Exemplo n.º 1
    def __convert_to_triples(self, model):
        """Converts each model/query result into its own graph to be
		merged the graph returned by to_rdf()."""
        sylph = self.NAMESPACES["sylph"]

        graph = Graph()
        graphNum = len(self.subgraphs)

        node = URIRef(model.uri)  # The Resource
        graph.add((node, RDF.type, sylph[model.get_rdf_class()]))  # Datatype

        data = model.get_transportable()

        # Performs graph.add(sub, pred, obj)
        for k, v in data.iteritems():
            obj = None
            if k == "uri":
                continue  # already done

                # Blank values transported because we may be 'erasing' them
            if not v:
                if type(v) in [str, unicode]:
                    obj = Literal("")
                if type(v) is NoneType:
                    obj = sylph["None"]

            if isinstance(v, (models.Model, Resource, ResourceTree)):
                # TODO/XXX: This is slow as hell. Hits the database every
                # single time this codepath is reached.
                # For now, forget performance. Work on this later...
                obj = URIRef(v.uri)  # XXX: Wouldn't this work with just hasattr?

            if not obj:
                obj = Literal(v)  # Handles int, float, etc.

            graph.add((node, sylph[k], obj))

def commitData(triples):
    Commits triples to RDF store
    report("INFO: rdflibWrapper.commitData")
    #  default_graph_uri = "http://rdflib.net/rdfstore"

    graph = Graph(store)  # Other optional argument: identifier = rdflib.URIRef(default_graph_uri)
    triples = list(set(triples))  # Deduplication of triples
    report("INFO: adding %d triples" % (len(triples)))
    for triple in triples:
        report("S:%s, P:%s, O:%s" % (str(triple[0]), str(triple[1]), str(triple[2])))

    map(lambda triple: graph.add(triple), triples)  # Add triples to the graph

    graph.commit()  #  Commit newly added triples
Exemplo n.º 3
    def toRDF(self):
        Print a message into RDF in XML format

        #rdf graph
        store = ConjunctiveGraph()

        store.bind('sioc', SIOC)
        store.bind('foaf', FOAF)
        store.bind('rdfs', RDFS)
        store.bind('dc', DC)
        store.bind('dct', DCT)

        #message node
        message = URIRef(self.getUri())
        store.add((message, RDF.type, SIOC["Post"]))

        #document node
        doc = URIRef(self.getUri() + '.rdf')
        store.add((doc, RDF.type, FOAF["Document"]))
        store.add((doc, FOAF["primaryTopic"], message))


            store.add((message, SIOC['id'], Literal(self.getSwamlId())))
            store.add((message, SIOC['link'], URIRef(self.getXhtmlUrl())))
            store.add((message, SIOC['has_container'],
                       URIRef(self.config.get('base') + 'forum')))
            store.add((message, SIOC["has_creator"],
            store.add((message, DC['title'], Literal(self.getSubject())))
            store.add((message, DCT['created'],
                       Literal(self.getDate(), datatype=XSD[u'dateTime'])))

            parent = self.getParent()
            if (parent != None):
                store.add((message, SIOC['reply_of'], URIRef(parent)))

            if (len(self.childs) > 0):
                for child in self.childs:
                    store.add((message, SIOC['has_reply'], URIRef(child)))

            previous = self.getPreviousByDate()
            if (previous != None):
                    (message, SIOC['previous_by_date'], URIRef(previous)))

            next = self.getNextByDate()
            if (next != None):
                store.add((message, SIOC['next_by_date'], URIRef(next)))

            store.add((message, SIOC['content'], Literal(self.getBody())))

        except Exception, detail:
            print 'Error proccesing message ' + str(
                self.getId()) + ': ' + str(detail)
Exemplo n.º 4
# Get the sqlite plugin. You may have to install the python sqlite libraries
store = plugin.get('SQLite', Store)('rdfstore.db')

# Open previously created store, or create it if it doesn't exist yet
    rt = store.open(configString,create=False)
except OperationalError, e:
        # There is no underlying sqlite infrastructure, create it
        rt = store.open(configString,create=True)
        assert rt == VALID_STORE
    except OperationalError, e:
        import sys, pdb; pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2])
# There is a store, use it
graph = Graph(store, identifier = URIRef(default_graph_uri))

print "Triples in graph before add: ", len(graph)

# Now we'll add some triples to the graph & commit the changes
rdflibNS = Namespace('http://rdflib.net/test/')
graph.add((rdflibNS['pic:1'], rdflibNS['name'], Literal('Jane & Bob')))
graph.add((rdflibNS['pic:2'], rdflibNS['name'], Literal('Squirrel in Tree')))

print "Triples in graph after add: ", len(graph)

# display the graph in RDF/XML
print graph.serialize()
Exemplo n.º 5
def localGraph():
    g = ConjunctiveGraph()
    g.add((EXP['dp'], EXP['firstName'], Literal('Drew')))
    g.add((EXP['labeled'], RDFS.label, Literal('Labeled')))
    return g
Exemplo n.º 6
class WithGraph(object):
    def setUp(self):
        super(WithGraph, self).setUp()
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph()
        self.graph.add((CMD['c2'], RDF.type, CMD['Bright']))
        self.cl = CommandLog(Graph2(self.graph, initNs=INITNS))
Exemplo n.º 7
class TriplesDatabase(object):
    """A database from the defined triples"""
    def __init__(self):
        self._open = False

    def open(self, filename, graphClass=None):
        Load existing database at 'filename'.
        if filename is None:
            if graphClass is None:
                self.graph = Graph()
                self.graph = graphClass()
            assert os.path.exists(filename), (
                    "%s must be an existing database" % (filename,))

            path, filename = os.path.split(filename)
            self.graph = sqliteBackedGraph(path, filename)

        self._open = True

    def query(self, rest, initNs=None, initBindings=None):
        Execute a SPARQL query and get the results as a SPARQLResult

        {rest} is a string that should begin with "SELECT ", usually
        assert self._open

        if initNs is None:
            initNs = dict(self.graph.namespaces()) 
        if initBindings is None: initBindings = {}

        sel = select(self.getBase(), rest)
        ret = self.graph.query(sel, initNs=initNs, initBindings=initBindings,
        return ret

    def getBase(self):
        d = dict(self.graph.namespaces())
        return d.get('', RDFSNS)

    def addTriple(self, s, v, *objects):
        Make a statement/arc/triple in the database.

        Strings, ints and floats as s or o will automatically be coerced to
        RDFLiteral().  It is an error to give a RDFLiteral as v, so no
        coercion will be done in that position.

        2-tuples will be coerced to bnodes.
        If more than one object is given, i.e.
            addTriple(a, b, c1, c2, c3) 
        this is equivalent to:
            addTriple(a,b,c1); addTriple(a,b,c2); addTriple(a,b,c3)
        assert self._open
        assert len(objects) >= 1, "You must provide at least one object"
        if canBeLiteral(s):
            s = RDFLiteral(s)

        bnode = None
        for o in objects:
            if canBeLiteral(o):
                o = RDFLiteral(o)
            elif isinstance(o, tuple) and len(o) == 2:
                if bnode is None:
                    bnode = BNode()
                self.addTriple(bnode, *o)
                o = bnode

            assert None not in [s,v,o]
            self.graph.add((s, v, o))

    def dump(self):
        assert self._open
        io = StringIO()
            self.graph.serialize(destination=io, format='n3')
        except Exception, e:
            import sys, pdb; pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2])
        return io.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 8
def localGraph():
    g = ConjunctiveGraph()
    g.add((EXP['dp'], EXP['firstName'], Literal('Drew')))
    g.add((EXP['labeled'], RDFS.label, Literal('Labeled')))
    return g
Exemplo n.º 9
class RdfDataExporter(object):
    def __init__(self):
       self.g = ConjunctiveGraph()

    def export(self, mainSubject, params, tuples):
        if params.has_key('subpredicate'):
            databag = mainSubject+"/"+str(uuid.uuid4())
            self.g.add((mainSubject, params['predicate'], databag))
            self.g.add((databag, 'rdf:type', params['databag_class']))
        for t in tuples:
          #print t
          if t.has_key('subject'):
              subject = t['subject']
              subject = mainSubject+"/"+str(uuid.uuid4())
              self.g.add((subject, 'rdf:type', params['datarow_class']))
          if not params.has_key('subpredicate'):
              if params['predicate'] != 'None':
                  self.g.add((mainSubject, params['predicate'], subject))
              self.g.add((databag, params['subpredicate'], subject))
          for predicate in t:
            if predicate != 'subject':
                self.g.add((subject, predicate, t[predicate]))

