def main():
    global wofostdir, sibcasadir, obsdir
    # ================================= USER INPUT =================================

    # read the settings from the rc file (mostly directory paths)
    rcdict ='settings.rc')
    sites = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    years = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]
    TER_method = rcdict['TER_method']
    R10 = rcdict['R10']

    # specific plotting options:
    #TER_method = 'grow-only' # this is to select the corresponding WOFOST output file
    #R10        = '0.08' # this is to select the corresponding WOFOST output file

    # extract the needed information

    # input data directory paths
    rootdir = rcdict['rootdir']
    sibcasadir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'intercomparison_study/SiBCASA_runs')
    wofostdir = rcdict['outputdir']
    obsdir = rcdict['obsdir']
    figdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'intercomparison_study/figures')

    # Start a directory to store OBS, SIMW (wofost), SIMB (SiBCASA)

    # recover the FluxNet observed data from pickle files
    res_timeseries = dict()
    res_timeseries['OBS'] = dict()
    res_timeseries['SIMB'] = dict()
    res_timeseries['SIMW'] = dict()

    filename = os.path.join(obsdir, 'timeseries_OBS.pickle')
        res_timeseries['OBS'] = pickle_load(open(filename, 'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the observations output file %s' % filename
        res_timeseries['OBS'] = None

    # recover the SiBCASA runs
    filename = os.path.join(sibcasadir, 'timeseries_SiBCASA.pickle')
        res_timeseries['SIMB'] = pickle_load(open(filename, 'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the SiBCASA output file %s' % filename
        res_timeseries['SIMB'] = None

    # recover the WOFOST runs
    filename = os.path.join(wofostdir, 'timeseries_%s_R10=%s_'%(TER_method,R10) +\
        print 'opening the WOFOST output file %s' % filename
        res_timeseries['SIMC'] = pickle_load(open(filename, 'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the WOFOST output file %s' % filename
        res_timeseries['SIMC'] = None

# plot the observed and simulated timeseries with pandas library
# with pandas we plot all years one after another, and can zoom in on one
# particular year


    # create figure sub-folder if it doesn't already exists
    figsubdir = os.path.join(figdir, 'R10=%s/TER_%s/' % (R10, TER_method))
    if not os.path.exists(figsubdir):
        print 'creating new directory %s' % figsubdir


    years = np.arange(2004, 2015, 1)

    for site in sites:
        for year in years:
            timeframe = [year, year]
            print site
            figs, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 10))
            figs.subplots_adjust(0.1, 0.07, 0.98, 0.95, 0., 0.)
            variables = ['crop_no', 'GPP', 'TER', 'NEE']
            axlabels = [
                'crop ID', r'GPP (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)',
                r'TER (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)', r'NEE (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)'
            ylims = [(0., 14.), (-18., 2.), (-1., 12.), (-10., 10.)]
            start = str(int(timeframe[0]))
            end = str(int(timeframe[1]))
            print '[%s:%s]' % (start, end)
            fsz = 14  # fonsize of x and y axis ticks

            for ax, var, axlabel, ylim in zip(axes, variables, axlabels,
                if (var == 'crop_no'):
                        OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][
                        OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].plot(
                            #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2,
                        crop_no = OBS[0]
                        minobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].min()
                        maxobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minobs = 0.
                        maxobs = 0.
                    minwof = 1.
                    maxwof = 1.
                elif (var == 'TER'):
                    # observations
                        OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][
                        OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].plot(
                            #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='b',
                        minobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].min()
                        maxobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minobs = 0.
                        maxobs = 0.
                    # SIBCASA sims
                        #lw=2, c='g', style=':', label='SiBCASA Raut', fontsize=fsz)
                            label='SiBCASA TER',
                    except TypeError:
                    # WOFOST sims
                        #WOF = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site]['Raut'][start:end].dropna()
                        #WOF.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='r',
                        #style='_', label='WOFOST Raut', fontsize=fsz)
                        WOF = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site][var][
                                 label='WOFOST TER',
                        minwof = WOF.min()
                        maxwof = WOF.max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minwof = 0.
                        maxwof = 0.
                        WOF = 0.
                    # observations
                        OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][
                        OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].plot(
                            #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='b',
                        minobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].min()
                        maxobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minobs = 0.
                        maxobs = 0.
                    # SIBCASA sims
                    except TypeError:
                    # WOFOST simsA
                        WOF = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site][var][
                        #WOF[~(WOF==-9999.)].plot(ax=ax, lw=2,
                        minwof = WOF.min()
                        maxwof = WOF.max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minwof = 0.
                        maxwof = 0.
                        WOF = 0.
                ax.axhline(y=0., c='k')
                minvar = math.floor(min(minobs, minwof)) - 1.
                maxvar = math.ceil(max(maxobs, maxwof)) + 1.
                ax.set_ylim(minvar, maxvar)
                if (var == 'GPP'):
                    ax.legend(loc='lower left', prop={'size': 12})
                #if (var=='TER'): ax.legend(loc='upper left',prop={'size':10})
                if var != 'NEE': ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
            figs.suptitle(site, fontsize=14)
                    'crop%i_%s_%i.png' % (crop_no, site, timeframe[0])))


    timeframe = [2004, 2014]
    for site in sites:

        print site
        figs, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=1, figsize=(15, 10))
        figs.subplots_adjust(0.1, 0.07, 0.98, 0.95, 0., 0.)
        variables = ['crop_no', 'GPP', 'TER', 'NEE']
        axlabels = [
            'crop ID', r'GPP (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)',
            r'TER (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)', r'NEE (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)'
        ylims = [(0., 14.), (-30., 2.), (-2., 20.), (-20., 10.)]
        start = str(int(timeframe[0]))
        end = str(int(timeframe[1]))
        print '[%s:%s]' % (start, end)
        fsz = 14  # fonsize of x and y axis ticks

        for ax, var, axlabel, ylim in zip(axes, variables, axlabels, ylims):
            if (var == 'crop_no'):
                    OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                    OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].plot(
                        #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2,
                    crop_no = OBS[0]
                    minobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].min()
                    maxobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].max()
                except TypeError:
                    minobs = 0.
                    maxobs = 0.
                minwof = 1.
                maxwof = 1.
                # observations
                    OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                    OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].plot(
                        #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='b',
                    minobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].min()
                    maxobs = OBS[~(OBS == -9999.)].max()
                except TypeError:
                    minobs = 0.
                    maxobs = 0.
                # SIBCASA sims
                except TypeError:
                # WOFOST simsA
                    WOF = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                    #WOF[~(WOF==-9999.)].plot(ax=ax, lw=2,
                    minwof = WOF.min()
                    maxwof = WOF.max()
                except TypeError:
                    minwof = 0.
                    maxwof = 0.
                    WOF = 0.
            ax.axhline(y=0., c='k')
            minvar = math.floor(min(minobs, minwof)) - 1.
            maxvar = math.ceil(max(maxobs, maxwof)) + 1.
            if (var == 'GPP'): ax.legend(loc='lower left', prop={'size': 12})
            if var != 'NEE': ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
        figs.suptitle(site, fontsize=14)
                figsubdir, 'timeseries_crop%i_%s_%i-%i.png' %
                (crop_no, site, timeframe[0], timeframe[1])))

Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    global inputdir, codedir, outputdir, CGMSdir, ECMWFdir, optimidir,\
           EUROSTATdir, custom_yns
# ================================= USER INPUT =================================

# read the settings from the rc file
    rcdict     ='settings.rc')

# extract the needed information from the rc file
    sites      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    crops      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['crops'].split(',')]
    crop_nos   = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['crop_nos'].split(',')]
    years      = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]

    # optimization settings
    force_optimization = str_to_bool(rcdict['force_optimization'])
    selec_method  = rcdict['selec_method']
    ncells        = int(rcdict['ncells'])
    nsoils        = int(rcdict['nsoils'])
    weather       = rcdict['weather']

    # directory paths
    outputdir  = rcdict['outputdir']
    inputdir   = rcdict['inputdir']
    codedir    = rcdict['codedir']
    CGMSdir     = os.path.join(inputdir, 'CGMS')
    ECMWFdir    = os.path.join(inputdir, 'ECMWF')
    EUROSTATdir = os.path.join(inputdir, 'EUROSTATobs')

