Exemplo n.º 1
def predictImage(x):
        detectedProbability = np.array([])
        detectedClasses = np.array([])
        bloburl = ''
        if x['value']['image']:
            image_data = io.BytesIO(x['value']['image'])
            image = Image.open(image_data)
            numpy_img = np.array(image)
            resize_img = cv2.resize(numpy_img, (320, 320),
            inputs = np.array(resize_img,
                              dtype=np.float32)[np.newaxis, :, :, :]
            img_ba = bytearray(inputs.tobytes())
            v1 = redisAI.createTensorFromBlob('FLOAT', [1, 320, 320, 3],

            graphRunner = redisAI.createModelRunner('customvisionmodel')
            redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(graphRunner, 'image_tensor', v1)
            redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(graphRunner, 'detected_boxes')
            redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(graphRunner, 'detected_scores')
            redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(graphRunner, 'detected_classes')

            res = redisAI.modelRunnerRun(graphRunner)

            res1 = redisAI.tensorToFlatList(res[0])
            res2 = redisAI.tensorToFlatList(res[1])
            res3 = redisAI.tensorToFlatList(res[2])

            redisgears.executeCommand('xadd', 'result1', '*', 'text', res1)
            redisgears.executeCommand('xadd', 'result2', '*', 'text', res2)
            redisgears.executeCommand('xadd', 'result3', '*', 'text', res3)

            deleteLowProbResult = []
            for idx, prediction in enumerate(res2):
                if (prediction < 0.5):

            array_2d_rowcount = int(len(res1) / 4)
            arr_2d = np.reshape(res1, (array_2d_rowcount, 4))

            detectedBoxes = np.delete(arr_2d, deleteLowProbResult, axis=0)
            detectedProbability = np.delete(res2, deleteLowProbResult)
            detectedClasses = np.delete(res3, deleteLowProbResult)

            imagename = x['value']['imagename']
            connectionString = getSecret("azure_blob_secret")
            blob = BlobClient.from_connection_string(
            add_boxes_to_images(image, detectedBoxes, detectedClasses, blob)
            bloburl = getBlobUrl(imagename, connectionString)

        weatherCondition = x['value']['weather']
        windSpeed = x['value']['windSpeed']
        isDone = x['value']['isDone']
        return detectedProbability, detectedClasses, bloburl, weatherCondition, windSpeed, isDone
        xlog('Predict_image: error:', sys.exc_info())
Exemplo n.º 2
def addToGraphRunner(x):
        xlog('addToGraphRunner:', 'count=', x['count'])

        # converting the image to matrix of colors
        data = io.BytesIO(x['img'])
        dataM = imageio.imread(data).astype(dtype='float32')
        newImg = (cv2.resize(dataM, (224, 224)) / 128) - 1

        l = numpy.asarray(newImg, dtype=numpy.float32)
        img_ba = bytearray(l.tobytes())

        # converting the matrix color to Tensor
        v1 = redisAI.createTensorFromBlob('FLOAT', [1, 224, 224, 3], img_ba)

        # creating the graph runner, 'g1' is the key in redis on which the graph is located
        graphRunner = redisAI.createModelRunner('mobilenet:model')
        redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(graphRunner, 'input', v1)

        # run the graph and translate the result to python list
        res = redisAI.tensorToFlatList(redisAI.modelRunnerRun(graphRunner)[0])

        # extract the animal name
        res1 = sorted(res, reverse=True)
        animal = index[str(res.index(res1[0]) - 1)][1]
        xlog('addToGraphRunner:', 'animal=', animal)

        return (animal, x['img'])
        xlog('addToGraphRunner: error:', sys.exc_info()[0])
Exemplo n.º 3
def is_fraud(record):
    # Retrieve tensors from keyspace
    # Range query with limit 100. (Without limit it can return 100-150K results which reduce performance)
    ref_data_keys = execute("ZRANGEBYSCORE", "references", record[1],
                            record[2], "LIMIT", "0", "100")
    # Set "_tensor" suffix for every returned key
    keys = [x + "_tensor" for x in ref_data_keys]
    # Append the new transaction tensor key
    # Do mgetTensors from the keyspace
    tensors = redisAI.mgetTensorsFromKeyspace(keys)

