async def sendlock(m: Matcher, r: Redis, key: str, value, func=lambda v: str(v)): await m.send(func(value)) r.set(key, value)
def post(self, request): form = RefreshTokenForm.create_from_request(request) if not form.is_valid(): raise ValidationException(request, form) try: claims = JWTFactory.decode(form.cleaned_data['refresh']) except JoseError as e: raise ProblemDetailException(request, _('Invalid token.'), status=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, previous=e) redis = Redis(host=settings.REDIS_HOST, port=settings.REDIS_PORT, db=settings.REDIS_DATABASE) if not redis.exists(f"refresh_token:{claims['jti']}"): raise UnauthorizedException(request) access_token = JWTFactory(claims['sub']).access() return SingleResponse(request, {'access_token': access_token}, status=HTTPStatus.OK)
class RedisPublisher(RedisNode): def start(self): conf = parse_uri(self._uri) self._channel = conf.pop('channel', self._name) self._method = conf.pop('method', 'queue') self._client = Redis(**conf) def stop(self): self._client.connection_pool.disconnect() def send(self, msg): """ Send a message :param msg: serializable string """ self._lock.acquire() if self._method == 'pubsub': ret = self._client.publish(self._channel, msg) if ret < 1: self._log.error('No subscriber receive this message ') else: ret = self._client.rpush(self._channel, msg) self._lock.release() return ret
class RedisSafetyStore(object): def __init__(self): self.redisClient = Redis(connection_pool=BlockingConnectionPool()) def isSafe(self, url): # if the urlstring is in the store, then it is not safe. try: notSafe = self.redisClient.get(url) except: print("Redis read error") raise if notSafe: return False else: return True def addUnsafeResources(self, jsonContent): for resource in jsonContent["resources"]: try: self.redisClient.set(resource, 1) except: print("Redis write error") raise return True
def GET(self, key): r = Redis(connection_pool=redis_pool) url = r.hget(URL_HASH_NAME, key) if url: r.hincrby(COUNT_HASH_NAME, key) raise web.seeother(url) else: raise notfound()
def GET(self): r = Redis(connection_pool=redis_pool) count = 0 for key in r.hgetall(URL_HASH_NAME): count += 1 return render_template('index.html', count=count, section_class='index', user_id=None)
def __init__(self, client=None): if not client: self.client = Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=13, password=None) else: self.client = client
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new RedisBloom client. """ Redis.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Set the module commands' callbacks MODULE_CALLBACKS = { self.BF_RESERVE: bool_ok, #self.BF_ADD: spaceHolder, #self.BF_MADD: spaceHolder, #self.BF_INSERT: spaceHolder, #self.BF_EXISTS: spaceHolder, #self.BF_MEXISTS: spaceHolder, #self.BF_SCANDUMP: spaceHolder, #self.BF_LOADCHUNK: spaceHolder, self.BF_INFO: BFInfo, self.CF_RESERVE: bool_ok, #self.CF_ADD: spaceHolder, #self.CF_ADDNX: spaceHolder, #self.CF_INSERT: spaceHolder, #self.CF_INSERTNX: spaceHolder, #self.CF_EXISTS: spaceHolder, #self.CF_DEL: spaceHolder, #self.CF_COUNT: spaceHolder, #self.CF_SCANDUMP: spaceHolder, #self.CF_LOADCHUNK: spaceHolder, self.CF_INFO: CFInfo, self.CMS_INITBYDIM: bool_ok, self.CMS_INITBYPROB: bool_ok, #self.CMS_INCRBY: spaceHolder, #self.CMS_QUERY: spaceHolder, self.CMS_MERGE: bool_ok, self.CMS_INFO: CMSInfo, self.TOPK_RESERVE: bool_ok, self.TOPK_ADD: parseToList, #self.TOPK_QUERY: spaceHolder, #self.TOPK_COUNT: spaceHolder, self.TOPK_LIST: parseToList, self.TOPK_INFO: TopKInfo, self.TDIGEST_CREATE: bool_ok, # self.TDIGEST_RESET: bool_ok, # self.TDIGEST_ADD: spaceHolder, # self.TDIGEST_MERGE: spaceHolder, # self.TDIGEST_CDF: spaceHolder, # self.TDIGEST_QUANTILE: spaceHolder, # self.TDIGEST_MIN: spaceHolder, # self.TDIGEST_MAX: spaceHolder, self.TDIGEST_INFO: TDigestInfo, } for k, v in six.iteritems(MODULE_CALLBACKS): self.set_response_callback(k, v)
