Exemplo n.º 1
    def generate_marginal(self, qubit_set):
        Construct a marginal

        :param qubit_set:
        pauli_label_basis = list(product(pauli_labels, repeat=len(qubit_set)))
        marginal_rank = len(qubit_set)
        marginal = np.zeros((2**marginal_rank, 2**marginal_rank),

        # get set of matrices serving as the operator basis
        marginal_basis = {}
        for ops in pauli_label_basis:
            pauli_group_op = sI(0)
            for qubit_idx, p_op in enumerate(ops):
                pauli_group_op *= pauli_basis[p_op](qubit_idx)
            marginal_basis[ops] = tensor_up(PauliSum([pauli_group_op]),

        for ops in pauli_label_basis:
            pauli_group_op = sI(0)
            for qubit_idx, p_op in zip(qubit_set, ops):
                pauli_group_op *= pauli_basis[p_op](qubit_idx)
            p_op_full_space = tensor_up(PauliSum([pauli_group_op]),
            p_op_full_space /= 2**marginal_rank
            # TODO: Normalize pauli coefficients...Did we do it properly?
            basis_coeff = np.trace(p_op_full_space.dot(self.rho))
            marginal += basis_coeff * marginal_basis[ops]

        return marginal
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_construct_opdm():
    Test the construction of one-particle density matrix

    rho, rdm_generator, transform, molecule = system()
    dim = molecule.n_qubits
    opdm_a = np.zeros((int(dim/2), int(dim/2)), dtype=complex)
    opdm_b = np.zeros((int(dim/2), int(dim/2)), dtype=complex)

    for p, q in product(range(int(dim/2)), repeat=2):
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p, 1), (2 * q, 0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        opdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        opdm_a[p, q] = opdm_element

        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p + 1, 1), (2 * q + 1, 0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        opdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        opdm_b[p, q] = opdm_element

    opdm_a_test, opdm_b_test = rdm_generator.construct_opdm()
    assert np.allclose(opdm_b, opdm_b_test)
    assert np.allclose(opdm_a, opdm_a_test)
    opdm_b_test = rdm_generator._tensor_construct(2, [-1, 1], [1, 1])
    assert np.allclose(opdm_b_test, opdm_b)
    opdm_a_test = rdm_generator._tensor_construct(2, [-1, 1], [0, 0])
    assert np.allclose(opdm_a_test, opdm_a)
def test_tensor_up_error_catch():
    """Testing tensor up type checking"""
    x_term = PauliTerm("X", 5)

    # testing type rejection
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        tensor_up(x_term, 5)

    # testing index rejection
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        tensor_up(PauliSum([x_term]), 3)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_marginal():
    Generate ground state of heinsenberg spin model and general
    all 1-marginals

    Heisenberg spin model is

    H = sum_{<ij>} X_{i}X_{j} + Y_{i}Y_{j} + Z_{i}Z_{j}

    # generate state for Heisenberg spin-model
    qubits = 4
    hamiltonian = sI(0) * 0.0
    for ii in range(qubits):
        hamiltonian += sX(ii) * sX((ii + 1) % qubits)
        hamiltonian += sY(ii) * sY((ii + 1) % qubits)
        hamiltonian += sZ(ii) * sZ((ii + 1) % qubits)

    hamiltonian_matrix = tensor_up(hamiltonian, qubits)
    w, v = np.linalg.eigh(hamiltonian_matrix)
    rho = v[:, [0]].dot(np.conj(v[:, [0]]).T)
    mg = MarginalGenerator(rho)
    marginals = mg.construct_p_marginals(2)
    for marginal_id, marginal in marginals.items():
        assert np.isclose(marginal.trace(), 1.0)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_construct_phdm():
    Construct the particle-hole density matrix

    rho, rdm_generator, transform, molecule = system()
    dim = molecule.n_qubits
    phdm = np.zeros((dim, dim, dim, dim), dtype=complex)
    for p, q, r, s in product(range(dim), repeat=4):
        pauli_proj_op = transform(
            FermionOperator(((p, 1), (q, 0), (s, 1), (r, 0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        phdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        phdm[p, q, r, s] = phdm_element

    phdm_test = rdm_generator._tensor_construct(4, [-1, 1, -1, 1])
    assert np.allclose(phdm_test, phdm)

    phdm_true = map_two_pdm_to_particle_hole_dm(molecule.fci_two_rdm,
    phdm_true = np.einsum('ijkl->ijlk', phdm_true)
    assert np.allclose(phdm_true, phdm)
def test_tensor_up_correctness():
    """Check the correctness of the tensor up routine"""
    xy_term = PauliSum([PauliTerm("X", 0)*PauliTerm("Y", 1)])

