Exemplo n.º 1
def get_conformer_energy(mol: Chem.Mol, confId: int = None) -> float:
    """Returns the energy of the conformer with `confId` in `mol`.
    if confId is None:
        confId = mol.GetNumConformers() - 1
    mmff_props = Chem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(mol)
    ff = Chem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(mol, mmff_props, confId=confId)
    energy = ff.CalcEnergy()

    return energy
Exemplo n.º 2
def prune_last_conformer(
        mol: Chem.Mol, tfd_thresh: float,
        energies: List[float]) -> Tuple[Chem.Mol, List[float]]:
    """Prunes the last conformer of the molecule.

    If no conformers in `mol` have a TFD (Torsional Fingerprint Deviation) with the last conformer of less than `tfd_thresh`,
    the last conformer is kept. Otherwise, the lowest energy conformer with TFD less than `tfd_thresh` is kept and all other conformers
    are discarded.

    mol : RDKit Mol
        The molecule to be pruned. The conformers in the molecule should be ordered by ascending energy.
    tfd_thresh : float
        The minimum threshold for TFD between conformers.
    energies : list of float
        A list of all the energies of the conformers in `mol`.

    mol : RDKit Mol
        The updated molecule after pruning, with conformers sorted by ascending energy.
    energies : list of float
        A list of all the energies of the conformers in `mol` after pruning and sorting by ascending energy.
    if tfd_thresh < 0 or mol.GetNumConformers() <= 1:
        return mol, energies

    idx = bisect.bisect(energies[:-1], energies[-1])
    tfd = TorsionFingerprints.GetTFDBetweenConformers(
              mol.GetNumConformers() - 1), [mol.GetNumConformers() - 1],
    tfd = np.array(tfd)

    # if lower energy conformer is within threshold, drop new conf
    if not np.all(tfd[:idx] >= tfd_thresh):
        energies = energies[:-1]
        mol.RemoveConformer(mol.GetNumConformers() - 1)
        return mol, energies
        keep = list(range(0, idx))
        keep.append(mol.GetNumConformers() - 1)
        keep += [
            x for x in range(idx,
                             mol.GetNumConformers() - 1)
            if tfd[x] >= tfd_thresh

        new = Chem.Mol(mol)
        for i in keep:
            conf = mol.GetConformer(i)
            new.AddConformer(conf, assignId=True)

        return new, [energies[i] for i in keep]
Exemplo n.º 3
def prune_conformers(mol: Chem.Mol, tfd_thresh: float) -> Chem.Mol:
    """Prunes all the conformers in the molecule.

    Removes conformers that have a TFD (torsional fingerprint deviation) lower than
    `tfd_thresh` with other conformers. Lowest energy conformers are kept.

    mol : RDKit Mol
        The molecule to be pruned.
    tfd_thresh : float
        The minimum threshold for TFD between conformers.

    mol : RDKit Mol
        The updated molecule after pruning.
    if tfd_thresh < 0 or mol.GetNumConformers() <= 1:
        return mol

    energies = get_conformer_energies(mol)
    tfd = tfd_matrix(mol)
    sort = np.argsort(energies)  # sort by increasing energy
    keep = []  # always keep lowest-energy conformer
    discard = []

    for i in sort:
        this_tfd = tfd[i][np.asarray(keep, dtype=int)]
        # discard conformers within the tfd threshold
        if np.all(this_tfd >= tfd_thresh):

    # create a new molecule to hold the chosen conformers
    # this ensures proper conformer IDs and energy-based ordering
    new = Chem.Mol(mol)
    for i in keep:
        conf = mol.GetConformer(int(i))
        new.AddConformer(conf, assignId=True)

    return new