    # Take the reference data tensors and the sample data
    ref_data = tensors[:len(tensors) - 2]
    new_sample = tensors[len(tensors) - 1]

    # Create a new reference tensor out the of the reference data from the keyspace, with a torch script
    scriptRunner = redisAI.createScriptRunner('concat_script',
    redisAI.scriptRunnerAddInputList(scriptRunner, ref_data)

    # Run two models over the reference data and the transaction
    ref_data = redisAI.scriptRunnerRun(scriptRunner)[0]
    modelRunner = redisAI.createModelRunner('model_1')
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(modelRunner, 'transaction', new_sample)
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(modelRunner, 'reference', ref_data)
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(modelRunner, 'output')
    output_1 = redisAI.modelRunnerRun(modelRunner)[0]
    modelRunner = redisAI.createModelRunner('model_2')
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(modelRunner, 'transaction', new_sample)
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(modelRunner, 'reference', ref_data)
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(modelRunner, 'output')
    output_2 = redisAI.modelRunnerRun(modelRunner)[0]

    # Average the results with numpy and set in keyspace
    shape = redisAI.tensorGetDims(output_1)
    reply_ndarray_0 = np.frombuffer(redisAI.tensorGetDataAsBlob(output_1),
    reply_ndarray_1 = np.frombuffer(redisAI.tensorGetDataAsBlob(output_2),
    res = (reply_ndarray_0 + reply_ndarray_1) / 2.0
    output = redisAI.createTensorFromBlob('FLOAT', res.shape, res.tobytes())
    redisAI.setTensorInKey('model_result', output)
Exemplo n.º 4
def runYolo(x):
    ''' Runs the model on an input image using RedisAI '''
    IMG_SIZE = 736  # Model's input size

    # Read the image from the stream's message
    buf = io.BytesIO(x['image'])
    pil_image = Image.open(buf)
    numpy_img = np.array(pil_image)
    image = process_image(numpy_img, IMG_SIZE)

    # Prepare the image and shape tensors as model inputs
    image_tensor = redisAI.createTensorFromBlob('FLOAT',
                                                [1, IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, 3],
    shape_tensor = redisAI.createTensorFromValues('FLOAT', [2],
                                                  [IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE])

    # Create yolo's RedisAI model runner and run it
    modelRunner = redisAI.createModelRunner('yolo:model')
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(modelRunner, 'input_1', image_tensor)
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(modelRunner, 'input_image_shape', shape_tensor)
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(modelRunner, 'concat_13')
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(modelRunner, 'concat_12')
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(modelRunner, 'concat_11')
    model_reply = redisAI.modelRunnerRun(modelRunner)

    # Get the model's outputs
    classes_tensor = model_reply[0]
    shape = redisAI.tensorGetDims(classes_tensor)
    buf = redisAI.tensorGetDataAsBlob(classes_tensor)
    classes = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.float32).reshape(shape)
    boxes_tensor = model_reply[2]
    shape = redisAI.tensorGetDims(boxes_tensor)
    buf = redisAI.tensorGetDataAsBlob(boxes_tensor)
    boxes = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.float32).reshape(shape)