    def addTriple(self, s, p, o):
        self.g.add((s, p, o))

    def printTriples(self):
        for a in self.g.__iter__():
            print a
Exemplo n.º 10
def createFeatureGraphs(rows):
	albums = {}

	graph = Graph(identifier = URIRef(graph_uri))
	counter = 1
	databases[catalogueID] = []

	for row in rows:
		# Create all the relevant nodes (with the correct IDs)
		database = getNewNode('database')
		feature = getNewNode('feature')
		segmentation = getNewNode('segmentation')
		window = getNewNode('window')

		if row['feature'] == "cqt":
			graph.add((feature, RDF.type, audiodb['CQTFeature']))
		elif row['feature'] == "chr":
			graph.add((feature, RDF.type, audiodb['ChromagramFeature']))
		elif row['feature'] == "mfcc":
			graph.add((feature, RDF.type, audiodb['MFCCFeature']))

		if row['segtype'] == "frames":
			graph.add((segmentation, RDF.type, audiodb['FrameSegmentation']))
		elif row['segtype'] == "beats":
			graph.add((segmentation, RDF.type, audiodb['BeatSegmentation']))
		elif row['segtype'] == "segs":
			graph.add((segmentation, RDF.type, audiodb['StructuralSegmentation']))
		if row['windowtype'] == "hamming":
			graph.add((window, RDF.type, audiodb['HammingWindow']))

		graph.add((feature, audiodb["window"], window))
		graph.add((feature, audiodb["segmentation"], segmentation))

		graph.add((feature, audiodb["dimension"], Literal(row['dim'])))
		graph.add((feature, audiodb["hop-size"], Literal(row['hopsize'])))
		graph.add((feature, audiodb["window-length"], Literal(row['winlen'])))
		graph.add((feature, audiodb["nfft"], Literal(row['nfft'])))
		graph.add((feature, audiodb["segn"], Literal(row['segn'])))
		graph.add((feature, audiodb["channel"], Literal(row['channel'])))
		graph.add((feature, audiodb["loedge"], Literal(row['loedge'])))
		graph.add((feature, audiodb["hiedge"], Literal(row['hiedge'])))
		graph.add((feature, audiodb["octaveres"], Literal(row['octaveres'])))

		version = buildNewExtractor(graph, row['software'], row['version'], row['platform'])

		project = buildNewProject(graph, row['software'])
		graph.add((project, doap['release'], version))

		graph.add((database, RDF.type, audiodb["Database"]))
		graph.add((database, audiodb["feature"], feature))
		graph.add((database, audiodb["extractor"], version))
		counter += 1
Exemplo n.º 11
def createMediaGraphs(rows):
	albums = {}

	artists = {
		'Madonna': mb_artist['79239441-bfd5-4981-a70c-55c3f15c1287'], 
		'John Coltrane': mb_artist['b625448e-bf4a-41c3-a421-72ad46cdb831'], 
		'Miles Davis' : mb_artist['561d854a-6a28-4aa7-8c99-323e6ce46c2a']}

	counter = 1
	for row in rows:
		graph = Graph(identifier = URIRef(graph_uri))
		# Create all the relevant nodes (with the correct IDs)

		work = getNewNode('work')
		composition = getNewNode('composition')
		track = getNewNode('track')
		record = getNewNode('record')
		performance = getNewNode('performance')
		signal = Namespace(graph_uri+"/"+row['uid'])

		# If we don't have an artist url, make a foaf Agent instead.
		if row['artist']:
				artist = artists[row['artist']]
			except KeyError:
				artist = getNewNode('artist')
				graph.add((artist, RDF.type, foaf['Agent']))
				graph.add((artist, foaf['name'], Literal(row['artist'].strip())))
				artists[row['artist']] = artist;	

		if row['composer']:
				composer = artists[row['composer']]
			except KeyError:
				composer = getNewNode('artist')
				graph.add((composer, RDF.type, foaf['Agent']))
				graph.add((composer, foaf['name'], Literal(row['composer'].strip())))
				artists[row['composer']] = composer;	
			composer = artist

		# Work
		graph.add((work, RDF.type, mo['MusicalWork']))
		# Composition
		graph.add((composition, RDF.type, mo['Composition']))
		if composer:
			graph.add((composition, mo['composer'], composer)) 
		graph.add((composition, mo['produced_work'], work))

		# Track
		graph.add((track, RDF.type, mo['Track']))
		if row['artist']:
			graph.add((track, foaf['maker'], artist))
		if row['tracknum']:
			graph.add((track, mo['track_number'], Literal(row['tracknum'])))

		if row['album']:
			# Album
				album = albums[row['album']]
			except KeyError:
				album = getNewNode('album')
				graph.add((album, RDF.type, mo['Record']))
				graph.add((album, dc['title'], Literal(row['album'].strip())))
				graph.add((album, mo['release_type'], mo['album']))
				albums[row['album']] = album
			graph.add((album, mo['track'], track))

		# Signal
		graph.add((signal, RDF.type, mo['Signal']))
		graph.add((signal, mo['published_as'], record))
		if row['track']:
			graph.add((signal, dc['title'], Literal(row['track'].strip())))
		if row['isrc']:
			graph.add((signal, mo['isrc'], Literal(row['isrc'].strip())))

		# Add to the various databases
		dbs = databases[catalogueID]
		for db in dbs:
			graph.add((db, audiodb["has-signal"], signal))

		# Record
		graph.add((record, RDF.type, mo['Record']))
		graph.add((record, mo['publication_of'], signal))
		graph.add((record, mo['track'], track))

		# Performance
		graph.add((performance, RDF.type, mo['Performance']))
		graph.add((performance, mo['performance_of'], work))
		if row['artist']:
			graph.add((performance, mo['performer'], artist))
		graph.add((performance, mo['recorded_as'], signal))
		counter += 1
Exemplo n.º 12
class rdf_transform:
    def __init__(self):
        self.g = Graph('IOMemory')
        self.g.bind('dc', dublin_core)
        self.g.bind('foaf', FOAF)
        self.g.bind('time-entry', owl_time)
        self.g.bind('letter', letter_ns)
        self.g.bind('owl', owl)
        self.g.bind('ex', exam)
        self.g.bind('geo', geo)
        self.g.bind('base', base_uri)

    def create_rdf_letter (self, letters):
          creates an rdf representation of letter used to load into the triple store
        for l in letters:
            correspondence = base_uri + "letters/resource/" + l.type + '/' + urllib.quote(l.correspondent) + '/' + str(l.id) + '/rdf'
            self.add_author(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
            self.add_subject(correspondence, "letter")
            self.add_time(correspondence, str(l.letter_date)+'T00:00:00')
            self.add_correspondent(correspondence, l.correspondent)
            #self.add_place(correspondence, parse_text.find_geographical(l.letter_text))
            place = ''
                place = str(l.letter_place)
            #unicode errors are text related
            except UnicodeError:
            if place is not '':
                self.add_place(correspondence, place)
            self.add_letter_text(correspondence, l.letter_text)
            self.add_salutation(correspondence, l.correspondent, l.salutation)
            #for line in l.letter_text.splitlines():
            #    if len(line.strip()) > 1:
            #        self.add_open(correspondence, parse_text.parse_salutation_line(line))
                #this section will parse for proper names in due course
                #commented out whilst code is being ported
                #letter_name = parse_text.parseProperNames(text)
               # print"names, ", letter_name
                #for name in letter_name:
                #    letter_rdf += "<letter:personReferred>%s</letter:personReferred>" %(name)
            letter_quotes = parse_text.parse_balanced_quotes(l.letter_text)
            for quote in letter_quotes:
                 if str(quote[0:1]).isupper and "!" not in quote:
                     if quote == "ALL THE YEAR ROUND" or quote=="HOUSEHOLD WORDS" or quote== "Household Words":
                         self.add_magazine(correspondence, parse_text.stripPunc(quote))
                         self.add_text(correspondence, parse_text.stripPunc(quote))
        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)
        return letter_rdf
    def create_rdf_end (self):
        ''' function to create an endpoint in rdf/xml '''
        correspondence = base_uri 
        letter = {}  
        letter = dbase.get_endpoint_rdf()
        letter_items = letter.items()
        works = set()
        works = dbase.get_books()
        for url, text in letter_items:

