Exemplo n.º 1
def get_config():
    config = {}
    # get useful things from recoll.conf
    rclconf = rclconfig.RclConfig()
    config['confdir'] = rclconf.getConfDir()
    config['dirs'] = [
        for d in shlex.split(rclconf.getConfParam('topdirs'))
    config['stemlang'] = rclconf.getConfParam('indexstemminglanguages')
    # get config from cookies or defaults
    for k, v in DEFAULTS.items():
        value = select([bottle.request.get_cookie(k), v])
        config[k] = type(v)(value)
    # Fix csvfields: get rid of invalid ones to avoid needing tests in the dump function
    cf = config['csvfields'].split()
    ncf = [f for f in cf if f in FIELDS]
    config['csvfields'] = ' '.join(ncf)
    config['fields'] = ' '.join(FIELDS)
    # get mountpoints
    config['mounts'] = {}
    for d in config['dirs']:
        name = 'mount_%s' % urllib.quote(d, '')
        config['mounts'][d] = select([
            bottle.request.get_cookie(name), DEFAULTS['mounts'].get(d),
            'file://%s' % d
        ], [None, ''])
    return config
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_config(request):
    config = {}
    # get useful things from recoll.conf
    rclconf = rclconfig.RclConfig()
    config['confdir'] = rclconf.getConfDir()
    config['dirs'] = [
        for d in shlex.split(rclconf.getConfParam('topdirs'))
    config['stemlang'] = rclconf.getConfParam('indexstemminglanguages')
    # get config from cookies or defaults
    for k, v in DEFAULTS.items():
        if k in available_settings and k in request.cookies:
            config[k] = type(v)(request.cookies.get(k))
            config[k] = v
    # Fix csvfields: get rid of invalid ones to avoid needing tests in the dump function
    cf = config['csvfields'].split()
    ncf = [f for f in cf if f in FIELDS]
    config['csvfields'] = ' '.join(ncf)
    config['fields'] = ' '.join(FIELDS)
    # get mountpoints
    config['mounts'] = {}
    for d in config['dirs']:
        config['mounts'][d] = 'aseemsdb.me%s' % d
    return config
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_config():
    config = {}
    envdir = safe_envget('RECOLL_CONFDIR')
    # get useful things from recoll.conf
    rclconf = rclconfig.RclConfig(envdir)
    config['confdir'] = rclconf.getConfDir()
    config['dirs'] = dict.fromkeys([
        for d in shlex.split(rclconf.getConfParam('topdirs'))
    ], config['confdir'])
    # add topdirs from extra config dirs
    extraconfdirs = safe_envget('RECOLL_EXTRACONFDIRS')
    if extraconfdirs:
        config['extraconfdirs'] = shlex.split(extraconfdirs)
        for e in config['extraconfdirs']:
                    os.path.expanduser(d) for d in shlex.split(get_topdirs(e))
                ], e))
        config['extradbs'] = list(map(get_dbdir, config['extraconfdirs']))
        config['extraconfdirs'] = None
        config['extradbs'] = None
    config['stemlang'] = rclconf.getConfParam('indexstemminglanguages')
    # get config from cookies or defaults
    for k, v in DEFAULTS.items():
        value = select([bottle.request.get_cookie(k), v])
        config[k] = type(v)(value)
    # Fix csvfields: get rid of invalid ones to avoid needing tests in
    # the dump function
    cf = config['csvfields'].split()
    ncf = [f for f in cf if f in FIELDS]
    config['csvfields'] = ' '.join(ncf)
    config['fields'] = ' '.join(FIELDS)
    # get mountpoints
    config['mounts'] = {}
    for d in config['dirs']:
        name = 'mount_%s' % urlquote(d, '')
        config['mounts'][d] = select(
             'file://%s' % d], [None, ''])

    # Parameters set by the admin in the recoll configuration
    # file. These override anything else, so read them last
    val = rclconf.getConfParam('webui_nojsoncsv')
    val = 0 if val is None else int(val)
    config['rclc_nojsoncsv'] = val

    val = rclconf.getConfParam('webui_maxperpage')
    val = 0 if val is None else int(val)
    if val:
        if config['perpage'] == 0 or config['perpage'] > val:
            config['perpage'] = val

    val = rclconf.getConfParam('webui_nosettings')
    val = 0 if val is None else int(val)
    config['rclc_nosettings'] = val

    return config
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_dbdir(confdir):
    confdir = os.path.expanduser(confdir)
    rclconf = rclconfig.RclConfig(confdir)
    dbdir = rclconf.getConfParam('dbdir')
    if not dbdir:
        dbdir = 'xapiandb'
    if not os.path.isabs(dbdir):
        cachedir = rclconf.getConfParam('cachedir')
        if not cachedir:
            cachedir = confdir
        dbdir = os.path.join(cachedir, dbdir)
    # recoll API expects bytes, not strings
    return os.path.normpath(dbdir).encode(g_fscharset)
Exemplo n.º 5
                num = "(0)"
            num = int(num.strip("()"))
            if mc == 'm':
                mfiles.append([hash, num, fn])
                cfiles.append([hash, num, fn])
    return mfiles, cfiles

def usage():
    print("Usage: recoll-we-move-files.py [<downloaddir>]", file=sys.stderr)

config = rclconfig.RclConfig()

# Source dir is parameter, else from config else default Downloads directory
downloadsdir = config.getConfParam("webdownloadsdir")
if not downloadsdir:
    downloadsdir = os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads")
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    mydir = sys.argv[1]
elif len(sys.argv) == 1:
    mydir = downloadsdir
if not os.path.isdir(mydir):

# Get target webqueue recoll directory from recoll configuration
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_topdirs(confdir):
    rclconf = rclconfig.RclConfig(confdir)
    return rclconf.getConfParam('topdirs')
Exemplo n.º 7
def trextdbs():
    config = rclconfig.RclConfig("/home/dockes/.recoll-prod")
    extradbs = rclconfig.RclExtraDbs(config)
    print extradbs.getActDbs()
Exemplo n.º 8
def trconfig():
    config = rclconfig.RclConfig()
    names = ("topdirs", "indexallfilenames")
    for nm in names:
        print "%s: [%s]" % (nm, config.getConfParam(nm))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _rcl2folders(self, confdir):
        self._dirvec = []
        self._xid2idx = {}
        # This is used to store the diridx for the playlists during
        # the initial walk, for initialization when the tree is
        # complete.
        self._playlists = []

        start = timer()

        rclconf = rclconfig.RclConfig(confdir)
        topdirs = [os.path.expanduser(d) for d in
        topdirs = [d.rstrip('/') for d in topdirs]

        # Create the 1st entry. This is special because it holds the
        # recoll topdirs, which are paths instead of simple names. There
        # does not seem any need to build the tree between a topdir and /
        self._dirvec[0][".."] = (0, -1)
        for d in topdirs:
            self._dirvec[0][d] = (len(self._dirvec)-1, -1)
            self._dirvec[-1][".."] = (0, -1)

        # Walk the doc list and update the directory tree according to the
        # url: create intermediary directories if needed, create leaf
        # entry.
        # Binary path issue: at the moment the python rclconfig can't
        # handle binary (the underlying conftree.py can, we'd need a
        # binary stringToStrings). So the topdirs entries have to be
        # strings, and so we decode the binurl too. This probably
        # could be changed we wanted to support binary, (non utf-8)
        # paths. For now, for python3 all dir/file names in the tree
        # are str
        for docidx in range(len(self._rcldocs)):
            doc = self._rcldocs[docidx]
            # Only include selected mtypes: tracks, playlists,
            # directories etc.
            if doc.mtype not in audiomtypes:

            # For linking item search results to the main
            # array. Deactivated for now as it does not seem to be
            # needed.
            #self._xid2idx[doc.xdocid] = docidx
            # Possibly enrich the doc entry with a cover art uri.
            arturi = docarturi(doc, self._httphp, self._pprefix)
            if arturi:
                # The uri is quoted, so it's ascii and we can just store
                # it as a doc attribute
                doc.albumarturi = arturi

