def handler_acceptrep(cli, msg): if isauthed(str( if len(msg.command) == 2: tag = msg.command[1] chat = Redis.hget('reportedfrom:global', tag).decode('utf-8') user = get_user_name( Redis.hget('reportedby:global', tag).decode('utf-8')) bot.send_message(chat_id=chat, text=ntf_accepted.format(user, tag)) rmsnippet(tag, bot_master) rmreport(tag) else: msg.reply('Insufficiant permission')
def handler_addadmin(cli, msg): if str( == bot_master: if len(msg.command) > 1: users = [] for user in msg.command[1:]: Redis.sadd(f'botadmin:{bot_name}', user) delmsg( msg.reply(f'Done! These users are now privileged:\n{users}')) else: delmsg(msg.reply('Insufficient permission')) delmsg(msg, 0)
def isauthed(user: str, tag: str = '', adminonly: bool = False) -> bool: ''' Determines if the user is able to do something, e.g. to edit a snippet or to delete a snippet. Only the user who created the snippet, bot admins and bot master (see can do such an operation. Params: - `tag` : the tag needed to be authenticated. - `user` : the user who takes the action. - `adminonly` : `bool` , if the action is admin only, then set this to True. Return: `True` if the user is qualified or `False` if the user is not qualified. ''' qualified = [bot_master] # Get bot admins _ = Redis.smembers(f'botadmin:{bot_name}') for a in _: qualified.append(a.decode('utf-8')) # Get the credit of the tag if tag: credit = getsnippet(tag)[2] qualified.append(credit) return user in qualified
def rmreport(tag): """ Remove a recorded report. This is not related to tag itself, whether the snippet was deleted or not. """ Redis.srem('reported:global', tag) Redis.hdel('repreason:global', tag) Redis.hdel('reportedby:global', tag) Redis.hdel('reportedfrom:global', tag)
def iscreatedby(credit: str, tag: str) -> bool: """ Determines if the `tag` is created by user `credit`. Just simply calling Redis method. Return `True` or `False` . """ return Redis.hexists(CREATEDBY.format(credit), tag)
def getsnippet(tag: str) -> Snippet: """ Get everything of the given tag, if exists. Returns: `list` - `[0]` : `str`, command snippet itself. - `[1]` : `str`, the description. - `[2]` : `str`, the credit. Raises: `TagNotFound` if the tag is not exist in the database. """ if not Redis.sismember(TAGS_GBL, tag): raise TagNotFound desc = Redis.hget(DESC_GBL, tag).decode('utf-8') command = Redis.hget(CMDS_GBL, tag).decode('utf-8') credit = Redis.hget(CRDT_GBL, tag).decode('utf-8') return (command, desc, credit)
def addreport(tag: str, reason: str, user: str, chat: str) -> None: """ Record a abuse report. Will be removed after being processed. """ if not tagexists(tag): raise TagNotFound Redis.sadd('reported:global', tag) Redis.hset('repreason:global', tag, reason) Redis.hset('reportedby:global', tag, user) Redis.hset('reportedfrom:global', tag, chat)
def setsnippet(tag: str, desc: str, command: str, credit: str) -> None: """ To add or set a command into the database. Params: - `tag` : `str` , unique tag of the command - `desc` : `str` , description of the command - `command` : `str` , the command itself - `credit` : `str` , ident of the user who add the command Returns: `None` """ if tagexists(tag): raise TagAlreadyExists Redis.sadd(TAGS_GBL, tag) Redis.hset(CMDS_GBL, tag, command) Redis.hset(DESC_GBL, tag, desc) Redis.hset(CRDT_GBL, tag, credit) Redis.sadd(CREATEDBY.format(credit), tag)
def handler_listadmins(cli, msg): if isauthed(str( admins = [] for i in Redis.smembers(f'botadmin:{bot_name}'): admins.append(i.decode('utf-8')) delmsg(msg.reply(f'List of bot admins:\n{admins}'), 30) else: delmsg(msg.reply('Insufficient permission')) delmsg(msg, 0)