def connect(self): conf = parse_uri(self._uri) self._channel = conf.pop('channel', self._name) self._method = conf.pop('method', 'pubsub') self._client = Redis(**conf) if self._method == 'pubsub': self._pubsub = self._client.pubsub() self._pubsub.subscribe(self._channel)
def new_watcher(addr: str, option: WatcherOptions) -> Casbin_Watcher: option.addr = addr option.init_config() w = Watcher() w.sub_client = Redis().client() w.pub_client = Redis().client() w.ctx = None w.close = None
def connection(self): """Get Redis connection from the pool.""" if not self._connection: self._connection = Redis(connection_pool=_connection_pool) try: except exceptions.RedisError: self._connection = None raise return self._connection
def __init__(self, addr): if not addr: raise ValueError('Invalid redis address') if addr.startswith('unix://'): cargs = {'unix_socket_path':addr.replace('unix://', '')} elif addr.startswith('tcp://'): h = addr.replace('tcp://', '').split(':') cargs = {'host': h[0]} if len(h) == 2: cargs['port'] = int(h[1]) else: raise ValueError('Invalid redis address') Redis.__init__(self, **cargs)
def __init__(self, addr, db=0): if not addr: raise ValueError('Invalid redis address') if addr.startswith('unix://'): cargs = {'unix_socket_path':addr.replace('unix://', '')} elif addr.startswith('tcp://'): h = addr.replace('tcp://', '').split(':') cargs = {'host': h[0]} if len(h) == 2: cargs['port'] = int(h[1]) else: raise ValueError('Invalid redis address') Redis.__init__(self, **cargs)
def show_task_lists(r: Redis) -> None: f = open(f'proactive_stats/stats.txt', "w+") todo = [] todo = r.lrange(name=TODO_TASK_LIST, start=0, end=-1) done = [] done = r.lrange(name=DONE_TASK_LIST, start=0, end=-1) string = f'To-do list:\n' for i in todo: string += f'{i}\n' string += f'\nDone list:\n' for i in done: string += f'{i}\n' f.write(string) f.close()
def delete(): r = Redis() # # iterate a list in batches of size n # def batcher(iterable, n): # args = [iter(iterable)] * n # return zip_longest(*args) # # in batches of 500 delete keys matching user:* # for keybatch in batcher(r.scan_iter('user:*'),500): # print("keybatch", keybatch) # r.delete(*keybatch) for key in r.scan_iter("*"): # delete the key r.delete(key)
def init_redis_client(cls): # 防止多线程竞争,获取到锁后依然可能已经初始化了 if cls.redis_objs: return cls.instance_name = conf.get('sentinel', "") cls.socket_timeout = conf.get("socket_timeout", 5) cls.connect_timeout = conf.get("connect_timeout", 0.1) if not cls.instance_name: # 单例模式 host = conf["host"] cls.redis_objs[cls.MODE_READ] = Redis( host=host.split(':')[0], port=host.split(':')[1], socket_timeout=cls.socket_timeout, socket_connect_timeout=cls.connect_timeout, retry_on_timeout=1 ) cls.redis_objs[cls.MODE_WRITE] = cls.redis_objs[cls.MODE_READ] else: # 哨兵模式 sentinel = Sentinel( cls.parse_config(), socket_timeout=cls.socket_timeout, socket_connect_timeout=cls.connect_timeout, retry_on_timeout=1 ) cls.redis_objs[cls.MODE_READ] = sentinel.slave_for(cls.instance_name) cls.redis_objs[cls.MODE_WRITE] = sentinel.master_for(cls.instance_name)
def __init__(self, client=None, *args, **kwargs): self._client = client if not self._client: self._client = Redis(*args, **kwargs) self._bind_atoms() self._bind_multi()
def setup_rq_connection(): redis_conn = get_current_connection() if redis_conn == None: opts = OPTIONS.get('connection') logger.debug('Establishing Redis connection to DB %(db)s at %(host)s:%(port)s' % opts) redis_conn = Redis(**opts) push_connection(redis_conn)
def from_url(url, db=None, **kwargs): """Returns an active Redis client generated from the given database URL. Will attempt to extract the database id from the path url fragment, if none is provided. """ return Redis.from_url(url, db, **kwargs)
