Exemplo n.º 1
def top_10_for_species(species):
    species_key = BESTPICS_KEY % species.pk
    pks = r.zrange(species_key, 0, 10, desc=True)
    metrics = [
        (r.zscore(species_key, pk) or 0, r.get(SEEN_KEY % pk) or 0, pk)
        for pk in pks
    # We award win percentage above all - if that's a tie, the one which has 
    # been in the most matches wins. If that's a tie, the one with the highest
    # pk (i.e. the one that was most recently added) wins, to keep the photos 
    # on the site 'fresh'.
    metrics.sort(reverse = True)
    photos = Photo.objects.in_bulk(pks)
    results = []
    for score, matches, pk in metrics:
        photo = photos[pk]
        photo.bestpic_score = score * 100
        photo.bestpic_matches = matches
    return results
Exemplo n.º 2
 def photo(self):
     photo = cache.get('photo-of-species:%s' % self.pk)
     if photo is None:
         best = r.zrange('bestpics-species:%s' % self.pk, 0, 0, desc=True)
         if best:
             from zoo.photos.models import Photo
                 photo = Photo.objects.get(pk = best[0])
             except Photo.DoesNotExist:
                 photo = 'no-photo'
                 photo = self.visible_photos().annotate(
                     num_faves = Count('favourited')
             except IndexError:
                 photo = 'no-photo'
         cache.set('photo-of-species:%s' % self.pk, photo, 60 * 60 * 5)
     if photo == 'no-photo':
         return None
     return photo
Exemplo n.º 3
 def top_3_photo_ids(self):
     return r.zrange('bestpics-species:%s' % self.pk, 0, 2, desc=True)