Exemplo n.º 1
 async def func(_, __, m: Message) -> bool:
     text = m.text or m.caption
     bot_ = (await get_bot_info()).get("bot")
     username = "******" + bot_.uname if bot_ else ""
     pattern = comp_regex(f"(?i)^/start({username})?([\s]+)?$")
     m.matches = (list(pattern.finditer(text)) if text else None) or None
     return bool(
         (m.chat and m.chat.type == "private") and m.matches and not m.edit_date
Exemplo n.º 2
from .bot_forwards import ban_from_bot_pm

# Load from DB
SAVED_SETTINGS = get_collection("CONFIGS")
# Loggers
CHANNEL = userge.getCLogger(__name__)
LOGGER = userge.getLogger(__name__)
# User Checks
BOT_BAN = get_collection("BOT_BAN")
BOT_START = get_collection("BOT_START")
# Caches
# Regex
_TG_LINK_REGEX = comp_regex(r"http[s]?://[\w.]+/(?:[c|s]/)?(\w+)/([0-9]+)")
# Pyrogram Filter
BotAntiFloodFilter = filters.create(lambda _, __, ___: Config.BOT_ANTIFLOOD)

class FloodConfig:
    BANNED_USERS = filters.user()
    USERS = defaultdict(list)
    MESSAGES = 3
    SECONDS = 6
    OWNER = filters.user(list(Config.OWNER_ID))
    ALERT = defaultdict(dict)
    AUTOBAN = 10

if userge.has_bot:
Exemplo n.º 3
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
from re import compile as comp_regex

from pyrogram import filters
from pyrogram.errors import BadRequest, FloodWait, Forbidden, MediaEmpty
from pyrogram.file_id import PHOTO_TYPES, FileId
from pyrogram.types import CallbackQuery, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup

from userge import Config, Message, get_version, userge, versions
from userge.core.ext import RawClient
from userge.utils import get_file_id, rand_array

_ALIVE_REGEX = comp_regex(

LOGGER = userge.getLogger(__name__)

async def _init() -> None:
    if Config.ALIVE_MEDIA and Config.ALIVE_MEDIA.lower() != "false":
        am_type, am_link = await Bot_Alive.check_media_link(
        if am_type and am_type == "tg_media":
                if Config.HU_STRING_SESSION:
                    _USER_CACHED_MEDIA = get_file_id(await userge.get_messages(
Exemplo n.º 4
import os
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from re import compile as comp_regex
from typing import Set

import heroku3
from git import Repo
from pyrogram import filters
from requests import Session

from userge import logbot, logging

from . import versions

GRepo_regex = comp_regex(

_REPO = Repo()
_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logbot.reply_last_msg("Setting Configs ...")

class Config:
    """Configs to setup USERGE-X"""

    API_ID = int(os.environ.get("API_ID"))
    API_HASH = os.environ.get("API_HASH")
    WORKERS = int(os.environ.get("WORKERS")) or os.cpu_count() + 4
    BOT_TOKEN = os.environ.get("BOT_TOKEN")
    OWNER_ID = tuple(
Exemplo n.º 5
from .. import ALL_CHATS
from ..utils.aiohttp_helper import AioHttp as get_response
import ujson
import youtube_dl
from html_telegraph_poster import TelegraphPoster
from pyrogram import filters, Client
from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, MessageNotModified
from pyrogram.types import (CallbackQuery, InlineKeyboardButton,
                            InlineKeyboardMarkup, InputMediaAudio,
                            InputMediaPhoto, InputMediaVideo, Message)
from wget import download
from youtube_dl.utils import DownloadError, ExtractorError, GeoRestrictedError
from youtubesearchpython import VideosSearch

BASE_YT_URL = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="
YOUTUBE_REGEX = comp_regex(
PATH = "./ytdl/ytsearch.json"
DOWN_PATH = "./ytdl/downloads"

class YT_Search_X:
    def __init__(self):
        if not os.path.exists(PATH):
            with open(PATH, "w") as f_x:
                ujson.dump({}, f_x)
        with open(PATH) as yt_db:
            self.db = ujson.load(yt_db)

    def store_(self, rnd_id: str, results: dict):
        self.db[rnd_id] = results
Exemplo n.º 6
# Author: GitHub.com/code-rgb [TG - @deleteduser420]
# All rights reserved.

import os
from re import compile as comp_regex

from git import Repo
from pyrogram import filters
from pyrogram.types import CallbackQuery, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup

from userge import Config, Message, userge
from userge.utils import check_owner, humanbytes

plugin_regex = comp_regex(r"Path[\s:]{1,5}(userge/plugins/\w+/\w+\.py)")

        "header": "find plugin and other info for a given command",
        "you can also provide optional text to search within the plugin",
        "usage": "{tr}cmdinfo [cmd] | [optional text]",
        "examples": "{tr}cmdinfo .ars\n"
        "  {tr}cmdinfo .ars | tracemoepy",
async def see_info(message: Message):
    cmd_str = message.input_str
Exemplo n.º 7
import os
from asyncio import gather
from re import compile as comp_regex

import ujson
from pyrogram.errors import BadRequest, UserIsBot
from pyrogram.types import ReplyKeyboardRemove

from userge import Config, Message, userge
from userge.utils import get_file_id
from userge.utils import parse_buttons as pb

from .bot_pm import get_bot_info

BTN_REGEX = comp_regex(
PATH = "./userge/xcache/inline_db.json"
CHANNEL = userge.getCLogger(__name__)

class Inline_DB:
    def __init__(self):
        if not os.path.exists(PATH):
            d = {}
            ujson.dump(d, open(PATH, "w"))
        with open(PATH) as r:
            self.db = ujson.load(r)

    def save_msg(self, rnd_id: int, msg_content: str, media_valid: bool,
                 media_id: int):