Exemplo n.º 1
def fix_orientations(tri, angle, return_isom=False):
    Fix the orientations of the tetrahedra in triangulation so that
    they are consistently oriented.  We choose how to flip each
    tetrahedron so that the angle structure list does not change.
    If return_isom, return the isomorphism from the original tri to the fixed orientations tri
    orig_tri = regina.Triangulation3(tri)

    old_orientations = find_orientations(tri)
    swaps = []
    for i, orientation in enumerate(old_orientations):
        if orientation == -1:
                reverse_tet_orientation(tri, tri.tetrahedron(i), angle[i]))
            swaps.append(regina.Perm4())  ## identity

    if return_isom:
        out_isom = regina.Isomorphism3.identity(len(swaps))
        for i, p in enumerate(swaps):
            out_isom.setFacetPerm(i, p)
        return out_isom

        ### Regina 6 didn't let us build the isom directly from perms in python. Regina 7 does, using setFacetPerm
        ### old:
        # all_isoms = orig_tri.findAllIsomorphisms(tri) ### we will be order two, so we dont care which way this goes
        # for isom in all_isoms:
        #     if not moves_tetrahedra(isom):
        #         for i in range(tri.countTetrahedra()):
        #             assert swaps[i] == isom.facetPerm(i)
        #             assert isom == out_isom
        #         return isom
        assert False  ## should never get here
Exemplo n.º 2
def tet_to_face_data(tri, tet_num, face_num, vertices): ### vertices is list in order (trailing, pivot, leading) in numbering for the tet
    """given a tetrahedron, face_num and vertices in the labelling for the tetrahedron,
       convert to face_index and vertices in the labelling for the face.
       This is the correct format to feed into drill."""

    assert face_num not in vertices
    # print('tet_num, face_num, vertices (trailing, pivot, leading)', tet_num, face_num, vertices)
    tet = tri.tetrahedron(tet_num)
    facemapping = tet.faceMapping(2,face_num)
    face = tet.triangle(face_num)
    new_vertices = facemapping.inverse() * regina.Perm4(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], face_num)
    return (face.index(), regina.Perm3(new_vertices[0], new_vertices[1], new_vertices[2]))
Exemplo n.º 3
def vertex_correspondence_to_perm4(x, y):
    given a correspondence between a triangle of a 3D-triangulation and a triangle of a 2D-triangulation, returns the associated permutation on 0,1,2,3
    vertex_to_vertex = [[x[i], y[i]] for i in range(3)]
    vertex_to_vertex.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    missing_vertex = face_num_in_tet(x)

    if missing_vertex == 0:
        perm = regina.Perm4(3, vertex_to_vertex[0][1], vertex_to_vertex[1][1],
    elif missing_vertex == 1:
        perm = regina.Perm4(vertex_to_vertex[0][1], 3, vertex_to_vertex[1][1],
    elif missing_vertex == 2:
        perm = regina.Perm4(vertex_to_vertex[0][1], vertex_to_vertex[1][1], 3,
        perm = regina.Perm4(vertex_to_vertex[0][1], vertex_to_vertex[1][1],
                            vertex_to_vertex[2][1], 3)

    return perm
Exemplo n.º 4
def reverse_tet_orientation(triangulation, tet, pi_location):
    # only need triangulation here for diagnostics
    Reglues tet into triangulation with reversed orientation.  Returns
    which permutation of the tetrahedron was used.
    swaps = {
        0: regina.Perm4(1, 0, 2, 3),
        1: regina.Perm4(2, 1, 0, 3),
        2: regina.Perm4(3, 1, 2, 0)
    swap = swaps[pi_location]
    adjtets = []
    oldadjgluings = []
    adjgluings = []
    self_faces = []
    other_faces = []
    for face in range(4):
        adjtet = tet.adjacentTetrahedron(face)
        oldadjgluing = tet.adjacentGluing(face)
        if adjtet != tet:
                oldadjgluing *
                swap)  # swaps 0 with 1 in this tet, not the other tet
            adjgluings.append(swap * oldadjgluing * swap)
    tet.isolate()  # undo all gluings
    for face in other_faces:
        tet.join(swap[face], adjtets[face], adjgluings[face])
    if len(self_faces) > 0:  # assume it must be two
        assert len(self_faces) == 2, "4 self faces, must be an error..."
        face = self_faces[0]  # only need to make one of the identifications
        tet.join(swap[face], adjtets[face], adjgluings[face])
    return swap
Exemplo n.º 5
def excise_fans(tri, angle, fan_nums=None):
    vt = veering_triangulation(tri, angle)
    veering_colours = vt.veering_colours  ## "red" or "blue"
    tet_types = vt.tet_types  ### "toggle", "red" or "blue"
    tet_vert_coors = vt.coorientations
    if fan_nums == None:  ## do all fans
        fan_nums = [
            n for n in range(len(tet_types)) if tet_types[n] != "toggle"

    excisedAngle = angle[:]
    for fan_num in sorted(fan_nums, reverse=True):
        del excisedAngle[fan_num]

    minority_edge_pairs = []
    for fan_num in fan_nums:
        assert tet_types[fan_num] != "toggle"
        tops, bottoms = get_top_and_bottom_nums(tet_vert_coors, fan_num)
        if 0 in tops:
            pi_pair = list(tops)
            pi_pair = list(bottoms)
        other = pi_pair[(pi_pair.index(0) + 1) % 2]
        for i in range(1, 4):
            if i != other:
                if vt.get_edge_between_verts_colour(
                    (0, i)) != tet_types[fan_num]:  ### "red" or "blue"
                    last = 6 - i - other  ## the fourth vertex
                    minority_edge_pairs.append([(0, i), (other, last)])
    excisedTri = regina.Triangulation3(tri)  ### copy

    fan_tets = [excisedTri.tetrahedron(fan_num) for fan_num in fan_nums]
    for k, tet in enumerate(fan_tets):
        # print 'k', k, 'tet.index', tet.index()
        minority_edge_pair = minority_edge_pairs[k]
        # print minority_edge_pair
        ### record gluings for neighbours
        neighbours = [tet.adjacentSimplex(i) for i in range(4)]
        gluings = [tet.adjacentGluing(i) for i in range(4)]

        # print [neighbour.index() for neighbour in neighbours]
        # print gluings


        ## now glue neighbours to each other

        if tet not in neighbours:
            to_glue = [0, 1, 2, 3]
            while to_glue != []:
                i = to_glue.pop()
                if i in minority_edge_pair[0]:
                    j = minority_edge_pair[0][(minority_edge_pair[0].index(i) +
                                               1) % 2]
                    j = minority_edge_pair[1][(minority_edge_pair[1].index(i) +
                                               1) % 2]

                teti = neighbours[i]
                tetj = neighbours[j]
                    gluings[i][i], tetj,
                    gluings[j] * regina.Perm4(j, i) * (gluings[i].inverse()))
                # print i,j
        else:  ### tet is glued to itself, which makes it trickier to remove
            ### first, find self-gluings
            self_gluings = []
            self_gluings = [neighbours.index(tet)]
            self_gluings.append(neighbours.index(tet, self_gluings[0] +
                                                 1))  ### add second entry

            other_gluings = [0, 1, 2, 3]
            i, j = other_gluings
            teti = neighbours[i]
            tetj = neighbours[j]
            if i in minority_edge_pair[0]:
                p = minority_edge_pair[0][(minority_edge_pair[0].index(i) + 1)
                                          % 2]
                q = minority_edge_pair[1][(minority_edge_pair[1].index(j) + 1)
                                          % 2]
                p = minority_edge_pair[1][(minority_edge_pair[1].index(i) + 1)
                                          % 2]
                q = minority_edge_pair[0][(minority_edge_pair[0].index(j) + 1)
                                          % 2]
                gluings[i][i], tetj, gluings[j] * regina.Perm4(j, q) *
                gluings[p] * regina.Perm4(p, i) * (gluings[i].inverse()))


    return excisedTri, excisedAngle
Exemplo n.º 6
def threeTwoMove(tri, branch, edge_num, return_triangle=False):
    """Apply a 3-2 move to a triangulation with a branched surface, if possible. 
    If perform = False, returns if the move is possible.
    modifies tri, returns (tri, branch) for the performed move"""

    ### note if this function does not return False, then there is only one
    ### possible branch so we just return it rather than a list

    # assert is_branched(tri, branch)
    assert has_non_sing_semiflow(tri, branch)

    edge = tri.edge(edge_num)
    if edge.degree() != 3:
        return False

    tets = []
    tet_nums = []
    vertices = []
    for i in range(3):
        embed = edge.embedding(i)

    if len(set([tet.index() for tet in tets])) != 3:
        return False  ### tetrahedra must be distinct

    ### check we do the same as regina...
    tri2 = regina.Triangulation3(tri)  ## make a copy

    ## record the tetrahedra and gluings adjacent to the tets

    gluings = []
    for i in range(3):
        tet_gluings = []
        for j in range(2):

    for i in range(3):
        assert tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][2]) == tets[
            (i + 1) % 3]  ### The edge embeddings should be ordered this way...

    large_edges = []  ### record large edge info for the outer faces
    for i in range(3):
        this_tet_large_edges = []
        for j in range(2):
                large_edge_of_face(branch[tets[i].index()], vertices[i][j]))

    ### add new tetrahedra
    new_tets = []
    for i in range(2):

    ### glue across face
    new_tets[0].join(3, new_tets[1], regina.Perm4(0, 2, 1, 3))

    ### replace mapping info with corresponding info for the 2 tet. Self gluings will be annoying...

    ### write vertices[i][j] as vij

    ###                 tets[0]                                   new_tet1
    ###                _________                                 _________
    ###              ,'\`.v00,'/`.                             ,'\       /`.
    ###            ,'   \ `.' /   `.                         ,'   \  3  /   `.
    ###          ,'   v10\ | /v20   `.                     ,'      \   /      `.
    ###         /|\       \|/       /|\                   / \       \ /       / \
    ###        / | \       *       / | \                 /   \       *       /   \
    ###    v12/  |  \..... | ...../  |  \v23            /  1 _\..... | ...../_ 2  \
    ###      /  ,'  /      *      \  `.  \             /_--"" /      *      \ ""--_\
    ###      \`.|  /v03   /|\   v02\  |,'/      `.     \`. 2 /      / \      \ 1 ,'/
    ###       \ `./      / | \      \,' /     ----}     \ `./      /   \      \,' /
    ###        \|/`.    /  |  \    ,'\|/        ,'       \ /`.    /  0  \    ,'\ /
    ###         \   `. /   |   \ ,'   /                   \   `. /       \ ,'   /
    ###          \    * v13|v22 *    /                     \    `---------'    /
    ###           \    \   |   /    /                       \    \       /    /
    ###            \    \  |  /    /                         \    \  0  /    /
    ###             \    \ | /    /                           \    \   /    /
    ###    tets[1]   \    \|/    /   tets[2]                   \    \ /    /
    ###               \    *    /                               \    *    / new_tet0
    ###                \..v01../                                 \...|.../
    ###                 \`.|.'/                                   \  |  /
    ###               v11\ | /v21                                  \ 3 /
    ###                   \|/                                       \|/
    ###                    *                                         *

    # permutations taking the vertices for a face of the 2-tet ball to the
    # vertices of the same face for the 3-tet ball