    # get the list of NUTS 2 region names associated to the list of FluxNet sites
    from WOF_00_retrieve_input_data import open_csv
    sitdict = open_csv(inputdir, 'sites_info2.csv', convert_to_float=False)
    NUTS_reg  = sitdict['NUTS_reg']
    #custom_yieldnsow =
    # get local yield and sowing date information
    import xlrd
    from xlrd.xldate import xldate_as_datetime

    sheet_names = xl_workbook.sheet_names()
    xl_sheet = xl_workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_names[0])
    xl_sites = xl_sheet.col(0)
    xl_years = xl_sheet.col(1)
    xl_crops = xl_sheet.col(2)
    xl_yield = xl_sheet.col(3)
    xl_sowda = xl_sheet.col(9)
    datemode = xl_workbook.datemode
    custom_yns = []
    for si,ye,cr,so,yi in zip(xl_sites[1:38], xl_years[1:38], xl_crops[1:38], 
                                                 xl_sowda[1:38], xl_yield[1:38]): 
        sit = str(si.value) 
        yea = int(ye.value) 
        cro = int(cr.value)
        if int(so.value) != -9999: sow = xldate_as_datetime(so.value, datemode)
        else: sow = np.nan
        if int(yi.value) != -9999.: yie = yi.value
        else: yie = np.nan
        custom_yns += [(sit, yea, cro, sow, yie)]
    for row in custom_yns: print row
# optimize fgap at the location / year / crops specified by user

    for s,site in enumerate(sites):

        for c,crop_name in enumerate(crops):
            crop_no = crop_nos[c]

            for year in years:

                # create output folder if it doesn't already exists
                optimidir = os.path.join(outputdir,'fgap/%i/c%i/'%(year,crop_no))
                if not os.path.exists(optimidir):
                    print 'creating new directory %s'%optimidir

                # we try to optimize fgap for the NUTS 2, 1, 0 regions 
                for NUTS_level in range(3):
                    NUTS_no =  NUTS_reg[s][0:4-NUTS_level]

                    print '\n', site, NUTS_no, year, crop_name
                    # OPTIMIZATION OF FGAP:
                    yldgapf = optimize_fgap(site, crop_no, crop_name, year, NUTS_no, 
                                            selec_method, ncells, nsoils, 
                                            weather, force_optimization)
def main():
    global wofostdir, sibcasadir, obsdir
    # ================================= USER INPUT =================================

    # read the settings from the rc file (mostly directory paths)
    rcdict ='settings.rc')
    sites = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    years = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]
    TER_method = rcdict['TER_method']
    R10 = rcdict['R10']
    resolution = rcdict['resolution']

    # specific plotting options:
    #TER_method = 'grow-only' # this is to select the corresponding WOFOST output file
    #R10        = '0.08' # this is to select the corresponding WOFOST output file

    # extract the needed information

    # input data directory paths
    rootdir = rcdict['rootdir']
    sibcasadir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'intercomparison_study/SiBCASA_runs')
    wofostdir = rcdict['outputdir']
    obsdir = rcdict['obsdir']
    figdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'intercomparison_study/figures')

    # Start a directory to store OBS, SIMW (wofost), SIMB (SiBCASA)

    # recover the FluxNet observed data from pickle files
    res_timeseries = dict()
    res_timeseries['OBS'] = dict()
    res_timeseries['SIMB'] = dict()
    res_timeseries['SIMW'] = dict()

    filename = os.path.join(obsdir, '%s_timeseries_OBS.pickle' % resolution)
        res_timeseries['OBS'] = pickle_load(open(filename, 'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the observations output file %s' % filename
        res_timeseries['OBS'] = None

    # recover the SiBCASA runs
    filename = os.path.join(sibcasadir,
                            '%s_timeseries_SiBCASA.pickle' % resolution)
        res_timeseries['SIMB'] = pickle_load(open(filename, 'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the SiBCASA output file %s' % filename
        res_timeseries['SIMB'] = None

    # recover the WOFOST runs
    filename = os.path.join(wofostdir, '%s_timeseries_'%resolution +\
        res_timeseries['SIMC'] = pickle_load(open(filename, 'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the WOFOST output file %s' % filename
        res_timeseries['SIMC'] = None

# plot the observed and simulated timeseries with pandas library
# with pandas we plot all years one after another, and can zoom in on one
# particular year


    # create figure sub-folder if it doesn't already exists
    figsubdir = os.path.join(figdir,'R10=%s/TER_%s/'%(R10,TER_method)+\
    if not os.path.exists(figsubdir):
        print 'creating new directory %s' % figsubdir

# we plot the 3-hourly fluxes of simulations versus observations for the years
# and sites that perform well on the daily scale

# we plot years 2005, 2009, 2013 for site BE-Lon, which showed an extremely
# good result on the SIM vs OBS daily fluxes comparison

    years = [2005, 2009, 2013]

    variables = ['GPP', 'TER', 'NEE']
    axlabels = [
        r'GPP (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)', r'TER (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)',
        r'NEE (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)'
    ylims = [(-60., 5.), (0., 20.), (-50., 15.)]
    one_to_one = np.arange(-100, 100, 10)

    for site in ['BE-Lon']:
        if site != 'IT-BCi':
            for year in years:
                timeframe = [year, year]
                start = str(int(timeframe[0])) + '-05-01'
                end = str(int(timeframe[1])) + '-07-01'
                print site
                for var, axlabel, lim in zip(variables, axlabels, ylims):
                    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(5, 5))
                    fig.subplots_adjust(0.15, 0.15, 0.85, 0.85, 0., 0.)
                    # select every 6 half-hourly flux in the observations,
                    # to get to 3-hourly frequency
                    OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][::6][
                    # convert the 3-hourly simulated fluxes from gC.m-2.s-1
                    # to micromol CO2 .m-2.s-1
                    SIM = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                    SIM = SIM * 1000000. / 12.01  #micro mol CO2 per m2 per sec
                    # the observed GPP needs a minus sign for convention
                    if var == 'GPP': OBS = -OBS
                    # use the min and max to frame the figure
                    print var, min(min(OBS), min(SIM)), max(max(OBS), max(SIM))
                    varmin = math.floor(min(min(OBS), min(SIM)))
                    varmax = math.ceil(max(max(OBS), max(SIM)))
                    ax.scatter(OBS, SIM, marker='o')

                    # fit a linear regression line in OBS/SIM scatter plot
                    # and plot line and R2
                    mask = ~np.isnan(SIM)
                    z = np.polyfit(OBS[mask], SIM[mask], 1)
                    p = np.poly1d(z)
                    ax.plot(one_to_one, p(one_to_one), 'r-')
                    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = \
                                                    linreg(OBS[mask], SIM[mask])
                    ax.annotate(r'r$^2$ = %.2f' % r_value**2,
                                xy=(0.95, 0.15),
                                xytext=(0.15, 0.9),
                                xycoords='axes fraction',

                    ax.plot(one_to_one, one_to_one, c='k', lw=1)
                    ax.set_xlim(varmin, varmax)
                    ax.set_ylim(varmin, varmax)
                    fig.suptitle(r'%s 3-hourly %s fluxes ($\mu$' %
                                 (site, var) + r'mol m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$)' +
                                 '\nfrom %s to %s\n' % (start, end))
                        figsubdir, '%s_%s_%s.png' % (site, year, var)),
def main():
    global wofostdir, sibcasadir, obsdir
# ================================= USER INPUT =================================

# read the settings from the rc file (mostly directory paths)
    rcdict    ='settings.rc')
    sites      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    years      = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]
    TER_method = rcdict['TER_method']
    R10        = rcdict['R10']
    resolution = rcdict['resolution']

# specific plotting options:
    #TER_method = 'grow-only' # this is to select the corresponding WOFOST output file
    #R10        = '0.08' # this is to select the corresponding WOFOST output file

# extract the needed information

    # input data directory paths
    rootdir     = rcdict['rootdir']
    sibcasadir  = os.path.join(rootdir,'intercomparison_study/SiBCASA_runs')
    wofostdir   = rcdict['outputdir'] 
    obsdir      = rcdict['obsdir']
    figdir      = os.path.join(rootdir,'intercomparison_study/figures')

# Start a directory to store OBS, SIMW (wofost), SIMB (SiBCASA)

    # recover the FluxNet observed data from pickle files
    res_timeseries = dict()
    res_timeseries['OBS'] = dict()
    res_timeseries['SIMB'] = dict()
    res_timeseries['SIMW'] = dict()

    filename = os.path.join(obsdir, '%s_timeseries_OBS.pickle'%resolution)
        res_timeseries['OBS'] = pickle_load(open(filename,'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the observations output file %s'%filename
        res_timeseries['OBS'] = None

