def fe_setTunerCenterFrequency(self, alloc_id, freq):
     tuner_id = self.getTunerMapping(alloc_id)
     if tuner_id < 0:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
     if alloc_id != self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].control_allocation_id:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s DOES NOT HAVE AUTHORIZATION TO MODIFY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
         # If the freq has changed (change in stream) or the tuner is disabled, then set it as disabled
         isTunerEnabled = self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].frontend_status.enabled
         if not isTunerEnabled or self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].frontend_status.center_frequency != freq:
             self.enableTuner(tuner_id, False) # TODO: is this a generic thing we can assume is desired when changing any tuner device?
             if not self._valid_center_frequency(freq,tuner_id):
                 # TODO: add log message
                 raise  FRONTEND.BadParameterException("INVALID FREQUENCY")
                 #TODO: add back log messages
                 raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("WARNING: failed when configuring device hardware")
                 self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].frontend_status.center_frequency = self._dev_get_center_frequency(tuner_id)
                 #TODO: add back log messages
                 raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("WARNING: failed when querying device hardware")
         if isTunerEnabled:
             self.enableTuner(tuner_id, True)
     except Exception, e:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("WARNING: %s"%(e))
    def setTunerCenterFrequency(self, allocation_id, freq):
        idx = self.getTunerMapping(allocation_id)
        if idx < 0: raise FRONTEND.FrontendException("Invalid allocation id")
        if allocation_id != self.getControlAllocationId(idx):
            raise FRONTEND.FrontendException(
                ("ID " + str(allocation_id) +
                 " does not have authorization to modify the tuner"))
        if freq < 0: raise FRONTEND.BadParameterException("Bad CF")
        # set hardware to new value. Raise an exception if it's not possible

        #Check Frequency again min/max Range
        #Convert CF based on RFInfo.
        tuneFreq = self.convert_rf_to_if(freq)

        # Check the CF
        if not (validateRequestSingle(self.MINFREQ, self.MAXFREQ, tuneFreq)):
            self._log.debug("Center Freq Does not fit %s, %s, %s" %
                            (tuneFreq, self.MINFREQ, self.MAXFREQ))
            raise FRONTEND.BadParameterException(
                "Radio Center Freq of %s Does not fit in %s, %s" %
                (tuneFreq, self.MINFREQ, self.MAXFREQ))

        #set tuner new freq
        self.datagenerators[idx].cf = tuneFreq
        self.datagenerators[idx].keyword_dict['COL_RF'] = freq
        self.datagenerators[idx].keyword_dict['CHAN_RF'] = freq
        self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].center_frequency = freq
 def fe_setTunerOutputSampleRate(self, alloc_id, sr):
     tuner_id = self.getTunerMapping(alloc_id)
     if tuner_id < 0:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
     if  alloc_id != self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].control_allocation_id:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s DOES NOT HAVE AUTHORIZATION TO MODIFY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
             if not self._valid_sample_rate(sr,tuner_id):
                 # TODO: add log message
                 raise  FRONTEND.BadParameterException("INVALID SAMPLE RATE")
                 #TODO: add back log messages
                 raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("WARNING: failed when configuring device hardware")
                 self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].frontend_status.sample_rate = self._dev_get_sample_rate(tuner_id)
                 #TODO: add back log messages
                 raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("WARNING: failed when querying device hardware")
     except Exception, e:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("WARNING: %s"%(e))
 def setTunerEnable(self, allocation_id, enable):
     idx = self.getTunerMapping(allocation_id)
     if idx < 0: raise FRONTEND.FrontendException("Invalid allocation id")
     if allocation_id != self.getControlAllocationId(idx):
         raise FRONTEND.FrontendException(
             ("ID " + str(allocation_id) +
              " does not have authorization to modify the tuner"))
     # set hardware to new value. Raise an exception if it's not possible
     self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].enabled = enable
 def fe_setTunerEnable(self, alloc_id, enable):
     tuner_id = self.getTunerMapping(alloc_id)
     if tuner_id < 0:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
     if alloc_id != self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].control_allocation_id:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s DOES NOT HAVE AUTHORIZATION TO MODIFY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
         self.enableTuner(tuner_id, enable)
     except Exception, e:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("WARNING: Exception Caught during enableTuner: %s"%(e))
 def setTunerGain(self, allocation_id, gain):
     idx = self.getTunerMapping(allocation_id)
     if idx < 0: raise FRONTEND.FrontendException("Invalid allocation id")
     if allocation_id != self.getControlAllocationId(idx):
         raise FRONTEND.FrontendException(
             ("ID " + str(allocation_id) +
              " does not have authorization to modify the tuner"))
     if (gain < 0 or gain > 10):
         raise FRONTEND.BadParameterException("Invalid Gain")
     gain = round(gain, 1)
     # magnitude on data generators is 100+gain*10
     self.datagenerators[idx].magnitude = 100 + gain * 10
     self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].gain = gain
 def fe_getTunerDeviceControl(self, alloc_id):
     tuner_id = self.getTunerMapping(alloc_id)
     if tuner_id < 0:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
     if alloc_id == self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].control_allocation_id:
         return True
     return False
    def setTunerBandwidth(self, allocation_id, bw):
        idx = self.getTunerMapping(allocation_id)
        if idx < 0: raise FRONTEND.FrontendException("Invalid allocation id")
        if allocation_id != self.getControlAllocationId(idx):
            raise FRONTEND.FrontendException(
                ("ID " + str(allocation_id) +
                 " does not have authorization to modify the tuner"))
        if bw < 0: raise FRONTEND.BadParameterException("Invalid BW")

