Exemplo n.º 1
def genRef(specFile, baseDir):
    file = loadFile(specFile)
    if file is None:

    # Save the path to this file for later use in rewriting relative includes
    specDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(specFile))

    pageMap = findRefs(file, specFile)
    logDiag(specFile + ': found', len(pageMap.keys()), 'potential pages')


    # Fix up references in pageMap
    fixupRefs(pageMap, specFile, file)

    # Create each page, if possible

    for name in sorted(pageMap):
        pi = pageMap[name]

        printPageInfo(pi, file)

        if pi.Warning:
            logDiag('genRef:', pi.name + ':', pi.Warning)

        if pi.extractPage:
            emitPage(baseDir, specDir, pi, file)
        elif pi.type == 'enums':
            autoGenEnumsPage(baseDir, pi, file)
        elif pi.type == 'flags':
            autoGenFlagsPage(baseDir, pi.name)
            # Don't extract this page
            logWarn('genRef: Cannot extract or autogenerate:', pi.name)
Exemplo n.º 2
def genRef(specFile, baseDir):
    file = loadFile(specFile)
    if file is None:

    # Save the path to this file for later use in rewriting relative includes
    specDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(specFile))

    pageMap = findRefs(file, specFile)
    logDiag(specFile + ': found', len(pageMap.keys()), 'potential pages')


    # Fix up references in pageMap
    fixupRefs(pageMap, specFile, file)

    # Create each page, if possible

    for name in sorted(pageMap):
        pi = pageMap[name]

        printPageInfo(pi, file)

        if pi.Warning:
            logDiag('genRef:', pi.name + ':', pi.Warning)

        if pi.extractPage:
            emitPage(baseDir, specDir, pi, file)
        elif pi.type == 'enums':
            autoGenEnumsPage(baseDir, pi, file)
        elif pi.type == 'flags':
            autoGenFlagsPage(baseDir, pi.name)
            # Don't extract this page
            logWarn('genRef: Cannot extract or autogenerate:', pi.name)
Exemplo n.º 3
def genRef(specFile, baseDir):
    """Extract reference pages from a spec asciidoc source file.

    - specFile - filename to extract from
    - baseDir - output directory to generate page in"""
    # We don't care the newline format used here.
    file, _ = loadFile(specFile)
    if file is None:

    # Save the path to this file for later use in rewriting relative includes
    specDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(specFile))

    pageMap = findRefs(file, specFile)
    logDiag(specFile + ': found', len(pageMap.keys()), 'potential pages')


    # Fix up references in pageMap
    fixupRefs(pageMap, specFile, file)

    # Create each page, if possible
    pages = {}

    for name in sorted(pageMap):
        pi = pageMap[name]

        printPageInfo(pi, file)

        if pi.Warning:
            logDiag('genRef:', pi.name + ':', pi.Warning)

        if pi.extractPage:
            emitPage(baseDir, specDir, pi, file)
        elif pi.type == 'enums':
            autoGenEnumsPage(baseDir, pi, file)
        elif pi.type == 'flags':
            autoGenFlagsPage(baseDir, pi.name)
            # Don't extract this page
            logWarn('genRef: Cannot extract or autogenerate:', pi.name)

        pages[pi.name] = pi
        for alias in pi.alias.split():
            pages[alias] = pi

    return pages
Exemplo n.º 4
def reflowFile(filename, args):
    logDiag('reflow: filename', filename)

    lines = loadFile(filename)
    if lines is None:

    # Output file handle and reflow object for this file. There are no race
    # conditions on overwriting the input, but it's not recommended unless
    # you have backing store such as git.

    if args.overwrite:
        outFilename = filename
        outFilename = args.outDir + '/' + os.path.basename(
            filename) + args.suffix

        fp = open(outFilename, 'w', encoding='utf8')
        logWarn('Cannot open output file', filename, ':', sys.exc_info()[0])

    state = ReflowState(filename,
                        reflow=not args.noflow,

    for line in lines:

        # Is this a title line (leading '= ' followed by text)?
        thisTitle = False

        # The logic here is broken. If we're in a non-reflowable block and
        # this line *doesn't* end the block, it should always be
        # accumulated.