    # recover the SiBCASA runs
    filename = os.path.join(sibcasadir, '%s_timeseries_SiBCASA.pickle'%resolution)
        res_timeseries['SIMB'] = pickle_load(open(filename,'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the SiBCASA output file %s'%filename
        res_timeseries['SIMB'] = None

    # recover the WOFOST runs
    filename = os.path.join(wofostdir, '%s_timeseries_'%resolution +\
        res_timeseries['SIMC'] = pickle_load(open(filename,'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the WOFOST output file %s'%filename
        res_timeseries['SIMC'] = None

# plot the observed and simulated timeseries with pandas library
# with pandas we plot all years one after another, and can zoom in on one 
# particular year


    # create figure sub-folder if it doesn't already exists
    figsubdir = os.path.join(figdir,'R10=%s/TER_%s/'%(R10,TER_method)+\
    if not os.path.exists(figsubdir):
        print 'creating new directory %s'%figsubdir

# we plot the 3-hourly fluxes of simulations versus observations for the years 
# and sites that perform well on the daily scale

    # we plot years 2005, 2009, 2013 for site BE-Lon, which showed an extremely
    # good result on the SIM vs OBS daily fluxes comparison

    years = [2005,2009,2013]

    variables = ['GPP','TER','NEE']
    axlabels  = [r'GPP (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)',
                  r'TER (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)',r'NEE (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)']
    ylims     = [(-60.,5.),(0.,20.),(-50.,15.)]
    one_to_one = np.arange(-100,100,10)

    for site in ['BE-Lon']:
        if site != 'IT-BCi':
            for year in years:
                timeframe = [year,year]
                start = str(int(timeframe[0]))+'-05-01'
                end   = str(int(timeframe[1]))+'-07-01'
                print site
                for var, axlabel, lim in zip(variables,axlabels,ylims):
                    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(5,5))
                    # select every 6 half-hourly flux in the observations,
                    # to get to 3-hourly frequency
                    OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][::6][start:end].dropna()
                    # convert the 3-hourly simulated fluxes from gC.m-2.s-1
                    # to micromol CO2 .m-2.s-1
                    SIM = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                    SIM = SIM * 1000000. / 12.01 #micro mol CO2 per m2 per sec
                    # the observed GPP needs a minus sign for convention
                    if var=='GPP': OBS=-OBS
                    # use the min and max to frame the figure
                    print var, min(min(OBS), min(SIM)), max(max(OBS), max(SIM))
                    varmin = math.floor(min(min(OBS), min(SIM)))
                    varmax = math.ceil(max(max(OBS), max(SIM)))
                    ax.scatter(OBS, SIM, marker='o')

                    # fit a linear regression line in OBS/SIM scatter plot
                    # and plot line and R2
                    mask = ~np.isnan(SIM)
                    z = np.polyfit(OBS[mask], SIM[mask], 1)
                    p = np.poly1d(z)
                    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = \
                                                    linreg(OBS[mask], SIM[mask])
                    ax.annotate(r'r$^2$ = %.2f'%r_value**2, xy=(0.95, 0.15), 
                       xytext=(0.15, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction',
                       ha='center', va='center', color='r')

                    ax.plot(one_to_one,one_to_one, c='k', lw=1)
                    fig.suptitle(r'%s 3-hourly %s fluxes ($\mu$'%(site, var)+
                     r'mol m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$)'+'\nfrom %s to %s\n'%(start,end))
                                       '%s_%s_%s.png'%(site,year,var)), dpi=300)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():

    # ================================= USER INPUT =================================

    # read the settings from the rc file
    rcdict ='settings.rc')

    # ==============================================================================
    # extract the needed information from the rc file
    sites = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    resolution = rcdict['resolution']  # can be hourly or daily

    # directory paths
    fluxnetdir = rcdict['obsdir']
    obsdir = os.path.join(fluxnetdir, 'regrouped_data')

    if resolution == 'daily':
        filelist = [
    elif resolution == '3-hourly':
        filelist = [

# Extract timeseries for the different sites

# read files for the diferent sites
    f = open_csv(obsdir, filelist, convert_to_float=True)

    series = dict()
    filepath = os.path.join(fluxnetdir,
                            '%s_timeseries_OBS.pickle' % resolution)

    for fnam, site in zip(filelist, sites):

        print site

        # TA_F_DAY: average daytime Ta_day from meas and ERA (*C)
        # SW_IN_F: SWin from meas and ERA (W.m-2)
        # VPD_F: VPD consolidated from VPD_F_MDS and VPD_F_ERA (hPa)
        # TS_F_MDS_1 to 4: Tsoil of 4 soil layers (*C)
        # SWC_F_MDS_1 to 4: soil water content (%) of 4 layers (1=shallow)
        # NT = night-time partitioning method (gC m-2 s-1)
        # VUT: variable ref u* between years
        FLUX_variables = [
            'TA_F_DAY', 'SW_IN_F', 'VPD_F', 'TS_F_MDS_1', 'TS_F_MDS_2',
            'TS_F_MDS_3', 'SWC_F_MDS_1', 'SWC_F_MDS_2', 'SWC_F_MDS_3',
            'GPP_NT_VUT_REF', 'RECO_NT_VUT_REF', 'NEE_VUT_REF', 'crop', 'LAI',
            'AGB', 'C_height'
        FLUX_varnames = [
            'Ta_day', 'SWin', 'VPD', 'Ts_1', 'Ts_2', 'Ts_3', 'SWC_1', 'SWC_2',
            'SWC_3', 'GPP', 'TER', 'NEE', 'crop_no', 'LAI', 'AGB', 'CHT'
        IT_variables = [
            'SWC_avg', 'GPP', 'Reco', 'NEE', 'crop', 'GLAI', 'AGB', 'C_height'
        IT_varnames = [
            'SWC', 'GPP', 'TER', 'NEE', 'crop_no', 'LAI', 'AGB', 'CHT'

        # timestamps for all daily timeseries
        startyear = str(f[fnam]['TIMESTAMP'][0])[0:4]
        endyear = str(f[fnam]['TIMESTAMP'][-1])[0:4]
        startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00' % startyear
        enddate = '%s-12-31 23:30:00' % endyear
        if site == 'DE-Kli': enddate = '%s-12-31 23:00:00' % endyear

        series[site] = dict()

        if resolution == '3-hourly':
            tm = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq='30min')
            if (site != 'IT-BCi'):
                for var, varname in zip(FLUX_variables[:12],
                    # if the fluxes are half-hourly, I convert them to 3-hourly
                    if varname == 'Ta_day':
                        series[site]['Ta'] = pd.Series(f[fnam]['TA_F'],
                    elif ((varname == 'SWC_2' or varname == 'SWC_3')
                          and site == 'FR-Gri'):
                        series[site][varname] = pd.Series([-9999.] * len(tm),
                        series[site][varname] = pd.Series(f[fnam][var],
                    print varname

        elif resolution == 'daily':
            tm = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq='1d')
            if (site != 'IT-BCi'):
                for var, varname in zip(FLUX_variables, FLUX_varnames):
                    series[site][varname] = pd.Series(f[fnam][var], index=tm)
                    print varname
                tm_irreg = [
                    pd.to_datetime('%s-%s-%s' %
                                   (str(t)[0:4], str(t)[4:6], str(t)[6:8]))
                    for t in f[fnam]['TIMESTAMP']
                # since the time records has gaps in the IT-BCi data, we use a
                # special function to fill the gaps with -9999. values and
                # convert it to pandas timeseries
                for var, varname in zip(IT_variables, IT_varnames):
                    #if varname == 'VPD':
                    #    ta     = f[fnam]['T_avg']
                    #    dayvar = f[fnam]['Rh_avg'] / 100. * 6.11 * np.exp(ta /\
                    #             (238.3 + ta) * 17.2694)
                    dayvar = f[fnam][var]
                    series[site][varname] = convert2pandas(
                        tm_irreg, dayvar, tm)
                    print varname
            print "Wrong CO2 fluxes temporal resolution: must be either "+\
                  "'daily' or '3-hourly'"

    # we store the pandas series in one pickle file
    pickle_dump(series, open(filepath, 'wb'))

    # plot timeseries

    # Let's plot the available micromet variables that are important for WOFOST

    # Let's plot GPP, TER, NEE


    return series
def main():
    global inputdir, codedir, outputdir, CGMSdir, obsdir\
    import cx_Oracle
    import sqlalchemy as sa
    from datetime import datetime
# ================================= USER INPUT =================================