                correspondence = base_uri + "letters/resource/dickens/" + urllib.quote(str(text[1])) + '/' + str(url) + '/rdf'
                self.add_author(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
                self.add_subject(correspondence, "letter")
                self.add_subject(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
                self.add_subject(correspondence, parse_text.camel_case(str(text[1])))
                self.add_time(correspondence, str(text[3])+'T00:00:00')
                self.add_correspondent(correspondence, str(text[1]))
                self.add_salutation(correspondence, urllib.quote(str(text[1])), str(text[4]))
                place = str(text[5])
                #for line in str(text[2]).splitlines():
                #    self.add_open(correspondence, parse_text.parse_salutation_line(str(text[2])))
                letter = str(text[2])
            #unicode errors are text related
            except UnicodeError:
            if place is not None:
                self.add_place(correspondence, place)
            self.add_letter_text(correspondence, letter)
            #this section will parse for proper names in due course
            #commented out whilst code is being ported
            #letter_name = parse_text.parseProperNames(text)
           # print"names, ", letter_name 
            letter_quotes = parse_text.parse_balanced_quotes(text[2])
            for quote in letter_quotes:
                work = parse_text.stripPunc(quote)

                #TODO: Normalise the text to reduce code repetition
                periodicals = set(['All The Year Round', 'Household Words', 'The Daily News'])
                #print "quote", parse_text.stripPunc(quote)
                if quote in periodicals:
                    self.add_magazine(correspondence, quote)
                if work in works:
                    if work == "Copperfield":
                        work = "David Copperfield"
                    elif work == "Nickleby":
                        work = "Nicholas Nickleby"
                    elif work == "Edwin Drood":
                        work = "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" 
                    elif work == "Dombey":
                        work = "Dombey and Son" 
                    elif work == "Tale of Two Cities":
                        work = "A Tale of Two Cities"
                    elif work == "Christmas Carol":
                        work = "A Christmas Carol"
                    self.add_text(correspondence, work)

        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)
        return letter_rdf
    def create_correspondent(self, corr, letter_items):
            u_corr = unicode(corr)

            correspondence = base_uri + "correspondent/resource/" + urllib.quote(corr)
            self.add_subject(correspondence, "correspondent")
            #self.add_correspondent(correspondence, corr)
            for url, text in letter_items:
                if url is not None or url != '':
                    self.add_salutation(correspondence, corr, str(url))
            #need rules to define relationships - family, authors
            if u_corr == "Miss Hogarth":
                self.add_subject(correspondence, "daughter")
                self.add_daughter(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
                self.add_sameas(correspondence, "http://dbpedia.org/page/Georgina_Hogarth")
            letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)
            return letter_rdf
    def create_publication(self, title, type):
            books_set = {}
            start = '';
            end = '';
            abstract = '';
            uri_str = '';
            source = '';

            books = dbase.get_book_rdf(title)
            book_items = books.items()

            for u, book in book_items:

                title = u
                start = book[0]
                end = book[1]
                abstract = book[2]
                uri_str = book[3]
                source = book[4]
                 #create a books dictionary as a list of records to build a list of uris from
                 # title => uri string
                books_set[u] = uri_str
                if ":" in u:
                    for bk in u.split(":"):
                        books_set[bk[0]] = uri_str
                if "The " in u or "A " in u:
                    aka = u.replace("The ", "").replace("A ", "")
                    books_set[aka] = uri_str
            correspondence = base_uri + type + "/resource/" + title.strip().replace(" ", "_")
            self.add_subject(correspondence, type)
            self.add_subject(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
            self.add_author(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")    
            self.add_time(correspondence, start)
            self.add_time(correspondence, end)
            self.add_title(correspondence, title)
            self.add_abstract(correspondence, abstract)
            uri = u"http://dbpedia.org/page/" + uri_str
            self.add_sameas(correspondence, uri)
            if type == "book":
               source_uri = "http://gutenberg.org/ebooks/" + source
               self.add_sameas(correspondence, source_uri)
            letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)
            return letter_rdf
    def create_place (self, placeobj):
        (lat, long, place_name, source) = ('','','','')
        for location in placeobj:
            place_name= location.placeid
            lat = location.latitude
            long = location.longitude
            source = location.source
        correspondence = base_uri + "place/resource/" + urllib.quote(place_name)+ "/rdf"
        self.add_latitude(correspondence, lat)
        self.add_longitude(correspondence, long)
        self.add_place_name(correspondence, place_name)
        #self.add_description(correspondence, place_abstract)
        self.add_sameas(correspondence, source)
        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)
        return letter_rdf

    def create_author (self, data):
           function to return an author graph in rdf
        author = u"Charles Dickens"
        subject = u"author"
        born = u"1812-02-07"
        died = u"1870-06-09"
        abstract = u"Charles John Huffam Dickens, pen-name 'Boz', was the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era, and one of the most popular of all time, responsible for some of English literature's most iconic characters. Many of his novels, with their recurrent theme of social reform, first appeared in periodicals and magazines in serialised form, a popular format for fiction at the time. Unlike other authors who completed entire novels before serial production began, Dickens often wrote them while they were being serialized, creating them in the order in which they were meant to appear. The practice lent his stories a particular rhythm, punctuated by one 'cliffhanger' after another to keep the public looking forward to the next installment. The continuing popularity of his novels and short stories is such that they have never gone out of print. His work has been praised for its mastery of prose and unique personalities by writers such as George Gissing and G. K. Chesterton, though the same characteristics prompted others, such as Henry James and Virginia Woolf, to criticize him for sentimentality and implausibility."
        author_url = u"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Dickens"
        correspondence = base_uri + "author/resource/" + author
        self.add_subject(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
        self.add_subject(correspondence, "author")
        self.add_nick(correspondence, "Boz")
        self.add_time(correspondence, born)
        self.add_time(correspondence, died)
        self.add_abstract(correspondence, abstract)
        self.add_sameas(correspondence, author_url)
        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)
        return letter_rdf
    def add_author(self, correspondence, name):
        ''' function to add author to graph '''  
        dc_author = urllib.quote(name)
        lauthor = URIRef(base_uri+ 'author/resource/%s' % dc_author)+ "/rdf"
        self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['creator'], lauthor))
        #self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['creator'], Literal(name)))
        return lauthor

    def add_salutation(self, correspondence, author, name):
        ''' function to add salutation to graph '''        
        nameid = urllib.quote(author)
        person = URIRef(base_uri + 'correspondent/resource/%s' % nameid)+ "/rdf"
        #self.g.add((person, RDF.type, FOAF['nick']))
        self.g.add((correspondence, FOAF['nick'], Literal(name)))
        return person

    def add_correspondent(self, correspondence, name):
        ''' function to add correspondent to graph '''        
        nameid = urllib.quote(name)
        person = URIRef(base_uri + 'correspondent/resource/%s' % nameid)+ "/rdf"
        self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns["correspondent"], person))
        #self.g.add((person, Letter, Literal(name)))
        return person

    def add_magazine(self, correspondence, name):
        ''' function to add magazine to graph '''       
        nameid = urllib.quote(name)
        magazine = URIRef(base_uri + 'magazine/resource/%s' % nameid)+ "/rdf"
        self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns['textReferred'], magazine))
        #self.g.add((person, Letter, Literal(name)))
        return magazine

    def add_text (self, correspondence, textname):
        ''' function to add referred text to the graph'''
        textid = base_uri + "book/resource/"+textname.replace("\n", "_").replace(" ", "_")+ "/rdf"
        return self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns['textReferred'], URIRef(textid)))        
    def add_author_text (self, correspondence, textname):
        ''' function to add author referred text to the graph'''
        textid = urllib.quote(textname)
        self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns['textAuthorReferred'], Literal(textname)))        
        return book
    def add_place(self, correspondence, place):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['date'], Literal(str(time))))
    def add_subject (self, correspondence, subject):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['subject'], Literal(subject))) 
    def add_sameas (self, correspondence, link):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, owl['sameAs'], URIRef(link)))
    def add_time(self, correspondence, time):
        ''' function to add time '''
        return self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['date'], Literal(str(time))))

    def add_title (self, correspondence, title):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['title'], Literal(title)))
    def add_nick (self, correspondence, nick):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, FOAF['nick'], Literal(nick)))
    def add_place (self, correspondence, place):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['title'], URIRef(base_uri + "place/resource/"+urllib.quote(place)+ "/rdf")))
    def add_daughter (self, correspondence, author):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, exam['daughter'], URIRef(base_uri + "author/resource/" + author + "/rdf")))
    def add_letter_text (self, correspondence, letter_text):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns['Text'], Literal(letter_text)))
    def add_longitude (self, correspondence, long):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, geo['long'], Literal(long)))
    def add_latitude (self, correspondence, lat):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, geo['lat'], Literal(lat)))
    def add_description (self, correspondence, abstract):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, geo['desc'], Literal(abstract)))
    def add_place_name (self, correspondence, name):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, geo['name'], Literal(name)))
    def add_abstract (self, correspondence, letters):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns['text'], Literal(letters)))
    def add_open (self, correspondence, letters):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns['open'], Literal(letters)))

    def add_close (self, correspondence, letters):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns['close'], Literal(letters)))
Exemplo n.º 13
def update_rdf_for_conversion(prefix, vocab_properties, rdf_vocab_properties):