    # these should be even in order to preserve orientability.

    # perms = [[regina.Perm4( vertices[0][0], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][3], vertices[0][1] ),   ### opposite v00
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[0][1], vertices[0][3], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][0] )    ### opposite v01
    #           ],
    #          [regina.Perm4( vertices[1][3], vertices[1][0], vertices[1][2], vertices[1][1] ),   ### opposite v10
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[1][3], vertices[1][2], vertices[1][1], vertices[1][0] )    ### opposite v11
    #           ],
    #          [regina.Perm4( vertices[2][2], vertices[2][3], vertices[2][0], vertices[2][1] ),   ### opposite v20
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[2][2], vertices[2][1], vertices[2][3], vertices[2][0] )    ### opposite v21
    #           ]
    #         ]

    perms = [
            vertices[0] * regina.Perm4(0, 2, 3, 1),  ### opposite v00
            vertices[0] * regina.Perm4(1, 3, 2, 0)  ### opposite v01
            vertices[1] * regina.Perm4(3, 0, 2, 1),  ### opposite v10
            vertices[1] * regina.Perm4(3, 2, 1, 0)  ### opposite v11
            vertices[2] * regina.Perm4(2, 3, 0, 1),  ### opposite v20
            vertices[2] * regina.Perm4(2, 1, 3, 0)  ### opposite v21

    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(2):
            gluing = gluings[i][j]
            if gluing != None:
                if gluing[0] not in tets:  ### not a self gluing
                    gluing[1] = gluing[1] * perms[i][j]
                    i_other = tets.index(gluing[0])
                    otherfacenum = gluing[1][vertices[i][j]]
                    j_other = [vertices[i_other][k]
                               for k in range(4)].index(otherfacenum)
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][0] == tets[i]
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][1].inverse(
                    ) == gluings[i][j][1]

                        j_other] = None  ### only do a self gluing from one side
                    gluing[0] = new_tets[
                        j_other]  ### j refers to the vertex on the same 3 side
                    gluing[1] = perms[i_other][j_other].inverse(
                    ) * gluing[1] * perms[i][j]

    ### unglue three tetrahedra
    for tet in tets:

    ### remove the tetrahedra
    for tet in tets:

    ### make the gluings on the boundary of the new ball
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(2):
            if gluings[i][j] != None:
                if j == 0 or i == 0:
                    assert new_tets[j].adjacentTetrahedron(
                        i) == None  ## not glued
                    assert gluings[i][j][0].adjacentTetrahedron(
                        gluings[i][j][1][i]) == None
                    new_tets[j].join(i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])
                    assert new_tets[j].adjacentTetrahedron(
                        3 - i) == None  ## not glued
                    assert gluings[i][j][0].adjacentTetrahedron(
                        gluings[i][j][1][3 - i]) == None
                    new_tets[j].join(3 - i, gluings[i][j][0],
                                     gluings[i][j][1])  ## swap 1 and 2

    assert tri.isIsomorphicTo(tri2)
    assert tri.isOriented()

    # ### update the branched surface
    branch.pop(tet_nums[0])  ## remove from the list in the correct order!

    ### update the branched surface

    ### for each of the two new tetrahedra, figure out what their outer face train tracks are

    large_edges_new = []  ### record large edge info for the outer faces
    for i in range(3):
        this_tet_large_edges_new = []
        for j in range(2):
            new_large_edge = perms[i][j].inverse()[large_edges[i][j]]
            # assert new_large_edge != i ??

    large_edges_new_transposed = [list(i) for i in zip(*large_edges_new)]

    branch0 = determine_possible_branch_given_three_faces(
        [0, 1, 2], large_edges_new_transposed[0])
    branch1 = determine_possible_branch_given_three_faces(
        [0, 2, 1], large_edges_new_transposed[1])
    if branch0 == None or branch1 == None:
        return False
    large_edge_for_new_tet0 = large_edge_of_face(branch0, 3)
    large_edge_for_new_tet1 = large_edge_of_face(branch1, 3)
    if large_edge_for_new_tet0 == large_edge_for_new_tet1:
        if large_edge_for_new_tet0 != 0:
            return False
        if large_edge_for_new_tet0 + large_edge_for_new_tet1 != 3:  ### one must be 1, one must be 2
            return False

    branch.extend([branch0, branch1])

    # if not is_branched(tri, branch):
    if not has_non_sing_semiflow(tri, branch):
        return False

    if not return_triangle:
        return (tri, branch)
        return (tri, branch, new_tets[0].triangle(3).index())
Exemplo n.º 7
def twoThreeMove(tri, branch, face_num, perform=True, return_edge=False):
    """Apply a 2-3 move to a triangulation with a branched surface, if possible. 
    If perform = False, returns if the move is possible.
    If perform = True, modifies tri, returns (tri, possible_branches) for the performed move"""

    ### possible_branches is a list

    # assert is_branched(tri, branch)
    assert has_non_sing_semiflow(tri, branch)

    face = tri.triangle(face_num)

    embed0 = face.embedding(0)
    tet0 = embed0.simplex()
    tet_num0 = tet0.index()
    tet_0_face_num = embed0.face()
    vertices0 = embed0.vertices(
    )  # Maps vertices (0,1,2) of face to the corresponding vertex numbers of tet0

    embed1 = face.embedding(1)
    tet1 = embed1.simplex()
    tet_num1 = tet1.index()
    tet_1_face_num = embed1.face()
    vertices1 = embed1.vertices(
    )  # Maps vertices (0,1,2) of face to the corresponding vertex numbers of tet1

    if tet0 == tet1:  ### Cannot perform a 2-3 move across a self-gluing
        return False

    ### are all moves valid for the branched surface?
    ### for now, lets assume yes

    ### check we do the same as regina...
    tri2 = regina.Triangulation3(tri)  ## make a copy

    ### We have to implement twoThreeMove ourselves. e.g. we do a 2-3 move to canonical fig 8 knot complement triangulation.
    ### All of the original tetrahedra are removed. I don't see any way to carry the angle structure through without knowing
    ### exactly how Ben's implementation works.

    ## record the tetrahedra and gluings adjacent to tet0 and tet1

    tets = [tet0, tet1]
    vertices = [vertices0, vertices1]

    # print('2-3 vertices signs')
    # print([v.sign() for v in vertices])

    gluings = []
    for i in range(2):
        tet_gluings = []
        for j in range(3):
            # if tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][j]) in tets:
            #     print('self gluing')

    large_edges = []  ### record large edge info for the outer faces
    for i in range(2):
        this_tet_large_edges = []
        for j in range(3):
                large_edge_of_face(branch[tets[i].index()], vertices[i][j]))

    ### add new tetrahedra
    new_tets = []
    for i in range(3):

    ### glue around degree 3 edge
    for i in range(3):
        new_tets[i].join(2, new_tets[(i + 1) % 3], regina.Perm4(0, 1, 3, 2))

    ### replace mapping info with corresponding info for the 3 tet. Self gluings will be annoying...

    ### write verticesi[j] as vij

    ###                  tet0                                    new_tet0
    ###                _________                                 _________
    ###              ,'\       /`.                             ,'\`.   ,'/`.
    ###            ,'   \ v03 /   `.                         ,'   \ `0' /   `.
    ###          ,'      \   /      `.                     ,'      \ | /      `.
    ###         / \       \ /       / \                   /|\       \|/       /|\
    ###        /v02\       *       /v01\                 / | \       *       / | \
    ###       /    _\..... | ...../_    \               /  | 3\..... | ...../2 |  \
    ###      /_--"" /      *      \ ""--_\             /2 ,'  /      *      \  `. 3\
    ###      \`.v12/      / \      \v11,'/      `.     \`.|  /      /|\      \  |,'/
    ###       \ `./      /   \      \,' /     ----}     \ `./      / | \      \,' /
    ###        \ /`.    / v00 \    ,'\ /        ,'       \|/`.    /  |  \    ,'\|/
    ###         \   `. /       \ ,'   /                   \   `. /   |   \ ,'   /
    ###          \    `---------'    /                     \    * 3  |  2 *    /
    ###           \    \       /    /                       \    \   |   /    /
    ###            \    \ v10 /    /               new_tet1  \    \  |  /    /  new_tet2
    ###             \    \   /    /                           \    \ | /    /
    ###              \    \ /    /                             \    \|/    /
    ###               \    *    /                               \    *    /
    ###         tet1   \...|.../                                 \...|.../
    ###                 \  |  /                                   \`.|.'/
    ###                  \v13/                                     \ 1 /
    ###                   \|/                                       \|/
    ###                    *                                         *

    # permutations taking the vertices for a face of the 3-tet ball to the
    # vertices of the same face for the 2-tet ball

    # these should be even in order to preserve orientability.
    # exactly one of vertices[0] and vertices[1] is even, but it seems to depend on the face.

    # perms = [[regina.Perm4( vertices[0][3], vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1], vertices[0][2] ),   ### opposite v00
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[0][3], vertices[0][1], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][0] ),   ### opposite v01
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[0][3], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1] )    ### opposite v02
    #           ],
    #          [regina.Perm4( vertices[1][0], vertices[1][3], vertices[1][1], vertices[1][2] ),   ### opposite v10
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[1][1], vertices[1][3], vertices[1][2], vertices[1][0] ),   ### opposite v11
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[1][2], vertices[1][3], vertices[1][0], vertices[1][1] )    ### opposite v12
    #           ]
    #         ]

    perms = [
            vertices[0] * regina.Perm4(3, 0, 1, 2),  ### opposite v00
            vertices[0] * regina.Perm4(3, 1, 2, 0),  ### opposite v01
            vertices[0] * regina.Perm4(3, 2, 0, 1)  ### opposite v02
            vertices[1] * regina.Perm4(0, 3, 1, 2),  ### opposite v10
            vertices[1] * regina.Perm4(1, 3, 2, 0),  ### opposite v11
            vertices[1] * regina.Perm4(2, 3, 0, 1)  ### opposite v12
    flip = perms[0][0].sign() == -1
    if flip:  #then all of the signs are wrong, switch 0 and 1 on input
        perms = [[p * regina.Perm4(1, 0, 2, 3) for p in a] for a in perms]
    #     print('flip')
    # else:
    #     print('no flip')

    # print('2-3 perms signs')
    # print([[p.sign() for p in a] for a in perms])

    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(3):
            gluing = gluings[i][j]
            if gluing != None:
                if gluing[0] not in tets:  ### not a self gluing
                    gluing[1] = gluing[1] * perms[i][j]
                    i_other = tets.index(gluing[0])
                    otherfacenum = gluing[1][vertices[i][j]]
                    j_other = [vertices[i_other][k]
                               for k in range(4)].index(otherfacenum)
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][0] == tets[i]
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][1].inverse(
                    ) == gluings[i][j][1]

                        j_other] = None  ### only do a self gluing from one side
                    gluing[0] = new_tets[j_other]
                    gluing[1] = perms[i_other][j_other].inverse(
                    ) * gluing[1] * perms[i][j]

    ### unglue two tetrahedra

    ### remove the tetrahedra

    ### make the gluings on the boundary of the new ball
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(3):
            if gluings[i][j] != None:
                if flip:
                    new_tets[j].join(i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])
                    new_tets[j].join(1 - i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])

    assert tri.isIsomorphicTo(tri2)
    assert tri.isOriented()