    # test correctness
    trial_matrix = tensor_up(xy_term, 2)
    true_matrix = np.kron(gate_matrix['Y'], gate_matrix['X'])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(trial_matrix, true_matrix)

    x1_term = PauliSum([PauliTerm("X", 1)])
    trial_matrix = tensor_up(x1_term, 2)
    true_matrix = np.kron(gate_matrix['X'], gate_matrix['I'])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(trial_matrix, true_matrix)

    zpz_term = PauliTerm("Z", 0) + PauliTerm("Z", 1)
    trial_matrix = tensor_up(zpz_term, 2)
    true_matrix = np.zeros((4, 4))
    true_matrix[0, 0] = 2
    true_matrix[-1, -1] = -2
    np.testing.assert_allclose(trial_matrix, true_matrix)
Exemplo n.º 7
def rotate_density(rho, pauli_term, debug=False):
    Rotate the density so I can read off in the computational basis
    # rotate operator into computational basis
    rot_prog = Program()
    n_qubits = int(np.log2(rho.shape[0]))

    marked_qubits = []
    for key, value in pauli_term._ops.iteritems():
        if value == "X":
        elif value == "Y":
            rot_prog.inst(RX(np.pi / 2)(key))
    rot_prog.inst(I(n_qubits - 1))

    qvm_unitary = QVMConnection(type_trans='unitary')
    if debug:
        ham_op = tensor_up(PauliSum([pauli_term]), n_qubits)
        e_true = np.trace(ham_op.dot(rho))

    unitary = qvm_unitary.unitary(rot_prog)
    rho = unitary.dot(rho.dot(np.conj(unitary).T))

    if debug:
        z_term = PauliTerm("I", 0)
        for idx in marked_qubits:
            z_term = z_term * PauliTerm("Z", idx)

        ham_op_2 = tensor_up(pauli_term.coefficient * PauliSum([z_term]),
        test_expect = np.trace(np.dot(ham_op_2, rho))
        assert np.isclose(test_expect, e_true)

    return rho, marked_qubits
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_construct_opdm():
    Test the construction of one-particle density matrix

    rho, rdm_generator, transform, molecule = system()
    opdm = np.zeros((molecule.n_qubits, molecule.n_qubits), dtype=complex)
    for p, q in product(range(molecule.n_qubits), repeat=2):
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((p, 1), (q, 0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        opdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        opdm[p, q] = opdm_element

    assert np.allclose(molecule.fci_one_rdm, opdm)

    opdm_test = rdm_generator._tensor_construct(2, [-1, 1])
    assert np.allclose(opdm_test, molecule.fci_one_rdm)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_construct_ohdm():
    Test the construction of the one-hole density matrix

    rho, rdm_generator, transform, molecule = system()
    dim = molecule.n_qubits
    ohdm = np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=complex)
    for p, q in product(range(dim), repeat=2):
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((p, 0), (q, 1))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        ohdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        ohdm[p, q] = ohdm_element

    ohdm_true = np.eye(4) - molecule.fci_one_rdm
    assert np.allclose(ohdm_true, ohdm)
    ohdm_test = rdm_generator._tensor_construct(2, [1, -1])
    assert np.allclose(ohdm_test, ohdm_true)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def density(self, pyquil_program):
        Run program and compute the density matrix

        Loads and checks program if all gates are within the stabilizer set.
        Then executes program and returns the final density matrix for the

        :param Program pyquil_program: a pyquil Program containing only
                                       CNOT-H-S-MEASUREMENT operations
        self.tableau = self._n_qubit_tableau(self.num_qubits)
        stabilizers = binary_stabilizer_to_pauli_stabilizer(
        pauli_ops = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y,
                           [0.5 * (sI(0) + b) for b in stabilizers])
        return tensor_up(pauli_ops, self.num_qubits)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _tensor_construct(self, rank, conjugates):
        General procedure for evaluating the expected value of second quantized ops