class RedisSubscriber(RedisNode): def __init__(self, config, handler): RedisNode.__init__(self, config) self._handler = handler def connect(self): conf = parse_uri(self._uri) self._channel = conf.pop('channel', self._name) self._method = conf.pop('method', 'pubsub') self._client = Redis(**conf) if self._method == 'pubsub': self._pubsub = self._client.pubsub() self._pubsub.subscribe(self._channel) def start(self): self.connect() self.loop() def loop(self): while True: self._log.debug('in subscriber loop') raw_request = self.recv() self._handler(raw_request) def recv(self): """ Return a message as a string from the receiving queue. """ self._log.debug('waiting in recv()') self._lock.acquire() if self._method == 'pubsub': msg = self._pubsub.listen().next()['data'] else: msg = self._client.blpop(self._channel)[1] self._log.debug('redisclient: %s' % self._name) self._log.debug('recv -> %s' % msg) self._lock.release() return msg def close(self): if self._method == 'pubsub': self._pubsub.unsubscribe(self._channel) self._client.connection_pool.disconnect()
def _build_redis(host: str, port: int=6379, db: int=0, password: str=None) -> Redis: return Redis(host=host, port=port, db=db, password=password)
def init_config(self, option: WatcherOptions): if option.optional_update_callback: self.set_update_callback(option.optional_update_callback) else: raise WatcherError("Casbin Redis Watcher callback not " "set when an update was received") if option.sub_client: self.sub_client = option.sub_client else: # TODO self.sub_client = Redis().client() if option.pub_client: self.pub_client = option.pub_client else: # TODO self.pub_client = Redis().client()
def GET(self): r = Redis(connection_pool=redis_pool) user_id = check_token(r) all_keys = r.hgetall(URL_HASH_NAME) url_list = [] for key in all_keys: url_list.append( ( all_keys[key].replace('http://', '').replace('https://', ''), key, r.hget(COUNT_HASH_NAME, key) or 0, r.hget(LOG_HASH_NAME, key) or '' ), ) return render_template('list.html', user_id=user_id, list=url_list, is_all=True)
def uget(self, name): """ Return the value and key ``name`` or None, and decode it if not None. """ value = Redis.get(self, name) if value: return value.decode(self.encoding) return value
def __init__(self, config): self._redis = Redis(host=config.get('redis','host'), port=int(config.get('redis','port')), db=int(config.get('redis','db'))) self._delta_secs = int(eval(config.get('timeseries', 'delta_secs'))) self._expiration_delay_secs = int(eval(config.get('timeseries', 'expiration_delay_secs')))
def __init__(self, client=None, *args, **kwargs): self._client = client if not self._client: kwargs.setdefault('decode_responses', True) self._client = Redis(*args, **kwargs) self._bind_atoms() self._bind_multi()
def _transfer_slots(redis_conn_from: Redis, redis_id_from: str, redis_conn_to: Redis, redis_id_to: str, slots: list): """ Documentation from 1. Set the destination node slot to importing state using CLUSTER SETSLOT <slot> IMPORTING <source-node-id>. 2. Set the source node slot to migrating state using CLUSTER SETSLOT <slot> MIGRATING <destination-node-id>. 3. Get keys from the source node with CLUSTER GETKEYSINSLOT command and move them into the destination node using the MIGRATE command. 4. Use CLUSTER SETSLOT <slot> NODE <destination-node-id> in the source or destination. """ print('Transfering %d slots from %s to %s...' % (len(slots), redis_id_from, redis_id_to)) dest_host = redis_conn_to.connection_pool.connection_kwargs['host'] dest_port = redis_conn_to.connection_pool.connection_kwargs['port'] pipeline_to = redis_conn_to.pipeline() pipeline_from = redis_conn_from.pipeline() for slot in slots: # 1, 2 pipeline_to.execute_command('CLUSTER SETSLOT', slot, 'IMPORTING', redis_id_from) pipeline_from.execute_command('CLUSTER SETSLOT', slot, 'MIGRATING', redis_id_to) pipeline_to.execute() pipeline_from.execute() for slot in slots: # 3 keys = redis_conn_from.execute_command('CLUSTER GETKEYSINSLOT', slot, 1000000) if len(keys) > 0: redis_conn_from.execute_command('MIGRATE', dest_host, dest_port, "", 0, 180000, 'KEYS', *keys) # 4 redis_conn_to.execute_command('CLUSTER SETSLOT', slot, 'NODE', redis_id_to)
