Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, reference: str = None, target_s: str = None):
        Setup of the SuCOS scoring class. If you do not set reference or target_s, you will have to feed them
        as rdkit mol objects to each class method/function.

        Sets: self.reference: an rdkit mol object of the reference mol
              self.target_s: a list of rdkit mol objects for the target mols

        :param reference: an sdf or mol file containing the reference (hit) molecule
        :param target_s: an sdf or mol file containing one or multiple molecules to compare against reference
        self.fdef = AllChem.BuildFeatureFactory(
            os.path.join(RDConfig.RDDataDir, 'BaseFeatures.fdef'))

        self.fmParams = {}
        for k in self.fdef.GetFeatureFamilies():
            self.fparams = FeatMaps.FeatMapParams()
            self.fmParams[k] = self.fparams

        self.keep = ('Donor', 'Acceptor', 'NegIonizable', 'PosIonizable',
                     'ZnBinder', 'Aromatic', 'Hydrophobe', 'LumpedHydrophobe')

        if reference:
            refs = Chem.SDMolSupplier(reference, sanitize=True)
            self.reference = [x for x in refs if x][0]

        if target_s:
            tgts = Chem.SDMolSupplier(target_s, sanitize=True)
            self.target_s = [x for x in tgts if x]
def donor_acceptor(mol):
    fdef = AllChem.BuildFeatureFactory(
        os.path.join(RDConfig.RDDataDir, 'BaseFeatures.fdef'))
    mol_feat = fdef.GetFeaturesForMol(mol)
    idx = [atom_feat.GetAtomIds()[0] for atom_feat in mol_feat]
    mol_idx = [atom.GetIdx() for atom in mol.GetAtoms()]
    k = list(range(mol.GetNumAtoms()))
    a = [i for i in mol_idx if i not in idx]
    for i, atom_feat in zip(idx, mol_feat):
        k[i] = atom_feat.GetFamily()
    for i in a:
        k[i] = "None"
    return k
Exemplo n.º 3
def show_pharmacophore(sdf_path,
    template_mol = [m for m in Chem.SDMolSupplier(sdf_path)][0]
    fdef = AllChem.BuildFeatureFactory(fdf_dir)
    prob_feats = fdef.GetFeaturesForMol(template_mol)
    prob_feats = [f for f in prob_feats if f.GetFamily() in keep]
    # prob_points = [list(x.GetPos()) for x in prob_feats]

    for i, feat in enumerate(prob_feats):
        atomids = feat.GetAtomIds()
        print("pharamcophore index:{0}; feature:{1}; type:{2}; atom id:{3}".
              format(i, feat.GetFamily(), feat.GetType(), atomids))
                            highlightColor=[0, 1, 0],
Exemplo n.º 4
Publication: https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.8100203.v1

from __future__ import print_function
import argparse, os, sys, gzip
import numpy as np
from rdkit import Chem, rdBase, RDConfig
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, rdShapeHelpers
from rdkit.Chem.FeatMaps import FeatMaps
import utils

### start function definitions #########################################

# Setting up the features to use in FeatureMap
fdef = AllChem.BuildFeatureFactory(os.path.join(RDConfig.RDDataDir, 'BaseFeatures.fdef'))

fmParams = {}
for k in fdef.GetFeatureFamilies():
    fparams = FeatMaps.FeatMapParams()
    fmParams[k] = fparams

keep = ('Donor', 'Acceptor', 'NegIonizable', 'PosIonizable', 'ZnBinder',
        'Aromatic', 'Hydrophobe', 'LumpedHydrophobe')

def filterFeature(f):
    result = f.GetFamily() in keep
    # TODO - nothing ever seems to be filtered. Is this expected?
    if not result:
        utils.log("Filtered out feature type", f.GetFamily())
    return result
Exemplo n.º 5
import os
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, rdShapeHelpers
from rdkit.Chem.FeatMaps import FeatMaps
from rdkit import RDConfig

# Set up features to use in FeatureMap
fdefName = os.path.join(RDConfig.RDDataDir, 'BaseFeatures.fdef')
fdef = AllChem.BuildFeatureFactory(fdefName)

fmParams = {}
for k in fdef.GetFeatureFamilies():
    fparams = FeatMaps.FeatMapParams()
    fmParams[k] = fparams

keep = ('Donor', 'Acceptor', 'NegIonizable', 'PosIonizable', 'ZnBinder',
        'Aromatic', 'Hydrophobe', 'LumpedHydrophobe')

def get_FeatureMapScore(query_mol, ref_mol):
    featLists = []
    for m in [query_mol, ref_mol]:
        rawFeats = fdef.GetFeaturesForMol(m)
        # filter that list down to only include the ones we're intereted in
        featLists.append([f for f in rawFeats if f.GetFamily() in keep])
    fms = [
        FeatMaps.FeatMap(feats=x, weights=[1] * len(x), params=fmParams)
        for x in featLists
    fms[0].scoreMode = FeatMaps.FeatMapScoreMode.Best
    fm_score = fms[0].ScoreFeats(featLists[1]) / min(fms[0].GetNumFeatures(),