        General procedure for finding p-rank correlators such as the 1-RDM or 2-RDM
        :param Int rank: number of second quantized operators to product out
        :param List conjugates: Indicator of the conjugate type of the second quantized operator
        :returns: a tensor of (rank) specified by input
        :rytpe: np.ndarray
        tensor = np.zeros(tuple([self.dim] * rank), dtype=complex)
        for tindices in product(range(self.dim), repeat=rank):
            pauli_proj_op = self.transform.product_ops(
                list(tindices[:int(rank / 2)] +
                     tindices[int(rank / 2):][::-1]), conjugates)
            lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, self.num_qubits)
            # element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(self.rho))
            element = (lifted_op.dot(self.rho)).diagonal().sum()
            tensor[tindices] = element
        return tensor
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_molecule_openfermion(molecule, eigen_index=0):
    # check if the molecule is in the molecules data directory
    if molecule.name + '.hdf5' in os.listdir(DATA_DIRECTORY):
        print("\tLoading File from {}".format(DATA_DIRECTORY))
        # compute properties with run_psi4
        molecule = run_psi4(molecule, run_fci=True)
        print("\tPsi4 Calculation Completed")
        print("\tSaved in {}".format(DATA_DIRECTORY))

    fermion_hamiltonian = molecule.get_molecular_hamiltonian()
    qubitop_hamiltonian = jordan_wigner(fermion_hamiltonian)
    psum = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(qubitop_hamiltonian)
    ham = tensor_up(psum, molecule.n_qubits)
    if isinstance(ham, (csc_matrix, csr_matrix)):
        ham = ham.toarray()
    w, v = np.linalg.eigh(ham)
    gs_wf = v[:, [eigen_index]]
    n_density = gs_wf.dot(np.conj(gs_wf).T)
    return molecule, v[:, [eigen_index]], n_density, w[eigen_index]
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _tensor_construct(self, rank, conjugates, updown):
        General procedure for evaluating the expected value of second quantized ops

        :param Int rank: number of second quantized operators to product out
        :param List conjugates: Indicator of the conjugate type of the second
                                quantized operator
        :param List updown: SymmOrbitalDensity matrices are index by spatial orbital
                            Indices.  This value is self.dim/2 for Fermionic systems.
                            When projecting out expected values to form the marginals,
                            we need to know if the spin-part of the spatial basis
                            funciton.  updown is a list corresponding with the
                            conjugates telling us if we are projecting an up spin or
                            down spin.  0 is for up. 1 is for down.

                            Example: to get the 1-RDM alpha-block we would pass the

                                rank = 2, conjugates = [-1, 1], updown=[0, 0]

        :returns: a tensor of (rank) specified by input
        :rytpe: np.ndarray
        # self.dim/2 because rank is now spatial basis function rank
        tensor = np.zeros(tuple([int(self.dim / 2)] * rank), dtype=complex)
        for tindices in product(range(int(self.dim / 2)), repeat=rank):
            # get the spatial indices
            spin_free_indices = list(
                map(lambda x: 2 * tindices[x] + updown[x],

            pauli_proj_op = self.transform.product_ops(
                list(spin_free_indices[:int(rank / 2)] +
                     spin_free_indices[int(rank / 2):][::-1]), conjugates)

            lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, self.num_qubits)
            element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(self.rho))
            tensor[tindices] = element
        return tensor
def test_s2_expected():
    n_density, rdm_gen, transform, molecule = heh_system()

    density = SpinOrbitalDensity(n_density, molecule.n_qubits)
    tpdm = density.construct_tpdm().real
    opdm = density.construct_opdm().real

    # calculate S^{2} by jordan-wigner of fermionic modes
    so_dim = int(opdm.shape[0])
    sp_dim = int(so_dim / 2)
    jw = JWTransform()
    sminus = sI(0) * 0
    splus = sI(0) * 0
    szop = sI(0) * 0
    for i in range(sp_dim):
        sminus += jw.product_ops([2 * i + 1, 2 * i], [-1, 1])
        splus += jw.product_ops([2 * i, 2 * i + 1], [-1, 1])
        szop += 0.5 * jw.product_ops([2 * i, 2 * i], [-1, 1])
        szop -= 0.5 * jw.product_ops([2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 1], [-1, 1])

    s2op = sminus * splus + szop + szop * szop
    s2op_matrix = tensor_up(s2op, so_dim)
    szop_matrix = tensor_up(szop, so_dim)
    szop2_matrix = tensor_up(szop * szop, so_dim)
    splus_matrix = tensor_up(splus, so_dim)
    sminus_matrix = tensor_up(sminus, so_dim)
    smsp_matrix = tensor_up(sminus * splus, so_dim)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(smsp_matrix, sminus_matrix.dot(splus_matrix))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(szop2_matrix, szop_matrix.dot(szop_matrix))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(szop2_matrix + szop_matrix,
                               szop_matrix.dot(szop_matrix) + szop_matrix)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(smsp_matrix + szop2_matrix + szop_matrix,
                               smsp_matrix + szop_matrix.dot(szop_matrix) + szop_matrix)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(smsp_matrix + szop2_matrix + szop_matrix,

