args, kwargs = _resolve_step_inputs(step_inputs)
            # Running the actual step function
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
            # Save workflow output
            store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
            commit_step(store, step_id, ret, outer_most_step_id)
            if isinstance(ret, Workflow):
                # execute sub-workflow
                ret = execute_workflow(ret, outer_most_step_id)
            err = None
        except BaseException as e:
            err = e
    if catch_exceptions:
        _record_step_status(step_id, WorkflowStatus.FINISHED)
        return (ret, err)
        if err is not None:
            _record_step_status(step_id, WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE)
            raise err
        _record_step_status(step_id, WorkflowStatus.FINISHED)
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 8
def _workflow_step_executor(step_type: StepType, func: Callable,
                            context: workflow_context.WorkflowStepContext,
                            step_id: "StepID",
                            step_inputs: "StepInputTupleToResolve",
                            outer_most_step_id: "StepID",
                            catch_exceptions: bool, max_retries: int,
                            last_step_of_workflow: bool) -> Any:
    """Executor function for workflow step.

        step_type: The type of workflow step.
        func: The workflow step function.
        context: Workflow step context. Used to access correct storage etc.
        step_id: The ID of the step.
        step_inputs: The inputs tuple of the step.
        outer_most_step_id: See "step_executor.execute_workflow" for
        catch_exceptions: If set to be true, return
            (Optional[Result], Optional[Error]) instead of Result.
        max_retries: Max number of retries encounter of a failure.
        last_step_of_workflow: The step that generates the output of the
            workflow (including nested steps).

        Workflow step output.
    workflow_context.update_workflow_step_context(context, step_id)
    args, kwargs = _resolve_step_inputs(step_inputs)
    state, output = _wrap_run(func, step_type, step_id, catch_exceptions,
                              max_retries, *args, **kwargs)

    if step_type != StepType.READONLY_ACTOR_METHOD:
        store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
        # Save workflow output
        commit_step(store, step_id, state, outer_most_step_id)
        # We MUST execute the workflow after saving the output.
        if isinstance(state, Workflow):
            if step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
                # execute sub-workflow
                state = execute_workflow(state, outer_most_step_id,
                # TODO(suquark): Support returning a workflow inside
                # a virtual actor.
                raise TypeError("Only a workflow step function "
                                "can return a workflow.")
        elif last_step_of_workflow:
            # advance the progress of the workflow
        _record_step_status(step_id, WorkflowStatus.SUCCESSFUL)
    return state, output
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_status(workflow_id: str) -> Optional[WorkflowStatus]:
        workflow_manager = get_management_actor()
        running = ray.get(
    except Exception:
        running = False
    if running:
        return WorkflowStatus.RUNNING
    store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage(workflow_id)
    meta = store.load_workflow_meta()
    if meta is None:
        raise ValueError(f"No such workflow_id {workflow_id}")
    return meta.status
Exemplo n.º 10
def run(entry_workflow: Workflow,
        workflow_id: Optional[str] = None) -> ray.ObjectRef:
    """Run a workflow asynchronously.
    store = get_global_storage()
    assert ray.is_initialized()
    if workflow_id is None:
        # Workflow ID format: {Entry workflow UUID}.{Unix time to nanoseconds}
        workflow_id = f"{str(uuid.uuid4())}.{time.time():.9f}"

    logger.info(f"Workflow job created. [id=\"{workflow_id}\", storage_url="

    with workflow_context.workflow_step_context(workflow_id,
        # checkpoint the workflow
        ws = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage(workflow_id)