    ### update the branched surface

    ### for each of the three new tetrahedra, figure out what their outer face train tracks are

    large_edges_new = []  ### record large edge info for the outer faces
    for i in range(2):
        this_tet_large_edges_new = []
        for j in range(3):
            new_large_edge = perms[i][j].inverse()[large_edges[i][j]]
            if flip:
                assert new_large_edge != i  ### the face number cannot be the large vertex for that face
                assert new_large_edge != 1 - i

    candidate_branches = []
    for j in range(3):
        if flip:
                    (0, 1), (large_edges_new[0][j], large_edges_new[1][j])))
                    (1, 0), (large_edges_new[0][j], large_edges_new[1][j])))

    ### update the branch structure, many possible ways
    tet_indices = [tet_num0, tet_num1]
    branch.pop(tet_indices[0])  ## remove from the list in the correct order!

    out = []
    for cand0 in candidate_branches[0]:
        for cand1 in candidate_branches[1]:
            for cand2 in candidate_branches[2]:
                candidate = branch[:] + [cand0, cand1, cand2]
                # print('candidate', candidate)
                # if is_branched(tri, candidate):
                if has_non_sing_semiflow(tri, candidate):
    # assert len(out) > 0  ### this works if we check is_branched three lines above, but not if we check has_non_sing_semiflow
    if len(
    ) == 0:  ### with has_non_sing_semiflow instead, we might not get any
        return False
    if not return_edge:
        return (tri, out)
        return (tri, out, new_tets[0].edge(0).index())
Exemplo n.º 8
def drill(tri,
          sig=None):  # sig just for diagnostics
    Returns the new cusp formed by drilling
    if angle != None:
        face_coorientations = is_transverse_taut(
            tri, angle, return_type="face_coorientations")
        assert face_coorientations != False
        tet_vert_coorientations = is_transverse_taut(
            tri, angle, return_type="tet_vert_coorientations")
        assert tet_vert_coorientations != False

    original_tri = regina.Triangulation3(tri)

    original_countTetrahedra = tri.countTetrahedra()
    original_countBoundaryComponents = tri.countBoundaryComponents()
    ### add new tetrahedra
    new_0_tets = []
    new_1_tets = []  ## both relative to regina's two embeddings for the face
    for i in range(len(loop)):

    ### we will glue tetrahedra together with a numbering that is convenient but
    ### unfortunately not oriented. We will orient later.

    #           1  pivot
    #          /|\
    #         / | \
    #        / ,3. \
    #       /,'   `.\
    #      0---------2 leading
    # trailing

    for i in range(len(loop)):
        new_0_tets[i].join(1, new_1_tets[i], regina.Perm4(0, 1, 2, 3))

    ### now glue along the loop path, need to worry about regina's embeddings for neighbouring triangles

    loop_face_tets0 = []
    loop_face_vertices0 = []
    loop_face_tets1 = []
    loop_face_vertices1 = [
    ]  ### need to store these because they cannot be recomputed once we start ungluing faces

    for i in range(len(loop)):
        # print('collect info: i', i)
        face_data = loop[i]
        face_index = face_data[0]
        vert_nums = face_data[1]
        face = tri.triangles()[face_index]
        face_embed0 = face.embedding(0)
        face_tet = face_embed0.simplex()
        face_vertices = face_embed0.vertices()
        face_opposite_vert = face_vertices[3]
        face_other_non_edge_vert = face_vertices[
            vert_nums[0]]  ## opposite trailing vertex

        face_data_next = loop[(i + 1) % len(loop)]
        face_index_next = face_data_next[0]
        vert_nums_next = face_data_next[1]
        face_next = tri.triangles()[face_index_next]
        face_next_embed0 = face_next.embedding(0)
        face_next_tet = face_next_embed0.simplex()
        face_next_vertices = face_next_embed0.vertices()
        face_next_opposite_vert = face_next_vertices[3]
        face_next_other_non_edge_vert = face_next_vertices[
            vert_nums_next[2]]  ## opposite leading vertex

        ### things to store for later

        loop_face_tets0.append(face_tet)  # store for later
        loop_face_vertices0.append(face_vertices)  #store for later
        face_embed1 = face.embedding(1)

        edge = face.edge(vert_nums[0])  ## opposite trailing vertex
        # print('edge index', edge.index())
        assert edge == face_next.edge(
            vert_nums_next[2])  ## opposite leading vertex

        edgemapping = face.faceMapping(1, vert_nums[0])
        next_edgemapping = face_next.faceMapping(1, vert_nums_next[2])
        face_gluing_regina_numbering = next_edgemapping * (
        )  ### maps vertices 0,1,2 on face to corresponding vertices on face_next
        assert face_gluing_regina_numbering[3] == 3
        face_gluing_regina_numbering = regina.Perm3(
            face_gluing_regina_numbering[0], face_gluing_regina_numbering[1],
        assert face_gluing_regina_numbering[vert_nums[0]] == vert_nums_next[2]
        face_gluing = vert_nums_next.inverse(
        ) * face_gluing_regina_numbering * vert_nums
        assert face_gluing[0] == 2

        signs = []
        edge_embeddings = edge.embeddings()
        for embed in edge_embeddings:
            if embed.simplex() == face_tet:
                if set([embed.vertices()[2],
                        embed.vertices()[3]]) == set(
                            [face_opposite_vert, face_other_non_edge_vert]):
                    # print('embed data face_tet', embed.simplex().index(), embed.vertices())
                    # print('embed edge vert nums', embed.vertices()[0], embed.vertices()[1])
                    signs.append(face_opposite_vert == embed.vertices()[2])
            if embed.simplex() == face_next_tet:
                if set([embed.vertices()[2],
                        embed.vertices()[3]]) == set([
                    # print('embed data face_next_tet', embed.simplex().index(), embed.vertices())
                    # print('embed edge vert nums', embed.vertices()[0], embed.vertices()[1])
                        face_next_opposite_vert == embed.vertices()[2])
        # print('signs', signs)
        assert len(signs) == 2
        if signs[0] == signs[
                1]:  ### coorientations are same around the edge (not a transverse taut coorientation!)
                0, new_1_tets[(i + 1) % len(loop)],
                regina.Perm4(2, face_gluing[1], face_gluing[2], 3))
                0, new_0_tets[(i + 1) % len(loop)],
                regina.Perm4(2, face_gluing[1], face_gluing[2], 3))
                0, new_0_tets[(i + 1) % len(loop)],
                regina.Perm4(2, face_gluing[1], face_gluing[2], 3))
                0, new_1_tets[(i + 1) % len(loop)],
                regina.Perm4(2, face_gluing[1], face_gluing[2], 3))

    ### now unglue tri along the loop and glue in the new tetrahedra

    for i in range(len(loop)):
        # print('modify triangulation: i', i)
        vert_nums = loop[i][1]

        face_tet0 = loop_face_tets0[i]
        face_vertices0 = loop_face_vertices0[i]
        face_tet1 = loop_face_tets1[i]
        face_vertices1 = loop_face_vertices1[i]

        face_opposite_vert0 = face_vertices0[3]
        ### glue torus shell to the old tetrahedra

        vert_nums_Perm4 = regina.Perm4(vert_nums[0], vert_nums[1],
                                       vert_nums[2], 3)
        new_0_tets[i].join(3, face_tet0, face_vertices0 * vert_nums_Perm4)
        new_1_tets[i].join(3, face_tet1, face_vertices1 * vert_nums_Perm4)

    assert tri.isValid()
    assert tri.countBoundaryComponents(
    ) == original_countBoundaryComponents + 1

    if angle != None:
        for i in range(len(loop)):
            face_data = loop[i]
            face_index = face_data[0]
            face = original_tri.triangles()[face_index]
            vert_nums = face_data[1]

            face_embed0 = face.embedding(0)
            face_tet = face_embed0.simplex()
            face_vertices = face_embed0.vertices()
            face_opposite_vert = face_vertices[3]
            coor_points_out_of_tet0 = (tet_vert_coorientations[
                face_tet.index()][face_opposite_vert] == +1)

            # if (flow_agrees_with_regina_numbers != face_cor_agrees_with_regina_numbers) != coor_points_out_of_tet0:
            if coor_points_out_of_tet0:
                angle.extend([0, 2])
                angle.extend([2, 0])

        # print(sig, loop, angle, is_taut(tri, angle))
        assert is_taut(tri, angle)

    if branch != None:
        for i in range(len(loop)):
            branch.extend([1, 1])

        assert is_branched(tri, branch)

    M = snappy.Manifold(tri)
    if M.volume() < 1.0:
        print('not hyperbolic', sig, loop, angle, M.volume())
        assert False
        # print(M.verify_hyperbolicity())  ### very slow
        # print(M.volume())
        # assert M.volume() > 1.0 ###

    ### now orient
    swaps = [regina.Perm4()
             ] * original_countTetrahedra  ### identity permutations
    for i in range(len(loop)):
        if new_0_tets[i].adjacentGluing(3).sign() == 1:
            if angle != None:
                this_tet_angle = angle[original_countTetrahedra + 2 * i]
                this_tet_angle = 0  ### pi_location = 0 is an arbitrary choice
                reverse_tet_orientation(tri, new_0_tets[i], this_tet_angle))
        if new_1_tets[i].adjacentGluing(3).sign() == 1:
            if angle != None:
                this_tet_angle = angle[original_countTetrahedra + 2 * i + 1]
                this_tet_angle = 0  ### pi_location = 0 is an arbitrary choice
                reverse_tet_orientation(tri, new_1_tets[i], this_tet_angle))
    assert tri.isOriented()

    if angle != None:
        assert is_taut(tri, angle)
    if branch != None:
        # print('loop, branch, swaps', loop, branch, swaps)
        apply_swaps_to_branched_surface(branch, swaps)
        # print('loop, branch, swaps', loop, branch, swaps)
        assert is_branched(tri, branch)
        assert has_non_sing_semiflow(tri, branch)

    ### return the vertex of the triangulation corresponding to the drilled cusp
    drilled_cusp = new_0_tets[0].vertex(swaps[new_0_tets[0].index()][3])
    assert drilled_cusp.degree() == len(new_0_tets) + len(new_1_tets)
    return drilled_cusp.index()
Exemplo n.º 9
def veering_mobius_dehn_surgery(triangulation, angle_struct, face_num):
    tri = regina.Triangulation3(triangulation)  # make a copy
    angle = list(angle_struct)  # make a copy
    face = tri.triangle(face_num)
    assert face.isMobiusBand()
    # Note that dunce caps cannot appear in a veering triangulation

    # Find which vertex is on both copies of the identified edge of the face
    edges = [face.edge(i)
             for i in range(3)]  # edge i is opposite vertex i, i in [0, 1, 2]
    for j in range(3):
        if edges[j] == edges[(j + 1) % 3]:
            B = (j + 2) % 3

    embed0 = face.embedding(0)
    embed1 = face.embedding(1)
    tet0 = embed0.tetrahedron()
    tet1 = embed1.tetrahedron()
    embed0_verts = embed0.vertices()
    embed1_verts = embed1.vertices()

    # In tet0: B gives "b".  Let "c" be the edge sharing a
    # pi with "b".  Let "d" be the vertex not meeting the given face.
    # Let "a" be the remaining vertex.

    b = embed0.vertices()[B]
    c = shares_pi_with(angle[tet0.index()], b)
    d = embed0.vertices()[3]  # ... use the face index
    a = [i for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]
         if i not in [b, c, d]].pop()  # ... whatever is left