def POST(self): r = Redis(connection_pool=redis_pool) user_id = check_token(r) form = url_form() if not form.validates(): return render_template('add.html', form=form, user_id=user_id, is_add=True, ) url = form['url'].value token = hashlib.sha1() token.update(url.replace('http(s)?://', '').strip()) key = token.hexdigest()[:6] print key + url if not r.hget(URL_HASH_NAME, key): r.hset(URL_HASH_NAME, key, url) r.hset(COUNT_HASH_NAME, key, 0) if user_id[1]: r.hset(LOG_HASH_NAME, key, r.hget(TOKEN_HASH_NAME, web.input().token)) if user_id[1] == '': raise web.seeother('/%s/+' % key) else: raise web.seeother('/%s/+?token=%s' % (key, user_id[1]))
def queue_cmd(conn: Redis, job_queue: str, cmd: str, email: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Given a command CMD; (optional) EMAIL; and a redis connection CONN, queue it in Redis with an initial status of 'queued'. The following status codes are supported: queued: Unprocessed; Still in the queue running: Still running success: Successful completion error: Erroneous completion Returns the name of the specific redis hash for the specific task. """ if not raise RedisConnectionError unique_id = ("cmd::" f"{'%Y-%m-%d%H-%M%S-%M%S-')}" f"{str(uuid4())}") conn.rpush(job_queue, unique_id) for key, value in {"cmd": cmd, "result": "", "status": "queued"}.items(): conn.hset(name=unique_id, key=key, value=value) if email: conn.hset(name=unique_id, key="email", value=email) return unique_id
def GET(self, key): r = Redis(connection_pool=redis_pool) user_id = check_token(r) url = r.hget(URL_HASH_NAME, key) if url: count = r.hget(COUNT_HASH_NAME, key) return render_template('details.html', user_id=user_id, key=key, url=url, count=count, section_class='index' ) else: raise notfound()
def __init__(self, app, config): if 'host' not in config: raise ConfigurationError("Redis extension needs 'host' configured") if 'password' not in config: raise ConfigurationError( "Postmark extension needs 'password' configured") host = config['host'] password = config['password'] redis = Redis(host=host, password=password) register_singleton(redis, 'redis')
def testRegisterSensorDataDbmsListener(self): #check for true when the connection variables are ok self.assertEqual(True, self.persistenceUtil.registerSensorDataDbmsListener()) #add an invalid port to the jedisSensor self.persistenceUtil.r_sensor = Redis(host = "localhost", port = 6890) #check for false when connection variables are invalid self.assertEqual(False, self.persistenceUtil.registerSensorDataDbmsListener())
def _get_current_redis_client() -> Redis: global _redis_clients client = _redis_clients.current_client if client is None: assert _connection_url is not None, "please set connection string first" client = _redis_clients.current_client = Redis.from_url( _connection_url) return client
