Exemplo n.º 1
    def map_services(self, match: re.Match) -> str:
            If it matches a host that we know about, change the domain for the
            alternative service. Some hosts needs to be proxied instead (such
            as twitter pictures), so they're url encoded and appended to the
            proxy service.

        host = match.group('host')

        dest = SERVICES.get(host)
        if dest is None:
            return match.group(0)

        destname, proxy = dest
        replaced = self.config.get(destname, section='services')
        result = replaced + match.group('rest')

        if proxy:
            url = urlquote(match.group(0))
            result = replaced + url

            # TODO: count parenthesis?
            # Removes comma at the end of a link.
            if result[-3] == '%2C':
                result = result[:-3] + ','

        return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def parens_replace(match: re.Match) -> str:
    opening = match.group(1)
    a = int(match.group(2))
    op = match.group(3)
    b = int(match.group(4))
    closing = match.group(5)
    return opening + str(calc(a, b, op)) + closing
Exemplo n.º 3
def to_lower_identifier(input: re.Match) -> str:
    if len(input.groups()) == 2:
        return f"{input.group(1)} {input.group(2).lower()}"
    elif len(input.groups()) == 3:
        return f"{input.group(1)}{input.group(2).lower()}{input.group(3)}"
        raise Exception(f"Unexpected number of groups in {input}")
 def _parse_in(self, match: re.Match):
     field = self.get_field(match.group(1))
     values = [
         self._parse_value(field, value.strip(' \'"'))
         for value in match.group(2).split(',')
     self.query = self.query.filter(field.in_(values))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def replImageResource(m: re.Match):
     numPattern = '%02d' if srcName.find(
         '01_Introduction') != -1 else '%01d'
     imgName = re.sub(r'/image([\d]+)',
                      lambda x: numPattern % int(x[1]), m.group(2))
     imgPath = './resources/' + imgName
     return m.group(1) + ('(%s)' % imgPath)
Exemplo n.º 6
def _parse_runtime_str(matched: re.Match,
                       rate: Framerate) -> fractions.Fraction:
    _parse_runtime_str parses a runtime string (ex 01:00:00.6) into a fractional
    seconds value.
    # We will always have a 'frames' group.
    seconds: decimal.Decimal = decimal.Decimal(matched.group("seconds"))
    # Some timecodes may be abbreviated, so the other three sections may or may not be
    # present. Gather them then filter out empty sections.
    groups: List[int] = [

    groups = [x for x in groups if x]

    # Work backwards to fill in the sections that are present, otherwise the value is
    # '0'.
    minutes = 0
    hours = 0
    if len(groups) >= 1:
        minutes = int(groups[-1])
    if len(groups) >= 2:
        hours = int(groups[-2])

    # Calculate the number of seconds as a decimal, then use our decimal parser to
    # arrive at the correct result.
    seconds = seconds + minutes * _SECONDS_PER_MINUTE + hours * _SECONDS_PER_HOUR

    if matched.group("negative"):
        seconds = -seconds

    return _parse_decimal(seconds, rate)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def ParseFromMatch(self, address_offset: int, cfa_sp_offset: int,
                       match: re.Match) -> Tuple[AddressUnwind, int]:
        # The group will be None if the outer non-capturing groups for the(\d+) and
        # (-\d+) expressions are not matched.
        new_cfa_sp_offset, ra_cfa_offset = (int(group) if group else None
                                            for group in match.groups()[:2])

        # Registers are pushed in reverse order by register number so are popped in
        # order. Sort them to ensure the proper order.
        registers = sorted([
            for register in self.register_regex.findall(match.group(3))
            # `UpdateSpAndOrPopRegisters` only supports popping of register
            # r4 ~ r15. The ignored registers are translated to sp increments by
            # the following calculation on `sp_offset`.
            if int(register) in range(4, 16)
        ] +
                           # Also pop lr (ra in breakpad terms) if it was stored.
                           ([14] if ra_cfa_offset is not None else []))

        sp_offset = 0
        if new_cfa_sp_offset is not None:
            sp_offset = new_cfa_sp_offset - cfa_sp_offset
            assert sp_offset % 4 == 0
            if sp_offset >= len(registers) * 4:
                # Handles the sub sp, #constant case, and push instructions that push
                # caller-save registers r0-r3 which don't get encoded in the unwind
                # instructions. In the latter case we need to move the stack pointer up
                # to the first pushed register.
                sp_offset -= len(registers) * 4