    # Extract the people boxes
    boxes_out = []
    people_count = 0
    ratio = float(IMG_SIZE) / max(pil_image.width,
                                  pil_image.height)  # ratio = old / new
    pad_x = (IMG_SIZE - pil_image.width * ratio) / 2  # Width padding
    pad_y = (IMG_SIZE - pil_image.height * ratio) / 2  # Height padding
    for ind, class_val in enumerate(classes):
        if class_val == 0:  # 0 is people
            people_count += 1
            # Descale coordinates back to original image size
            top, left, bottom, right = boxes[ind]
            x1 = (left - pad_x) / ratio
            x2 = (right - pad_x) / ratio
            y1 = (top - pad_y) / ratio
            y2 = (bottom - pad_y) / ratio
            # Store boxes as a flat list
            boxes_out += [x1, y1, x2, y2]
    return x['streamId'], people_count, boxes_out
def runModel(x):
    sample = vectorizer.transform(
    ba = np.asarray(sample, dtype=np.float32)
    modelRunner = rai.createModelRunner('sklmodel')
    rai.modelRunnerAddInput(modelRunner, 'float_input', ba)
    rai.modelRunnerAddOutput(modelRunner, 'output_label')
    rai.modelRunnerAddOutput(modelRunner, 'output_probability')
    model_replies = rai.modelRunnerRun(modelRunner)
        # ERROR: type 0 is not supported in this function
    # model_output = model_replies[0]
    print("runModel output...")
    print(str(model_replies)) # = None
Exemplo n.º 6
def addToGraphRunner(x):
    # converting the image to matrix of colors
    data = io.BytesIO(x['img'])
    dataM = imageio.imread(data).astype(dtype='float32')
    newImg = (cv2.resize(dataM, (224, 224)) / 128) - 1

    # converting the matrix color to Tensor
    v1 = redisAI.createTensorFromValues('FLOAT', [1, 224, 224, 3],

    # creating the graph runner, 'g1' is the key in redis on which the graph is located
    graphRunner = redisAI.createModelRunner('mobilenet:model')
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(graphRunner, 'input', v1)

    # run the graph and translate the result to python list
    res = redisAI.tensorToFlatList(redisAI.modelRunnerRun(graphRunner)[0])

    # extract the animal name
    res1 = sorted(res, reverse=True)

    return (index[str(res.index(res1[0]) - 1)][1], x['img'])
Exemplo n.º 7
def runCanny(x):
    ''' Runs the model on an input image from the stream '''
    global prf
    IMG_SIZE = 416     # Model's input image size

    # log('read')

    # Read the image from the stream's message
    buf = io.BytesIO(x['image'])
    pil_image = Image.open(buf)
    image = np.array(pil_image).transpose((2, 0, 1)) / 255.

    # log('resize')
    # Resize, normalize and tensorize the image for the model (number of images, width, height, channels)
    # log('tensor')
    img_ba = bytearray(image.tobytes())
    image_tensor = redisAI.createTensorFromBlob('FLOAT', [1, 480, 640, 3], img_ba)

    # log('model')
    # Create the RedisAI model runner and run it
    modelRunner = redisAI.createModelRunner('canny:model')
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(modelRunner, 'input', image_tensor)
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(modelRunner, 'output')
    model_replies = redisAI.modelRunnerRun(modelRunner)
    # model_output = model_replies[0]
    shape = redisAI.tensorGetDims(model_replies)
    buf = redisAI.tensorGetDataAsBlob(model_replies)
    edges = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.float32).reshape(shape)

    # log('script')
    # The model's output is processed with a PyTorch script for non maxima suppression
    # scriptRunner = redisAI.createScriptRunner('yolo:script', 'boxes_from_tf')
    # redisAI.scriptRunnerAddInput(scriptRunner, model_output)
    # redisAI.scriptRunnerAddOutput(scriptRunner)
    # script_reply = redisAI.scriptRunnerRun(scriptRunner)
    # prf.add('script')

    # log('boxes')
    # The script outputs bounding boxes
    # shape = redisAI.tensorGetDims(script_reply)
    # buf = redisAI.tensorGetDataAsBlob(script_reply)
    # boxes = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.float32).reshape(shape)

