Exemplo n.º 1
def current_ray_pip_specifier() -> Optional[str]:
    """The pip requirement specifier for the running version of Ray.

        A string which can be passed to `pip install` to install the
        currently running Ray version, or None if running on a version
        built from source locally (likely if you are developing Ray).

        Returns "ray[all]==1.4.0" if running the stable release
        Returns "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ray-wheels/master/[..].whl"
            if running the nightly or a specific commit
    logger = get_hook_logger()
    if os.environ.get("RAY_CI_POST_WHEEL_TESTS"):
        # Running in Buildkite CI after the wheel has been built.
        # Wheels are at in the ray/.whl directory, and the present file is
        # at ray/python/ray/workers.  Use relative paths to allow for
        # testing locally if needed.
        return os.path.join(
            Path(__file__).resolve().parents[3], ".whl", get_wheel_filename())
    elif ray.__commit__ == "{{RAY_COMMIT_SHA}}":
        # Running on a version built from source locally.
            "Current Ray version could not be detected, most likely "
            "because you are using a version of Ray "
            "built from source.  If you wish to use runtime_env, "
            "you can try building a wheel and including the wheel "
            "explicitly as a pip dependency.")
        return None
    elif "dev" in ray.__version__:
        # Running on a nightly wheel.
        return get_master_wheel_url()
        return get_release_wheel_url()
Exemplo n.º 2
def sleep_setup_runtime_env(runtime_env: dict, session_dir):
    logger = get_hook_logger()
    logger.info(f"Setting up runtime environment {runtime_env}")
    logger.info("Simulating long runtime env setup.  Sleeping for 15s...")
    logger.info("Finished sleeping for 15s")
    return RuntimeEnvContext()
Exemplo n.º 3
def current_ray_pip_specifier() -> Optional[str]:
    """The pip requirement specifier for the running version of Ray.

        A string which can be passed to `pip install` to install the
        currently running Ray version, or None if running on a version
        built from source locally (likely if you are developing Ray).

        Returns "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ray-wheels/[..].whl"
            if running a stable release, a nightly or a specific commit
    logger = get_hook_logger()
    if os.environ.get("RAY_CI_POST_WHEEL_TESTS"):
        # Running in Buildkite CI after the wheel has been built.
        # Wheels are at in the ray/.whl directory, and the present file is
        # at ray/python/ray/workers.  Use relative paths to allow for
        # testing locally if needed.
        return os.path.join(
            Path(__file__).resolve().parents[3], ".whl", get_wheel_filename())
    elif ray.__commit__ == "{{RAY_COMMIT_SHA}}":
        # Running on a version built from source locally.
        if os.environ.get("RAY_RUNTIME_ENV_LOCAL_DEV_MODE") != "1":
                "Current Ray version could not be detected, most likely "
                "because you have manually built Ray from source.  To use "
                "runtime_env in this case, set the environment variable "
        return None
    elif "dev" in ray.__version__:
        # Running on a nightly wheel.
        return get_master_wheel_url()
        return get_release_wheel_url()
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_or_create_conda_env(conda_env_path: str,
                            base_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    Given a conda YAML, creates a conda environment containing the required
    dependencies if such a conda environment doesn't already exist. Returns the
    name of the conda environment, which is based on a hash of the YAML.

        conda_env_path: Path to a conda environment YAML file.
        base_dir (str, optional): Directory to install the environment into via
            the --prefix option to conda create.  If not specified, will
            install into the default conda directory (e.g. ~/anaconda3/envs)
        The name of the env, or the path to the env if base_dir is specified.
            In either case, the return value should be valid to pass in to
            `conda activate`.
    logger = get_hook_logger()
    conda_path = get_conda_bin_executable("conda")
        exec_cmd([conda_path, "--help"], throw_on_error=False)
    except EnvironmentError:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Could not find Conda executable at {conda_path}. "
            "Ensure Conda is installed as per the instructions at "
            "user-guide/install/index.html. "
            "You can also configure Ray to look for a specific "
            f"Conda executable by setting the {RAY_CONDA_HOME} "
            "environment variable to the path of the Conda executable.")
    _, stdout, _ = exec_cmd([conda_path, "env", "list", "--json"])
    envs = json.loads(stdout)["envs"]

    env_name = _get_conda_env_name(conda_env_path)
    if base_dir:
        env_name = f"{base_dir}/{env_name}"
        if env_name not in envs:
            logger.info("Creating conda environment %s", env_name)
                conda_path, "env", "create", "--file", conda_env_path,
                "--prefix", env_name
        return env_name
        env_names = [os.path.basename(env) for env in envs]
        if env_name not in env_names:
            logger.info("Creating conda environment %s", env_name)
                conda_path, "env", "create", "-n", env_name, "--file",
        return env_name
Exemplo n.º 5
def setup_runtime_env(runtime_env: dict, session_dir):
    logger = get_hook_logger()
    logger.debug(f"Setting up runtime environment {runtime_env}")
    if runtime_env.get("conda") or runtime_env.get("pip"):
        conda_dict = get_conda_dict(runtime_env, session_dir)
        if isinstance(runtime_env.get("conda"), str):
            conda_env_name = runtime_env["conda"]
            assert conda_dict is not None
            ray_pip = current_ray_pip_specifier()
            if ray_pip:
                extra_pip_dependencies = [ray_pip, "ray[default]"]
            elif runtime_env.get("_inject_current_ray"):
                extra_pip_dependencies = (
                extra_pip_dependencies = []
            conda_dict = inject_dependencies(conda_dict, _current_py_version(),
            logger.info(f"Setting up conda environment with {runtime_env}")
            # It is not safe for multiple processes to install conda envs
            # concurrently, even if the envs are different, so use a global
            # lock for all conda installs.
            # See https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/17086
            file_lock_name = "ray-conda-install.lock"
            with FileLock(os.path.join(session_dir, file_lock_name)):
                conda_dir = os.path.join(session_dir, "runtime_resources",
                conda_yaml_path = os.path.join(conda_dir, "environment.yml")
                with open(conda_yaml_path, "w") as file:
                    # Sort keys because we hash based on the file contents,
                    # and we don't want the hash to depend on the order
                    # of the dependencies.
                    yaml.dump(conda_dict, file, sort_keys=True)
                conda_env_name = get_or_create_conda_env(
                    conda_yaml_path, conda_dir)

            if runtime_env.get("_inject_current_ray"):
                conda_path = os.path.join(conda_dir, conda_env_name)
            f"Finished setting up runtime environment at {conda_env_name}")

        return RuntimeEnvContext(conda_env_name)

    return RuntimeEnvContext()
Exemplo n.º 6
def _inject_ray_to_conda_site(conda_path):
    """Write the current Ray site package directory to a new site"""
    python_binary = os.path.join(conda_path, "bin/python")
    site_packages_path = subprocess.check_output(
        [python_binary, "-c",
         "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])"]).decode().strip()

    ray_path = _resolve_current_ray_path()
    logger = get_hook_logger()
    logger.warning(f"Injecting {ray_path} to environment {conda_path} "
                   "because _inject_current_ray flag is on.")

    maybe_ray_dir = os.path.join(site_packages_path, "ray")
    if os.path.isdir(maybe_ray_dir):
        logger.warning(f"Replacing existing ray installation with {ray_path}")

    # See usage of *.pth file at
    # https://docs.python.org/3/library/site.html
    with open(os.path.join(site_packages_path, "ray.pth"), "w") as f: