Exemplo n.º 1
def register():
    Registers a Physician to use our system. Physicians will be required to
    enter a username, email address, password, and password confirmation.
    form = UserRegistrationForm(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':
            if User.objects(email=form.email.data).count() > 0:
                u = User.objects(email=form.email.data)[0]
                if not u.confirmed:
                    flash("That email address has already been registered, but has not been confirmed. "
                          "Please click the link in the confirmation email to continue.", 'warning')
                    return render_template('register.html', form=form)
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # Users table is empty, so no need to check.

        if form.validate():

            # Create the new user with "unconfirmed" state.
            new_user = User(username=form.username.data.lower(), full_name=form.full_name.data, email=form.email.data)
            new_user.confirmed = False

                # Try to save this new user (implicitly validating the uniqueness of email/username)

                # Generate and send a confirmation email to this new Physician user
                email_sent = email_physician_confirmation(email=form.email.data, name=form.full_name.data)

                if email_sent:
                    success_msg = "Account successfully created. Please check your email for a confirmation link " \
                                  " in order to login."
                    flash(success_msg, 'success')
                    return redirect('/')
                    flash('We were unable to send your confirmation email. Please ensure the provided email address " \
                          "is correct.', 'warning')

            except NotUniqueError:
                flash("That username or email is already registered. Please try a different one.", 'warning')

            return render_template('register.html', form=form)

            flash("Invalid input: please see the suggestions below.", 'warning')
    return render_template('register.html', form=form)