Exemplo n.º 1
 def execute(self, reducer, workspace):
     # Perform standard sensitivity correction
     # If the sensitivity correction workspace exists, just apply it. Otherwise create it.      
     output_str = "   Using data set: %s" % extract_workspace_name(self._flood_data)
     if self._efficiency_ws is None:
         self._compute_efficiency(reducer, workspace)
     # Modify for wavelength dependency of the efficiency of the detector tubes
     EQSANSSensitivityCorrection(InputWorkspace=workspace, EfficiencyWorkspace=self._efficiency_ws,     
                                 Factor=0.95661, Error=0.005, OutputWorkspace=workspace,
     # Copy over the efficiency's masked pixels to the reduced workspace
     masked_detectors = GetMaskedDetectors(self._efficiency_ws)
     MaskDetectors(workspace, None, masked_detectors.getPropertyValue("DetectorList"))        
     return "Wavelength-dependent sensitivity correction applied\n%s\n" % output_str
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _mask_plot_clicked(self):        
     self.mask_ws = "__mask_%s" % extract_workspace_name(str(self._summary.mask_edit.text()))
     self.show_instrument(self._summary.mask_edit.text, workspace=self.mask_ws, tab=2, reload=self.mask_reload, mask=self._masked_detectors)
     self._masked_detectors = []
     self.mask_reload = False
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _compute_scaling_factor(self, reducer):
            Compute the scaling factor
        # Sanity check
        if self._data_file is None:
            raise RuntimeError, "AbsoluteScale called with no defined direct beam file"

        # Load data file
        filepath = find_data(self._data_file, instrument=reducer.instrument.name())
        data_file_ws = "__abs_scale_" + extract_workspace_name(filepath)

        loader = reducer._data_loader.clone(data_file=filepath)
        loader.execute(reducer, data_file_ws)

        # Get counting time
        if reducer._normalizer is None:
            # Note: this option shouldn't really be allowed
            monitor_id = reducer.NORMALIZATION_MONITOR
            monitor_id = -1
            if hasattr(reducer._normalizer, "get_normalization_spectrum"):
                monitor_id = reducer._normalizer.get_normalization_spectrum()
        monitor = mtd[data_file_ws].dataY(monitor_id)[0]
        # HFIR-specific: If we count for monitor we need to multiply by 1e8
        # Need to be consistent with the Normalization step
        if monitor_id == reducer.NORMALIZATION_MONITOR:
            monitor /= 1.0e8

        if mtd[data_file_ws].getRun().hasProperty("sample_detector_distance"):
            sdd = mtd[data_file_ws].getRun().getProperty("sample_detector_distance").value
            raise RuntimeError, "AbsoluteScale could not read the sample-detector-distance"

        if self._beamstop_diameter is not None:
            beam_diameter = self._beamstop_diameter
            if mtd[data_file_ws].getRun().hasProperty("beam-diameter"):
                beam_diameter = mtd[data_file_ws].getRun().getProperty("beam-diameter").value
                raise RuntimeError, "AbsoluteScale could not read the beam radius and none was provided"

        # Apply sensitivity correction
        if self._apply_sensitivity and reducer.get_sensitivity_correcter() is not None:

        det_count = 1
        cylXML = (
            '<infinite-cylinder id="asbsolute_scale">'
            + '<centre x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />'
            + '<axis x="0.0" y="0.0" z="1.0" />'
            + '<radius val="%12.10f" />' % (beam_diameter / 2000.0)
            + "</infinite-cylinder>\n"

        det_finder = FindDetectorsInShape(Workspace=data_file_ws, ShapeXML=cylXML)
        det_list = det_finder.getPropertyValue("DetectorList")
        det_count_ws = "__absolute_scale"
            InputWorkspace=data_file_ws, OutputWorkspace=det_count_ws, DetectorList=det_list, KeepUngroupedSpectra="0"
        det_count = mtd[det_count_ws].dataY(0)[0]

        # Pixel size, in mm
        pixel_size_param = mtd[data_file_ws].getInstrument().getNumberParameter("x-pixel-size")
        if pixel_size_param is not None:
            pixel_size = pixel_size_param[0]
            raise RuntimeError, "AbsoluteScale could not read the pixel size"

        # (detector count rate)/(attenuator transmission)/(monitor rate)*(pixel size/SDD)**2
        self._scaling_factor = 1.0 / (
            det_count / self._attenuator_trans / (monitor) * (pixel_size / sdd) * (pixel_size / sdd)
