Exemplo n.º 1
date_exp_start = datetime_from_string(args.exp_start)
date_exp_end = datetime_from_string(args.exp_end)

# make sure the run2 is larger than run1
if run2 < run1 :
    smaller = run2
    run2 = run1
    run1 = smaller

xmin = run1
xmax = run2

runs = db.select_runs("@is_production and event_count > 1000000",run1,run2)

if (len(runs) == 0):
    sys.exit("No runs found !")
# default start time
date_run1 = runs[0].start_time

if (len(runs) == 0):
    print "No runs in RCDB between",run1," and ",run2
    print "Selected ",len(runs)," runs from ",runs[0]," to",runs[len(runs)-1]

# All conditions of this run by name.
# conditions_by_name = runs[0].get_conditions_by_name()
# conditions = conditions_by_name.keys()
Exemplo n.º 2
python script to plot information in the rcdb, especially integrated triggers vs run number, or time
based on Elton Smith's and Mark Daltons scripts. 

import rcdb
from rcdb.provider import RCDBProvider
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.use('Agg') #this backend is needed for interactive mode
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
import argparse as AG

# get db
db = RCDBProvider("mysql://[email protected]/rcdb")

#--------------------------------------------------------- general parameters -------------

# default run numbers
# run1_def = 10331  # spring 2016
# run2_def = 13000
# run1_def = 21968  # fall 2016
# run2_def = 22167
#run1 = 30000  # spring 2017
#run1_def = 30278  # spring 2017
#run2_def = 31000
#run1 = 40000  # spring 2018
Exemplo n.º 3
run1 = args.start_run
run2 = args.end_run

min_current = args.min_current

# make sure the run2 is larger than run1
if run2 < run1:
    smaller = run2
    run2 = run1
    run1 = smaller

xmin = run1
xmax = run2

runs = db.select_runs(
    "@is_production and @status_approved and event_count > 1000000 ", run1,
    run2)  #and @status_approved

if (len(runs) == 0):
    print "No runs in RCDB between", run1, " and ", run2
    print "Selected ", len(runs), " runs from ", runs[0], " to", runs[len(runs)
                                                                      - 1]

# All conditions of this run by name.
# conditions_by_name = runs[0].get_conditions_by_name()
# conditions = conditions_by_name.keys()
# print "List of conditions=",conditions

exp_duration = date_exp_end - date_exp_start