            fathidx, path = self._pathbeyondtopdirs(doc)
            if not fathidx:
            #uplog("%s"%path, file=sys.stderr)
            for idx in range(len(path)):
                elt = path[idx]
                if elt in self._dirvec[fathidx]:
                    # This path element was already seen
                    # If this is the last entry in the path, maybe update
                    # the doc idx (previous entries were created for
                    # intermediate elements without a Doc).
                    if idx == len(path) -1:
                        self._dirvec[fathidx][elt] = \
                                   (self._dirvec[fathidx][elt][0], docidx)
                    # Update fathidx for next iteration
                    fathidx = self._dirvec[fathidx][elt][0]
                    # Element has no entry in father directory (hence no
                    # self._dirvec entry either).
                    if idx != len(path) -1:
                        # This is an intermediate element. Create a
                        # Doc-less directory
                        fathidx = self._createdir(fathidx, -1, elt)
                        # Last element. If directory, needs a self._dirvec entry
                        if doc.mtype == 'inode/directory':
                            fathidx = self._createdir(fathidx, docidx, elt)
                        elif doc.mtype == 'audio/x-mpegurl':
                            fathidx = self._createpldir(fathidx, docidx,doc,elt)
                            self._dirvec[fathidx][elt] = (-1, docidx)

        if False:
            for ent in self._dirvec:
                uplog("%s" % ent)

        end = timer()
        uplog("_rcl2folders took %.2f Seconds" % (end - start))
Exemplo n.º 10
def _rcl2folders(docs, confdir, httphp, pathprefix):
    global dirvec
    dirvec = []
    start = timer()

    rclconf = rclconfig.RclConfig(confdir)
    topdirs = [
        for d in shlex.split(rclconf.getConfParam('topdirs'))
    topdirs = [d.rstrip('/') for d in topdirs]

    dirvec[0][".."] = (0, -1)
    for d in topdirs:
        dirvec[0][d] = (len(dirvec) - 1, -1)
        dirvec[-1][".."] = (0, -1)

    # Walk the doc list and update the directory tree according to the
    # url (create intermediary directories if needed, create leaf
    # entry
    for docidx in range(len(docs)):
        doc = docs[docidx]

        arturi = docarturi(doc, httphp, pathprefix)
        if arturi:
            # The uri is quoted, so it's ascii and we can just store
            # it as a doc attribute
            doc.albumarturi = arturi

        # No need to include non-audio types in the visible tree.
        if doc.mtype not in audiomtypes:

        url = doc.getbinurl()
        url = url[7:]
            decoded = url.decode('utf-8')
            decoded = urllib.quote(url).decode('utf-8')

        # Determine the root entry (topdirs element). Special because
        # path not simple name
        fathidx = -1
        for rtpath, idx in dirvec[0].iteritems():
            if url.startswith(rtpath):
                fathidx = idx[0]
        if fathidx == -1:
            uplog("No parent in topdirs: %s" % decoded)

        # Compute rest of path
        url1 = url[len(rtpath):]
        if len(url1) == 0:

        # If there is a contentgroup field, just add it as a virtual
        # directory in the path. This only affects the visible tree,
        # not the 'real' URLs of course.
        if doc.contentgroup:
            a = os.path.dirname(url1).decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
            b = os.path.basename(url1).decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
            url1 = os.path.join(a, doc.contentgroup, b)

        # Split path, then walk the vector, possibly creating
        # directory entries as needed
        path = url1.split('/')[1:]
        #uplog("%s"%path, file=sys.stderr)
        for idx in range(len(path)):
            elt = path[idx]
            if elt in dirvec[fathidx]:
                # This path element was already seen
                # If this is the last entry in the path, maybe update
                # the doc idx (previous entries were created for
                # intermediate elements without a Doc).
                if idx == len(path) - 1:
                    dirvec[fathidx][elt] = (dirvec[fathidx][elt][0], docidx)
                    #uplog("updating docidx for %s" % decoded)
                # Update fathidx for next iteration
                fathidx = dirvec[fathidx][elt][0]
                # Element has no entry in father directory (hence no
                # dirvec entry either).
                if idx != len(path) - 1:
                    # This is an intermediate element. Create a
                    # Doc-less directory
                    fathidx = _createdir(dirvec, fathidx, -1, elt)
                    # Last element. If directory, needs a dirvec entry
                    if doc.mtype == 'inode/directory':
                        fathidx = _createdir(dirvec, fathidx, docidx, elt)
                        #uplog("Setting docidx for %s" % decoded)
                        dirvec[fathidx][elt] = (-1, docidx)

    if False:
        for ent in dirvec:
            uplog("%s" % ent)

    end = timer()
    uplog("_rcl2folders took %.2f Seconds" % (end - start))
    return dirvec