class Cache: """ Cache class """ def __init__(self): """ Store an instance of the Redis client as a private variable named _redis """ self._redis = Redis() self._redis.flushdb() @call_history @count_calls def store(self, data: Union[str, bytes, int, float]) -> str: """ Takes a data argument and returns a string """ key = str(uuid4()) self._redis.set(key, data) return key def get(self, key: str, fn: Optional[Callable] = None) ->\ Union[str, bytes, int, float]: """ Take a key string argument and an optional Callable argument named fn """ if key: result = self._redis.get(key) if fn: return fn(result) else: return result def get_str(self, data: bytes) -> str: """ Will automatically parametrize Cache.get with the correct conversion function """ return data.decode('utf-8') def get_int(self, data: bytes) -> int: """ Will automatically parametrize Cache.get with the correct conversion function """ byte_order = sys.byteorder return int.from_bytes(data, byte_order)
def hgetall(self, name): """ Return a Python dict of the hash's name/value pairs, both key and value decoded. """ output = {} info = Redis.hgetall(self, name) for key, value in info.iteritems(): output[key.decode(self.encoding)] = value.decode(self.encoding) return output
def _add_new_nodes(self, cluster_size): old_nodes = self.nodes.copy() nodes_before = self._get_nodes_primitive() self._docker_scale(cluster_size) nodes_after = self._get_nodes_primitive() new_ips = [':'.join(map(str, x)) for x in set(nodes_after) - set(nodes_before)] print(new_ips) master_ip_port = old_nodes[0]['ip_port'] master_ip, master_port = master_ip_port.split(':') master_conn = Redis(master_ip, master_port) print("Adding nodes to the cluster") for ip in new_ips: new_ip, new_port = ip.split(':') master_conn.execute_command('CLUSTER MEET', new_ip, new_port) print("Preventive fix") sleep(3) fix = subprocess.Popen(['ruby', 'redis-trib.rb', 'fix', master_ip_port], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) fix.communicate(b'yes\n') fix.wait() sleep(3) new_nodes = [x for x in self._get_running_nodes() if x['ip_port'] in new_ips] slots_per_node = round(16384 / cluster_size) old_redises = {x[0]: Redis(x[0], x[1]) for x in (y['ip_port'].split(':') for y in old_nodes)} new_redises = [Redis(x[0], x[1]) for x in (y['ip_port'].split(':') for y in new_nodes)] slots_repartition = self._get_slots_repartition(list(old_redises.values())[0]) for dest_node, dest_redis, i in zip(new_nodes, new_redises, range(len(new_nodes))): slots = slots_repartition[i * slots_per_node: (i + 1) * slots_per_node] sources_ip = {x[1] for x in slots} for source_ip in sources_ip: slots_for_source = [x for x in slots if x[1] == source_ip] source_redis = old_redises[source_ip] self._transfer_slots(source_redis, slots_for_source[0][3], dest_redis, dest_node['id'], [x[0] for x in slots_for_source]) subprocess.check_call(['ruby', 'redis-trib.rb', 'info', master_ip_port])
def redis_client(self) -> Redis: """Provide an instance of Redis client.""" if self._redis_client is None: redis_client = Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_conn_pool) self._redis_client = redis_client self._logger.debug("[%s]: Initialized Redis client: %s", self.__name__, self._redis_client) return self._redis_client
def main(argv=sys.argv): if len(argv) < 2: usage(argv) config_uri = argv[1] options = parse_vars(argv[2:]) setup_logging(config_uri) settings = get_appsettings(config_uri, options=options) logging.getLogger("c2corg_api").setLevel(logging.INFO) redis_url = "{0}?db={1}".format(settings["redis.url"], settings["redis.db_cache"])"Cache Redis: {0}".format(redis_url)) # we don't really need a connection pool here, but the `from_url` # function is convenient redis_pool = ConnectionPool.from_url(redis_url, max_connections=1) # remove all keys from the database r = Redis(connection_pool=redis_pool) r.flushdb()"Flushed cache")
def flushall(self): if self.cluster_size == 1: subprocess.check_call([ 'redis-cli', '-h', 'erasuretester_redis-standalone_1', 'FLUSHALL' ]) elif self.cluster_size >= 2: nodes = self._get_running_nodes() for redis in (Redis(x[0], x[1]) for x in (y['ip_port'].split(':') for y in nodes)): redis.flushall()