    # Now we can check if our two methods for computing the S^{2} value are
    # correct.
    s2_from_ndensity = np.trace(n_density.dot(s2op_matrix)).real
    trial_s2_expected = s2_expected(tpdm, opdm)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(s2_from_ndensity, trial_s2_expected)
Exemplo n.º 15
            if np.isclose(term.coefficient.imag, 0.0):
                count += 1
    return count

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from representability.fermions.utils import get_molecule

    ham, ham_op, mol_data, gs_wf, n_density, gs_eig = get_molecule()
    n_qubits = ham.n_qubits
    M = 2 * mol_data.M_
    N = mol_data.nElectrons_

    d2ab_pauli_map, pauli_set = pauliD2set_sz(ham)

    # measure the following pauli term
    # expected value from density 0.002722159645
    # pauli_operator = PauliTerm("X", 1, 0.125)*PauliTerm("Z", 2)*PauliTerm("X", 3)
    pauli_operator = PauliTerm("Z", 2, 0.25) * PauliTerm("Z", 3, 1.0)
    p_op_mat = tensor_up(PauliSum([pauli_operator]), M)
    true_expectation = np.trace(np.dot(p_op_mat, n_density))
    # assert np.isclose(true_expectation, 0.002722159645)A
    assert np.isclose(true_expectation, 0.249863555819)

    for key, value in d2ab_pauli_map.iteritems():
        for pterm in value.terms:
            op = tensor_up(PauliSum([pterm]), n_qubits)
            if np.isclose(pterm.coefficient.real,
                          0) and not np.isclose(pterm.coefficient.imag, 0.0):
                assert np.isclose(np.trace(np.dot(op, n_density)), 0.0)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_construct_phdm():
    Construct the particle-hole density matrix

    rho, rdm_generator, transform, molecule = system()
    dim = molecule.n_qubits

    phdm_ab = np.zeros((int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2)), dtype=complex)
    phdm_ba = np.zeros((int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2)), dtype=complex)
    phdm_aabb = np.zeros((2 * (int(dim/2))**2, 2 * (int(dim/2))**2), dtype=complex)
    sdim = int(dim/2)
    for p, q, r, s in product(range(sdim), repeat=4):
        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p, 2 * q + 1,
        #                                        2 * s + 1, 2 * r], [-1, 1, -1, 1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p, 1), (2 * q + 1, 0), (2 * s + 1, 1), (2 * r, 0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        phdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        phdm_ab[p, q, r, s] = phdm_element

        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p + 1, 2 * q,
        #                                        2 * s, 2 * r + 1], [-1, 1, -1, 1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p + 1, 1), (2 * q, 0), (2 * s, 1), (2 * r + 1, 0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        phdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        phdm_ba[p, q, r, s] = phdm_element

        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p, 2 * q,
        #                                        2 * s, 2 * r], [-1, 1, -1, 1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p, 1), (2 * q, 0), (2 * s, 1), (2 * r, 0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        phdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        # phdm_aabb[0, 0, p, q, r, s] = phdm_element
        phdm_aabb[p * sdim + q, r * sdim + s] = phdm_element

        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p + 1, 2 * q + 1,
        #                                        2 * s + 1, 2 * r + 1], [-1, 1, -1, 1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p + 1, 1), (2 * q + 1, 0), (2 * s + 1, 1), (2 * r + 1, 0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        phdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        # phdm_aabb[1, 1, p, q, r, s] = phdm_element
        phdm_aabb[p * sdim + q + sdim**2, r * sdim + s + sdim**2] = phdm_element

        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p, 2 * q,
        #                                        2 * s + 1, 2 * r + 1], [-1, 1, -1, 1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p, 1), (2 * q, 0), (2 * s + 1, 1), (2 * r + 1, 0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        phdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        # phdm_aabb[0, 1, p, q, r, s] = phdm_element
        phdm_aabb[p * sdim + q, r * sdim + s + sdim**2] = phdm_element