def tagsingroup(group: str) -> List[Tags]: """ Get all tags belongs to the group. Returns: - `['', []]` if the group is not exist, there's a chance that the group was emptied. - `[str, list[str]]` the first string is the description of the group, the latter is a list of the tags in the given group. Raises: None """ result = ['', []] res = Redis.smembers(f'taggroup:global:{group}') if res: result[0] = Redis.hget('g_description:global', group) for e in res: result[1].append(e.decode('utf-8')) return result
def editsnippet(tag: str, edit: str, content: str, user: str) -> None: ''' Edit a snippet. Which to edit depends on the selection. Params: - `tag` : `str` , the tag to edit. - `edit` : `str` - `desc` or `snippet` , to choose what to edit. - `content` : `str` , the content to be replaced. - `user` : `str` , the user who takes action. ''' if not tagexists: raise TagNotFound if not isauthed(user, tag=tag): raise TagNotOwned if edit == 'desc': Redis.hset(DESC_GBL, tag, content) elif edit == 'snippet': Redis.hset(CMDS_GBL, tag, content) else: raise Exception(err_invalid_edit)
def handler_reportsnippet(cli, msg): if len(msg.command) > 2: lines = msg.text.split('\n') if len(lines) > 1: try: tag = msg.command[1] reason = '\n'.join(lines[1:]) user = str( chat = str( addreport(tag=tag, reason=reason, user=user, chat=chat) Redis.hset('username', user, msg.from_user.first_name) sendmaster( f'New Report: \nTag: {getsnippet_f(tag)}\nReported by {get_user_name(user)}\nReason: {reason}' ) delmsg(msg.reply(ntf_ticket_sent)) except Exception as e: delmsg(msg.reply(e)) return else: delmsg(msg.reply(help_text_report)) else: delmsg(msg.reply(help_text_report)) delmsg(msg, 0)
def handler_addsnippet(cli: Client, msg: Message) -> None: if len(msg.command) > 2: lines = msg.text.split('\n') if len(lines) >= 3: try: tag = msg.command[1] desc = lines[1] commands = '\n'.join(lines[2:]) credit = str( setsnippet(tag, desc, commands, credit) Redis.hset('username', credit, msg.from_user.first_name) delmsg( msg.reply( f'Done, the snippet was successfully added:\n{getsnippet_f(tag)}' ), 30) sendmaster(f'New Tag:\n{getsnippet_f(tag)}') except Exception as e: delmsg(msg.reply(e)) return else: delmsg(msg.reply(help_text_addsnipppet)) else: delmsg(msg.reply(help_text_addsnipppet)) delmsg(msg, 0)
def listtags(query: str, count: int = 10) -> List[str]: """ List all tags matches the pattern. Returns: - `[]` if no tags was found - `list[str]` the list of the tags matched the query pattern Raises: None """ result = [] res = Redis.sscan('tags:global', match=f'*{query}*')[1] if res: for e in res: result.append(e.decode('utf-8')) return result
def listgrps(query: str, count: int = 20) -> List[str]: """ List all tags matches the pattern. Params: - `query`: `str` , query string - `count`: `str` , counts of the given results. Returns: - `[]` if no tags was found - `list[str]` the list of the groups matched the query pattern Raises: None """ result = [] res = Redis.sscan('taggroups:global', match=f'*{query}*', count=count)[1] if res[1]: for e in res[1]: result.append(e.decode('utf-8')) return res
def put_user_name(ident: str, name: str) -> str: Redis.hset('username', ident, name)
def grouplength(group): return Redis.scard(f'taggroups:global:{group}')
def rmsnippet(tag: str, user: str) -> None: """ To remove a command into the database. Params: - `tag` : `str` , unique tag of the command to be removed - `user` : `str` , the user who takes the action, for verification use. Returns: `None` Raises: - `TagNotFound` if tag is not found. - `TagNotOwned` if tag is not owned by the user. """ if not tagexists(tag): raise TagNotFound if not isauthed(user, tag): raise TagNotOwned credit = Redis.hget(CRDT_GBL, tag).decode('utf-8') Redis.srem(TAGS_GBL, tag) Redis.hdel(CMDS_GBL, tag) Redis.hdel(DESC_GBL, tag) Redis.srem(CREATEDBY.format(credit), tag) Redis.hdel(CRDT_GBL, tag)
def get_user_name(ident: str) -> str: return Redis.hget('username', ident).decode('utf-8')
def tagexists(tag: str) -> bool: return Redis.sismember(TAGS_GBL, tag)