class Jedis(): def __init__(self): pool = ConnectionPool(host=cfg.REDIS_HOST, port=cfg.REDIS_PORT) self.client = Redis(connection_pool=pool) def page_query(self, redis_key, start, end): ''' 分页查询 :param redis_key: redis中的key名称 :param start:起始页 :param end:结束页 :return: ''' return self.client.lrange(name=redis_key, start=start, end=end) def len(self, redis_key): return self.client.llen(name=redis_key) def lpush(self, key, val): self.client.lpush(key, val)
def queue_cmd(cmd: str, conn: Redis) -> str: """Given a command CMD, and a redis connection CONN, queue it in Redis with an initial status of 'queued'. The following status codes are supported: queued: Unprocessed; Still in the queue running: Still running success: Successful completion error: Erroneous completion """ if not raise RedisConnectionError unique_id = ("cmd::" f"{'%Y-%m-%d%H-%M%S-%M%S-')}" f"{str(uuid4())}") for key, value in {"cmd": cmd, "result": "", "status": "queued"}.items(): conn.hset(key, value, unique_id) conn.rpush("GN2::job-queue", unique_id) return unique_id
def main(argv=sys.argv): if len(argv) < 2: usage(argv) config_uri = argv[1] options = parse_vars(argv[2:]) setup_logging(config_uri) settings = get_appsettings(config_uri, options=options) logging.getLogger('c2corg_ui').setLevel(logging.INFO)'Cache Redis: {0}'.format(settings['redis.url'])) # we don't really need a connection pool here, but the `from_url` # function is convenient redis_pool = ConnectionPool.from_url( settings['redis.url'], max_connections=1) # remove all keys from the database r = Redis(connection_pool=redis_pool) r.flushdb()'Flushed cache')
def redis(self): """Returns the redis.client object for the given host/port Performing lazy initialization if it hasn't already been created """ if not self.__redis: redis = Redis( host=self.__host, port=self.__port, password=self.__password, socket_timeout=self.__connection_timeout ) self.__update_latest( redis ) #__update_latest can raise an exception, so don't assign to self until it #completes successfully self.__redis = redis return self.__redis
def __init__(self, urls, **settings): """ Args: urls: list of connection urls for `redis.client.StrictRedis#from_url`. settings: additional settings for redis client. Attributes: mapping (dict): maintain the connection url & corresponding Redis client mapping. sharding: `tornext.sharding.Sharding` instance for dispatching requests. """ self.sharding = Sharding(urls) self.mapping = dict([(url, Redis.from_url(url)) for url in urls])
def _connect(self) -> NoReturn: """ Connection to redis server with retries :param retry_counter: counter of times of retrying :return: Redis connection if it was successful and None otherwise """ try: self._kv_storage = Redis(, port=self.port, socket_timeout=self.timeout ) except Exception: logging.error( "Got error while connecting to redis with host %s and port %d.",, self.port )
class Cache: """Redis Class""" def __init__(self): """constructor""" self._redis = Redis() self._redis.flushdb() @call_history @count_calls def store(self, data: Union[str, bytes, int, float]) -> str: """returns a string""" key = str(uuid.uuid4()) self._redis.set(key, data) return key def get(self, key: str, fn: Optional[Callable] = None) ->\ Union[str, bytes, int, float]: """get method""" if key: result = self._redis.get(key) return fn(result) if fn else result
def _get_slots_repartition(any_redis_conn: Redis): """ Returns a shuffled list of (slot_number, node_ip, node_port, node_id) """ # List of [10923, 16383, [b'', 6379, b'f1dc21d0b7a24aaea3b3fcd0ef943a35fa2ebb42']] cluster_slots = any_redis_conn.execute_command('CLUSTER SLOTS') output = [] for slot in cluster_slots: for i in range(slot[0], slot[1] + 1): output.append((i, slot[2][0].decode(), slot[2][1], slot[2][2].decode())) random.shuffle(output) return output