    # similarly in tet1 - B gives "q".  Let "r" be the edge sharing a
    # pi with "q".  Let "s" be the vertex not meeting the given face.
    # Let "p" be the remaining vertex.

    q = embed1.vertices()[B]
    r = shares_pi_with(angle[tet1.index()], q)
    s = embed1.vertices()[3]  # ... use the face index
    p = [i for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]
         if i not in [q, r, s]].pop()  # ... whatever is left

    # get colour of mobius strip
    pair_a = [b, c]
    mob_edge_a = tet0.edge(vert_pair_to_edge_num[tuple(pair_a)])
    pair_c = [a, b]
    mob_edge_c = tet0.edge(vert_pair_to_edge_num[tuple(pair_c)])
    assert mob_edge_a == mob_edge_c

    veering_colours = is_veering(tri, angle, return_type="veering_colours")
    assert veering_colours != False  # otherwise the triangulation is not veering
    mob_colour = veering_colours[mob_edge_a.index()]

    # Now actually do the surgery
    tet0.unjoin(d)  # same as tet1.unjoin(s)
    tet_new = tri.newTetrahedron()
    if mob_colour == "red":
        tet_new.join(0, tet_new, regina.Perm4(3, 0, 1, 2))
        tet_new.join(1, tet0, regina.Perm4(c, d, a, b))
        tet_new.join(2, tet1, regina.Perm4(q, p, s, r))
        tet_new.join(1, tet_new, regina.Perm4(1, 3, 0, 2))
        tet_new.join(2, tet0, regina.Perm4(a, b, d, c))
        tet_new.join(0, tet1, regina.Perm4(s, r, p, q))

    angle.append(0)  # this is the correct taut angle for our new tetrahedron
    assert is_taut(tri, angle)
    assert is_veering(tri, angle)
    return tri, angle, tet_new.triangle(3).index()
Exemplo n.º 10
def twoThreeMove(tri, angle, face_num, perform = True, return_edge = False):
    """Apply a 2-3 move to a taut triangulation, if possible. 
    If perform = False, returns if the move is possible.
    If perform = True, modifies tri, returns (tri, angle) for the performed move"""
    face = tri.triangle(face_num)

    embed0 = face.embedding(0)
    tet0 = embed0.simplex()
    tet_num0 = tet0.index()
    tet_0_face_num = embed0.face()
    vertices0 = embed0.vertices() # Maps vertices (0,1,2) of face to the corresponding vertex numbers of tet0

    embed1 = face.embedding(1)
    tet1 = embed1.simplex()
    tet_num1 = tet1.index()
    tet_1_face_num = embed1.face()
    vertices1 = embed1.vertices() # Maps vertices (0,1,2) of face to the corresponding vertex numbers of tet1

    if tet0 == tet1:  ### Cannot perform a 2-3 move across a self-gluing
        return False

    ### taut 2-3 move is valid if the pis are on different edges of face
    ### this never happens if we start with a veering triangulation.
    ### for veering, the two-tetrahedron ball is always a continent.

    for i in range(3):
        j = (i+1) % 3
        k = (i+2) % 3
        if angle[tet_num0] == unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[(vertices0[j], vertices0[k])]:
            pi_num_0 = i
        if angle[tet_num1] == unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[(vertices1[j], vertices1[k])]:
            pi_num_1 = i

    if pi_num_0 == pi_num_1:
        return False
    if perform == False:
        return True

    ### check we do the same as regina... 
    tri2 = regina.Triangulation3(tri)  ## make a copy

    ### We have to implement twoThreeMove ourselves. e.g. we do a 2-3 move to canonical fig 8 knot complement triangulation. 
    ### All of the original tetrahedra are removed. I don't see any way to carry the angle structure through without knowing
    ### exactly how Ben's implementation works.

    ## record the tetrahedra and gluings adjacent to tet0 and tet1

    tets = [tet0, tet1]
    vertices = [vertices0, vertices1]

    # print('2-3 vertices signs')
    # print([v.sign() for v in vertices])

    gluings = [] 
    for i in range(2):
        tet_gluings = []
        for j in range(3):
            tet_gluings.append( [ tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][j]),  tets[i].adjacentGluing(vertices[i][j])] )
            # if tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][j]) in tets:
            #     print('self gluing')

    ### add new tetrahedra
    new_tets = []
    for i in range(3):

    ### glue around degree 3 edge
    for i in range(3):
        new_tets[i].join(2, new_tets[(i+1)%3], regina.Perm4(0,1,3,2))

    ### replace mapping info with corresponding info for the 3 tet. Self gluings will be annoying...

    ### write verticesi[j] as vij

    ###                  tet0                                    new_tet0
    ###                _________                                 _________
    ###              ,'\       /`.                             ,'\`.   ,'/`.
    ###            ,'   \ v03 /   `.                         ,'   \ `0' /   `. 
    ###          ,'      \   /      `.                     ,'      \ | /      `.
    ###         / \       \ /       / \                   /|\       \|/       /|\
    ###        /v02\       *       /v01\                 / | \       *       / | \
    ###       /    _\..... | ...../_    \               /  | 3\..... | ...../2 |  \ 
    ###      /_--"" /      *      \ ""--_\             /2 ,'  /      *      \  `. 3\
    ###      \`.v12/      / \      \v11,'/      `.     \`.|  /      /|\      \  |,'/ 
    ###       \ `./      /   \      \,' /     ----}     \ `./      / | \      \,' /
    ###        \ /`.    / v00 \    ,'\ /        ,'       \|/`.    /  |  \    ,'\|/
    ###         \   `. /       \ ,'   /                   \   `. /   |   \ ,'   /
    ###          \    `---------'    /                     \    * 3  |  2 *    /
    ###           \    \       /    /                       \    \   |   /    /
    ###            \    \ v10 /    /               new_tet1  \    \  |  /    /  new_tet2
    ###             \    \   /    /                           \    \ | /    /  
    ###              \    \ /    /                             \    \|/    /
    ###               \    *    /                               \    *    /
    ###         tet1   \...|.../                                 \...|.../
    ###                 \  |  /                                   \`.|.'/
    ###                  \v13/                                     \ 1 /
    ###                   \|/                                       \|/
    ###                    *                                         *

    # permutations taking the vertices for a face of the 3-tet ball to the 
    # vertices of the same face for the 2-tet ball

    # these should be even in order to preserve orientability.
    # exactly one of vertices[0] and vertices[1] is even, but it seems to depend on the face.

    # perms = [[regina.Perm4( vertices[0][3], vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1], vertices[0][2] ),   ### opposite v00
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[0][3], vertices[0][1], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][0] ),   ### opposite v01
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[0][3], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1] )    ### opposite v02
    #           ],  
    #          [regina.Perm4( vertices[1][0], vertices[1][3], vertices[1][1], vertices[1][2] ),   ### opposite v10
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[1][1], vertices[1][3], vertices[1][2], vertices[1][0] ),   ### opposite v11
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[1][2], vertices[1][3], vertices[1][0], vertices[1][1] )    ### opposite v12
    #           ]
    #         ]

    perms = [[vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 3,0,1,2 ),   ### opposite v00
              vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 3,1,2,0 ),   ### opposite v01
              vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 3,2,0,1 )    ### opposite v02
             [vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 0,3,1,2 ),   ### opposite v10
              vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 1,3,2,0 ),   ### opposite v11
              vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 2,3,0,1 )    ### opposite v12
    flip = perms[0][0].sign() == -1
    if flip:  #then all of the signs are wrong, switch 0 and 1 on input
        perms = [[p * regina.Perm4( 1,0,2,3 ) for p in a] for a in perms]

    # print('2-3 perms signs')
    # print([[p.sign() for p in a] for a in perms])

    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(3):
            gluing = gluings[i][j]
            if gluing != None:
                if gluing[0] not in tets:  ### not a self gluing
                    gluing[1] = gluing[1] * perms[i][j]
                    i_other = tets.index( gluing[0] )
                    otherfacenum = gluing[1][vertices[i][j]]
                    j_other = [vertices[i_other][k] for k in range(4)].index(otherfacenum)
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][0] == tets[i]
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][1].inverse() == gluings[i][j][1]

                    gluings[i_other][j_other] = None ### only do a self gluing from one side 
                    gluing[0] = new_tets[j_other]
                    gluing[1] = perms[i_other][j_other].inverse() * gluing[1] * perms[i][j] 

    ### unglue two tetrahedra

    ### remove the tetrahedra

    ### make the gluings on the boundary of the new ball
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(3):
            if gluings[i][j] != None:
                if flip:
                    new_tets[j].join(i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])
                    new_tets[j].join(1 - i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])

    assert tri.isIsomorphicTo(tri2)
    assert tri.isOriented()

    ### update the angle structure
    tet_indices = [tet_num0, tet_num1]
    angle.pop(tet_indices[0])  ## remove from the list in the correct order!

    new_angle = [None, None, None]
    new_angle[pi_num_0] = 0
    new_angle[pi_num_1] = 0 ### these two tetrahedra have their pi's on the new degree three edge

    third_index = 3 - (pi_num_0 + pi_num_1)
    if (pi_num_0 - third_index) % 3 == 1:
        new_angle[third_index] = 1
        assert (pi_num_0 - third_index) % 3 == 2
        new_angle[third_index] = 2
    if flip:
        new_angle[third_index] = 3 - new_angle[third_index]

    assert is_taut(tri, angle)

    if not return_edge:
        return [ tri, angle ]
        return [ tri, angle, new_tets[0].edge(0).index() ]
Exemplo n.º 11
def threeTwoMove(tri, angle, edge_num, perform = True, return_triangle = False):
    """Apply a 3-2 move to a taut triangulation, if possible. 
    If perform = False, returns if the move is possible.
    If perform = True, modifies tri, returns (tri, angle) for the performed move"""

    edge = tri.edge(edge_num)
    if edge.degree() != 3:
        return False

    tets = []
    tet_nums = []
    vertices = []
    non_pi_tet_num = None
    for i in range(3):
        embed = edge.embedding(i)
        if not there_is_a_pi_here(angle, embed):
            assert non_pi_tet_num == None
            non_pi_tet_num = embed.simplex().index()
            local_non_pi_tet_num = i

    if len(set([tet.index() for tet in tets])) != 3: 
        return False  ### tetrahedra must be distinct

    if not perform:
        return True  ### taut 3-2 move is always possible if the 3-2 move is.

    ### record the "slope" of the pis on the non_pi_tet. This is a boolean
    non_pi_tet_positive = unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[ ( vertices[local_non_pi_tet_num][0], vertices[local_non_pi_tet_num][2] ) ]
    is_positive_slope = (angle[non_pi_tet_num] == non_pi_tet_positive)
    ### check we do the same as regina... 
    tri2 = regina.Triangulation3(tri)  ## make a copy

    ## record the tetrahedra and gluings adjacent to the tets 

    gluings = [] 
    for i in range(3):
        tet_gluings = []
        for j in range(2):
            tet_gluings.append( [ tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][j]),  tets[i].adjacentGluing(vertices[i][j])] )

    for i in range(3):
        assert tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][2]) == tets[(i+1)%3]  ### The edge embeddings should be ordered this way...