# read the settings from the rc file
    rcdict     ='settings.rc')

# extract the needed information from the rc file
    sites      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    crops      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['crops'].split(',')]
    crop_nos   = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['crop_nos'].split(',')]
    years      = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]

    obsdir     = rcdict['obsdir']
    inputdir   = rcdict['inputdir']
    CGMSdir     = os.path.join(inputdir, 'CGMS')
    codedir    = rcdict['codedir']
# get the closest CGMS grid cell id number for each FluxNet site

    # get the sites longitude and latitudes
    sitdict = open_csv(os.path.join(obsdir,'regrouped_data'), 'sites_info.txt',
    site_lons = sitdict['site_lons']
    site_lats = sitdict['site_lats']

    # we read the CGMS grid cells coordinates from file
    CGMS_cells = open_csv(CGMSdir, 'CGMS_grid_list.csv', convert_to_float=True)
    all_grids  = CGMS_cells['GRID_NO']
    all_lons   = CGMS_cells['LONGITUDE']
    all_lats   = CGMS_cells['LATITUDE']

    flux_gri = dict()
    for i,site in enumerate(sitdict['sites']):
        lon = float(site_lons[i])
        lat = float(site_lats[i])
        # compute the distance to site for all CGMS grid cells
        dist_list = list()
        for j,grid_no in enumerate(all_grids):
            distance = ((all_lons[j]-lon)**2. + (all_lats[j]-lat)**2.)**(1./2.)
            dist_list += [distance] 
        # select the closest grid cell
        indx = np.argmin(np.array(dist_list))
        flux_gri[site] = all_grids[indx]

        print 'FluxNet site %s with lon=%5.2f, lat=%5.2f: closest grid cell is %i'%(site, lon, lat, all_grids[indx])

# create new file with grid cell number in it

    filename = os.path.join(inputdir,'sites_info2.csv')
    newres = open(filename,'wb')
    oldres = open(os.path.join(obsdir,'regrouped_data/sites_info.txt'),'rU') 
    reader = oldres.readlines()
    for l,line in enumerate(reader):
        site = line.split(',')[0].strip(' ')
        if l==0: line = line.strip('\n')+', gridcells\n'
        else: line = line.strip('\n') + ',%10i'%int(flux_gri[site]) + '\n'
    print '\nWe successfully created the input file with grid cell IDs:\n%s'%filename

# retrieve the necessary input data for all sites

    # settings of the connection
    user = "******"
    password = "******"
    tns = "EURDAS.WORLD"
    dsn = "oracle+cx_oracle://{user}:{pw}@{tns}".format(user=user,pw=password,tns=tns)
    engine = sa.create_engine(dsn)
    print engine

    # test the connection:
        connection = cx_Oracle.connect("cgms12eu_select/[email protected]")
    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError:
        print '\nBEWARE!! The Oracle database is not responding. Probably, you are'
        print 'not using a computer wired within the Wageningen University network.'
        print '--> Get connected with ethernet cable before trying again!'

    for c,crop in enumerate(crops):
        crop_no = crop_nos[c]

        print '\nRetrieving input data for %s (CGMS id=%i)'%(crop,crop_no)
        # We add a timestamp at start of the retrieval
        start_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
		# We retrieve the list of suitable soil types for the selected crop
		# species
        filename = os.path.join(CGMSdir, 'soildata_objects/',
        if os.path.exists(filename):
            suitable_stu = pickle_load(open(filename,'rb'))
            from pcse.db.cgms11 import STU_Suitability
            suitable_stu = STU_Suitability(engine, crop_no)
            suitable_stu_list = []
            for item in suitable_stu:
                suitable_stu_list = suitable_stu_list + [item]
            suitable_stu = suitable_stu_list
            print 'retrieving suitable soils for %s'%crop

        for y, year in enumerate(years): 
            print '\n######################## Year %i ##############'%year+\
            # if we do a serial iteration, we loop over the grid cells that 
            # contain arable land
            for grid in flux_gri.values():
                retrieve_CGMS_input(grid, year, crop_no, suitable_stu, engine)
        # We add a timestamp at end of the retrieval, to time the process
        end_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        print '\nDuration of the retrieval:', end_timestamp-start_timestamp
def main():
    global outputdir, obsdir
    # ================================= USER INPUT =================================

    # read the settings from the rc file
    rcdict ='settings.rc')

    # extract the needed information for that script
    sites = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    years = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]
    TER_method = rcdict['TER_method']
    R10 = rcdict['R10']
    resolution = rcdict['resolution']  # can be hourly or daily
    if resolution == 'daily': res = '1d'
    elif resolution == '3-hourly': res = '3H'

    # directory paths
    outputdir = rcdict['outputdir']
    obsdir = rcdict['obsdir']
    forwardir = os.path.join(outputdir, 'forward_runs')

    # load the WOFOST runs of all crops

    # we store the two pandas series in one pickle file
    filepath = os.path.join(forwardir,'%s_timeseries_'%resolution+\
    series = pickle_load(open(filepath, 'rb'))

    filepath = os.path.join(obsdir, 'daily_timeseries_OBS.pickle')
    obs = pickle_load(open(filepath, 'rb'))

    final_series = dict()

    for s, site in enumerate(sites):
        print site
        print obs[site].keys()
        final_series[site] = dict()

        # read the crop rotation from FluxNet file
        rotation = obs[site]['crop_no']

        # slice each year's required time series, append to final series
        for varname in ['GPP', 'TER', 'Raut', 'Rhet', 'NEE']:
            print 'variable %s' % varname
            var = []
            for year in years:

                # get the crop number for that year
                if site != 'IT-BCi':
                        crop_no = rotation[year:year][0]
                    except IndexError:  # index error occurs when the year is
                        # not in the rotation time series
                        startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00' % year
                        enddate = '%s-12-31 23:59:59' % year
                        dtimes = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq=res)
                        na_vals = np.array(len(dtimes) * [np.nan])
                        var += [pd.Series(na_vals, index=dtimes)]
                        print '   ', site, year, 'unknown crop cover: skip.'
                elif site == 'IT-BCi':
                    if int(year) not in np.arange(2004, 2010, 1):
                        startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00' % year
                        enddate = '%s-12-31 23:59:59' % year
                        dtimes = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq=res)
                        na_vals = np.array(len(dtimes) * [np.nan])
                        var += [pd.Series(na_vals, index=dtimes)]
                        print '   ', site, year, 'unknown crop cover: skip.'
                        crop_no = 2

                # try slicing and concatenating that year's timeseries from file
                    # if the GPP = 0 (failed growing season), we set TER and
                    # NEE to zero as well
                    if np.mean(series[site]['c%i' %
                                            crop_no]['GPP'][year:year]) == 0.:
                        startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00' % year
                        enddate = '%s-12-31 23:59:59' % year
                        dtimes = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq=res)
                        zeros = np.array(len(dtimes) * [0.])
                        var += [pd.Series(zeros, index=dtimes)]
                        var += [
                            series[site]['c%i' % crop_no][varname][year:year]
                    print '   ', site, year, '%2i' % crop_no, 'slicing'
                except KeyError:  # key error occurs when we haven't ran a crop
                    # or a year with WOFOST
                    startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00' % year
                    enddate = '%s-12-31 23:59:59' % year
                    dtimes = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq=res)
                    na_vals = np.array(len(dtimes) * [np.nan])
                    var += [pd.Series(na_vals, index=dtimes)]
                    print '   ', site, year, '%2i' % crop_no, 'skip.'

            final_series[site][varname] = pd.concat(var)

    # store the final WOFOST timeseries
    filepath = os.path.join(outputdir,'%s_timeseries_'%resolution+\
    pickle_dump(final_series, open(filepath, 'wb'))
    print 'successfully dumped %s' % filepath
def main():
    global outputdir, obsdir
# ================================= USER INPUT =================================

# read the settings from the rc file
    rcdict    ='settings.rc')

# extract the needed information for that script
    sites      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    years      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]
    TER_method = rcdict['TER_method']
    R10        = rcdict['R10']
    resolution  = rcdict['resolution']  # can be hourly or daily
    if resolution=='daily': res='1d'
    elif resolution=='3-hourly': res='3H'