def lrange(self, name, start, end): """ Return a slice of the list ``name`` between position ``start`` and ``end`` ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation decode the results """ results = Redis.lrange(self, name, start, end) return [result.decode(self.encoding) for result in results]
class RedisQueue(): def __init__(self): self.redis = Redis(host=settings.REDIS['host'], port=settings.REDIS['port']) def pop(self, queueName): item = self.redis.rpop(queueName) try: item = json.loads(item) except: pass return item def push(self, queueName, item): try: item = json.dumps(item) except: pass self.redis.lpush(queueName, item) def isEmpty(self, queueName): if self.redis.llen(queueName): return False else: return True
class TSStore(object): def __init__(self, config): self._redis = Redis(host=config.get('redis','host'), port=int(config.get('redis','port')), db=int(config.get('redis','db'))) self._delta_secs = int(eval(config.get('timeseries', 'delta_secs'))) self._expiration_delay_secs = int(eval(config.get('timeseries', 'expiration_delay_secs'))) def queries_key(self): return 'queries' @property def queries(self): return self._redis.smembers(self.queries_key()) @queries.setter def queries(self, values): pipe = self._redis.pipeline() pipe.delete(self.queries_key()) for v in values: pipe.sadd(self.queries_key(), v) return pipe.execute() def _interval_key(self, timestamp): return int(timestamp) - int(timestamp) % self._delta_secs def _ts_key(self, timestamp, query): return 'ts:%(query)s:%(timestamp_key)s'%{'query':query, 'timestamp_key':self._interval_key(timestamp)} def _tweet_key(self, t): if type(t) == Tweet: return 'tweet:%s' return 'tweet:%s'%t def _query_key(self, query): return 'query:%s:last_tweet_id'%query def _store_tweet(self, pipe, tweet): tweet_key = self._tweet_key(tweet) pipe.set(tweet_key, tweet.serialize()) pipe.expire(tweet_key, self._expiration_delay_secs) def _reference_tweet(self, pipe, timestamp, query, tweet): ts_key = self._ts_key(timestamp, query) pipe.lpush(ts_key, pipe.expire(ts_key,self._expiration_delay_secs) def _update_last_query_tweet(self, pipe, query, tweet): query_key = self._query_key(query) pipe.set(query_key, def append(self, query, tweet): pipe = self._redis.pipeline() timestamp = time.time() self._store_tweet(pipe, tweet) self._reference_tweet(pipe, timestamp, query, tweet) self._update_last_query_tweet(pipe, query, tweet) return pipe.execute() def retrieve_ts(self, query, timestamp, n_elements=-1): ts_key = self._ts_key(timestamp, query) return self._redis.lrange(ts_key, 0, n_elements) def retrieve_last_tweet_id(self, query): query_key = self._query_key(query) return self._redis.get(query_key) def retrieve_tweet(self, tweet_id): tweet_key = self._tweet_key(tweet_id) data = self._redis.get(tweet_key) return Tweet.deserialize(data).todict() def retrieve(self, query, n_periods=30): current_timestamp = now = int(time.time()) start_timestamp = now - self._delta_secs * n_periods tweets = [] while current_timestamp > start_timestamp: current_tweet_ids = self.retrieve_ts(query, current_timestamp) tweets.append({'timestamp': current_timestamp, 'tweets' : [ self.retrieve_tweet(tid) for tid in current_tweet_ids ] }) current_timestamp -= self._delta_secs return { 'now' : now, 'ts' : tweets }
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.encoding = 'utf-8' Redis.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def smembers(self, name): """ Return all members of the set ``name``, decoding. """ values = Redis.smembers(self, name) return (value.decode(self.encoding) for value in values)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'fjs' from connection import BlockingConnectionPool from redis.client import Redis client = Redis(connection_pool=BlockingConnectionPool(max_connections=2)) client.set("fjs", "fjs") print client.get("fjs") client.lpush("nn", 1) print client.lpop("nn")