        wf_exists = True
        except Exception:
            wf_exists = False

        # We only commit for
        #  - virtual actor tasks: it's dynamic tasks, so we always add
        #  - it's a new workflow
        # TODO (yic): follow up with force rerun
        if entry_workflow.data.step_type != StepType.FUNCTION or not wf_exists:
            commit_step(ws, "", entry_workflow, None)
        workflow_manager = get_or_create_management_actor()
        ignore_existing = (entry_workflow.data.step_type != StepType.FUNCTION)
        # NOTE: It is important to 'ray.get' the returned output. This
        # ensures caller of 'run()' holds the reference to the workflow
        # result. Otherwise if the actor removes the reference of the
        # workflow output, the caller may fail to resolve the result.
        result: "WorkflowExecutionResult" = ray.get(
        if entry_workflow.data.step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
            return flatten_workflow_output(workflow_id,
            return flatten_workflow_output(workflow_id, result.volatile_output)
Exemplo n.º 11
def _resolve_dynamic_workflow_refs(workflow_refs: "List[WorkflowRef]"):
    """Get the output of a workflow step with the step ID at runtime.

    We lookup the output by the following order:
    1. Query cached step output in the workflow manager. Fetch the physical
       output object.
    2. If failed to fetch the physical output object, look into the storage
       to see whether the output is checkpointed. Load the checkpoint.
    3. If failed to load the checkpoint, resume the step and get the output.
    workflow_manager = get_or_create_management_actor()
    context = workflow_context.get_workflow_step_context()
    workflow_id = context.workflow_id
    storage_url = context.storage_url
    workflow_ref_mapping = []
    for workflow_ref in workflow_refs:
        step_ref = ray.get(
                workflow_id, workflow_ref.step_id))
        get_cached_step = False
        if step_ref is not None:
                output, _ = _resolve_object_ref(step_ref)
                get_cached_step = True
            except Exception:
                get_cached_step = False
        if not get_cached_step:
            wf_store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
                output = wf_store.load_step_output(workflow_ref.step_id)
            except DataLoadError:
                current_step_id = workflow_context.get_current_step_id()
                logger.warning("Failed to get the output of step "
                               f"{workflow_ref.step_id}. Trying to resume it. "
                               f"Current step: '{current_step_id}'")
                step_ref = recovery.resume_workflow_step(
                    workflow_id, workflow_ref.step_id,
                output, _ = _resolve_object_ref(step_ref)
    return workflow_ref_mapping
Exemplo n.º 12
def run(entry_workflow: Workflow,
        workflow_id: Optional[str] = None) -> ray.ObjectRef:
    """Run a workflow asynchronously. See "api.run()" for details."""
    store = get_global_storage()
    assert ray.is_initialized()
    if workflow_id is None:
        # Workflow ID format: {Entry workflow UUID}.{Unix time to nanoseconds}
        workflow_id = f"{entry_workflow.id}.{time.time():.9f}"
    logger.info(f"Workflow job created. [id=\"{workflow_id}\", storage_url="

    # checkpoint the workflow
    ws = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage(workflow_id)
    commit_step(ws, "", entry_workflow)
    workflow_manager = get_or_create_management_actor()
    # NOTE: It is important to 'ray.get' the returned output. This
    # ensures caller of 'run()' holds the reference to the workflow
    # result. Otherwise if the actor removes the reference of the
    # workflow output, the caller may fail to resolve the result.
    output = ray.get(workflow_manager.run_or_resume.remote(workflow_id))
    return flatten_workflow_output(workflow_id, output)
Exemplo n.º 13
def _workflow_step_executor(step_type: StepType, func: Callable,
                            context: workflow_context.WorkflowStepContext,
                            step_id: "StepID",
                            baked_inputs: "_BakedWorkflowInputs",
                            outer_most_step_id: "StepID",
                            catch_exceptions: bool, max_retries: int,
                            last_step_of_workflow: bool) -> Any:
    """Executor function for workflow step.

        step_type: The type of workflow step.
        func: The workflow step function.
        context: Workflow step context. Used to access correct storage etc.
        step_id: The ID of the step.
        baked_inputs: The processed inputs for the step.
        outer_most_step_id: See "step_executor.execute_workflow" for
        catch_exceptions: If set to be true, return
            (Optional[Result], Optional[Error]) instead of Result.
        max_retries: Max number of retries encounter of a failure.
        last_step_of_workflow: The step that generates the output of the
            workflow (including nested steps).