    # directory paths
    outputdir  = rcdict['outputdir']
    obsdir     = rcdict['obsdir']
    forwardir  = os.path.join(outputdir, 'forward_runs')

# load the WOFOST runs of all crops

    # we store the two pandas series in one pickle file
    filepath = os.path.join(forwardir,'%s_timeseries_'%resolution+\
    series   = pickle_load(open(filepath,'rb'))

    filepath = os.path.join(obsdir,'daily_timeseries_OBS.pickle')
    obs      = pickle_load(open(filepath,'rb'))

    final_series = dict()

    for s,site in enumerate(sites):
        print site
        print obs[site].keys()
        final_series[site] = dict()

        # read the crop rotation from FluxNet file
        rotation = obs[site]['crop_no']

        # slice each year's required time series, append to final series
        for varname in ['GPP','TER','Raut','Rhet','NEE']:
            print 'variable %s'%varname
            var = []
            for year in years:
                # get the crop number for that year
                if site != 'IT-BCi':
                        crop_no = rotation[year:year][0]
                    except IndexError: # index error occurs when the year is
                                       # not in the rotation time series
                        startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00'%year
                        enddate   = '%s-12-31 23:59:59'%year
                        dtimes    = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq=res)
                        na_vals   = np.array(len(dtimes)*[np.nan])
                        var      += [pd.Series(na_vals, index=dtimes)]
                        print '   ',site, year, 'unknown crop cover: skip.'
                elif site == 'IT-BCi':
                    if int(year) not in np.arange(2004,2010,1): 
                        startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00'%year
                        enddate   = '%s-12-31 23:59:59'%year
                        dtimes    = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq=res)
                        na_vals   = np.array(len(dtimes)*[np.nan])
                        var      += [pd.Series(na_vals, index=dtimes)]
                        print '   ',site, year, 'unknown crop cover: skip.'
                        crop_no = 2

                # try slicing and concatenating that year's timeseries from file
                    # if the GPP = 0 (failed growing season), we set TER and 
                    # NEE to zero as well
                    if np.mean(series[site]['c%i'%crop_no]['GPP'][year:year]) == 0.:
                        startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00'%year
                        enddate   = '%s-12-31 23:59:59'%year
                        dtimes    = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq=res)
                        zeros     = np.array(len(dtimes)*[0.])
                        var      += [pd.Series(zeros, index=dtimes)]
                        var += [series[site]['c%i'%crop_no][varname][year:year]]
                    print '   ',site, year, '%2i'%crop_no, 'slicing'
                except KeyError: # key error occurs when we haven't ran a crop
                                 # or a year with WOFOST
                    startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00'%year
                    enddate   = '%s-12-31 23:59:59'%year
                    dtimes    = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq=res)
                    na_vals   = np.array(len(dtimes)*[np.nan])
                    var      += [pd.Series(na_vals, index=dtimes)]
                    print '   ',site, year, '%2i'%crop_no, 'skip.'
            final_series[site][varname] = pd.concat(var)

    # store the final WOFOST timeseries
    filepath = os.path.join(outputdir,'%s_timeseries_'%resolution+\
    pickle_dump(final_series, open(filepath,'wb'))
    print 'successfully dumped %s'%filepath
def main():

# ================================= USER INPUT =================================

# read the settings from the rc file
    rcdict     ='settings.rc')

# ==============================================================================
# extract the needed information from the rc file
    sites      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    resolution = rcdict['resolution']  # can be hourly or daily

    # directory paths
    fluxnetdir = rcdict['obsdir']
    obsdir     = os.path.join(fluxnetdir, 'regrouped_data')
    if resolution == 'daily':
        filelist   = ['BE-Lon_FLUXNET2015_FULLSET_DD_2004-2014.csv',
    elif resolution == '3-hourly':
        filelist   = ['BE-Lon_FLUXNET2015_FULLSET_HH_2004-2014.csv',

# Extract timeseries for the different sites

    # read files for the diferent sites
    f = open_csv(obsdir,filelist,convert_to_float=True)

    series = dict()
    filepath = os.path.join(fluxnetdir,'%s_timeseries_OBS.pickle'%resolution)

    for fnam,site in zip(filelist, sites):

        print site
        # TA_F_DAY: average daytime Ta_day from meas and ERA (*C)
        # SW_IN_F: SWin from meas and ERA (W.m-2) 
        # VPD_F: VPD consolidated from VPD_F_MDS and VPD_F_ERA (hPa)
        # TS_F_MDS_1 to 4: Tsoil of 4 soil layers (*C)
        # SWC_F_MDS_1 to 4: soil water content (%) of 4 layers (1=shallow) 
        # NT = night-time partitioning method (gC m-2 s-1)
        # VUT: variable ref u* between years
        FLUX_variables = ['TA_F_DAY', 'SW_IN_F', 'VPD_F', 'TS_F_MDS_1', 
                          'TS_F_MDS_2', 'TS_F_MDS_3', 'SWC_F_MDS_1', 'SWC_F_MDS_2',
                          'SWC_F_MDS_3', 'GPP_NT_VUT_REF', 'RECO_NT_VUT_REF',
                          'NEE_VUT_REF', 'crop', 'LAI', 'AGB', 'C_height']
        FLUX_varnames  = ['Ta_day', 'SWin', 'VPD', 'Ts_1', 'Ts_2', 'Ts_3', 'SWC_1',
                          'SWC_2', 'SWC_3', 'GPP', 'TER', 'NEE', 'crop_no', 'LAI',
                          'AGB', 'CHT']
        IT_variables = ['SWC_avg', 'GPP', 'Reco', 'NEE', 'crop', 'GLAI', 'AGB', 
        IT_varnames  = ['SWC', 'GPP', 'TER', 'NEE', 'crop_no', 'LAI', 'AGB', 

        # timestamps for all daily timeseries
        startyear = str(f[fnam]['TIMESTAMP'][0])[0:4]
        endyear   = str(f[fnam]['TIMESTAMP'][-1])[0:4]
        startdate = '%s-01-01 00:00:00'%startyear
        enddate   = '%s-12-31 23:30:00'%endyear
        if site=='DE-Kli': enddate = '%s-12-31 23:00:00'%endyear

        series[site] = dict()

        if resolution == '3-hourly':
            tm = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq='30min')
            if (site!='IT-BCi'):
                for var,varname in zip(FLUX_variables[:12], FLUX_varnames[:12]):
                    # if the fluxes are half-hourly, I convert them to 3-hourly
                    if varname == 'Ta_day':
                        series[site]['Ta'] = pd.Series(f[fnam]['TA_F'], index=tm)
                    elif ((varname == 'SWC_2' or varname == 'SWC_3') and 
                    site == 'FR-Gri'):
                        series[site][varname] = pd.Series([-9999.]*len(tm), index=tm)
                        series[site][varname] = pd.Series(f[fnam][var], index=tm)
                    print varname

        elif resolution == 'daily':
            tm = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq='1d')
            if (site!='IT-BCi'):
                for var,varname in zip(FLUX_variables, FLUX_varnames):
                    series[site][varname] = pd.Series(f[fnam][var], index=tm)
                    print varname
                tm_irreg = [pd.to_datetime('%s-%s-%s'%(str(t)[0:4],str(t)[4:6],
                                    str(t)[6:8])) for t in f[fnam]['TIMESTAMP']]
                # since the time records has gaps in the IT-BCi data, we use a 
                # special function to fill the gaps with -9999. values and
                # convert it to pandas timeseries
                for var,varname in zip(IT_variables, IT_varnames):
                    #if varname == 'VPD':
                    #    ta     = f[fnam]['T_avg']
                    #    dayvar = f[fnam]['Rh_avg'] / 100. * 6.11 * np.exp(ta /\
                    #             (238.3 + ta) * 17.2694)
                    dayvar = f[fnam][var]
                    series[site][varname] = convert2pandas(tm_irreg, dayvar, tm)
                    print varname
            print "Wrong CO2 fluxes temporal resolution: must be either "+\
                  "'daily' or '3-hourly'"

    # we store the pandas series in one pickle file
    pickle_dump(series, open(filepath,'wb'))

# plot timeseries

    # Let's plot the available micromet variables that are important for WOFOST

    # Let's plot GPP, TER, NEE


    return series
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():
    global inputdir, codedir, outputdir, CGMSdir, ECMWFdir, optimidir, forwardir,\
           EUROSTATdir, mmC, mmCO2, mmCH2O
    # fixed molar masses for unit conversion of carbon fluxes
    mmC = 12.01
    mmCO2 = 44.01
    mmCH2O = 30.03

