Exemplo n.º 1
def compute_secloss(guess_file, attpwf, chlpwf, q=100):
    chlpwm = Passwords(chlpwf, max_pass_len=25, min_pass_len=5)
    attpwm = Passwords(attpwf, max_pass_len=25, min_pass_len=5)
    guesses = [w for w, _ in json.load(open(guess_file))]
    guess_set = set(guesses)
    q = len(guesses)
    print("Found {} guesses".format(q))
    lambda_q = sum(chlpwm.pw2freq(pw) for _id, pw, f
                   in attpwm.iterpws(q))/float(chlpwm.totalf())
    print("Normal succces: {}".format(lambda_q))
    union_ball = set([
        for w in guesses
        for rpw in KB.word_to_typos(str(w))
        if chlpwm.pw2id(rpw)>=0
    ]) | guess_set

    print("Worst case success rate = {}"\
          .format(sum(chlpwm.pw2freq(w) for w in union_ball)/float(chlpwm.totalf())))

    # global N
    # N = 10000
    # M, A, typo_trie, _ = read_pw_nh_graph(chlpwf, N)
    # Mprime = np.zeros((M.shape[0], NH_SIZE+1))
    # B = [[] for _ in guesses]
    # # for g in xrange(M.shape[0]):
    # M = Mprime
    # fuzzlambda_q = 0.0
    # guess_key_ids = [get_trie_id(typo_trie, g) for g in guess_set]
    # killed = []

    # for rpw in union_ball:
    #     try:
    #         rpwid = typo_trie.key_id(unicode(rpw))
    #         for g in guess_key_ids:
    #             if (M[M[:, 0] == rpwid] == g).any:
    #                 killed.append(rpw)
    #     except KeyError:
    #         continue
    # fuzzlambda_q = sum([chlpwm.pw2freq(w) for w in killed])/chlpwm.totalf()
    # for rpw in union_ball:
    #     a = set(get_topk_typos(rpw, NH_SIZE+1)) & guess_set
    #     if a:
    #         print rpw, chlpwm.pw2freq(rpw)

    fuzzlambda_q = sum(
        for rpw in union_ball
        if len(set(get_topk_typos(rpw, NH_SIZE)) & guess_set)>0
    # print("fuzzlambda_q:", fuzzlambda_q),

    # lambda_topk_q = sum(
    #     chlpwm.pw2freq(rpw)
    #     for rpw in union_ball
    #     if len(set(get_typodist_nh(rpw, NH_SIZE)) & guess_set)>0
    # )/chlpwm.totalf()
    print("fuzzlambda_q: ", fuzzlambda_q)
    print("Secloss:", fuzzlambda_q - lambda_q)
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute_black_list_succ(fname, b, q, sketch_size):
    """Computes the offline success rate of an attacker who has access to
    the sketch and wants to make q (int) queries per password.  

    b is either a number or a set. If b is a number then this specify
    black listing top b passwords.  fname is the attacker's password
    model. In case b is a number, then the black list is chosen from
    the top b passwords of the attacker's model, which sounds iffy,
    but that implies that the attacker has complete knowledge of the
    real password distribuion. 
    pwf = Passwords(fname)
    n_sketches = 2**sketch_size
    n = q * n_sketches
    pwarr, farr = ['' for _ in range(n)], [0 for _ in range(n)]
    pwiter = pwf.iterpws()
    for i in range(n):
        pwarr[i], farr[i] = pwiter.next()
    if isinstance(b, int):
        b = pwarr[:b]
    if not isinstance(b, set):
        b = set(b)
    i, j = 0, 0
    nfarr = np.zeros(n * n_sketches)
    for i in range(n):
        if pwarr[i] in b:
            nfarr[j:j+n_sketches] = float(farr[i])/n_sketches
            j += n_sketches
            nfarr[j] = farr[i]
            j += 1
        if j>nfarr.shape[0]: break
    print nfarr.shape, n
    if nfarr.shape[0]<n:
        return  -np.partition(-nfarr, n)[:n].sum()/pwf.totalf()
        return nfarr.sum()/pwf.totalf()