    #(id, base, prefix) = get_vocab_base(vocabfile)
    html_vocab_properties = {}
    html_vocab_properties['format'] = 'text/html'
    html_vocab_properties['name'] = "%s.html" % os.path.splitext(
    html_vocab_properties['path'] = rdf_vocab_properties['path'].replace(
        rdf_vocab_properties['name'], html_vocab_properties['name'])
    html_vocab_properties['uri'] = rdf_vocab_properties['uri'].replace(
        rdf_vocab_properties['name'], html_vocab_properties['name'])

    newrdf_vocab_properties = {}
    newrdf_vocab_properties['format'] = 'application/rdf+xml'
    newrdf_vocab_properties['name'] = "%s_modified.rdf" % os.path.splitext(
    newrdf_vocab_properties['path'] = rdf_vocab_properties['path'].replace(
        rdf_vocab_properties['name'], newrdf_vocab_properties['name'])
    newrdf_vocab_properties['uri'] = rdf_vocab_properties['uri'].replace(
        rdf_vocab_properties['name'], newrdf_vocab_properties['name'])

    graph = Graph()

    subject = None
    for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['rdf']['type'],
        subject = s

    #graph2 = Graph()
    graph_ns = []
    for nsprefix, nsurl in graph.namespaces():
    for prefix, url in namespaces.iteritems():
        if not str(url) in graph_ns:
            graph.bind(prefix, URIRef(url))

    #properties = get_vocab_properties(prefix)
    #subject = None
    #for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['dc']['title'], None):
    #    subject = s
    #if not subject:
    #    for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['dcterms']['title'], None):
    #        subject = s
    #if not subject:
    #    for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['dc']['creator'], None):
    #        subject = s
    #if not subject:
    #    for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['dcterms']['creator'], None):
    #        subject = s

    formatNode1 = BNode()
    formatNode2 = BNode()

    #Add vocabulary properties identifier and format
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['dc']['identifier'],
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['dcterms']['isVersionOf'],
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['dcterms']['hasFormat'],
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['dcterms']['hasFormat'],
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['vann']['preferredNamespaceUri'],
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['vann']['preferredNamespacePrefix'],

    graph.add((URIRef(html_vocab_properties['uri']), namespaces['rdf']['type'],
               namespaces['dc']['format'], formatNode1))
    graph.add((formatNode1, namespaces['rdf']['value'], Literal('text/html')))
    graph.add((formatNode1, namespaces['rdfs']['label'], Literal('HTML')))
    graph.add((formatNode1, namespaces['rdf']['type'],

    graph.add((URIRef(rdf_vocab_properties['uri']), namespaces['rdf']['type'],
    graph.add((URIRef(rdf_vocab_properties['uri']), namespaces['dc']['format'],
    graph.add((formatNode2, namespaces['rdf']['value'],
    graph.add((formatNode2, namespaces['rdfs']['label'], Literal('RDF')))
    graph.add((formatNode2, namespaces['rdf']['type'],

    #Add rdfs:isDefinedBy for each class / property / term of the vocabulary
    #Find if schema is rdfs / owl. This defines the possible types (rdf:type) for each class / property / term
    #testo = vocab_type_definitions_test['rdfs']
    #subjects = []
    #subs = graph.subjects(namespaces['rdf']['type'], URIRef(testo))
    #for s in subs:
    #    subjects.append(s)
    #if subjects:
    #    objects = vocab_type_definitions_rdfs
    #    objects = vocab_type_definitions_owl

    #For all subjects that are of the type found above, add rdfs:isDefinedBy
    #for o in objects:
    #    subs = graph.subjects(namespaces['rdf']['type'], o)
    #    for s in subs:
    #        graph.add((s, namespaces['rdfs']['isDefinedBy'], URIRef(vocab_properties['preferredNamespaceUri'])))

    list_of_terms = get_terms(rdf_vocab_properties['path'])
    for s in list_of_terms:
        graph.add((URIRef(s), namespaces['rdfs']['isDefinedBy'],

    rdf_str = None
    rdf_str = graph.serialize(format="pretty-xml")
    #f = codecs.open(newrdf_vocab_properties['path'], 'w', 'utf-8')
    f = codecs.open(newrdf_vocab_properties['path'], 'w')
    return (newrdf_vocab_properties, html_vocab_properties)
def update_rdf_for_conversion(prefix, vocab_properties, rdf_vocab_properties):

    #(id, base, prefix) = get_vocab_base(vocabfile)
    html_vocab_properties = {}
    html_vocab_properties['format'] = 'text/html'
    html_vocab_properties['name'] = "%s.html"%os.path.splitext(rdf_vocab_properties['name'])[0]
    html_vocab_properties['path'] = rdf_vocab_properties['path'].replace(rdf_vocab_properties['name'], html_vocab_properties['name'])
    html_vocab_properties['uri'] = rdf_vocab_properties['uri'].replace(rdf_vocab_properties['name'], html_vocab_properties['name'])

    newrdf_vocab_properties = {}
    newrdf_vocab_properties['format'] = 'application/rdf+xml'
    newrdf_vocab_properties['name'] = "%s_modified.rdf"%os.path.splitext(rdf_vocab_properties['name'])[0]
    newrdf_vocab_properties['path'] = rdf_vocab_properties['path'].replace(rdf_vocab_properties['name'], newrdf_vocab_properties['name'])
    newrdf_vocab_properties['uri'] = rdf_vocab_properties['uri'].replace(rdf_vocab_properties['name'], newrdf_vocab_properties['name'])

    graph = Graph()

    subject = None
    for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['rdf']['type'], URIRef(namespaces['owl']['Ontology'])):
        subject = s

    #graph2 = Graph()
    graph_ns = []
    for nsprefix, nsurl in graph.namespaces():
    for prefix, url in namespaces.iteritems():
        if not str(url) in graph_ns:
            graph.bind(prefix, URIRef(url))

    #properties = get_vocab_properties(prefix)
    #subject = None
    #for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['dc']['title'], None):
    #    subject = s
    #if not subject:
    #    for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['dcterms']['title'], None):
    #        subject = s
    #if not subject:
    #    for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['dc']['creator'], None):
    #        subject = s
    #if not subject:
    #    for s in graph.subjects(namespaces['dcterms']['creator'], None):
    #        subject = s

    formatNode1 = BNode()
    formatNode2 = BNode()