    # ================================= USER INPUT =================================

    # read the settings from the rc file
    rcdict ='settings.rc')

    # extract the needed information from the rc file
    sites = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    #site_lons  = [float(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['site_lons'].split(',')]
    #site_lats  = [float(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['site_lats'].split(',')]
    #gridcells  = [float(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['gridcells'].split(',')]
    #NUTS_reg   = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['NUTS_reg'].split(',')]
    crops = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['crops'].split(',')]
    crop_nos = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['crop_nos'].split(',')]
    years = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]

    # forward runs settings
    force_forwardsim = str_to_bool(rcdict['force_forwardsim'])
    selec_method = rcdict['selec_method']
    ncells = int(rcdict['ncells'])
    nsoils = int(rcdict['nsoils'])
    weather = rcdict['weather']

    # carbon cycle settings
    TER_method = rcdict[
        'TER_method']  # if grow-only: NEE = GPP + Rgrow + Rsoil
    Eact0 = float(rcdict['Eact0'])
    R10 = float(rcdict['R10'])
    resolution = rcdict['resolution']  # can be hourly or daily

    # directory paths
    outputdir = rcdict['outputdir']
    inputdir = rcdict['inputdir']
    codedir = rcdict['codedir']
    CGMSdir = os.path.join(inputdir, 'CGMS')
    ECMWFdir = os.path.join(inputdir, 'ECMWF')
    EUROSTATdir = os.path.join(inputdir, 'EUROSTATobs')

    # get the sites longitude and latitudes
    from WOF_00_retrieve_input_data import open_csv
    sitdict = open_csv(inputdir, 'sites_info2.csv', convert_to_float=False)
    site_lons = [float(l) for l in sitdict['site_lons']]
    site_lats = [float(l) for l in sitdict['site_lats']]
    gridcells = [int(g) for g in sitdict['gridcells']]
    NUTS_reg = sitdict['NUTS_reg']
    # run WOFOST at the location / year / crops specified by user

    print '\nYLDGAPF(-),  grid_no,  year,  stu_no, stu_area(ha), '\
     +'TSO(kgDM.ha-1), TLV(kgDM.ha-1), TST(kgDM.ha-1), '\
     +'TRT(kgDM.ha-1), maxLAI(m2.m-2), rootdepth(cm), TAGP(kgDM.ha-1)'

    # we format the time series using the pandas python library, for easy plotting
    startdate = '%i-01-01 00:00:00' % years[0]
    enddate = '%i-12-31 23:59:59' % years[-1]
    if resolution == 'daily':
        dtimes = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq='1d')
    elif resolution == '3-hourly':
        dtimes = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq='3H')
        print "Wrong CO2 fluxes temporal resolution: must be either 'daily' or '3-hourly'"

    series = dict()
    for s, site in enumerate(sites):
        lon = site_lons[s]
        lat = site_lats[s]
        grid_no = gridcells[s]
        NUTS_no = NUTS_reg[s]
        series[site] = dict()

        for c, crop_name in enumerate(crops):
            cpno = crop_nos[c]
            series[site]['c%i' % cpno] = dict()
            list_of_gpp = np.array([])
            list_of_raut = np.array([])
            list_of_rhet = np.array([])
            list_of_ter = np.array([])
            list_of_nee = np.array([])

            for year in years:
                # create output folder if it doesn't already exists
                optimidir = os.path.join(outputdir,
                                         'fgap/%i/c%i/' % (year, cpno))

                # create output folder if it doesn't already exists
                forwardir = os.path.join(outputdir,
                                         'forward_runs/%i/c%i/' % (year, cpno))
                if not os.path.exists(forwardir):

                print '\n', site, NUTS_no, year, crop_name

                # RETRIEVE OPTIMUM FGAP:
                # either the NUTS2 optimum if it exists
                ygf_path = os.path.join(optimidir,
                                        'fgap_%s_optimized.pickle' % NUTS_no)
                # or the gapfilled version
                if not os.path.exists(ygf_path):
                    ygf_file = [
                        f for f in os.listdir(optimidir)
                        if (NUTS_no in f) and ('_gapfilled' in f)
                    ygf_path = os.path.join(optimidir, ygf_file)
                fgap_info = pickle_load(open(ygf_path, 'rb'))
                yldgapf = fgap_info[2]

                # FORWARD SIMULATIONS:
                perform_yield_sim(cpno, grid_no, int(year), yldgapf,
                                  selec_method, nsoils, force_forwardsim)
                SimData = compute_timeseries_fluxes(cpno,
                list_of_gpp = np.concatenate([list_of_gpp, SimData[1]], axis=0)
                list_of_raut = np.concatenate([list_of_raut, SimData[2]],
                list_of_rhet = np.concatenate([list_of_rhet, SimData[3]],
                list_of_ter = np.concatenate([list_of_ter, SimData[4]], axis=0)
                list_of_nee = np.concatenate([list_of_nee, SimData[5]], axis=0)

            print dtimes, list_of_gpp

            series[site]['c%i' % cpno]['GPP'] = pd.Series(list_of_gpp,
            series[site]['c%i' % cpno]['Raut'] = pd.Series(list_of_raut,
            series[site]['c%i' % cpno]['Rhet'] = pd.Series(list_of_rhet,
            series[site]['c%i' % cpno]['TER'] = pd.Series(list_of_ter,
            series[site]['c%i' % cpno]['NEE'] = pd.Series(list_of_nee,

    # we store the two pandas series in one pickle file
    filepath = os.path.join(outputdir,'forward_runs/'+\
    pickle_dump(series, open(filepath, 'wb'))
def main():
    global inputdir, codedir, outputdir, CGMSdir, ECMWFdir, optimidir, forwardir,\
           EUROSTATdir, mmC, mmCO2, mmCH2O
# fixed molar masses for unit conversion of carbon fluxes
    mmC    = 12.01
    mmCO2  = 44.01
    mmCH2O = 30.03 

# ================================= USER INPUT =================================

# read the settings from the rc file
    rcdict     ='settings.rc')

# extract the needed information from the rc file
    sites      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    #site_lons  = [float(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['site_lons'].split(',')]
    #site_lats  = [float(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['site_lats'].split(',')]
    #gridcells  = [float(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['gridcells'].split(',')]
    #NUTS_reg   = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['NUTS_reg'].split(',')]
    crops      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['crops'].split(',')]
    crop_nos   = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['crop_nos'].split(',')]
    years      = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]

    # forward runs settings
    force_forwardsim = str_to_bool(rcdict['force_forwardsim'])
    selec_method  = rcdict['selec_method']
    ncells        = int(rcdict['ncells'])
    nsoils        = int(rcdict['nsoils'])
    weather       = rcdict['weather']

    # carbon cycle settings
    TER_method  = rcdict['TER_method'] # if grow-only: NEE = GPP + Rgrow + Rsoil
    Eact0       = float(rcdict['Eact0'])
    R10         = float(rcdict['R10'])
    resolution  = rcdict['resolution']  # can be hourly or daily

    # directory paths
    outputdir  = rcdict['outputdir']
    inputdir   = rcdict['inputdir']
    codedir    = rcdict['codedir']
    CGMSdir     = os.path.join(inputdir, 'CGMS')
    ECMWFdir    = os.path.join(inputdir, 'ECMWF')
    EUROSTATdir = os.path.join(inputdir, 'EUROSTATobs')

    # get the sites longitude and latitudes
    from WOF_00_retrieve_input_data import open_csv
    sitdict = open_csv(inputdir, 'sites_info2.csv', convert_to_float=False)
    site_lons = [float(l) for l in sitdict['site_lons']]
    site_lats = [float(l) for l in sitdict['site_lats']]
    gridcells = [int(g) for g in sitdict['gridcells']]
    NUTS_reg  = sitdict['NUTS_reg']
# run WOFOST at the location / year / crops specified by user

    print '\nYLDGAPF(-),  grid_no,  year,  stu_no, stu_area(ha), '\
     +'TSO(kgDM.ha-1), TLV(kgDM.ha-1), TST(kgDM.ha-1), '\
     +'TRT(kgDM.ha-1), maxLAI(m2.m-2), rootdepth(cm), TAGP(kgDM.ha-1)'