        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p + 1, 2 * q + 1,
        #                                        2 * s, 2 * r], [-1, 1, -1, 1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p + 1, 1), (2 * q + 1, 0), (2 * s, 1), (2 * r,  0))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        phdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        # phdm_aabb[1, 0, p, q, r, s] = phdm_element
        phdm_aabb[p * sdim + q + sdim**2, r * sdim + s] = phdm_element

    phdm_ab_test, phdm_ba_test, phdm_aabb_test = rdm_generator.construct_phdm()

    assert np.allclose(phdm_ab, phdm_ab_test)
    assert np.allclose(phdm_ba, phdm_ba_test)
    assert np.allclose(phdm_aabb, phdm_aabb_test)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_construct_thdm():
    Construct the two-hole density matrix

    rho, rdm_generator, transform, molecule = system()
    dim = molecule.n_qubits

    thdm_aa = np.zeros((int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2)),
    thdm_bb = np.zeros((int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2)),
    thdm_ab = np.zeros((int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2)),
    thdm_ba = np.zeros((int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2), int(dim/2)),
    for p, q, r, s in product(range(int(dim/2)), repeat=4):
        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p + 1, 2 * q + 1,
        #                                        2 * s + 1, 2 * r + 1], [1, 1, -1, -1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p + 1, 0), (2 * q + 1, 0), (2 * s + 1, 1), (2 * r + 1, 1))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        tpdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        thdm_bb[p, q, r, s] = tpdm_element

        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p, 2 * q,
        #                                        2 * s, 2 * r], [1, 1, -1, -1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p, 0), (2 * q, 0), (2 * s, 1), (2 * r, 1))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        tpdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        thdm_aa[p, q, r, s] = tpdm_element

        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p, 2 * q + 1,
        #                                        2 * s + 1, 2 * r], [1, 1, -1, -1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p, 0), (2 * q + 1, 0), (2 * s + 1, 1), (2 * r, 1))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        tpdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        thdm_ab[p, q, r, s] = tpdm_element

        # pauli_proj_op = transform.product_ops([2 * p + 1, 2 * q,
        #                                        2 * s, 2 * r + 1], [1, 1, -1, -1])
        pauli_proj_op = transform(FermionOperator(((2 * p + 1, 0), (2 * q, 0), (2 * s, 1), (2 * r + 1, 1))))
        pauli_proj_op = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(pauli_proj_op)
        if isinstance(pauli_proj_op, PauliTerm):
            pauli_proj_op = PauliSum([pauli_proj_op])
        lifted_op = tensor_up(pauli_proj_op, molecule.n_qubits)
        tpdm_element = np.trace(lifted_op.dot(rho))
        thdm_ba[p, q, r, s] = tpdm_element

    thdm_aa_true, thdm_bb_true, thdm_ab_true, thdm_ba_true = rdm_generator.construct_thdm()
    assert np.allclose(thdm_aa, thdm_aa_true)
    assert np.allclose(thdm_bb, thdm_bb_true)
    assert np.allclose(thdm_ab, thdm_ab_true)
    assert np.allclose(thdm_ba, thdm_ba_true)
Exemplo n.º 18
        bk_hamiltonian = symmetry_conserving_bravyi_kitaev(
            get_fermion_operator(hamiltonian), 4, 2)

        # generate the spin-adapted classical coupled-cluster amplitude to use as the input for the
        # circuit
        packed_amps = uccsd_singlet_get_packed_amplitudes(
            molecule.ccsd_single_amps, molecule.ccsd_double_amps,
            molecule.n_qubits, molecule.n_electrons)
        theta = packed_amps[-1]  # always take the doubles amplitude

        # now that we're done setting up the Hamiltonian and grabbing initial opt parameters
        # we can switch over to how to run things
        ucc_program = ucc_circuit(theta)

        paulis_bk_hamiltonian = qubitop_to_pyquilpauli(bk_hamiltonian)
        bk_mat = tensor_up(paulis_bk_hamiltonian, 2)

        w, v = np.linalg.eigh(bk_mat)

        wf = qvm.wavefunction(ucc_program)
        wf = wf.amplitudes.reshape((-1, 1))

        tenergy = np.conj(wf).T.dot(bk_mat).dot(wf)[0, 0].real

        # observable = objective_fun(theta, hamiltonian=paulis_bk_hamiltonian, quantum_resource=qvm)
        observable = objective_fun(theta,

        result = minimize(objective_fun,