    ### add new tetrahedra
    new_tets = []
    for i in range(2):

    ### glue across face
    new_tets[0].join(3, new_tets[1], regina.Perm4(0,2,1,3))

    ### replace mapping info with corresponding info for the 2 tet. Self gluings will be annoying...

    ### write vertices[i][j] as vij

    ###                 tets[0]                                   new_tet1
    ###                _________                                 _________
    ###              ,'\`.v00,'/`.                             ,'\       /`.
    ###            ,'   \ `.' /   `.                         ,'   \  3  /   `. 
    ###          ,'   v10\ | /v20   `.                     ,'      \   /      `.
    ###         /|\       \|/       /|\                   / \       \ /       / \
    ###        / | \       *       / | \                 /   \       *       /   \
    ###    v12/  |  \..... | ...../  |  \v23            /  1 _\..... | ...../_ 2  \ 
    ###      /  ,'  /      *      \  `.  \             /_--"" /      *      \ ""--_\
    ###      \`.|  /v03   /|\   v02\  |,'/      `.     \`. 2 /      / \      \ 1 ,'/ 
    ###       \ `./      / | \      \,' /     ----}     \ `./      /   \      \,' /
    ###        \|/`.    /  |  \    ,'\|/        ,'       \ /`.    /  0  \    ,'\ /
    ###         \   `. /   |   \ ,'   /                   \   `. /       \ ,'   /
    ###          \    * v13|v22 *    /                     \    `---------'    /
    ###           \    \   |   /    /                       \    \       /    /
    ###            \    \  |  /    /                         \    \  0  /    /
    ###             \    \ | /    /                           \    \   /    /  
    ###    tets[1]   \    \|/    /   tets[2]                   \    \ /    /
    ###               \    *    /                               \    *    / new_tet0
    ###                \..v01../                                 \...|.../
    ###                 \`.|.'/                                   \  |  /
    ###               v11\ | /v21                                  \ 3 /
    ###                   \|/                                       \|/
    ###                    *                                         *

    # permutations taking the vertices for a face of the 2-tet ball to the 
    # vertices of the same face for the 3-tet ball

    # these should be even in order to preserve orientability.

    # perms = [[regina.Perm4( vertices[0][0], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][3], vertices[0][1] ),   ### opposite v00
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[0][1], vertices[0][3], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][0] )    ### opposite v01
    #           ],
    #          [regina.Perm4( vertices[1][3], vertices[1][0], vertices[1][2], vertices[1][1] ),   ### opposite v10
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[1][3], vertices[1][2], vertices[1][1], vertices[1][0] )    ### opposite v11
    #           ],
    #          [regina.Perm4( vertices[2][2], vertices[2][3], vertices[2][0], vertices[2][1] ),   ### opposite v20
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[2][2], vertices[2][1], vertices[2][3], vertices[2][0] )    ### opposite v21
    #           ]
    #         ]

    perms = [[vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 0, 2, 3, 1 ),   ### opposite v00
              vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 1, 3, 2, 0 )    ### opposite v01
             [vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 3, 0, 2, 1 ),   ### opposite v10
              vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 3, 2, 1, 0 )    ### opposite v11
             [vertices[2] * regina.Perm4( 2, 3, 0, 1 ),   ### opposite v20
              vertices[2] * regina.Perm4( 2, 1, 3, 0 )    ### opposite v21

    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(2):
            gluing = gluings[i][j]
            if gluing != None:
                if gluing[0] not in tets:  ### not a self gluing
                    gluing[1] = gluing[1] * perms[i][j]
                    i_other = tets.index( gluing[0] )
                    otherfacenum = gluing[1][vertices[i][j]]
                    j_other = [vertices[i_other][k] for k in range(4)].index(otherfacenum) 
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][0] == tets[i]
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][1].inverse() == gluings[i][j][1]

                    gluings[i_other][j_other] = None ### only do a self gluing from one side 
                    gluing[0] = new_tets[j_other]  ### j refers to the vertex on the same 3 side
                    gluing[1] = perms[i_other][j_other].inverse() * gluing[1] * perms[i][j] 

    ### unglue three tetrahedra
    for tet in tets:

    ### remove the tetrahedra
    for tet in tets:

    ### make the gluings on the boundary of the new ball
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(2):
            if gluings[i][j] != None:
                if j == 0 or i == 0:
                    assert new_tets[j].adjacentTetrahedron(i) == None ## not glued
                    assert gluings[i][j][0].adjacentTetrahedron(gluings[i][j][1][i]) == None
                    new_tets[j].join(i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])
                    assert new_tets[j].adjacentTetrahedron(3 - i) == None ## not glued
                    assert gluings[i][j][0].adjacentTetrahedron(gluings[i][j][1][3 - i]) == None
                    new_tets[j].join(3 - i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])  ## swap 1 and 2

    assert tri.isIsomorphicTo(tri2)
    assert tri.isOriented()

    # ### update the angle structure
    angle.pop(tet_nums[0])  ## remove from the list in the correct order!

    if local_non_pi_tet_num == 0:
        if is_positive_slope:
            new_angle = [0, 0]
            new_angle = [1, 1]
    elif local_non_pi_tet_num == 1:
        if is_positive_slope:
            new_angle = [2, 1]
            new_angle = [0, 2]
        assert local_non_pi_tet_num == 2
        if is_positive_slope:
            new_angle = [1, 2]
            new_angle = [2, 0]

    assert is_taut(tri, angle)

    if not return_triangle:
        return (tri, angle)    
        return (tri, angle, new_tets[0].triangle(3).index())    
Exemplo n.º 12
def threeTwoMove(tri, edge_num, angle = None, branch = None, perform = True, return_triangle = False, return_vertex_perm = False):
    """Apply a 3-2 move to a triangulation with a taut structure and/or branched surface, if possible. 
    If perform = False, returns if the move is possible.
    modifies tri, returns (tri, angle, branch) for the performed move.
    If return_vertex_perm, tells you how the vertices of the old triangulation correspond to the vertices of the new.
    If return_edge_consequences, tells you what happened to the edges: if an edge e survived then edge_consequences[e.index()] gives you the new index, if not then it returns None."""

    ### perform = True isn't yet implemented for branch

    ### note if branch != None and this function does not return False, then there is only one possible branch 

    # if branch != None:
    #     assert has_non_sing_semiflow(tri, branch)   ### we are checking this on the output of pachner moves so we don't need to check it here

    edge = tri.edge(edge_num)
    if edge.degree() != 3:
        return False

    tets = []
    tet_nums = []
    vertices = []
    if angle != None:
        non_pi_tet_num = None
    for i in range(3):
        embed = edge.embedding(i)
        if angle != None:
            if not there_is_a_pi_here(angle, embed):
                assert non_pi_tet_num == None
                non_pi_tet_num = embed.simplex().index()
                local_non_pi_tet_num = i

    if len(set([tet.index() for tet in tets])) != 3: 
        return False  ### tetrahedra must be distinct
    if branch == None and not perform:
        return True  ### taut 3-2 move is always possible if the 3-2 move is.

    if angle != None:
        ### record the "slope" of the pis on the non_pi_tet. This is a boolean
        non_pi_tet_positive = unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[ ( vertices[local_non_pi_tet_num][0], vertices[local_non_pi_tet_num][2] ) ]
        is_positive_slope = (angle[non_pi_tet_num] == non_pi_tet_positive)

    ### check we do the same as regina... 
    tri2 = regina.Triangulation3(tri)  ## make a copy

    if return_vertex_perm:
        vertex_representatives = []
        for c in tri.vertices():
            embed = c.embedding(0)
            vertex_representatives.append((embed.simplex(), embed.face())) ### pair (tet, vert_num_of_that_tet)
        ### for testing:
        vertex_degrees = [v.degree() for v in tri.vertices()]

    ## record the tetrahedra and gluings adjacent to the tets 

    gluings = [] 
    for i in range(3):
        tet_gluings = []
        for j in range(2):
            tet_gluings.append( [ tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][j]),  tets[i].adjacentGluing(vertices[i][j])] )

    for i in range(3):
        assert tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][2]) == tets[(i+1)%3]  ### The edge embeddings should be ordered this way...

    if branch != None:
        large_edges = []  ### record large edge info for the outer faces
        for i in range(3):
            this_tet_large_edges = []
            for j in range(2):
                this_tet_large_edges.append(large_edge_of_face( branch[tets[i].index()], vertices[i][j] ))

    ### add new tetrahedra
    new_tets = []
    for i in range(2):

    ### glue across face
    new_tets[0].join(3, new_tets[1], regina.Perm4(0,2,1,3))

    ### replace mapping info with corresponding info for the 2 tet. Self gluings will be annoying...

    ### write vertices[i][j] as vij

    ###                 tets[0]                                   new_tet1
    ###                _________                                 _________
    ###              ,'\`.v00,'/`.                             ,'\       /`.
    ###            ,'   \ `.' /   `.                         ,'   \  3  /   `. 
    ###          ,'   v10\ | /v20   `.                     ,'      \   /      `.
    ###         /|\       \|/       /|\                   / \       \ /       / \
    ###        / | \       *       / | \                 /   \       *       /   \
    ###    v12/  |  \..... | ...../  |  \v23            /  1 _\..... | ...../_ 2  \ 
    ###      /  ,'  /      *      \  `.  \             /_--"" /      *      \ ""--_\
    ###      \`.|  /v03   /|\   v02\  |,'/      `.     \`. 2 /      / \      \ 1 ,'/ 
    ###       \ `./      / | \      \,' /     ----}     \ `./      /   \      \,' /
    ###        \|/`.    /  |  \    ,'\|/        ,'       \ /`.    /  0  \    ,'\ /
    ###         \   `. /   |   \ ,'   /                   \   `. /       \ ,'   /
    ###          \    * v13|v22 *    /                     \    `---------'    /
    ###           \    \   |   /    /                       \    \       /    /
    ###            \    \  |  /    /                         \    \  0  /    /
    ###             \    \ | /    /                           \    \   /    /  
    ###    tets[1]   \    \|/    /   tets[2]                   \    \ /    /
    ###               \    *    /                               \    *    / new_tet0
    ###                \..v01../                                 \...|.../
    ###                 \`.|.'/                                   \  |  /
    ###               v11\ | /v21                                  \ 3 /
    ###                   \|/                                       \|/
    ###                    *                                         *

    # permutations taking the vertices for a face of the 2-tet ball to the 
    # vertices of the same face for the 3-tet ball

    # these should be even in order to preserve orientability.

    # perms = [[regina.Perm4( vertices[0][0], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][3], vertices[0][1] ),   ### opposite v00
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[0][1], vertices[0][3], vertices[0][2], vertices[0][0] )    ### opposite v01
    #           ],
    #          [regina.Perm4( vertices[1][3], vertices[1][0], vertices[1][2], vertices[1][1] ),   ### opposite v10
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[1][3], vertices[1][2], vertices[1][1], vertices[1][0] )    ### opposite v11
    #           ],
    #          [regina.Perm4( vertices[2][2], vertices[2][3], vertices[2][0], vertices[2][1] ),   ### opposite v20
    #           regina.Perm4( vertices[2][2], vertices[2][1], vertices[2][3], vertices[2][0] )    ### opposite v21
    #           ]
    #         ]

    perms = [[vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 0, 2, 3, 1 ),   ### opposite v00
              vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 1, 3, 2, 0 )    ### opposite v01
             [vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 3, 0, 2, 1 ),   ### opposite v10
              vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 3, 2, 1, 0 )    ### opposite v11
             [vertices[2] * regina.Perm4( 2, 3, 0, 1 ),   ### opposite v20
              vertices[2] * regina.Perm4( 2, 1, 3, 0 )    ### opposite v21

