Exemplo n.º 1
    def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
        """Compute the objective expression"""
        global counter
        counter += 1
        cpacs_path = mif.get_tooloutput_file_path(Rt.modules[-1])

        # Save the CPACS file for this iteration
        if counter % Rt.save_iter == 0:
            loc = optim_dir_path + '/Geometry/' + 'iter_{}.xml'.format(counter)
            shutil.copy(cpacs_path, loc)

        # Add new variables to dictionnary
        tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(cpacs_path)
        dct.update_dict(tixi, optim_var_dict)

        # Change local wkdir for the next iteration
                               ceaf.create_new_wkdir(Rt.date, Rt.type))

        for obj in Rt.objective:
            var_list = splt('[+*/-]', obj)
            for v in var_list:
                if not v.isdigit() and v != '':
                    exec('{} = inputs["{}"]'.format(v, v))

            result = eval(obj)
            if Rt.minmax == 'min':
                outputs['Objective function ' + obj] = -result
                outputs['Objective function ' + obj] = result

        cpsf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_path)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setup(self):
     """ Setup inputs and outputs"""
     declared = []
     for obj in Rt.objective:
         var_list = splt('[+*/-]', obj)
         for v in var_list:
             if v not in declared:
         self.add_output('Objective function ' + obj)
Exemplo n.º 3
def var_and_signs( csin ):
    # Ex: if csin = 'Qsol+Qr-Qlat-Qsens' (or '+Qsol+Qr-Qlat-Qsens')
    #     this function will return:
    #     ['Qsol', 'Qr', 'Qlat', 'Qsens'] , [1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0]
    from re import split as splt
    sgn1 = '+'
    cvar = splt('\-|\+',csin)
    if cvar[0] == '':
        if csin[0] == '-': sgn1 = '-'
        cvar = cvar[1:]
    ccum = ''
    for cc in cvar: ccum=ccum+'|'+cc
    ccum = ccum+'|'
    csgn = ctt[:-1]
    isgn = []
    for cs in csgn: isgn.append(float(cs+'1'))
    return cvar, isgn
Exemplo n.º 4
def extract_data_set(Tool):
    """Get training data from file.

    Retrieve training dataset from a file or generates it automatically. The
    file format must be a CSV with each variable parameters and values are in
    a row. The file must also contain a 'Name' and a 'type' column which are
    needed to describe the variable.

        Tool (Prediction_tool object):

        x (n*m numpy array): Set of m points in the n-dimensionnal design space.
        y (p*m numpy array): Set of m points in the p-dimensionnal result space.


    df = pd.read_csv(Tool.user_file)
    df = df.rename(columns={'Unnamed: 0': 'Name'})

    # Separate the input and output points
    x = df.loc[[i for i, v in enumerate(df['type']) if v == 'des']]
    y = df.loc[[i for i, v in enumerate(df['type']) if v == 'obj']]
    df = df.loc[[i for i, v in enumerate(df['type']) if v in ['obj', 'des']]]

    df_data = df[['Name', 'type', 'getcmd', 'setcmd']]

    df = df.set_index('Name')
    y = y.set_index('Name')

    # Extract the iteration results only
    x = x[[i for i in x.columns if i.isdigit()]]
    df = df[[i for i in df.columns if i.isdigit()]]

    # Add user-specified objectives
    for obj in Tool.objectives:
        if obj not in df.index:
            var_list = splt('[+*/-]', obj)
            for v in var_list:
                if not v.isdigit() and v != '' and v in df.index:
                    exec('{} = df.loc["{}"]'.format(v, v))
            df_data = Tool.df.append({
                'Name': obj,
                'type': 'obj'
            y.loc[obj] = eval(obj)

    Tool.objectives = y.index
    Tool.df = pd.concat([Tool.df, df_data], ignore_index=True)

    y = y[[i for i in y.columns if i.isdigit()]]
    log.info('Set extracted')
    return x.transpose().to_numpy(), y.transpose().to_numpy()
Exemplo n.º 5
def extract_data_set(file):
    """Get training data from file.

    Retrieve training dataset from a file or generates it automatically. The
    file format must be a CSV with each variable parameters and values are in
    a row. The file must also contain a 'Name' and a 'type' column which are
    needed to describe the variable.

        file (str) : Path to user-specified file (CSV format)

        x (DataFrame) : Set of points in the design space
        y (DataFrame) : Set of points in the result space

        * Maybe better deal with the dataframe, case of multiple objective functions ?

    df = pd.read_csv(file)
    df = df.rename(columns={'Unnamed: 0': 'Name'})

    # Drop duplicate (first and second columns are the same)
    df = df.drop('0', 1)

    # Separate the input and output points
    x = df.loc[[i for i, v in enumerate(df['type']) if v == 'des']]
    y = df.loc[[i for i, v in enumerate(df['type']) if v == 'obj']]

    df = df.set_index('Name')

    # Extract the iteration results only
    x = x[[i for i in x.columns if i.isdigit()]]
    df = df[[i for i in df.columns if i.isdigit()]]

    # Compute the objectives in the aeromap case, else they are already given
    if 'Variable_history' not in file:
        y = pd.DataFrame()
        for i, obj_expr in enumerate(objectives):
            for name in splt('[+*/-]', obj_expr):
                obj_expr = obj_expr.replace(name, 'df.loc["{}"]'.format(name))
            exec('y["{}"] = {}'.format(objectives[i], obj_expr))
        y = y[[i for i in y.columns if i.isdigit()]].transpose()

    return x.transpose().to_numpy(), y.to_numpy()
Exemplo n.º 6
def compute_obj():
    Interpret the objective variable command.

    Get all the values needed to compute the objective function and
    evaluates its expression.


    # Get variable keys from objective function string
    var_list = splt('[+*/-]', Rt.objective)

    # Create local variable and assign value
    for v in var_list:
        exec('{} = res_var_dict["{}"][1][-1]'.format(v, v))

    result = eval(Rt.objective)
    log.info('Objective function {} : {}'.format(Rt.objective, result))
    # Evaluate objective function expression
    return -result