    #Add vocabulary properties identifier and format
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['dc']['identifier'], URIRef(rdf_vocab_properties['uri'])))
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['dcterms']['isVersionOf'], URIRef(vocab_properties['preferredNamespaceUri'])))
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['dcterms']['hasFormat'], URIRef(rdf_vocab_properties['uri'])))
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['dcterms']['hasFormat'], URIRef(html_vocab_properties['uri'])))
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['vann']['preferredNamespaceUri'], URIRef(vocab_properties['preferredNamespaceUri'])))
    graph.add((subject, namespaces['vann']['preferredNamespacePrefix'], URIRef(vocab_properties['preferredNamespacePrefix'])))

    graph.add((URIRef(html_vocab_properties['uri']), namespaces['rdf']['type'], URIRef(namespaces['dctype']['Text'])))
    graph.add((URIRef(html_vocab_properties['uri']), namespaces['dc']['format'], formatNode1))
    graph.add((formatNode1, namespaces['rdf']['value'], Literal('text/html')))
    graph.add((formatNode1, namespaces['rdfs']['label'], Literal('HTML')))
    graph.add((formatNode1, namespaces['rdf']['type'], URIRef(namespaces['dcterms']['IMT'])))

    graph.add((URIRef(rdf_vocab_properties['uri']), namespaces['rdf']['type'], URIRef(namespaces['dctype']['Text'])))
    graph.add((URIRef(rdf_vocab_properties['uri']), namespaces['dc']['format'], formatNode2))
    graph.add((formatNode2, namespaces['rdf']['value'], Literal('application/rdf+xml')))
    graph.add((formatNode2, namespaces['rdfs']['label'], Literal('RDF')))
    graph.add((formatNode2, namespaces['rdf']['type'], URIRef(namespaces['dcterms']['IMT'])))

    #Add rdfs:isDefinedBy for each class / property / term of the vocabulary
    #Find if schema is rdfs / owl. This defines the possible types (rdf:type) for each class / property / term
    #testo = vocab_type_definitions_test['rdfs']
    #subjects = []
    #subs = graph.subjects(namespaces['rdf']['type'], URIRef(testo))
    #for s in subs:
    #    subjects.append(s)
    #if subjects:
    #    objects = vocab_type_definitions_rdfs
    #    objects = vocab_type_definitions_owl

    #For all subjects that are of the type found above, add rdfs:isDefinedBy
    #for o in objects: 
    #    subs = graph.subjects(namespaces['rdf']['type'], o)
    #    for s in subs:
    #        graph.add((s, namespaces['rdfs']['isDefinedBy'], URIRef(vocab_properties['preferredNamespaceUri'])))

    list_of_terms = get_terms(rdf_vocab_properties['path'])
    for s in list_of_terms:
        graph.add((URIRef(s), namespaces['rdfs']['isDefinedBy'], URIRef(vocab_properties['preferredNamespaceUri'])))

    rdf_str = None
    rdf_str = graph.serialize(format="pretty-xml")
    #f = codecs.open(newrdf_vocab_properties['path'], 'w', 'utf-8')
    f = codecs.open(newrdf_vocab_properties['path'], 'w')
    return (newrdf_vocab_properties, html_vocab_properties)
Exemplo n.º 15
class WithGraph(object):
    def setUp(self):
        super(WithGraph, self).setUp()
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph()
        self.graph.add((CMD['c2'], RDF.type, CMD['Bright']))
        self.cl = CommandLog(Graph2(self.graph, initNs=INITNS))
Exemplo n.º 16

# Incremental counter for vacancy IDs

for title,salary,location,company,crunchbase,ticker in csv.reader(file('joblist.csv')):
    # Create the vacancy
    location_id=location.lower().replace(' ','_').replace(',','')
    # Salary range

    # Create the company
    cnode=JB[company.lower().replace(' ','_')]
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __toRDF(self):
        Dump mailing list into a RDF file

        #rdf graph
        store = ConjunctiveGraph()
        store.bind('rdfs', RDFS)
        store.bind('swaml', SWAML)
        store.bind('sioc', SIOC)
        store.bind('sioct', SIOCT)
        store.bind('foaf', FOAF)
        store.bind('dc', DC)
        store.bind('mvcb', MVCB)

        #fisrt the host graph
        host = self.config.get('host')
        if (len(host) > 0):
            self.__addSite(store, host)

        #and then the mailing list
        list = URIRef(self.__getUri())
        store.add((list, RDF.type, SIOC['Forum']))
        #store.add((list, RDF.type, SIOCT['MailingList']))
        #list information
        title = self.config.get('title')
        if (len(title) > 0):
            store.add((list, DC['title'], Literal(title)))
        description = self.config.get('description')
        if (len(description) > 0):
            store.add((list, DC['description'], Literal(description)))
        if (len(host) > 0):
            store.add((list, SIOC['has_host'], URIRef(host)))
        store.add((list, SWAML['address'], Literal(self.config.get('to'))))
        store.add((list, DC['date'], Literal(FileDate(self.config.get('mbox')).getStringFormat())))
        store.add((list, MVCB['generatorAgent'], URIRef(self.config.getAgent())))
        store.add((list, MVCB['errorReportsTo'], URIRef('http://swaml.berlios.de/bugs')))
        if (self.lang != None):
            store.add((list, DC['language'], Literal(self.lang)))

        subscribers = self.subscribers.getSubscribersUris()
        for uri in subscribers:
            store.add((list, SIOC['has_subscriber'], URIRef(uri)))
            store.add((URIRef(uri), RDF.type, SIOC['UserAccount']))
        #and all messages
        for msg in self.index.items:
            uri = msg.getUri()
            store.add((list, SIOC['container_of'], URIRef(uri)))
            store.add((URIRef(uri), RDF.type, SIOC['Post']))
            parent = msg.getParent()
            if (parent != None):
                store.add((URIRef(uri), SIOC['reply_of'], URIRef(parent)))
        #and dump to disk
            rdf_file = open(self.config.get('dir')+'forum.rdf', 'w+')
        except IOError, detail:
            print 'Error exporting mailing list to RDF: ' + str(detail)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def toRDF(self):
        Print a message into RDF in XML format
        #rdf graph
        store = ConjunctiveGraph()
        store.bind('sioc', SIOC)
        store.bind('foaf', FOAF)
        store.bind('rdfs', RDFS)
        store.bind('dc', DC)
        store.bind('dct', DCT)

        #message node
        message = URIRef(self.getUri())
        store.add((message, RDF.type, SIOC["Post"]))

        #document node
        doc = URIRef(self.getUri()+'.rdf')
        store.add((doc, RDF.type, FOAF["Document"]))
        store.add((doc, FOAF["primaryTopic"], message))
            store.add((message, SIOC['id'], Literal(self.getSwamlId())))
            store.add((message, SIOC['link'], URIRef(self.getXhtmlUrl())))  
            store.add((message, SIOC['has_container'],URIRef(self.config.get('base')+'forum')))   
            store.add((message, SIOC["has_creator"], URIRef(self.getSender().getUri())))                    
            store.add((message, DC['title'], Literal(self.getSubject()))) 
            store.add((message, DCT['created'], Literal(self.getDate(), datatype=XSD[u'dateTime'])))  
            parent = self.getParent()
            if (parent != None):
                store.add((message, SIOC['reply_of'], URIRef(parent)))  
            if (len(self.childs) > 0):
                for child in self.childs:
                    store.add((message, SIOC['has_reply'], URIRef(child)))
            previous = self.getPreviousByDate()
            if (previous != None):
                store.add((message, SIOC['previous_by_date'], URIRef(previous)))
            next = self.getNextByDate()
            if (next != None):
                store.add((message, SIOC['next_by_date'], URIRef(next)))                
            store.add((message, SIOC['content'], Literal(self.getBody())))
        except Exception, detail:
            print 'Error proccesing message ' + str(self.getId()) + ': ' + str(detail) 
Exemplo n.º 19
from __future__ import division
import sys, time
sys.path.insert(0, 'rdflib/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.5')

from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph
from rdflib import Namespace, Literal

EX = Namespace("http://example.com/")
graph = ConjunctiveGraph('TokyoCabinet')
graph.open("tcgraph", create=True)
graph.add((EX['hello'], EX['world'], Literal("lit")))
print list(graph.triples((None, None, None)))

def message_board_to_sioc(dbfile):

    # Get all the messages and add them to the graph
    cur.execute('SELECT id,title,content,user FROM messages')
    for id,title,content,user in cur.fetchall():
        mnode=MB['messages/%d' % id]
        sg.add((mnode,SIOC['has_creator'],MB['users/%s' % user]))        

    # Get all the users and add them to the graph
    cur.execute('SELECT id,name,email FROM users')
    for id,name,email in cur.fetchall():
        unode=MB['users/%d' % id]

    # Get subjects
    cur.execute('SELECT id,description FROM subjects')
    for id,description in cur.fetchall():
        sg.add((MB['subjects/%d' % id],RDFS['label'],Literal(description)))
    # Link subject to messages
    cur.execute('SELECT message_id,subject_id FROM message_subjects')
    for mid,sid in cur.fetchall():
        sg.add((MB['messages/%s' % mid],SIOC['topic'],MB['subjects/%s'] % sid))


    return sg
def message_board_to_sioc(dbfile):
    sg = ConjunctiveGraph()
    sg.bind('foaf', FOAF)
    sg.bind('sioc', SIOC)
    sg.bind('dc', DC)

    conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile)
    cur = conn.cursor()