        return AddressUnwind(
            address_offset, UnwindType.UPDATE_SP_AND_OR_POP_REGISTERS,
            sp_offset, tuple(registers)), new_cfa_sp_offset or cfa_sp_offset
Exemplo n.º 8
	def replace(match: re.Match) -> str:
		if captured_sound(match):
			return match.group(0)
			return "<ruby><rb>{}</rb><rt>{}</rt></ruby>"\
Exemplo n.º 9
def _replace(s: str, m: re.Match, title_level: int = 5) -> str:
    lang = m.group("lang") or "base"
    mark = m.group("mark")
    title = m.group("title")
    body = m.group("body").replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&gt;", ">")

    attrs: List[str] = []

    if mark is not None:
        marks = mark.split(",")
        hl_lines = ",".join([f'"{x}"' for x in marks])



    block = f"""
```{lang} {{{",".join(attrs)}}}

    if title is not None:
        heading = "#" * title_level
        block = f"{heading} {title}\n" + block

    return s[:m.start()] + block + s[m.end():]
Exemplo n.º 10
 def repl(matchobj: re.Match):
     var_name = matchobj.group(1)
     return (
         # Perform a replacement if the ``var_name`` is in ``vars_``.
         str(vars_[var_name]) if var_name in vars_
         # Otherwise, perform no replacement.
         else matchobj.group(0))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _add_method(template: JavaTemplate, comment: JavaComment,
                 match_: re.Match) -> None:
     method = match_.group(0).split('(')[0]
     if re.match(r'(\w+\s+)(\w+\s+)(.+)\s+(.*)', method):
         match = re.match(r'(\w+\s+)(\w+\s+)(.+)\s+(.*)', method)
         mod = match.group(1)
         return_type = match.group(3)
         name = match.group(4)
     elif re.match(r'(\w+\s+)(.+)\s+(.*)', method):
         match = re.match(r'(\w+\s+)(.+)\s+(.*)', method)
         mod = match.group(1)
         if mod.strip() == 'abstract':
             mod = 'package-private'
         return_type = match.group(2)
         name = match.group(3)
     elif re.match(r'(.+)\s+(.*)', method):
         match = re.match(r'(.+)\s+(.*)', method)
         mod = 'package-private'
         return_type = match.group(1)
         name = match.group(2)
         mod = 'package-private'
         return_type = 'null'
         name = method
             return_type=return_type if return_type != 'void' else 'null',
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _replace(self, match: re.Match, replacement: str,
                 operation: Callable) -> str:
        groups = match.groupdict()

        if '%s' in replacement:
            token = groups.get('token')
            prefix = ''
            suffix = ''
            if token:
                # Looks like prefix/suffix groups matter only if token-group
                # was in a pattern
                prefix = groups.get('prefix', '')
                suffix = groups.get('suffix', '')
                token = match.group()

            alias = operation(token)

            replacement = replacement.replace('%s', prefix + alias + suffix)

        replacement = self._fix_replacement_groups(replacement)

            return match.expand(replacement)
        except IndexError as error:
            raise TransformerError(f'Invalid replacement: {error}')
Exemplo n.º 13
 def f(m: re.Match):
     from ..ft_global import user_vars
     word = m.group().lower()
     if word in user_vars and not isinstance(user_vars[word], Function):
         return (str(user_vars[word]))
         return (m.group())
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _rm_dot(match: re.Match) -> str:
     """if any potential field having a . at the end."""
     if match.group(1).strip()[-1] == '.':
         val = match.group(1).strip()[:-1]
         val = match.group(1)
     return f'{val}'
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _sub_resolver(match: re.Match):
     result = match.group(1)
     if len(match.group(3)) > 0:
         if len(result):
             result += ' '
         result += match.group(3)
     return result
Exemplo n.º 16
    def path_replacer(match: re.Match) -> str:

        kind = match.group("kind")
        source = match.group("path").strip("\"'")
        p = directory.joinpath(source).expanduser().absolute()
        value = json.dumps({"absolute": str(p), "original": source})
        return f"!lobotomy.inject_{kind} '{value}'"
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _non_eml_val(match: re.Match) -> str:
     """if we dont have an email in a email field."""