    # Iterate boxes to extract the people
    # ratio = float(IMG_SIZE) / max(pil_image.width, pil_image.height)  # ratio = old / new
    # pad_x = (IMG_SIZE - pil_image.width * ratio) / 2                  # Width padding
    # pad_y = (IMG_SIZE - pil_image.height * ratio) / 2                 # Height padding
    # boxes_out = []
    # people_count = 0
    # for box in boxes[0]:
    #     if box[4] == 0.0:  # Remove zero-confidence detections
    #         continue
    #     if box[-1] != 14:  # Ignore detections that aren't people
    #         continue
    #     people_count += 1
    #     # Descale bounding box coordinates back to original image size
    #     x1 = (IMG_SIZE * (box[0] - 0.5 * box[2]) - pad_x) / ratio
    #     y1 = (IMG_SIZE * (box[1] - 0.5 * box[3]) - pad_y) / ratio
    #     x2 = (IMG_SIZE * (box[0] + 0.5 * box[2]) - pad_x) / ratio
    #     y2 = (IMG_SIZE * (box[1] + 0.5 * box[3]) - pad_y) / ratio
    #     # Store boxes as a flat list
    #     boxes_out += [x1,y1,x2,y2]
    # prf.add('boxes')

    return x['streamId'], edges
Exemplo n.º 8
def runYolo(x):
    ''' Runs the model on an input image from the stream '''
    global prf
    IMG_SIZE = 416  # Model's input image size
    prf.start()  # Start a new profiler iteration

    # log('read')

    # Read the image from the stream's message
    buf = io.BytesIO(x['image'])
    pil_image = Image.open(buf)
    numpy_img = np.array(pil_image)

    # log('resize')
    # Resize, normalize and tensorize the image for the model (number of images, width, height, channels)
    image = process_image(numpy_img, IMG_SIZE)
    # log('tensor')
    img_ba = bytearray(image.tobytes())
    image_tensor = redisAI.createTensorFromBlob('FLOAT',
                                                [1, IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, 3],

    # log('model')
    # Create the RedisAI model runner and run it
    modelRunner = redisAI.createModelRunner('yolo:model')
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddInput(modelRunner, 'input', image_tensor)
    redisAI.modelRunnerAddOutput(modelRunner, 'output')
    model_replies = redisAI.modelRunnerRun(modelRunner)
    model_output = model_replies[0]

    # log('script')
    # The model's output is processed with a PyTorch script for non maxima suppression
    scriptRunner = redisAI.createScriptRunner('yolo:script', 'boxes_from_tf')
    redisAI.scriptRunnerAddInput(scriptRunner, model_output)
    script_reply = redisAI.scriptRunnerRun(scriptRunner)

    # log('boxes')
    # The script outputs bounding boxes
    shape = redisAI.tensorGetDims(script_reply)
    buf = redisAI.tensorGetDataAsBlob(script_reply)
    boxes = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.float32).reshape(shape)

    # Iterate boxes to extract the people
    ratio = float(IMG_SIZE) / max(pil_image.width,
                                  pil_image.height)  # ratio = old / new
    pad_x = (IMG_SIZE - pil_image.width * ratio) / 2  # Width padding
    pad_y = (IMG_SIZE - pil_image.height * ratio) / 2  # Height padding
    boxes_out = []
    people_count = 0
    for box in boxes[0]:
        if box[4] == 0.0:  # Remove zero-confidence detections
        if box[-1] != 14:  # Ignore detections that aren't people
        people_count += 1

        # Descale bounding box coordinates back to original image size
        x1 = (IMG_SIZE * (box[0] - 0.5 * box[2]) - pad_x) / ratio
        y1 = (IMG_SIZE * (box[1] - 0.5 * box[3]) - pad_y) / ratio
        x2 = (IMG_SIZE * (box[0] + 0.5 * box[2]) - pad_x) / ratio
        y2 = (IMG_SIZE * (box[1] + 0.5 * box[3]) - pad_y) / ratio

        # Store boxes as a flat list
        boxes_out += [x1, y1, x2, y2]

    return x['streamId'], people_count, boxes_out