    # we format the time series using the pandas python library, for easy plotting
    startdate = '%i-01-01 00:00:00'%years[0]
    enddate   = '%i-12-31 23:59:59'%years[-1]
    if resolution == 'daily':
        dtimes = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq='1d')
    elif resolution == '3-hourly':
        dtimes = pd.date_range(startdate, enddate, freq='3H')
        print "Wrong CO2 fluxes temporal resolution: must be either 'daily' or '3-hourly'"

    series = dict()
    for s,site in enumerate(sites):
        lon = site_lons[s]
        lat = site_lats[s]
        grid_no = gridcells[s]
        NUTS_no = NUTS_reg[s]
        series[site] = dict()

        for c,crop_name in enumerate(crops):
            cpno = crop_nos[c]
            series[site]['c%i'%cpno] = dict()
            list_of_gpp  = np.array([])
            list_of_raut = np.array([])
            list_of_rhet = np.array([])
            list_of_ter  = np.array([])
            list_of_nee  = np.array([])

            for year in years:
                # create output folder if it doesn't already exists
                optimidir = os.path.join(outputdir,'fgap/%i/c%i/'%(year,cpno))

                # create output folder if it doesn't already exists
                forwardir = os.path.join(outputdir,'forward_runs/%i/c%i/'%(year,
                if not os.path.exists(forwardir):

                print '\n', site, NUTS_no, year, crop_name

                # RETRIEVE OPTIMUM FGAP:
                # either the NUTS2 optimum if it exists
                ygf_path  = os.path.join(optimidir,'fgap_%s_optimized.pickle'%NUTS_no)
                # or the gapfilled version
                if not os.path.exists(ygf_path):
                    ygf_file  = [f for f in os.listdir(optimidir) if (NUTS_no in f) 
                                and ('_gapfilled' in f)][0]
                    ygf_path = os.path.join(optimidir, ygf_file)
                fgap_info = pickle_load(open(ygf_path,'rb'))
                yldgapf   = fgap_info[2]

                # FORWARD SIMULATIONS:
                perform_yield_sim(cpno, grid_no, int(year), yldgapf, 
                                  selec_method, nsoils, force_forwardsim)
                SimData = compute_timeseries_fluxes(cpno, grid_no, lon, lat, 
                                                    year, R10, Eact0, selec_method, 
                                                    nsoils, TER_method=TER_method,
                list_of_gpp  = np.concatenate([list_of_gpp,  SimData[1]], axis=0)
                list_of_raut = np.concatenate([list_of_raut, SimData[2]], axis=0)
                list_of_rhet = np.concatenate([list_of_rhet, SimData[3]], axis=0)
                list_of_ter  = np.concatenate([list_of_ter,  SimData[4]], axis=0)
                list_of_nee  = np.concatenate([list_of_nee,  SimData[5]], axis=0)

            print dtimes, list_of_gpp
            series[site]['c%i'%cpno]['GPP']  = pd.Series(list_of_gpp,  index=dtimes)
            series[site]['c%i'%cpno]['Raut'] = pd.Series(list_of_raut, index=dtimes)
            series[site]['c%i'%cpno]['Rhet'] = pd.Series(list_of_rhet, index=dtimes)
            series[site]['c%i'%cpno]['TER']  = pd.Series(list_of_ter,  index=dtimes)
            series[site]['c%i'%cpno]['NEE']  = pd.Series(list_of_nee,  index=dtimes)

    # we store the two pandas series in one pickle file
    filepath = os.path.join(outputdir,'forward_runs/'+\
    pickle_dump(series, open(filepath,'wb'))
def main():
    global wofostdir, sibcasadir, obsdir
# ================================= USER INPUT =================================

# read the settings from the rc file (mostly directory paths)
    rcdict    ='settings.rc')
    sites      = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    years      = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]
    TER_method = rcdict['TER_method']
    R10        = rcdict['R10']

# specific plotting options:
    #TER_method = 'grow-only' # this is to select the corresponding WOFOST output file
    #R10        = '0.08' # this is to select the corresponding WOFOST output file

# extract the needed information

    # input data directory paths
    rootdir     = rcdict['rootdir']
    sibcasadir  = os.path.join(rootdir,'intercomparison_study/SiBCASA_runs')
    wofostdir   = rcdict['outputdir'] 
    obsdir      = rcdict['obsdir']
    figdir      = os.path.join(rootdir,'intercomparison_study/figures')

# Start a directory to store OBS, SIMW (wofost), SIMB (SiBCASA)

    # recover the FluxNet observed data from pickle files
    res_timeseries = dict()
    res_timeseries['OBS'] = dict()
    res_timeseries['SIMB'] = dict()
    res_timeseries['SIMW'] = dict()

    filename = os.path.join(obsdir, 'timeseries_OBS.pickle')
        res_timeseries['OBS'] = pickle_load(open(filename,'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the observations output file %s'%filename
        res_timeseries['OBS'] = None

    # recover the SiBCASA runs
    filename = os.path.join(sibcasadir, 'timeseries_SiBCASA.pickle')
        res_timeseries['SIMB'] = pickle_load(open(filename,'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the SiBCASA output file %s'%filename
        res_timeseries['SIMB'] = None

    # recover the WOFOST runs
    filename = os.path.join(wofostdir, 'timeseries_%s_R10=%s_'%(TER_method,R10) +\
        print 'opening the WOFOST output file %s'%filename
        res_timeseries['SIMC'] = pickle_load(open(filename,'rb'))
    except IOError:
        print 'could not find the WOFOST output file %s'%filename
        res_timeseries['SIMC'] = None

# plot the observed and simulated timeseries with pandas library
# with pandas we plot all years one after another, and can zoom in on one 
# particular year


    # create figure sub-folder if it doesn't already exists
    figsubdir = os.path.join(figdir,'R10=%s/TER_%s/'%(R10,TER_method))
    if not os.path.exists(figsubdir):
        print 'creating new directory %s'%figsubdir


    years = np.arange(2004,2015,1)

    for site in sites:
        for year in years:
            timeframe = [year,year]
            print site
            figs, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=1, figsize=(8,10))
            variables = ['crop_no','GPP','TER','NEE']
            axlabels  = ['crop ID',r'GPP (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)',
                          r'TER (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)',r'NEE (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)']
            ylims     = [(0.,14.),(-18.,2.),(-1.,12.),(-10.,10.)]
            start = str(int(timeframe[0]))
            end   = str(int(timeframe[1]))
            print '[%s:%s]'%(start,end)
            fsz = 14 # fonsize of x and y axis ticks
            for ax, var, axlabel, ylim in zip(axes,variables,axlabels,ylims):
                if (var=='crop_no'): 
                        OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                        OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].plot(ax=ax, lw=2, 
                        #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, 
                        style='-', label='obs', fontsize=fsz)
                        crop_no = OBS[0]
                        minobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].min()
                        maxobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minobs = 0.
                        maxobs = 0.
                    minwof = 1.
                    maxwof = 1.
                elif (var=='TER'): 
                    # observations
                        OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                        OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].plot(ax=ax, lw=2, 
                        #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='b',
                        style='+', label='obs', fontsize=fsz)
                        minobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].min()
                        maxobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minobs = 0.
                        maxobs = 0.
                    # SIBCASA sims
                        #lw=2, c='g', style=':', label='SiBCASA Raut', fontsize=fsz)
                        lw=2, c='g', style='--', label='SiBCASA TER', fontsize=fsz)
                    except TypeError:
                    # WOFOST sims
                        #WOF = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site]['Raut'][start:end].dropna()
                        #WOF.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='r',
                        #style='_', label='WOFOST Raut', fontsize=fsz)
                        WOF = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                        WOF.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='r',
                        style='x', label='WOFOST TER', fontsize=fsz)
                        minwof = WOF.min()
                        maxwof = WOF.max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minwof = 0.
                        maxwof = 0.
                        WOF = 0.
                    # observations
                        OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                        OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].plot(ax=ax, lw=2, 
                        #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='b',
                        style='+', label='obs', fontsize=fsz)
                        minobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].min()
                        maxobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minobs = 0.
                        maxobs = 0.
                    # SIBCASA sims
                        res_timeseries['SIMB'][site][var][start:end].plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='g',
                        style='--', label='SiBCASA', fontsize=fsz)
                    except TypeError:
                    # WOFOST simsA
                        WOF = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                        #WOF[~(WOF==-9999.)].plot(ax=ax, lw=2, 
                        WOF.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='r',
                        style='x', label='WOFOST', fontsize=fsz)
                        minwof = WOF.min()
                        maxwof = WOF.max()
                    except TypeError:
                        minwof = 0.
                        maxwof = 0.
                        WOF = 0.
                ax.axhline(y=0., c='k')
                minvar = math.floor(min(minobs,minwof))-1.
                maxvar = math.ceil(max(maxobs,maxwof))+1.
                if (var=='GPP'): ax.legend(loc='lower left',prop={'size':12})
                #if (var=='TER'): ax.legend(loc='upper left',prop={'size':10})
                if var != 'NEE': ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
            figs.suptitle(site, fontsize=14)