    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(2):
            gluing = gluings[i][j]
            if gluing != None:
                if gluing[0] not in tets:  ### not a self gluing
                    gluing[1] = gluing[1] * perms[i][j]
                    i_other = tets.index( gluing[0] )
                    otherfacenum = gluing[1][vertices[i][j]]
                    j_other = [vertices[i_other][k] for k in range(4)].index(otherfacenum) 
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][0] == tets[i]
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][1].inverse() == gluings[i][j][1]

                    gluings[i_other][j_other] = None ### only do a self gluing from one side 
                    gluing[0] = new_tets[j_other]  ### j refers to the vertex on the same 3 side
                    gluing[1] = perms[i_other][j_other].inverse() * gluing[1] * perms[i][j] 

    if return_vertex_perm:
        new_vertex_representatives = []
        for (tet, vert_num) in vertex_representatives:
            if tet in tets:
                which_tet = tets.index(tet)
                vert_num = vertices[which_tet].inverse()[vert_num]
                if vert_num == 0:
                    new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[1], 3))
                elif vert_num == 1:
                    new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[0], 3))
                elif vert_num == 2:
                    new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[0], (which_tet + 1) % 3 ))
                elif vert_num == 3:
                    new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[0], (which_tet - 1) % 3 ))
                new_vertex_representatives.append((tet, vert_num)) ### not changed by the move
        # ### for testing:
        polar_cusp_indices = [ tets[0].vertex( vertices[0][0] ).index(), tets[0].vertex( vertices[0][1] ).index() ]

    ### unglue three tetrahedra
    for tet in tets:

    ### remove the tetrahedra
    for tet in tets:

    ### make the gluings on the boundary of the new ball
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(2):
            if gluings[i][j] != None:
                if j == 0 or i == 0:
                    assert new_tets[j].adjacentTetrahedron(i) == None ## not glued
                    assert gluings[i][j][0].adjacentTetrahedron(gluings[i][j][1][i]) == None
                    new_tets[j].join(i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])
                    assert new_tets[j].adjacentTetrahedron(3 - i) == None ## not glued
                    assert gluings[i][j][0].adjacentTetrahedron(gluings[i][j][1][3 - i]) == None
                    new_tets[j].join(3 - i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])  ## swap 1 and 2

    assert tri.isIsomorphicTo(tri2)
    assert tri.isOriented()

    if angle != None:
        ### update the angle structure
        angle.pop(tet_nums[0])  ## remove from the list in the correct order!

        if local_non_pi_tet_num == 0:
            if is_positive_slope:
                new_angle = [0, 0]
                new_angle = [1, 1]
        elif local_non_pi_tet_num == 1:
            if is_positive_slope:
                new_angle = [2, 1]
                new_angle = [0, 2]
            assert local_non_pi_tet_num == 2
            if is_positive_slope:
                new_angle = [1, 2]
                new_angle = [2, 0]

        assert is_taut(tri, angle)

    if branch != None:
        ### update the branched surface
        branch.pop(tet_nums[0])  ## remove from the list in the correct order!

        ### for each of the two new tetrahedra, figure out what their outer face train tracks are

        large_edges_new = []  ### record large edge info for the outer faces
        for i in range(3):
            this_tet_large_edges_new = []
            for j in range(2):
                new_large_edge = perms[i][j].inverse()[ large_edges[i][j] ]
                this_tet_large_edges_new.append( new_large_edge )

        large_edges_new_transposed = [list(i) for i in zip(*large_edges_new)]

        branch0 = determine_possible_branch_given_three_faces([0,1,2], large_edges_new_transposed[0])
        branch1 = determine_possible_branch_given_three_faces([0,2,1], large_edges_new_transposed[1])
        if branch0 == None or branch1 == None:
            return False
        large_edge_for_new_tet0 = large_edge_of_face( branch0, 3 )
        large_edge_for_new_tet1 = large_edge_of_face( branch1, 3 )
        if large_edge_for_new_tet0 == large_edge_for_new_tet1:
            if large_edge_for_new_tet0 != 0:
                return False
            if large_edge_for_new_tet0 + large_edge_for_new_tet1 != 3:  ### one must be 1, one must be 2
                return False

        branch.extend([branch0, branch1])

        assert is_branched(tri, branch)
        if not has_non_sing_semiflow(tri, branch):
            return False

    if return_vertex_perm:
        vertex_permutation = []
        for (tet, vert_num) in new_vertex_representatives:
        ### note that Regina's permutations can have up to 16 entries, lets just use lists for this
        ### for testing:
        new_vertex_degrees = [v.degree() for v in tri.vertices()]
        new_vertex_degrees_pulled_back = [new_vertex_degrees[vertex_permutation[i]] for i in range(len(vertex_degrees))]
        #if new_vertex_degrees != new_vertex_degrees_pulled_back:
        # print(vertex_permutation)
        # if vertex_permutation != list(range(len(new_vertex_representatives))):
        #     print('3-2 permuted vertices', vertex_permutation, new_vertex_degrees, new_vertex_degrees_pulled_back, vertex_degrees)
        for i in polar_cusp_indices:
            vertex_degrees[i] -= 2
        assert vertex_degrees == new_vertex_degrees_pulled_back
        # print(new_vertex_degrees_pulled_back)

    output = [tri]
    if angle != None:
    if branch != None:
    if return_triangle:
    if return_vertex_perm:
    return output
Exemplo n.º 13
def twoThreeMove(tri, face_num, angle = None, branch = None, perform = True, return_edge = False, return_vertex_perm = False, return_edge_consequences = False):
    """Apply a 2-3 move to a triangulation with a taut structure and/or branched surface, if possible. 
    If perform = False, returns if the move is possible.
    If perform = True, modifies tri, returns (tri, angle, possible_branches) for the performed move
    If return_edge, tells you the index of the newly created edge in the triangulation.
    If return_vertex_perm, tells you how the vertices of the old triangulation correspond to the vertices of the new.
    If return_edge_consequences, tells you what happened to the edges: edge_consequences[e.index()] gives you the new index."""

    ### possible_branches is a list
    # if branch != None:
    #     assert has_non_sing_semiflow(tri, branch)    ### we are checking this on the output of pachner moves so we don't need to check it here
        ## Joe Christy says [p764, Branched surfaces and attractors I: Dynamic Branched Surfaces] that if the branched surface carries the stable lamination of a pseudo-Anosov flow then it has a non singular semi flow
        ## We hope that we can move to a veering triangulation through such branched surfaces

    face = tri.triangle(face_num)

    embed0 = face.embedding(0)
    tet0 = embed0.simplex()
    tet_num0 = tet0.index()
    tet_0_face_num = embed0.face()
    vertices0 = embed0.vertices() # Maps vertices (0,1,2) of face to the corresponding vertex numbers of tet0

    embed1 = face.embedding(1)
    tet1 = embed1.simplex()
    tet_num1 = tet1.index()
    tet_1_face_num = embed1.face()
    vertices1 = embed1.vertices() # Maps vertices (0,1,2) of face to the corresponding vertex numbers of tet1

    if tet0 == tet1:  ### Cannot perform a 2-3 move across a self-gluing
        return False

    if angle != None:
        ### taut 2-3 move is valid if the pis are on different edges of face
        ### this never happens if we start with a veering triangulation.
        ### for veering, the two-tetrahedron ball is always a continent.

        for i in range(3):
            j = (i+1) % 3
            k = (i+2) % 3
            if angle[tet_num0] == unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[(vertices0[j], vertices0[k])]:
                pi_num_0 = i
            if angle[tet_num1] == unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[(vertices1[j], vertices1[k])]:
                pi_num_1 = i
        if pi_num_0 == pi_num_1:
            return False
        if perform == False:
            return True

    ### are all moves valid for the branched surface?
    ### for now, lets assume yes

    ### check we do the same as regina... 
    tri2 = regina.Triangulation3(tri)  ## make a copy

    if return_vertex_perm:
        vertex_representatives = []
        for c in tri.vertices():
            embed = c.embedding(0)
            vertex_representatives.append((embed.simplex(), embed.face())) ### pair (tet, vert_num_of_that_tet)
        ### for testing:
        vertex_degrees = [v.degree() for v in tri.vertices()]

    if return_edge_consequences:
        edge_representatives = []
        for e in tri.edges():
            embed = e.embedding(0)
            ### HERE
            ##edge_representatives.append((embed.simplex(), embed.face())) ### pair (tet, vert_num_of_that_tet)

    ### We have to implement twoThreeMove ourselves. e.g. we do a 2-3 move to canonical fig 8 knot complement triangulation. 
    ### All of the original tetrahedra are removed. I don't see any way to carry the angle structure through without knowing
    ### exactly how Ben's implementation works.

    ## record the tetrahedra and gluings adjacent to tet0 and tet1

    tets = [tet0, tet1]
    vertices = [vertices0, vertices1]

    gluings = [] 
    for i in range(2):
        tet_gluings = []
        for j in range(3):
            tet_gluings.append( [ tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][j]),  tets[i].adjacentGluing(vertices[i][j])] )
            # if tets[i].adjacentTetrahedron(vertices[i][j]) in tets:
            #     print('self gluing')

    if branch != None:
        large_edges = []  ### record large edge info for the outer faces
        for i in range(2):
            this_tet_large_edges = []
            for j in range(3):
                this_tet_large_edges.append(large_edge_of_face( branch[tets[i].index()], vertices[i][j] ))

    ### add new tetrahedra
    new_tets = []
    for i in range(3):

    ### glue around degree 3 edge
    for i in range(3):
        new_tets[i].join(2, new_tets[(i+1)%3], regina.Perm4(0,1,3,2))

    ### replace mapping info with corresponding info for the 3 tet. Self gluings will be annoying...

    ### write verticesi[j] as vij

    ###                  tet0                                    new_tets[0]
    ###                _________                                 _________
    ###              ,'\       /`.                             ,'\`.   ,'/`.
    ###            ,'   \ v03 /   `.                         ,'   \ `0' /   `. 
    ###          ,'      \   /      `.                     ,'      \ | /      `.
    ###         / \       \ /       / \                   /|\       \|/       /|\
    ###        /v02\       *       /v01\                 / | \       *       / | \
    ###       /    _\..... | ...../_    \               /  | 3\..... | ...../2 |  \ 
    ###      /_--"" /      *      \ ""--_\             /2 ,'  /      *      \  `. 3\
    ###      \`.v12/      / \      \v11,'/      `.     \`.|  /      /|\      \  |,'/ 
    ###       \ `./      /   \      \,' /     ----}     \ `./      / | \      \,' /
    ###        \ /`.    / v00 \    ,'\ /        ,'       \|/`.    /  |  \    ,'\|/
    ###         \   `. /       \ ,'   /                   \   `. /   |   \ ,'   /
    ###          \    `---------'    /                     \    * 3  |  2 *    /
    ###           \    \       /    /                       \    \   |   /    /
    ###            \    \ v10 /    /            new_tets[1]  \    \  |  /    /  new_tets[2]
    ###             \    \   /    /                           \    \ | /    /  
    ###              \    \ /    /                             \    \|/    /
    ###               \    *    /                               \    *    /
    ###         tet1   \...|.../                                 \...|.../
    ###                 \  |  /                                   \`.|.'/
    ###                  \v13/                                     \ 1 /
    ###                   \|/                                       \|/
    ###                    *                                         *