    # Get all the messages and add them to the graph
    cur.execute('SELECT id,title,content,user FROM messages')

    for id, title, content, user in cur.fetchall():
        mnode = MB['messages/%d' % id]
        sg.add((mnode, RDF.type, SIOC['Post']))
        sg.add((mnode, DC['title'], Literal(title)))
        sg.add((mnode, SIOC['content'], Literal(content)))
        sg.add((mnode, SIOC['has_creator'], MB['users/%s' % user]))

    # Get all the users and add them to the graph
    cur.execute('SELECT id,name,email FROM users')
    for id, name, email in cur.fetchall():
        sg.add((mnode, RDF.type, SIOC['User']))
        unode = MB['users/%d' % id]
        sg.add((unode, FOAF['name'], Literal(name)))
        sg.add((unode, FOAF['email'], Literal(email)))

    # Get subjects
    cur.execute('SELECT id,description FROM subjects')
    for id, description in cur.fetchall():
        sg.add((mnode, RDF.type, DCTERMS['subject']))
        sg.add((MB['subjects/%d' % id], RDFS['label'], Literal(description)))

    # Link subject to messages
    cur.execute('SELECT message_id,subject_id FROM message_subjects')
    for mid, sid in cur.fetchall():
            (MB['messages/%s' % mid], SIOC['topic'], MB['subjects/%s'] % sid))


    return sg
from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph
from rdflib import Namespace, BNode, Literal, RDF, URIRef
import csv
import pysesame

JB = Namespace("http://semprog.com/schemas/jobboard#")
GEO = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#')


for city,lat,long in csv.reader(file('city_locations.csv','U')):
print data
print c.postdata(data)

Exemplo n.º 23
    def __toRDF(self):
        Dump to RDF file all subscribers
        if not (os.path.exists(self.config.get('dir'))):

        #rdf graph
        store = ConjunctiveGraph()
        store.bind('sioc', SIOC)
        store.bind('foaf', FOAF)
        store.bind('rdfs', RDFS)
        count = 0

        #a Node for each subcriber
        for mail, subscriber in self.subscribers.items():
            count += 1
            user = URIRef(subscriber.getUri())
            store.add((user, RDF.type, SIOC['UserAccount']))
            store.add((user, SIOC['subscriber_of'], URIRef(self.config.get('base') + 'forum')))
                name = subscriber.getName()
                if (len(name) > 0):
                    store.add((user, SIOC['name'], Literal(name) ))            
                store.add((user, SIOC['email_sha1'], Literal(subscriber.getShaMail())))
                if (self.config.get('foaf')):
                    foafDoc, foafUri = subscriber.getFoaf()
                    if (foafDoc != None):
                        store.add((user, RDFS['seeAlso'], URIRef(foafDoc)))

                    if (foafUri != None):
                        store.add((user, SIOC['account_of'], URIRef(foafUri)))
                        lat, lon = subscriber.getGeo()
                        if (lat != None and lon != None): 
                            store.bind('geo', GEO)                       
                            geo = BNode()
                            store.add((user, FOAF['based_near'], geo))
                            store.add((geo, RDF.type, GEO['Point']))		
                            store.add((geo, GEO['lat'], Literal(lat)))
                            store.add((geo, GEO['long'], Literal(lon)))
                        pic = subscriber.getPic()
                        if (pic != None):
                            store.add((user, SIOC['avatar'], URIRef(pic)))

                        homepage = subscriber.getHomepage()
                        if (pic != None):
                            store.add((user, FOAF['homepage'], URIRef(homepage)))
            except UnicodeDecodeError, detail:
                print 'Error proccesing subscriber ' + subscriber.getName() + ': ' + str(detail)
            sentMails = subscriber.getSentMails()
            if (len(sentMails)>0):
                for uri in sentMails:
                    store.add((user, SIOC['creator_of'], URIRef(uri)))
Exemplo n.º 24
def make_rdf_graph(movies):

    for movie in movies:
        # Make a movie node
        # Make the director node, give it a name and link it to the movie

        for actor in movie['actors']:
            # The performance node is a blank node -- it has no URI
            # The performance is connected to the actor and the movie
            # If you had the name of the role, you could also add it to the
            # performance node, e.g.
            # mg.add((performance,FB['film.performance.role'],Literal('Carrie Bradshaw')))


    return mg
Exemplo n.º 25
from construct.proxy import proxy
from construct.constructservice import ServiceError

from rdflib import RDF, Namespace, Literal
from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph
FOAF = Namespace("http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")
exampleNS = Namespace("http://www.example.com/")
#Create a new Proxy object.
proxy = proxy()
print "Executing Script"
    # Generate a piece of FOAF RDF
    store = ConjunctiveGraph()
    store.bind("foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")
    store.add((exampleNS["~joebloggs"], RDF.type, FOAF["Person"]))
    store.add((exampleNS["~joebloggs"], FOAF["name"], Literal("Joe Bloggs")))
    store.add((exampleNS["~joebloggs"], FOAF["nick"], Literal("joe")))
    store.add((exampleNS["~joebloggs"], FOAF["givenname"], Literal("Joe")))
    store.add((exampleNS["~joebloggs"], FOAF["family_name"], Literal("Bloggs")))
    data = store.serialize(format="nt")
    #Send the FOAF RDF to the data store
    if proxy.insert(data):
        print "The following data were added correctly:"
        print data
        print "Problem encountered when adding the following data:"
        print data
except ServiceError, e:
    print e
# Close the proxy.
# Connecion to Sesame


# Find companies with ticker symbols
res=con.query('select ?id ?ticker where {?id company:symbol ?ticker .}')

# Loop over the results
for row in res:
    url='http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=%s&a=00&b=28&c=2008&d=00&e=28&f=2009&g=m&ignore=.csv' % ticker
    rows=[row for row in reader(urllib.urlopen(url))]

    # Calculate percent change


print cg.serialize(format='xml')
Exemplo n.º 27
# Find seeAlso URLs containing Crunchbase
res=con.query('select ?id ?url where {?id rdfs:seeAlso ?url . FILTER regex(?url, "crunchbase")}')

# Loop over the results
for row in res:

    # Add company locations
    for loc in record['offices']:
        if loc['city'] and loc['state_code']:
            cityid='%s_%s' % (loc['city'].lower().replace(' ','_'),loc['state_code'].lower())

    # Add URL

    # Add funding rounds
    for fr in record['funding_rounds']:
        cg.add((round,DC['date'], Literal(str(fr['funded_year']))))

print data
Exemplo n.º 28
class rdf_transform:
    def __init__(self):

        self.g = Graph('IOMemory')
        self.g.bind('dc', dublin_core)
        self.g.bind('foaf', FOAF)
        self.g.bind('time-entry', owl_time)
        self.g.bind('letter', letter_ns)
        self.g.bind('owl', owl)
        self.g.bind('ex', exam)
        self.g.bind('geo', geo)
        self.g.bind('base', base_uri)

    def create_rdf_letter(self, letters):
          creates an rdf representation of letter used to load into the triple store
        for l in letters:
            correspondence = base_uri + "letters/resource/" + l.type + '/' + urllib.quote(
                l.correspondent) + '/' + str(l.id) + '/rdf'
            self.add_author(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
            self.add_subject(correspondence, "letter")
            self.add_time(correspondence, str(l.letter_date) + 'T00:00:00')
            self.add_correspondent(correspondence, l.correspondent)

            #self.add_place(correspondence, parse_text.find_geographical(l.letter_text))
            place = ''
                place = str(l.letter_place)
            #unicode errors are text related
            except UnicodeError:

            if place is not '':
                self.add_place(correspondence, place)

            self.add_letter_text(correspondence, l.letter_text)
            self.add_salutation(correspondence, l.correspondent, l.salutation)

            #for line in l.letter_text.splitlines():
            #    if len(line.strip()) > 1:
            #        self.add_open(correspondence, parse_text.parse_salutation_line(line))
            #this section will parse for proper names in due course
            #commented out whilst code is being ported
            #letter_name = parse_text.parseProperNames(text)
            # print"names, ", letter_name