    timeframe = [2004,2014]
    for site in sites:

        print site
        figs, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=1, figsize=(15,10))
        variables = ['crop_no','GPP','TER','NEE']
        axlabels  = ['crop ID',r'GPP (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)',
                      r'TER (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)',r'NEE (g m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)']
        ylims     = [(0.,14.),(-30.,2.),(-2.,20.),(-20.,10.)]
        start = str(int(timeframe[0]))
        end   = str(int(timeframe[1]))
        print '[%s:%s]'%(start,end)
        fsz = 14 # fonsize of x and y axis ticks
        for ax, var, axlabel, ylim in zip(axes,variables,axlabels,ylims):
            if (var=='crop_no'): 
                    OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                    OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].plot(ax=ax, lw=2, 
                    #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, 
                    style='-', label='obs', fontsize=fsz)
                    crop_no = OBS[0]
                    minobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].min()
                    maxobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].max()
                except TypeError:
                    minobs = 0.
                    maxobs = 0.
                minwof = 1.
                maxwof = 1.
                # observations
                    OBS = res_timeseries['OBS'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                    OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].plot(ax=ax, lw=2, 
                    #OBS.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='b',
                    style='+', label='obs', fontsize=fsz)
                    minobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].min()
                    maxobs = OBS[~(OBS==-9999.)].max()
                except TypeError:
                    minobs = 0.
                    maxobs = 0.
                # SIBCASA sims
                    res_timeseries['SIMB'][site][var][start:end].plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='g',
                    style='--', label='SiBCASA', fontsize=fsz)
                except TypeError:
                # WOFOST simsA
                    WOF = res_timeseries['SIMC'][site][var][start:end].dropna()
                    #WOF[~(WOF==-9999.)].plot(ax=ax, lw=2, 
                    WOF.plot(ax=ax, lw=2, c='r',
                    style='x', label='WOFOST', fontsize=fsz)
                    minwof = WOF.min()
                    maxwof = WOF.max()
                except TypeError:
                    minwof = 0.
                    maxwof = 0.
                    WOF = 0.
            ax.axhline(y=0., c='k')
            minvar = math.floor(min(minobs,minwof))-1.
            maxvar = math.ceil(max(maxobs,maxwof))+1.
            if (var=='GPP'): ax.legend(loc='lower left',prop={'size':12})
            if var != 'NEE': ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
        figs.suptitle(site, fontsize=14)

Exemplo n.º 13
def main():
    global inputdir, outputdir, optimidir
    # ================================= USER INPUT =================================

    # read the settings from the rc file
    rcdict ='settings.rc')

    # extract the needed information from the rc file
    sites = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['sites'].split(',')]
    #NUTS_reg   = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['NUTS_reg'].split(',')]
    crops = [s.strip(' ') for s in rcdict['crops'].split(',')]
    crop_nos = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['crop_nos'].split(',')]
    years = [int(s.strip(' ')) for s in rcdict['years'].split(',')]

    # directory paths
    outputdir = rcdict['outputdir']
    inputdir = rcdict['inputdir']

    # get the list of NUTS 2 region names associated to the list of FluxNet sites
    from WOF_00_retrieve_input_data import open_csv
    sitdict = open_csv(inputdir, 'sites_info2.csv', convert_to_float=False)
    NUTS_reg = sitdict['NUTS_reg']
    # list the old gapfilled files to remove, and remove them all

    for s, site in enumerate(sites):

        for c, crop_name in enumerate(crops):
            crop_no = crop_nos[c]

            for year in years:
                optimidir = os.path.join(outputdir,
                                         'fgap/%i/c%i/' % (year, crop_no))

                files2remove = [
                    f for f in os.listdir(optimidir) if '_gapfilled' in f
                for f in files2remove:
                    os.remove(os.path.join(optimidir, f))

# gap fill

    for s, site in enumerate(sites):
        NUTS_no = NUTS_reg[s]

        for c, crop_name in enumerate(crops):
            crop_no = crop_nos[c]

            for year in years:
                # create output folder if it doesn't already exists
                optimidir = os.path.join(outputdir,
                                         'fgap/%i/c%i/' % (year, crop_no))

                # detect if there is this year needs to be gapfilled
                f2gapfill = [
                    f for f in os.listdir(optimidir)
                    if ('_tobegapfilled' in f) and (NUTS_no in f)
                if len(f2gapfill) == 0:

                print '\nWe gap fill:', site, NUTS_no, year, crop_name

                # GAP-FILLING YLDGAPF for NUTS2 level:
                prevyear = os.path.join(
                    optimidir.replace('%04d' % year, '%04d' % (year - 1)),
                    'fgap_%s_optimized.pickle' % NUTS_no)
                nextyear = os.path.join(
                    optimidir.replace('%04d' % year, '%04d' % (year + 1)),
                    'fgap_%s_optimized.pickle' % NUTS_no)
                availfiles = []
                availyears = []
                for yr in range(1995, 2020):
                    searchyear = os.path.join(
                        optimidir.replace('%04d' % year, '%04d' % yr),
                        'fgap_%s_optimized.pickle' % NUTS_no)
                    if os.path.exists(searchyear):
                print "%d years found for gap filling:" % len(
                    availfiles), availyears

                # Use average from y-1 and y+1
                if prevyear in availfiles and nextyear in availfiles:
                    optimi_info = pickle_load(open(prevyear, 'rb'))
                    ygf_prev = optimi_info[2]
                    optimi_info = pickle_load(open(nextyear, 'rb'))
                    ygf_next = optimi_info[2]
                    ygf = (ygf_prev + ygf_next) / 2.0  # simply average
                    opt_code = 'gapfilled02'
                    shortlist_cells = optimi_info[3]

                # Use previous year value
                elif prevyear in availfiles:
                    optimi_info = pickle_load(open(prevyear, 'rb'))
                    ygf = optimi_info[2]
                    opt_code = 'gapfilled03a'
                    shortlist_cells = optimi_info[3]
                    print shortlist_cells

                # Use next year value
                elif nextyear in availfiles:
                    optimi_info = pickle_load(open(nextyear, 'rb'))
                    ygf = optimi_info[2]
                    opt_code = 'gapfilled03b'
                    shortlist_cells = optimi_info[3]

                # Use climatological average from other years if nyear > 2
                elif len(availfiles) > 2:
                    ygf = 0.0
                    for filename in availfiles:
                        optimi_info = pickle_load(open(filename, 'rb'))
                        ygf += optimi_info[2]
                    ygf = ygf / len(availfiles)
                    opt_code = 'gapfilled04'
                    shortlist_cells = optimi_info[3]
                # Use upper NUTS level optimum (NUTS1, or NUTS0 at worst)
                        nuts1file = os.path.join(
                            'fgap_%s_optimized.pickle' % NUTS_no[0:3])
                        data = pickle_load(open(nuts1file, 'rb'))
                        ygf = data[2]
                        opt_code = 'gapfilled05a'
                        shortlist_cells = data[3]
                    except IOError:
                            nuts0file = os.path.join(
                                'fgap_%s_optimized.pickle' % NUTS_no[0:2])
                            data = pickle_load(open(nuts0file, 'rb'))
                            ygf = data[2]
                            opt_code = 'gapfilled05b'
                            shortlist_cells = data[3]
                # Use default value if all previous methods fail
                        except IOError:
                            ygf = 0.8
                            opt_code = 'gapfilled06'
                            shortlist_cells = []

                print "Using ygf of %5.2f and code of %s" % (ygf, opt_code)
                print "created file fgap_%s_%s.pickle"%(NUTS_no, opt_code)+\
                      " in folder %s"%optimidir
                currentyear = os.path.join(
                    optimidir, 'fgap_%s_%s.pickle' % (NUTS_no, opt_code))
                pickle_dump([NUTS_no, opt_code, ygf, shortlist_cells],
                            open(currentyear, 'wb'))