    # permutations taking the vertices for a face of the 3-tet ball to the 
    # vertices of the same face for the 2-tet ball

    # these should be even in order to preserve orientability.
    # exactly one of vertices[0] and vertices[1] is even, but it seems to depend on the face.

    perms = [[vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 3,0,1,2 ),   ### opposite v00
              vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 3,1,2,0 ),   ### opposite v01
              vertices[0] * regina.Perm4( 3,2,0,1 )    ### opposite v02
             [vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 0,3,1,2 ),   ### opposite v10
              vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 1,3,2,0 ),   ### opposite v11
              vertices[1] * regina.Perm4( 2,3,0,1 )    ### opposite v12
    flip = perms[0][0].sign() == -1
    if flip:  #then all of the signs are wrong, switch 0 and 1 on input
        perms = [[p * regina.Perm4( 1,0,2,3 ) for p in a] for a in perms]

    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(3):
            gluing = gluings[i][j]
            if gluing != None:
                if gluing[0] not in tets:  ### not a self gluing
                    gluing[1] = gluing[1] * perms[i][j]
                    i_other = tets.index( gluing[0] )
                    otherfacenum = gluing[1][vertices[i][j]]
                    j_other = [vertices[i_other][k] for k in range(4)].index(otherfacenum)
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][0] == tets[i]
                    assert gluings[i_other][j_other][1].inverse() == gluings[i][j][1]

                    gluings[i_other][j_other] = None ### only do a self gluing from one side 
                    gluing[0] = new_tets[j_other]
                    gluing[1] = perms[i_other][j_other].inverse() * gluing[1] * perms[i][j] 

    if return_vertex_perm:
        new_vertex_representatives = []
        for (tet, vert_num) in vertex_representatives:
            if tet == tet0:
                triangle_vert_num = vertices[0].inverse()[vert_num]
                if triangle_vert_num == 3:
                    if flip:
                        new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[0], 1))
                        new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[0], 0))
                    new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[(triangle_vert_num + 1) % 3], 3))
            elif tet == tet1:
                triangle_vert_num = vertices[1].inverse()[vert_num]
                if triangle_vert_num == 3:
                    if flip:
                        new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[0], 0))
                        new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[0], 1))
                    new_vertex_representatives.append((new_tets[(triangle_vert_num + 1) % 3], 3))
                new_vertex_representatives.append((tet, vert_num)) ### not changed by the move
        ### for testing:
        polar_cusp_indices = [ tet0.vertex( vertices[0][3] ).index(), tet1.vertex( vertices[1][3] ).index() ]

    ### unglue two tetrahedra

    ### remove the tetrahedra

    ### make the gluings on the boundary of the new ball
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(3):
            if gluings[i][j] != None:
                if flip:
                    new_tets[j].join(i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])
                    new_tets[j].join(1 - i, gluings[i][j][0], gluings[i][j][1])

    assert tri.isIsomorphicTo(tri2)
    assert tri.isOriented()

    if angle != None:
        ### update the angle structure
        tet_indices = [tet_num0, tet_num1]
        angle.pop(tet_indices[0])  ## remove from the list in the correct order!

        new_angle = [None, None, None]
        new_angle[pi_num_0] = 0
        new_angle[pi_num_1] = 0 ### these two tetrahedra have their pi's on the new degree three edge

        third_index = 3 - (pi_num_0 + pi_num_1)
        if (pi_num_0 - third_index) % 3 == 1:
            new_angle[third_index] = 1
            assert (pi_num_0 - third_index) % 3 == 2
            new_angle[third_index] = 2
        if flip:
            new_angle[third_index] = 3 - new_angle[third_index]

        assert is_taut(tri, angle)

    if branch != None:
        ### update the branched surface
        ### for each of the three new tetrahedra, figure out what their outer face train tracks are

        large_edges_new = []  ### record large edge info for the outer faces
        for i in range(2):
            this_tet_large_edges_new = []
            for j in range(3):
                new_large_edge = perms[i][j].inverse()[ large_edges[i][j] ]
                if flip:
                    assert new_large_edge != i ### the face number cannot be the large vertex for that face
                    assert new_large_edge != 1 - i 
                this_tet_large_edges_new.append( new_large_edge )

        candidate_branches = []
        for j in range(3):
            if flip:   
                candidate_branches.append( determine_possible_branch_given_two_faces((0,1), (large_edges_new[0][j], large_edges_new[1][j]) ) )
                candidate_branches.append( determine_possible_branch_given_two_faces((1,0), (large_edges_new[0][j], large_edges_new[1][j]) ) )

        ### update the branch structure, many possible ways
        tet_indices = [tet_num0, tet_num1]
        branch.pop(tet_indices[0])  ## remove from the list in the correct order!

        out_branches = []
        for cand0 in candidate_branches[0]:
            for cand1 in candidate_branches[1]:
                for cand2 in candidate_branches[2]:
                    candidate = branch[:] + [cand0, cand1, cand2]
                    # print('candidate', candidate)
                    # if is_branched(tri, candidate):
                    if has_non_sing_semiflow(tri, candidate):
        # assert len(out) > 0  ### this works if we check is_branched three lines above, but not if we check has_non_sing_semiflow
        if len(out_branches) == 0: ### with has_non_sing_semiflow instead, we might not get any
            return False

    if return_vertex_perm:
        vertex_permutation = []
        for (tet, vert_num) in new_vertex_representatives:
        ### note that Regina's permutations can have up to 16 entries, lets just use lists for this
        ### for testing:
        new_vertex_degrees = [v.degree() for v in tri.vertices()]
        new_vertex_degrees_pulled_back = [new_vertex_degrees[vertex_permutation[i]] for i in range(len(vertex_degrees))]

        # print(vertex_permutation)
        # if vertex_permutation != list(range(len(new_vertex_representatives))):
        #     print('2-3 permuted vertices', vertex_permutation, new_vertex_degrees, new_vertex_degrees_pulled_back, vertex_degrees)

        for i in polar_cusp_indices:
            vertex_degrees[i] += 2
        assert vertex_degrees == new_vertex_degrees_pulled_back
        # print(new_vertex_degrees_pulled_back)

    output = [tri]
    if angle != None:
    if branch != None:
    if return_edge:
    if return_vertex_perm:
    return output
Exemplo n.º 14
def surface_isom_to_regluing_pattern(tri,
    Translation between a combinatorial isomorphism of a carried surface and the associated mutation pattern.
    #isom must be a combinatorial isomorphism of a surface build using build_surface

    # 1. Get the top embeds to surface triangles map (if weights > 1 then the lowermost copy - the one which has a tet below, and not a 'prism').
    # 2. Find images of triangles and permutations on vertices under the isomorphism.
    # 3. For every simpImage check if it is in the list obtained via surface_triangles_to_bottom triangles. If so, then it has a tet above (and not a prism), so the regluing pattern is
    # top embed --> surface triangle (lowermost over top embed) --isom--> surface triangle (uppermost over some tet) --> bottom face of the tet above
    # Otherwise, we look at the copy of the 3D-triangle in the surface which is above this surface triangle, apply isom again etc.

    if tet_vert_coorientations == None:
        tet_vert_coorientations = is_transverse_taut(
            tri, angle, return_type="tet_vert_coorientations")

    top_tri_to_surface_tri = top_triangles_to_surface_triangles(
        tri, angle, weights, tet_vert_coorientations)
    surface_tri_to_bottom_tri = surface_triangles_to_bottom_triangles(
        tri, angle, weights, tet_vert_coorientations)

    k = len(surface_tri_to_bottom_tri)
    auxiliary = [None] * k
    for i in range(k):
        if surface_tri_to_bottom_tri[i] != None:
            auxiliary[i] = surface_tri_to_bottom_tri[i][0]
    # auxiliary[k] is either None or an index of a surface triangle which has a tet above -- I want to keep Nones so that later I can find the index of the bottom triangle in surface_tri_to_bottom_tri by value

    regluing = []

    for i in range(len(top_tri_to_surface_tri)):
        if top_tri_to_surface_tri[
                i] != None:  # this triangle is unglued in the cut manifold
            #print('top triangle to surface triangle', top_tri_to_surface_tri[i])
            surface_tri_index = top_tri_to_surface_tri[i][2]
            tri_image = isom.simpImage(surface_tri_index)
            isom_perm = isom.facetPerm(surface_tri_index)
            #print('first tri image and perm', tri_image, isom_perm)
            if tri_image in auxiliary:
                index_in_surface_to_bottom_tri = auxiliary.index(tri_image)
                #print('surface triangle', tri_image, 'has a tet above')
            while tri_image not in auxiliary:  #look at further images
                #print('tri_image does not have a tet above')
                triangle_above = tri_image + 1
                tri_image = isom.simpImage(
                    triangle_above)  #look at the image of the upper copy
                isom_perm = isom.facetPerm(triangle_above) * isom_perm
                #print('next tri image and perm', tri_image, isom_perm)
                if tri_image in auxiliary:
                    index_in_surface_to_bottom_tri = auxiliary.index(tri_image)
                    #print('surface triangle', tri_image, 'has a tet above')
            top_to_surface_perm = vertex_correspondence_to_perm4(
                top_tri_to_surface_tri[i][1], top_tri_to_surface_tri[i][3])
            #print('top tri to surface tri perm', top_to_surface_perm)
            isom_perm4 = regina.Perm4(isom_perm[0], isom_perm[1], isom_perm[2],
            #print('4perm associated to isom', isom_perm4)
            bottom_to_surface_perm = vertex_correspondence_to_perm4(
            #print('bottom tri to surface tri perm', bottom_to_surface_perm)
            surface_to_bottom_perm = bottom_to_surface_perm.inverse()
            #print('surface to bottom perm', surface_to_bottom_perm)
            perm = surface_to_bottom_perm * isom_perm4 * top_to_surface_perm
            #print('gluing perm', perm)

            tet_below_top_embed = top_tri_to_surface_tri[i][0]
            which_face = face_num_in_tet(top_tri_to_surface_tri[i][1])
            tet_above_image = surface_tri_to_bottom_tri[

                [tet_below_top_embed, which_face, tet_above_image, perm])

    return regluing
Exemplo n.º 15
n = 7
gems = surv.family_three_crystallisations(7,
                                          sphere1=[[1], [0, 4, 2], [3, 5, 6]])

idn = list(range(n))
mu = surv.mu_online(n)
sigmas = surv.cycle_to_oneline(gems[0][0], n)
taus = [surv.cycle_to_oneline(g[1]) for g in gems]
triangulations = []

for tau in taus:
    tau = []
    perms = [idn, mu, sigma, tau]
    T = regina.Triangulation3()
    simplices = [T.newTetrahedron() for i in range(2 * n)]
    id4 = regina.Perm4()
    for c in range(4):
        for i in range(n):
            simplices[i].join(c, simplices[perms[c][i] + n], id4)