     val = match.group(1).split(':', 1)
     if val:
         val = f"{val[0]}: \n"
         val = match.group(1)
     return val
Exemplo n.º 18
 def replImageLinks(m: re.Match):
     imgPath = m.group(2)
     width = run('identify -format "%%w" %s' %
                 path.join(path.dirname(targetName), imgPath))
     o = m.group(0)
     if int(width) > 600:
         o = '[%s](%s)' % (o, imgPath)
     return o
Exemplo n.º 19
def is_valid_1(m: re.Match) -> bool:
    count = 0
    for char in m.group("password"):
        if char == m.group("letter"):
            count += 1
        if count > int(m.group("max")):
            return False
    return count >= int(m.group("min"))
Exemplo n.º 20
 def map_to_query_variable(matched: re.Match):
     Map regular expression match to QueryVariable
     lhs, rhs = matched.group(1), matched.group(2)
     return QueryVariable(
         str(rhs).strip() if rhs is not None else None)
Exemplo n.º 21
        def b32_to_sha1(match: re.Match) -> str:
            hash_ = match.group(1)
            if len(hash_) == 40:
                return match.group(0)
            elif len(hash_) == 32:
                return "urn:btih:" + base64.b32decode(hash_.upper()).hex()

            return match.group(0)
Exemplo n.º 22
    async def cmd_do_execute(self, message: types.Message,
                             regexp_command: re.Match):
        if not self.check_preconditions(message):

        cmd = regexp_command.group(1)
        params = regexp_command.group(2)
        await self.execute_script(message, cmd, params)
Exemplo n.º 23
def make_anchor_tag(match: re.Match) -> str:
    """Function applied to WIKI_LINK's."""
    link = match.group(1)
    trail = match.group(3)
    anchor = match.group(2)
    if not anchor:
        anchor = link
    anchor += trail
    return anchor
Exemplo n.º 24
 def repl(target: discord.Member, match: re.Match):
     if attr := match.group(1):
         if attr.startswith("_") or "." in attr:
             return str(target)
             return str(getattr(target, attr))
         except AttributeError:
             return str(target)
Exemplo n.º 25
def _restore_tags(match: re.Match) -> str:
    tag, key = match.groups()
    tag = tag.lower()
    if tag == "cite":
        return f'<cite idref="{key}"/>'
    elif tag in _TAGS:
        return f'<db_xref db="{_TAGS[tag]}" dbkey="{key}"/>'
    elif tag not in ["mim", "pmid", "pubmed"]:
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _surround_char(match: re.Match, surrounded_by=" "):
        """Surround each regexp match with a given character.

        :param match: The Match object of a regexp.
        :param surrounded_by: the character used to surround the match.
        :return: str
        return match.group(0).replace(match.group(0),
                                      match.group(0).center(3, surrounded_by))
Exemplo n.º 27
 def _a_conv(m: re.Match):
     text = m.group(2)
     url = m.group(1)
     if not url.startswith("http"):
         url = base + url
     if icode_links:
         return f"[`{text}`]({url})"
         return f"[{text}]({url})"
Exemplo n.º 28
 def ParseFromMatch(self, address_offset: int, cfa_sp_offset: int,
                    match: re.Match) -> Tuple[AddressUnwind, int]:
     register = int(match.group(1))
     new_cfa_sp_offset = int(match.group(2))
     sp_offset = new_cfa_sp_offset - cfa_sp_offset
     assert sp_offset % 4 == 0
     return AddressUnwind(address_offset,
                          UnwindType.RESTORE_SP_FROM_REGISTER, sp_offset,
                          (register, )), new_cfa_sp_offset
Exemplo n.º 29
 def __replace_overline_chars(cls, match: re.Match) -> str:
     Overline character replacer function.
     :param match: Match object for characters in parentheses
     :return: Unicode replacement string, with or without the titlo character
     text = replace_chars(
         match.group(1).upper(), cls.OVERLINE_ASCII, cls.OVERLINE_UNICODE)
     return "҇" + text if match.group(1).islower() else text
Exemplo n.º 30
 def _validate_prerelease(capice_version: re.Match,
                          model_version: re.Match):
     matches = ['minor', 'patch', 'prerelease']
     for m in matches:
         if capice_version.group(m) != model_version.group(m):
             raise ValueError(
                 f'CAPICE {m} version {capice_version.string} does not match the model {m} '
                 f'version {model_version.string} (should match for pre-releases)!'