        # Test for a blockCommonReflow delimiter comment first, to avoid
        # treating it solely as a end-Paragraph marker comment.
        if line == blockCommonReflow:
            # Starting or ending a pseudo-block for "common" VU statements.

            # Common VU statements use an Asciidoc variable as the apiName,
            # instead of inferring it from the most recent API include.
            state.apiName = '{refpage}'
            state.endParaBlockReflow(line, vuBlock=True)

        elif blockReflow.match(line):
            # Starting or ending a block whose contents may be reflowed.
            # Blocks cannot be nested.

            # Is this is an explicit Valid Usage block?
            vuBlock = (state.lineNumber > 1
                       and lines[state.lineNumber - 2] == '.Valid Usage\n')

            state.endParaBlockReflow(line, vuBlock)

        elif endPara.match(line):
            # Ending a paragraph. Emit the current paragraph, if any, and
            # prepare to begin a new paragraph.


            # If this is an include:: line starting the definition of a
            # structure or command, track that for use in VUID generation.

            matches = includePat.search(line)
            if matches is not None:
                generated_type = matches.group('generated_type')
                include_type = matches.group('category')
                if generated_type == 'api' and include_type in ('protos',
                    apiName = matches.group('entity_name')
                    if state.apiName != '':
                        # This happens when there are multiple API include
                        # lines in a single block. The style guideline is to
                        # always place the API which others are promoted to
                        # first. In virtually all cases, the promoted API
                        # will differ solely in the vendor suffix (or
                        # absence of it), which is benign.
                        if not apiMatch(state.apiName, apiName):
                            logWarn('Promoted API name mismatch at line',
                                    state.lineNumber, ':', 'apiName:', apiName,
                                    'does not match state.apiName:',
                        state.apiName = apiName

        elif endParaContinue.match(line):
            # For now, always just end the paragraph.
            # Could check see if len(para) > 0 to accumulate.


            # If it's a title line, track that
            if line[0:2] == '= ':
                thisTitle = True

        elif blockPassthrough.match(line):
            # Starting or ending a block whose contents must not be reflowed.
            # These are tables, etc. Blocks cannot be nested.

        elif state.lastTitle:
            # The previous line was a document title line. This line
            # is the author / credits line and must not be reflowed.

            # Just accumulate a line to the current paragraph. Watch out for
            # hanging indents / bullet-points and track that indent level.


        state.lastTitle = thisTitle

    # Cleanup at end of file

    # Sanity check on block nesting
    if len(state.blockStack) > 1:
        logWarn('file', filename,
                'mismatched asciidoc block delimiters at EOF:',


    # Update the 'nextvu' value
    if args.nextvu != state.nextvu:
        logWarn('Updated nextvu to', state.nextvu, 'after file', filename)
        args.nextvu = state.nextvu
Exemplo n.º 5
def reflowFile(filename, args):
    logDiag('reflow: filename', filename)

    lines = loadFile(filename)
    if lines is None:

    # Output file handle and reflow object for this file. There are no race
    # conditions on overwriting the input, but it's not recommended unless
    # you have backing store such as git.

    if args.overwrite:
        outFilename = filename
        outFilename = args.outDir + '/' + os.path.basename(
            filename) + args.suffix

        fp = open(outFilename, 'w', encoding='utf8')
        logWarn('Cannot open output file', filename, ':', sys.exc_info()[0])

    state = ReflowState(filename,
                        reflow=not args.noflow,

    for line in lines:

        # Is this a title line (leading '= ' followed by text)?
        thisTitle = False

        # The logic here is broken. If we're in a non-reflowable block and
        # this line *doesn't* end the block, it should always be
        # accumulated.

        if endPara.match(line):
            # Ending a paragraph. Emit the current paragraph, if any, and
            # prepare to begin a new paragraph.


            # If this is an include:: line starting the definition of a
            # structure or command, track that for use in VUID generation.

            matches = includePat.search(line)
            if matches is not None:
                include_type = matches.group('type')
                if include_type in ('protos', 'structs'):
                    state.apiName = matches.group('name')

        elif endParaContinue.match(line):
            # For now, always just end the paragraph.
            # Could check see if len(para) > 0 to accumulate.