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): k = str(args)+str(kwargs) if k not in cls.__instances: cls.__instances[k] = Redis.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return cls.__instances[k]
def start(self): conf = parse_uri(self._uri) self._channel = conf.pop('channel', self._name) self._method = conf.pop('method', 'queue') self._client = Redis(**conf)
class HotClient(object): """ A Redis client wrapper that loads Lua functions and creates client methods for calling them. """ _ATOMS_FILE_NAME = "atoms.lua" _BIT_FILE_NAME = "bit.lua" _MULTI_FILE_NAME = "multi.lua" def __init__(self, client=None, *args, **kwargs): self._client = client if not self._client: kwargs.setdefault('decode_responses', True) self._client = Redis(*args, **kwargs) self._bind_atoms() self._bind_multi() def _bind_atoms(self): with open(self._get_lua_path(self._BIT_FILE_NAME)) as f: luabit = requires_luabit = ( "number_and", "number_or", "number_xor", "number_lshift", "number_rshift" ) for name, snippet in self._split_lua_file_into_funcs( self._ATOMS_FILE_NAME): if name in requires_luabit: snippet = luabit + snippet self._bind_lua_method(name, snippet) def _bind_multi(self): for name, snippet in self._split_lua_file_into_funcs("multi.lua"): self._bind_private_lua_script(name, snippet) @staticmethod def _get_lua_path(name): """ Joins the given name with the relative path of the module. """ parts = (os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "lua", name) return os.path.join(*parts) def _split_lua_file_into_funcs(self, file_name): """ Returns the name / code snippet pair for each Lua function in the file under file_name. """ with open(self._get_lua_path(file_name)) as f: for func in"function "): if func: bits = func.split("\n", 1) name = bits[0].split("(")[0].strip() snippet = bits[1].rsplit("end", 1)[0].strip() yield name, snippet def _bind_lua_method(self, name, code): """ Registers the code snippet as a Lua script, and binds the script to the client as a method that can be called with the same signature as regular client methods, eg with a single key arg. """ script = self._client.register_script(code) method = lambda key, *a, **k: script(keys=[key], args=a, **k) setattr(self, name, method) def _bind_private_lua_script(self, name, code): """ Registers the code snippet as a Lua script, and binds the script to the client as a private method (eg. some_lua_func becomes a _some_lua_func method of HotClient) that can be latter wrapped in public methods with better argument and error handling. """ script = self._client.register_script(code) setattr(self, '_' + name, script) def rank_lists_by_length(self, *keys): """ Creates a temporary ZSET with LIST keys as entries and their *LLEN* as scores. Uses ZREVRANGE .. WITHSCORES, to return keys and lengths sorted from longest to shortests. :param keys: keys of the lists you want rank :return: :rtype: Ranking :raise ValueError: :raise ValueError: when not enough keys are provided """ return Ranking(self._rank_lists_by_length, keys) def rank_sets_by_cardinality(self, *keys): """ Creates a temporary ZSET with SET keys as entries and their *CARD* as scores. Uses ZREVRANGE .. WITHSCORES, to return keys and cardinalities sorted from largest to smallest. :param keys: keys of the sets you want to rank :return: :rtype: Ranking :raise ValueError: when not enough keys are provided """ return Ranking(self._rank_sets_by_cardinality, keys) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.__dict__: return super(HotClient, self).__getattribute__(name) return self._client.__getattribute__(name)