            #for name in letter_name:
            #    letter_rdf += "<letter:personReferred>%s</letter:personReferred>" %(name)

            letter_quotes = parse_text.parse_balanced_quotes(l.letter_text)
            for quote in letter_quotes:
                if str(quote[0:1]).isupper and "!" not in quote:
                    if quote == "ALL THE YEAR ROUND" or quote == "HOUSEHOLD WORDS" or quote == "Household Words":

        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)
        return letter_rdf

    def create_rdf_end(self):
        ''' function to create an endpoint in rdf/xml '''
        correspondence = base_uri

        letter = {}
        letter = dbase.get_endpoint_rdf()

        letter_items = letter.items()

        works = set()
        works = dbase.get_books()

        for url, text in letter_items:

                correspondence = base_uri + "letters/resource/dickens/" + urllib.quote(
                    str(text[1])) + '/' + str(url) + '/rdf'
                self.add_author(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
                self.add_subject(correspondence, "letter")
                self.add_subject(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
                self.add_time(correspondence, str(text[3]) + 'T00:00:00')
                self.add_correspondent(correspondence, str(text[1]))
                self.add_salutation(correspondence, urllib.quote(str(text[1])),
                place = str(text[5])
                #for line in str(text[2]).splitlines():
                #    self.add_open(correspondence, parse_text.parse_salutation_line(str(text[2])))
                letter = str(text[2])
            #unicode errors are text related
            except UnicodeError:
            if place is not None:
                self.add_place(correspondence, place)

            self.add_letter_text(correspondence, letter)

            #this section will parse for proper names in due course
            #commented out whilst code is being ported
            #letter_name = parse_text.parseProperNames(text)
            # print"names, ", letter_name

            letter_quotes = parse_text.parse_balanced_quotes(text[2])
            for quote in letter_quotes:
                work = parse_text.stripPunc(quote)

                #TODO: Normalise the text to reduce code repetition
                periodicals = set([
                    'All The Year Round', 'Household Words', 'The Daily News'
                #print "quote", parse_text.stripPunc(quote)
                if quote in periodicals:
                    self.add_magazine(correspondence, quote)

                if work in works:
                    if work == "Copperfield":
                        work = "David Copperfield"
                    elif work == "Nickleby":
                        work = "Nicholas Nickleby"
                    elif work == "Edwin Drood":
                        work = "The Mystery of Edwin Drood"
                    elif work == "Dombey":
                        work = "Dombey and Son"
                    elif work == "Tale of Two Cities":
                        work = "A Tale of Two Cities"
                    elif work == "Christmas Carol":
                        work = "A Christmas Carol"

                    self.add_text(correspondence, work)

        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)
        return letter_rdf

    def create_correspondent(self, corr, letter_items):
        u_corr = unicode(corr)

        correspondence = base_uri + "correspondent/resource/" + urllib.quote(
        self.add_subject(correspondence, "correspondent")
        #self.add_correspondent(correspondence, corr)

        for url, text in letter_items:
            if url is not None or url != '':
                self.add_salutation(correspondence, corr, str(url))
        #need rules to define relationships - family, authors
        if u_corr == "Miss Hogarth":
            self.add_subject(correspondence, "daughter")
            self.add_daughter(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")

        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)

        return letter_rdf

    def create_publication(self, title, type):
        books_set = {}
        start = ''
        end = ''
        abstract = ''
        uri_str = ''
        source = ''

        books = dbase.get_book_rdf(title)
        book_items = books.items()

        for u, book in book_items:

            title = u
            start = book[0]
            end = book[1]
            abstract = book[2]
            uri_str = book[3]
            source = book[4]
            #create a books dictionary as a list of records to build a list of uris from
            # title => uri string
            books_set[u] = uri_str

            if ":" in u:
                for bk in u.split(":"):
                    books_set[bk[0]] = uri_str

            if "The " in u or "A " in u:
                aka = u.replace("The ", "").replace("A ", "")
                books_set[aka] = uri_str

        correspondence = base_uri + type + "/resource/" + title.strip(
        ).replace(" ", "_")
        self.add_subject(correspondence, type)
        self.add_subject(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
        self.add_author(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
        self.add_time(correspondence, start)
        self.add_time(correspondence, end)
        self.add_title(correspondence, title)

        self.add_abstract(correspondence, abstract)
        uri = u"http://dbpedia.org/page/" + uri_str
        self.add_sameas(correspondence, uri)

        if type == "book":
            source_uri = "http://gutenberg.org/ebooks/" + source
            self.add_sameas(correspondence, source_uri)

        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)

        return letter_rdf

    def create_place(self, placeobj):
        (lat, long, place_name, source) = ('', '', '', '')

        for location in placeobj:
            place_name = location.placeid
            lat = location.latitude
            long = location.longitude
            source = location.source

        correspondence = base_uri + "place/resource/" + urllib.quote(
            place_name) + "/rdf"
        self.add_latitude(correspondence, lat)
        self.add_longitude(correspondence, long)
        self.add_place_name(correspondence, place_name)
        #self.add_description(correspondence, place_abstract)
        self.add_sameas(correspondence, source)

        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)

        return letter_rdf

    def create_author(self, data):
           function to return an author graph in rdf
        author = u"Charles Dickens"
        subject = u"author"
        born = u"1812-02-07"
        died = u"1870-06-09"
        abstract = u"Charles John Huffam Dickens, pen-name 'Boz', was the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era, and one of the most popular of all time, responsible for some of English literature's most iconic characters. Many of his novels, with their recurrent theme of social reform, first appeared in periodicals and magazines in serialised form, a popular format for fiction at the time. Unlike other authors who completed entire novels before serial production began, Dickens often wrote them while they were being serialized, creating them in the order in which they were meant to appear. The practice lent his stories a particular rhythm, punctuated by one 'cliffhanger' after another to keep the public looking forward to the next installment. The continuing popularity of his novels and short stories is such that they have never gone out of print. His work has been praised for its mastery of prose and unique personalities by writers such as George Gissing and G. K. Chesterton, though the same characteristics prompted others, such as Henry James and Virginia Woolf, to criticize him for sentimentality and implausibility."
        author_url = u"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Dickens"

        correspondence = base_uri + "author/resource/" + author
        self.add_subject(correspondence, "Charles Dickens")
        self.add_subject(correspondence, "author")
        self.add_nick(correspondence, "Boz")
        self.add_time(correspondence, born)
        self.add_time(correspondence, died)
        self.add_abstract(correspondence, abstract)
        self.add_sameas(correspondence, author_url)

        letter_rdf = self.g.serialize(format="pretty-xml", max_depth=3)

        return letter_rdf

    def add_author(self, correspondence, name):
        ''' function to add author to graph '''
        dc_author = urllib.quote(name)
        lauthor = URIRef(base_uri + 'author/resource/%s' % dc_author) + "/rdf"
        self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['creator'], lauthor))
        #self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['creator'], Literal(name)))
        return lauthor

    def add_salutation(self, correspondence, author, name):
        ''' function to add salutation to graph '''
        nameid = urllib.quote(author)
        person = URIRef(base_uri +
                        'correspondent/resource/%s' % nameid) + "/rdf"
        #self.g.add((person, RDF.type, FOAF['nick']))
        self.g.add((correspondence, FOAF['nick'], Literal(name)))

        return person

    def add_correspondent(self, correspondence, name):
        ''' function to add correspondent to graph '''
        nameid = urllib.quote(name)
        person = URIRef(base_uri +
                        'correspondent/resource/%s' % nameid) + "/rdf"
        self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns["correspondent"], person))
        #self.g.add((person, Letter, Literal(name)))

        return person

    def add_magazine(self, correspondence, name):
        ''' function to add magazine to graph '''
        nameid = urllib.quote(name)
        magazine = URIRef(base_uri + 'magazine/resource/%s' % nameid) + "/rdf"
        self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns['textReferred'], magazine))
        #self.g.add((person, Letter, Literal(name)))

        return magazine

    def add_text(self, correspondence, textname):
        ''' function to add referred text to the graph'''
        textid = base_uri + "book/resource/" + textname.replace(
            "\n", "_").replace(" ", "_") + "/rdf"
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, letter_ns['textReferred'], URIRef(textid)))

