def show_cluster_info(self): for instance in self.master_candidates: echo('M', end='', color='green') name_msg = ': {name} {host}:{port}' echo(name_msg.format(,, port=instance.port)) slot_msg = ','.join(['-'.join([str(s[0]), str(s[1] - 1)]) for s in instance.unbinded_slots]) echo('\tslots:', slot_msg)
def show_cluster_info(self): for instance in self.master_candidates: echo('M', end='', color='green') name_msg = ': {name} {host}:{port}' echo( name_msg.format(,, port=instance.port)) slot_msg = ','.join([ '-'.join([str(s[0]), str(s[1] - 1)]) for s in instance.unbinded_slots ]) echo('\tslots:', slot_msg)
def status(args): cluster = Cluster.from_node(Node.from_uri(args.cluster)) dis = [] for n in cluster.masters: slaves = ','.join([s['addr'] for s in n.slaves(]) msg = '{} {}:{} {} {}'.format(,, n.port, len(n.slots), slaves) dis.append(msg) echo('\n'.join(dis)) echo('Masters:', len(cluster.masters)) echo('Slaves:', len(cluster.nodes) - len(cluster.masters)) covered_slots = sum(len(n.slots) for n in cluster.masters) echo('Covered Slots:', covered_slots) if covered_slots == cluster.CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS: echo('Cluster is healthy!') else: echo('!!!Cluster is not healthy!!!') echo('Either there is no cluster or exists cluster is not healthy.') echo('If there is no cluster then run "redis-clu create <master_list>" or') echo('"redis-clu fix {}" would be great if there is exists cluster!'.format(args.cluster)) echo('\n') for master in cluster.masters: echo(master) echo('===========================') echo(master.execute_command('info', 'keyspace')) echo('\n')
def create(args): creator = cli_helper.ClusterCreator(args.masters) if not creator.check(): echo('Pre-requirements to create cluster.\n', color='red') echo('\t1. At least 2 redis instances must be provided.') echo('\t2. Should be set <cluster_enabled> on redis server conf.') echo('\t3. Should be removed all keys in db 0.') echo('\t4. Any redis instance should not be member of other cluster.') exit() creator.initialize_slots() creator.show_cluster_info() creator.bind_slots() creator.bind_config_epoch() creator.join_cluster() echo('Waiting for the cluster to join ', end='') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) while not creator.cluster.consistent(): echo('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1)
def status(args): cluster = Cluster.from_node(Node.from_uri(args.cluster)) dis = [] for n in cluster.masters: slaves = ','.join([s['addr'] for s in n.slaves(]) msg = '{} {}:{} {} {}'.format(,, n.port, len(n.slots), slaves) dis.append(msg) echo('\n'.join(dis)) echo('Masters:', len(cluster.masters)) echo('Slaves:', len(cluster.nodes) - len(cluster.masters)) covered_slots = sum(len(n.slots) for n in cluster.masters) echo('Covered Slots:', covered_slots) if covered_slots == cluster.CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS: echo('Cluster is healthy!') else: echo('!!!Cluster is not healthy!!!') echo('Either there is no cluster or exists cluster is not healthy.') echo( 'If there is no cluster then run "redis-clu create <master_list>" or' ) echo('"redis-clu fix {}" would be great if there is exists cluster!'. format(args.cluster)) echo('\n') for master in cluster.masters: echo(master) echo('===========================') echo(master.execute_command('info', 'keyspace')) echo('\n')