        newbw, newsr, decimation = self.findBestBWSR(bw, 0)
        if not newbw:
            self._log.debug("Can't Satisfy BW and SR request")
            raise FRONTEND.BadParameterException(
                "Can't Satisfy BW and SR request")

        # set hardware to new value. Raise an exception if it's not possible
        self.datagenerators[idx].keyword_dict['FRONTEND::BANDWIDTH'] = newbw
        self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].bandwidth = newsr
        self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].bandwidth = newbw
        self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].decimation = decimation
    def setTunerOutputSampleRate(self, allocation_id, sr):
        idx = self.getTunerMapping(allocation_id)
        if idx < 0: raise FRONTEND.FrontendException("Invalid allocation id")
        if allocation_id != self.getControlAllocationId(idx):
            raise FRONTEND.FrontendException(
                ("ID " + str(allocation_id) +
                 " does not have authorization to modify the tuner"))
        if sr < 0: raise FRONTEND.BadParameterException("Invalid SR")

        newbw, newsr, decimation = self.findBestBWSR(0, sr)
        if not newbw:
            self._log.debug("Can't Satisfy BW and SR request")
            raise FRONTEND.BadParameterException(
                "Can't Satisfy BW and SR request")

        self._log.debug("Setting BW and Sample Rate %s, %s " % (newbw, newsr))
        #set new SR
        self.datagenerators[idx].sr = sr
        self.datagenerators[idx].keyword_dict['FRONTEND::BANDWIDTH'] = newbw
        self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].sample_rate = newsr
        self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].bandwidth = newbw
        self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].decimation = decimation
Exemplo n.º 10
 def getTunerOutputSampleRate(self, allocation_id):
     idx = self.getTunerMapping(allocation_id)
     if idx < 0: raise FRONTEND.FrontendException("Invalid allocation id")
     return self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].sample_rate
Exemplo n.º 11
 def getTunerEnable(self, allocation_id):
     idx = self.getTunerMapping(allocation_id)
     if idx < 0: raise FRONTEND.FrontendException("Invalid allocation id")
     return self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].enabled
Exemplo n.º 12
 def getTunerCenterFrequency(self, allocation_id):
     idx = self.getTunerMapping(allocation_id)
     if idx < 0: raise FRONTEND.FrontendException("Invalid allocation id")
     return self.frontend_tuner_status[idx].center_frequency
Exemplo n.º 13
 def getTunerDeviceControl(self, allocation_id):
     idx = self.getTunerMapping(allocation_id)
     if idx < 0: raise FRONTEND.FrontendException("Invalid allocation id")
     if self.getControlAllocationId(idx) == allocation_id:
         return True
     return False
 def fe_getTunerOutputSampleRate(self, alloc_id):
     tuner_id = self.getTunerMapping(alloc_id)
     if tuner_id < 0:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
     return self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].frontend_status.sample_rate
 def fe_getTunerCenterFrequency(self, alloc_id):
     tuner_id = self.getTunerMapping(alloc_id)
     if tuner_id < 0:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
     return self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].frontend_status.center_frequency
 def fe_getTunerStatus(self, alloc_id):
     tuner_id = self.getTunerMapping(alloc_id)
     if tuner_id < 0:
         raise  FRONTEND.FrontendException("ERROR: ID: %s IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY TUNER!"%(alloc_id))
     return struct_to_props(self.tunerChannels[tuner_id].frontend_status)