    def add_author_text(self, correspondence, textname):
        ''' function to add author referred text to the graph'''
        textid = urllib.quote(textname)
        self.g.add((correspondence, letter_ns['textAuthorReferred'],
        return book

    def add_place(self, correspondence, place):
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, dublin_core['date'], Literal(str(time))))

    def add_subject(self, correspondence, subject):
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, dublin_core['subject'], Literal(subject)))

    def add_sameas(self, correspondence, link):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, owl['sameAs'], URIRef(link)))

    def add_time(self, correspondence, time):
        ''' function to add time '''
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, dublin_core['date'], Literal(str(time))))

    def add_title(self, correspondence, title):
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, dublin_core['title'], Literal(title)))

    def add_nick(self, correspondence, nick):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, FOAF['nick'], Literal(nick)))

    def add_place(self, correspondence, place):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, dublin_core['title'],
                           URIRef(base_uri + "place/resource/" +
                                  urllib.quote(place) + "/rdf")))

    def add_daughter(self, correspondence, author):
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, exam['daughter'],
             URIRef(base_uri + "author/resource/" + author + "/rdf")))

    def add_letter_text(self, correspondence, letter_text):
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, letter_ns['Text'], Literal(letter_text)))

    def add_longitude(self, correspondence, long):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, geo['long'], Literal(long)))

    def add_latitude(self, correspondence, lat):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, geo['lat'], Literal(lat)))

    def add_description(self, correspondence, abstract):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, geo['desc'], Literal(abstract)))

    def add_place_name(self, correspondence, name):
        return self.g.add((correspondence, geo['name'], Literal(name)))

    def add_abstract(self, correspondence, letters):
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, letter_ns['text'], Literal(letters)))

    def add_open(self, correspondence, letters):
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, letter_ns['open'], Literal(letters)))

    def add_close(self, correspondence, letters):
        return self.g.add(
            (correspondence, letter_ns['close'], Literal(letters)))
Exemplo n.º 29
    def build(self, person):
        FOAF = Namespace("http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")
        MYTERMS = Namespace("http://peoples.org/terms/")

        graph = ConjunctiveGraph()
        user = BNode('user')
        graph.add((user, MYTERMS['vkontakteID'], Literal(person.id)))
        graph.add((user, RDF.type, FOAF['Person']))
        graph.add((user, FOAF['firstName'], Literal(person.name)))
        graph.add((user, FOAF['surname'], Literal(person.sname)))
        attr = [item for item in dir(person) if not callable(item)]
        if 'icq' in attr:
            graph.add((user, FOAF['icqChatID'], Literal(person.icq)))
        if 'nickname' in attr:
            graph.add((user, FOAF['nick'], Literal(person.nickname)))
        if 'town' in attr:
            graph.add((user, MYTERMS['town'], Literal(person.town)))
        if 'gender' in attr:
            graph.add((user, FOAF['gender'], Literal(person.gender)))
        if 'status' in attr:
            graph.add((user, MYTERMS['marital'], Literal(person.status)))
        if 'religion' in attr:
            graph.add((user, MYTERMS['religion'], Literal(person.religion)))
        if 'politic' in attr:
            graph.add((user, MYTERMS['politic'], Literal(person.politic)))
        if 'bday' or 'bmonth' or 'byear' in attr:
            birthday = BNode('birthday')
            graph.add((user, FOAF['birthday'], birthday))
        if 'bday' in attr:
            graph.add((birthday, MYTERMS['bday'], Literal(person.bday)))
        if 'bmonth' in attr:
            graph.add((birthday, MYTERMS['bmonth'], Literal(person.bmonth)))
        if 'byear' in attr:
            graph.add((birthday, MYTERMS['byear'], Literal(person.byear)))
        if 'university' in attr:
            university = BNode('university') 
            graph.add((user, MYTERMS['university'], university))
            graph.add((university, MYTERMS['university_name'], Literal( \
            if 'faculty' in attr:
                graph.add((university, MYTERMS['faculty_name'], Literal( \
            if 'chair' in attr:
                graph.add((university, MYTERMS['chair_name'], Literal( \
            if 'edu_form' in attr:
                graph.add((university, MYTERMS['edu_form'], Literal( \

        friends = BNode('friends')
        graph.add((user, MYTERMS['friends'], friends))
        graph.add((friends, RDF.type, RDF.Bag))
        for id in person.friends.keys():
            friend = URIRef('http://vkontakte.ru/id%s' % id)
            graph.add((friends, RDF.li, friend))

        # save graph to rdf-file
        fname = "%s.rdf" % person.id
        graph.serialize(os.path.join(self.store_path, fname), \
            format='xml', encoding='UTF-8')
Exemplo n.º 30
from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph
from rdflib import Namespace, BNode, Literal, RDF, URIRef
import csv
import pysesame

JB = Namespace("http://semprog.com/schemas/jobboard#")
GEO = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#')

lg = ConjunctiveGraph()
lg.bind('geo', GEO)

for city, lat, long in csv.reader(file('city_locations.csv', 'U')):
    lg.add((JB[city], GEO['lat'], Literal(float(lat))))
    lg.add((JB[city], GEO['long'], Literal(float(long))))

data = lg.serialize(format='xml')
print data
c = pysesame.connection('http://semprog.com:8280/openrdf-sesame/')
print c.postdata(data)
Exemplo n.º 31
    'select ?id ?url where {?id rdfs:seeAlso ?url . FILTER regex(?url, "crunchbase")}'

# Loop over the results
for row in res:
    company = URIRef(row['id']['value'])
    url = row['url']['value']
    data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
    record = loads(data)

    # Add company locations
    for loc in record['offices']:
        if loc['city'] and loc['state_code']:
            cityid = '%s_%s' % (loc['city'].lower().replace(
                ' ', '_'), loc['state_code'].lower())
            cg.add((company, JB['location'], JB[cityid]))

    # Add URL
    cg.add((company, FOAF['homepage'], Literal(record['homepage_url'])))

    # Add funding rounds
    for fr in record['funding_rounds']:
        round = BNode()
        cg.add((company, JB['funding_round'], round))
        cg.add((round, JB['amount'], Literal(fr['raised_amount'])))
        cg.add((round, DC['date'], Literal(str(fr['funded_year']))))

data = cg.serialize(format='xml')
print data
Exemplo n.º 32
jg = ConjunctiveGraph()
jg.bind('jobs', JOBS)
jg.bind('dc', DC)
jg.bind('jobboard', JB)
jg.bind('company', COMPANY)
jg.bind('rdfs', RDFS)

# Incremental counter for vacancy IDs
vid = 0

for title, salary, location, company, crunchbase, ticker in csv.reader(
    # Create the vacancy
    vid += 1
    vacancy = JB[str(vid)]
    jg.add((vacancy, RDF.type, JOBS['Vacancy']))
    jg.add((vacancy, DC['title'], Literal(title)))

    location_id = location.lower().replace(' ', '_').replace(',', '')
    jg.add((vacancy, JB['location'], JB[location_id]))
    jg.add((JB[location_id], DC['title'], Literal(location)))

    # Salary range
    salaryrange = BNode()
    jg.add((vacancy, JOBS['salaryrange'], salaryrange))
    jg.add((salaryrange, JOBS['minimumsalary'], Literal(float(salary))))

    # Create the company
    cnode = JB[company.lower().replace(' ', '_')]
    jg.add((vacancy, JOBS['vacancywith'], cnode))
    jg.add((cnode, RDF.type, JOBS['Organization']))
# Connecion to Sesame
con = connection('http://freerisk.org:8280/openrdf-sesame/')
con.addnamespace('company', str(COMPANY))

cg = ConjunctiveGraph()
cg.bind('dc', DC)
cg.bind('jobboard', JB)

# Find companies with ticker symbols
res = con.query('select ?id ?ticker where {?id company:symbol ?ticker .}')

# Loop over the results
for row in res:
    company = URIRef(row['id']['value'])
    ticker = row['ticker']['value']

    url = 'http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=%s&a=00&b=28&c=2008&d=00&e=28&f=2009&g=m&ignore=.csv' % ticker

    rows = [row for row in reader(urllib.urlopen(url))]

    current = float(rows[1][6])
    yearago = float(rows[-1][6])

    # Calculate percent change
    change = ((current - yearago) / current) * 100

    cg.add((company, JB['stockpricechange'], Literal(change)))

print cg.serialize(format='xml')