        Workflow step output.
    workflow_context.update_workflow_step_context(context, step_id)
    args, kwargs = _resolve_step_inputs(baked_inputs)
    persisted_output, volatile_output = _wrap_run(func, step_type, step_id,
                                                  max_retries, *args, **kwargs)

    if step_type != StepType.READONLY_ACTOR_METHOD:
        store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
        # Save workflow output
        commit_step(store, step_id, persisted_output, outer_most_step_id)
        # We MUST execute the workflow after saving the output.
        if isinstance(persisted_output, Workflow):
            if step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
                # Passing down outer most step so inner nested steps would
                # access the same outer most step.
                if not outer_most_step_id:
                    # The current workflow step returns a nested workflow, and
                    # there is no outer step for the current step. So the
                    # current step is the outer most step for the inner nested
                    # workflow steps.
                    outer_most_step_id = workflow_context.get_current_step_id()
                # execute sub-workflow
                persisted_output = execute_workflow(
                    persisted_output, outer_most_step_id,
                # TODO(suquark): Support returning a workflow inside
                # a virtual actor.
                raise TypeError("Only a workflow step function "
                                "can return a workflow.")
        elif last_step_of_workflow:
            # advance the progress of the workflow
        _record_step_status(step_id, WorkflowStatus.SUCCESSFUL)
    return persisted_output, volatile_output
Exemplo n.º 14
def _workflow_step_executor(
        step_type: StepType, func: Callable,
        context: workflow_context.WorkflowStepContext, step_id: "StepID",
        baked_inputs: "_BakedWorkflowInputs", outer_most_step_id: "StepID",
        catch_exceptions: bool, max_retries: int,
        last_step_of_workflow: bool) -> Any:
    """Executor function for workflow step.

        step_type: The type of workflow step.
        func: The workflow step function.
        context: Workflow step context. Used to access correct storage etc.
        step_id: The ID of the step.
        baked_inputs: The processed inputs for the step.
        outer_most_step_id: See "step_executor.execute_workflow" for
        catch_exceptions: If set to be true, return
            (Optional[Result], Optional[Error]) instead of Result.
        max_retries: Max number of retries encounter of a failure.
        last_step_of_workflow: The step that generates the output of the
            workflow (including nested steps).

        Workflow step output.
    workflow_context.update_workflow_step_context(context, step_id)
    args, kwargs = _resolve_step_inputs(baked_inputs)
    store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
        persisted_output, volatile_output = _wrap_run(
            func, step_type, step_id, catch_exceptions, max_retries, *args,
    except Exception as e:
        commit_step(store, step_id, None, e, outer_most_step_id)
        raise e
    if step_type == StepType.READONLY_ACTOR_METHOD:
        if isinstance(volatile_output, Workflow):
            raise TypeError(
                "Returning a Workflow from a readonly virtual actor "
                "is not allowed.")
        assert not isinstance(persisted_output, Workflow)
        store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
        commit_step(store, step_id, persisted_output, None, outer_most_step_id)
        if isinstance(persisted_output, Workflow):
            if step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
                # Passing down outer most step so inner nested steps would
                # access the same outer most step.
                if not outer_most_step_id:
                    # The current workflow step returns a nested workflow, and
                    # there is no outer step for the current step. So the
                    # current step is the outer most step for the inner nested
                    # workflow steps.
                    outer_most_step_id = workflow_context.get_current_step_id()
            assert volatile_output is None
            # execute sub-workflow
            result = execute_workflow(persisted_output, outer_most_step_id,
            # When virtual actor returns a workflow in the method,
            # the volatile_output and persisted_output will be put together
            persisted_output = result.persisted_output
            volatile_output = result.volatile_output
        elif last_step_of_workflow:
            # advance the progress of the workflow
        _record_step_status(step_id, WorkflowStatus.SUCCESSFUL)
    if isinstance(volatile_output, Workflow):
        # This is the case where a step method is called in the virtual actor.
        # We need to run the method to get the final result.
        assert step_type == StepType.ACTOR_METHOD
        volatile_output = volatile_output.run_async(
    return persisted_output, volatile_output