# Example: computing each unique isomorphism signature for triangulations

unique_sigs = []
for T in triangulations:
    s = T.isoSig()
    if s not in unique_sigs:

print "Distinct Isomorphism Signatures:\n"
for s in unique_sigs:
def drill_midsurface_bdy(tri, angle):
    vt = veering_triangulation(tri, angle)
    veering_colours = vt.veering_colours  ## "red" or "blue"
    tet_types = vt.tet_types  ### "toggle", "red" or "blue"
    tet_vert_coors = vt.coorientations

    drilledTri = regina.Triangulation3()
    subtet_indices = []
    subtet_addresses = []

    num_toggles = tet_types.count("toggle")
    drilled_num_tet = 8 * num_toggles + 4 * (tri.countTetrahedra() -

    meridians = []
    ### in each toggle, we record the meridians for the two boundary components we are drilling
    ### note that this repeats the same meridian many times - the construction here is purely local: it is much
    ### easier to figure out which are duplicates of which later

    for i in range(tri.countTetrahedra()):
        tet = tri.tetrahedron(i)
        first_subtet_index = drilledTri.countTetrahedra()
        if tet_types[i] == 'toggle':
            num_to_add = 8
            num_to_add = 4
        for j in range(num_to_add):

            range(first_subtet_index, first_subtet_index + num_to_add))

        ### glue sub-tetrahedra together. Note that some tetrahedra will be negatively oriented

        [(t0, t1), (b0, b1)] = get_top_and_bottom_nums(tet_vert_coors, i)
        this_tet_subtet_addresses = {}
        if tet_types[i] == 'toggle':
            ## first two subtetrahedra are top two, second two are bottom two, then the four side tetrahedra
            tet_t0, tet_t1 = drilledTri.tetrahedron(
                first_subtet_index), drilledTri.tetrahedron(
                    first_subtet_index + 1)
            # tet_ti is opposite vertex bi
            tet_b0, tet_b1 = drilledTri.tetrahedron(first_subtet_index +
                                                    2), drilledTri.tetrahedron(
                                                        first_subtet_index + 3)
            # tet_bi is opposite vertex ti
            tet_s00 = drilledTri.tetrahedron(first_subtet_index + 4)
            tet_s01 = drilledTri.tetrahedron(first_subtet_index + 5)
            tet_s10 = drilledTri.tetrahedron(first_subtet_index + 6)
            tet_s11 = drilledTri.tetrahedron(first_subtet_index + 7)
            # tet_sij meets vertices ti and bj

            ## keys are (vert not on face, vert not on edge), returns the subtet which meets the face, edge
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b0, b1)] = tet_t0
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b1, b0)] = tet_t1
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t0, t1)] = tet_b0
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t1, t0)] = tet_b1
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t1, b1)] = tet_s00
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b1, t1)] = tet_s00
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t1, b0)] = tet_s01
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b0, t1)] = tet_s01
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t0, b1)] = tet_s10
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b1, t0)] = tet_s10
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t0, b0)] = tet_s11
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b0, t0)] = tet_s11

            tet_t0.join(b0, tet_t1,
                        regina.Perm4(b0, b1, b1, b0, t0, t0, t1,
                                     t1))  ## b0 <-> b1, t0 and t1 fixed
            tet_b0.join(t0, tet_b1,
                        regina.Perm4(t0, t1, t1, t0, b0, b0, b1,
                                     b1))  ## t0 <-> t1, b0 and b1 fixed

            tet_s00.join(b0, tet_t1,
                         regina.Perm4(t0, t0, b1, b1, t1, b0, b0, t1))
            tet_s00.join(t0, tet_b1,
                         regina.Perm4(b0, b0, t1, t1, b1, t0, t0, b1))

            tet_s01.join(b1, tet_t0,
                         regina.Perm4(t0, t0, b0, b0, t1, b1, b1, t1))
            tet_s01.join(t0, tet_b1,
                         regina.Perm4(b1, b1, t1, t1, b0, t0, t0, b0))

            tet_s10.join(b0, tet_t1,
                         regina.Perm4(t1, t1, b1, b1, t0, b0, b0, t0))
            tet_s10.join(t1, tet_b0,
                         regina.Perm4(b0, b0, t0, t0, b1, t1, t1, b1))

            tet_s11.join(b1, tet_t0,
                         regina.Perm4(t1, t1, b0, b0, t0, b1, b1, t0))
            tet_s11.join(t1, tet_b0,
                         regina.Perm4(b1, b1, t0, t0, b0, t1, t1, b0))

            ### meridian around upper hole
            meridian = [0] * (3 * drilled_num_tet)
            meridian[3 * tet_t1.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[b0, t0]] = -1
            meridian[3 * tet_s00.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[b1, t1]] = 1
            meridian[3 * tet_b1.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[t0, t1]] = 1
            meridian[3 * tet_s01.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[b0, t1]] = 1
            meridian[3 * tet_t0.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[b1, t0]] = -1

            ### meridian around lower hole - swap b with t everywhere. Note this also swaps s01 with s10
            meridian = [0] * (3 * drilled_num_tet)
            meridian[3 * tet_b1.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[t0, b0]] = -1
            meridian[3 * tet_s00.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[t1, b1]] = 1
            meridian[3 * tet_t1.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[b0, b1]] = 1
            meridian[3 * tet_s10.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[t0, b1]] = 1
            meridian[3 * tet_b0.index() +
                     unsorted_vert_pair_to_edge_pair[t1, b0]] = -1

        else:  ## fan
            # first two tetrahedra are the top and bottom
            tet_t, tet_b = drilledTri.tetrahedron(
                first_subtet_index), drilledTri.tetrahedron(
                    first_subtet_index + 1)
            # second two tetrahedra are the sides, s0 meets vertex t0, s1 meets vertex t1
            tet_s0, tet_s1 = drilledTri.tetrahedron(first_subtet_index +
                                                    2), drilledTri.tetrahedron(
                                                        first_subtet_index + 3)

            # tet_types[i] == 'blue'
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b0, b1)] = tet_t
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b1, b0)] = tet_t
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t0, t1)] = tet_b
            this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t1, t0)] = tet_b
            ### if this is a blue fan tet then each side tet meet a blue edge
            # tet_types[i] could be 'blue' or 'red'

            ### find which bottom vertex, when linked to t0, gives an edge of the correct colour
            if vt.get_edge_between_verts_colour(i, (t0, b0)) == tet_types[i]:
                s0b = b0  ## bottom vert of s0
                s1b = b1  ## bottom vert of s1
                this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t0, b0)] = tet_s1
                this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b0, t0)] = tet_s1
                this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t1, b1)] = tet_s0
                this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b1, t1)] = tet_s0
                s0b = b1  ## bottom vert of s0
                s1b = b0  ## bottom vert of s1
                this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t0, b1)] = tet_s1
                this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b1, t0)] = tet_s1
                this_tet_subtet_addresses[(t1, b0)] = tet_s0
                this_tet_subtet_addresses[(b0, t1)] = tet_s0

            tet_s0.join(s0b, tet_t,
                        regina.Perm4(t0, t0, s0b, t1, s1b, s1b, t1, s0b))
            tet_s0.join(t0, tet_b,
                        regina.Perm4(s0b, s0b, t0, s1b, t1, t1, s1b, t0))
            tet_s1.join(s1b, tet_t,
                        regina.Perm4(t1, t1, s1b, t0, s0b, s0b, t0, s1b))
            tet_s1.join(t1, tet_b,
                        regina.Perm4(s1b, s1b, t1, s0b, t0, t0, s0b, t1))


    ### now glue subtetrahedra from different original tetrahedra together
    ### fan tetrahedra only glue two of three subtetrahedra on each face.
    ### toggles glue one of their subfaces all the way through to the next toggle...

    unglued_flags = []
    for f in range(tri.countTriangles()):
        for e in range(3):
            unglued_flags.append((f, e))

    while unglued_flags != []:
        (f, e) = unglued_flags.pop()
        # print f,e
        face = tri.triangle(f)
        embed0 = face.embedding(0)
        embed1 = face.embedding(1)
        tet_index_0 = embed0.simplex().index()
        tet_index_1 = embed1.simplex().index()
        face0 = embed0.face()
        face1 = embed1.face()
        vertperm0 = embed0.vertices()
        vertperm1 = embed1.vertices()

        edge0 = vertperm0[e]
        edge1 = vertperm1[e]

        otherverts0 = [0, 1, 2, 3]
        otherverts1 = [0, 1, 2, 3]

        if (face0, edge0) in subtet_addresses[tet_index_0]:
            subtet0 = subtet_addresses[tet_index_0][(face0, edge0)]
            subtet0 = None
        if (face1, edge1) in subtet_addresses[tet_index_1]:
            subtet1 = subtet_addresses[tet_index_1][(face1, edge1)]
            subtet1 = None

        if subtet0 == None and subtet1 == None:
            pass  ### both are fans, with no subtet, skip
        elif subtet0 != None and subtet1 != None:
            ### glue
            u, v = otherverts0
            tet0perm = regina.Perm4(face0, edge0, edge0, face0, u, u, v, v)
            u, v = otherverts1
            tet1perm = regina.Perm4(face1, edge1, edge1, face1, u, u, v, v)
            gluing = embed0.simplex().adjacentGluing(face0)
            subtet0.join(edge0, subtet1,
                         tet1perm * gluing * tet0perm)  ### perms act on left

        else:  ### we have to walk around to find the right place to glue this toggle subtet, and remove the other unglued flag from the list
            if subtet1 == None:
                assert tet_types[tet_index_0] == 'toggle'
                toggle_tet_index = tet_index_0
                toggle_face = face0
                toggle_edge = edge0
                subtet = subtet0
                assert tet_types[tet_index_1] == 'toggle'
                toggle_tet_index = tet_index_1
                toggle_face = face1
                toggle_edge = edge1
                subtet = subtet1
            edge_verts = [0, 1, 2, 3]
            toggle_e0, toggle_e1 = edge_verts

            e0, e1 = toggle_e0, toggle_e1
            leading_vertex = toggle_edge
            trailing_vertex = toggle_face
            tet = tri.tetrahedron(toggle_tet_index)
            while True:
                gluing = tet.adjacentGluing(trailing_vertex)
                tet = tet.adjacentTetrahedron(trailing_vertex)
                e0, e1 = gluing[e0], gluing[e1]
                leading_vertex, trailing_vertex = gluing[
                    trailing_vertex], gluing[leading_vertex]
                if tet_types[tet.index()] == "toggle":
            other_toggle_tet_index = tet.index()
            other_toggle_face = leading_vertex
            other_toggle_edge = trailing_vertex
            other_toggle_e0 = e0
            other_toggle_e1 = e1
            other_subtet = subtet_addresses[other_toggle_tet_index][(
                other_toggle_face, other_toggle_edge)]
            tetperm = regina.Perm4(toggle_face, toggle_edge, toggle_edge,
                                   toggle_face, toggle_e0, toggle_e0,
                                   toggle_e1, toggle_e1)
            other_tetperm = regina.Perm4(other_toggle_face, other_toggle_edge,
                                         other_toggle_edge, other_toggle_face,
                                         other_toggle_e0, other_toggle_e0,
                                         other_toggle_e1, other_toggle_e1)
            gluing = regina.Perm4(toggle_e0, other_toggle_e0, toggle_e1,
                                  other_toggle_e1, toggle_face,
                                  other_toggle_face, toggle_edge,
            subtet.join(toggle_edge, other_subtet,
                        other_tetperm * gluing * tetperm)

    return drilledTri, meridians