            # If it's a title line, track that
            if line[0:2] == '= ':
                thisTitle = True

        elif blockReflow.match(line):
            # Starting or ending a block whose contents may be reflowed.
            # Blocks cannot be nested.

            # First see if this is an explicit Valid Usage block
            vuBlock = (state.lineNumber > 1
                       and lines[state.lineNumber - 2] == '.Valid Usage\n')

            state.endParaBlockReflow(line, vuBlock)
        elif blockPassthrough.match(line):
            # Starting or ending a block whose contents must not be reflowed.
            # These are tables, etc. Blocks cannot be nested.

        elif state.lastTitle:
            # The previous line was a document title line. This line
            # is the author / credits line and must not be reflowed.

            # Just accumulate a line to the current paragraph. Watch out for
            # hanging indents / bullet-points and track that indent level.


        state.lastTitle = thisTitle

    # Cleanup at end of file

    # Sanity check on block nesting
    if len(state.blockStack) > 1:
        logWarn('file', filename,
                'mismatched asciidoc block delimiters at EOF:',


    # Update the 'nextvu' value
    if args.nextvu != state.nextvu:
        logWarn('Updated nextvu to', state.nextvu, 'after file', filename)
        args.nextvu = state.nextvu
Exemplo n.º 6
def reflowFile(filename, args):
    logDiag('reflow: filename', filename)

    lines = loadFile(filename)
    if lines is None:

    # Output file handle and reflow object for this file. There are no race
    # conditions on overwriting the input, but it's not recommended unless
    # you have backing store such as git.

    if args.overwrite:
        outFilename = filename
        outFilename = args.outDir + '/' + os.path.basename(filename) + args.suffix

        fp = open(outFilename, 'w', encoding='utf8')
        logWarn('Cannot open output file', filename, ':', sys.exc_info()[0])

    state = ReflowState(filename,
                        file = fp,
                        reflow = not args.noflow,
                        nextvu = args.nextvu)

    for line in lines:

        # Is this a title line (leading '= ' followed by text)?
        thisTitle = False

        # The logic here is broken. If we're in a non-reflowable block and
        # this line *doesn't* end the block, it should always be
        # accumulated.

        if endPara.match(line):
            # Ending a paragraph. Emit the current paragraph, if any, and
            # prepare to begin a new paragraph.


            # If this is an include:: line starting the definition of a
            # structure or command, track that for use in VUID generation.

            matches = includePat.search(line)
            if matches is not None:
                include_type = matches.group('type')
                if include_type in ('protos', 'structs'):
                    state.apiName = matches.group('name')

        elif endParaContinue.match(line):
            # For now, always just end the paragraph.
            # Could check see if len(para) > 0 to accumulate.


            # If it's a title line, track that
            if line[0:2] == '= ':
                thisTitle = True

        elif blockReflow.match(line):
            # Starting or ending a block whose contents may be reflowed.
            # Blocks cannot be nested.

            # First see if this is an explicit Valid Usage block
            vuBlock = (state.lineNumber > 1 and
                       lines[state.lineNumber-2] == '.Valid Usage\n')

            state.endParaBlockReflow(line, vuBlock)
        elif blockPassthrough.match(line):
            # Starting or ending a block whose contents must not be reflowed.
            # These are tables, etc. Blocks cannot be nested.

        elif state.lastTitle:
            # The previous line was a document title line. This line
            # is the author / credits line and must not be reflowed.

            # Just accumulate a line to the current paragraph. Watch out for
            # hanging indents / bullet-points and track that indent level.


        state.lastTitle = thisTitle

    # Cleanup at end of file

    # Sanity check on block nesting
    if len(state.blockStack) > 1:
        logWarn('file', filename,
                'mismatched asciidoc block delimiters at EOF:',


    # Update the 'nextvu' value
    if args.nextvu != state.nextvu:
        logWarn('Updated nextvu to', state.nextvu, 'after file', filename)
        args.nextvu = state.nextvu