Exemplo n.º 1
	def overUnder(self, point, onThresh=0):
			point: [Vector] A point
			onThresh: [float] The permitted error when testing for being "on" a line
		Returns: 1 if this point lies on or vertically over segment, -1 if
			lies vertically under, 0 if out of range over x
		rx = Region(self.p1.x, self.p2.x)
		ry = Region(self.p1.y, self.p2.y)
		if (not rx.contains(point.x)) or self.p1.x == self.p2.x:
			# Point is out of range over x
			return 0
		# y at the point where point is
		yThresh = self.p1.y + \
			(self.p2.y - self.p1.y) * \
			(point.x - self.p1.x) / (self.p2.x - self.p1.x)
		if abs(point.y - yThresh) < onThresh:
			# On segment
			return 1
		if point.y >= yThresh:
			# Over segment
			return 1
			# Under segment
			return -1
Exemplo n.º 2
    def overUnder(self, point, onThresh=0):
			point: [Vector] A point
			onThresh: [float] The permitted error when testing for being "on" a line
		Returns: 1 if this point lies on or vertically over segment, -1 if
			lies vertically under, 0 if out of range over x

        rx = Region(self.p1.x, self.p2.x)
        ry = Region(self.p1.y, self.p2.y)

        if (not rx.contains(point.x)) or self.p1.x == self.p2.x:
            # Point is out of range over x
            return 0

        # y at the point where point is
        yThresh = self.p1.y + \
         (self.p2.y - self.p1.y) * \
         (point.x - self.p1.x) / (self.p2.x - self.p1.x)

        if abs(point.y - yThresh) < onThresh:
            # On segment
            return 1
        if point.y >= yThresh:
            # Over segment
            return 1
            # Under segment
            return -1
Exemplo n.º 3
def _polygonCircle(sp):
    p = sp.shapes[0]
    c0 = sp.shapes[1]

    intersectList = []
    for segment in p.segments():
        c = c0.copy()
        s = segment.copy()

        # Maps circle's center to origin, line to horizontal
        toMove = c.center.mul(-1)
        toRotate = -s.angle()

        # Calculates intersects
        segmentHeight = s.p1.y
        segmentSpan = Region(s.p1.x, s.p2.x)
        segmentPoints = []
        if abs(segmentHeight) >= abs(c.radius):
            xMaxPt = math.sqrt(c.radius**2 - segmentHeight**2)
            xMinPt = -xMaxPt
            if segmentSpan.contains(xMinPt):
                segmentPoints.append(Vector(xMinPt, segmentHeight))
            if segmentSpan.contains(xMaxPt):
                segmentPoints.append(Vector(xMaxPt, segmentHeight))

        # Translates solutions back to original coordinates
        for spt in segmentPoints:
            spt = spt.rotate(-toRotate)
            spt = spt.sub(toMove)

    return intersectList
Exemplo n.º 4
def _polygonCircle(sp):
	p = sp.shapes[0]
	c0 = sp.shapes[1]
	intersectList = []
	for segment in p.segments():
		c = c0.copy()
		s = segment.copy()
		# Maps circle's center to origin, line to horizontal
		toMove = c.center.mul(-1)
		toRotate = -s.angle()
		# Calculates intersects
		segmentHeight = s.p1.y
		segmentSpan = Region(s.p1.x, s.p2.x)
		segmentPoints = []
		if abs(segmentHeight) >= abs(c.radius):
			xMaxPt = math.sqrt(c.radius ** 2 - segmentHeight ** 2)
			xMinPt = -xMaxPt
			if segmentSpan.contains(xMinPt):
				segmentPoints.append(Vector(xMinPt, segmentHeight))
			if segmentSpan.contains(xMaxPt):
				segmentPoints.append(Vector(xMaxPt, segmentHeight))
		# Translates solutions back to original coordinates
		for spt in segmentPoints:
			spt = spt.rotate(-toRotate)
			spt = spt.sub(toMove)
	return intersectList
Exemplo n.º 5
	def reset(self, region=None, exemptions=None):
		Method: reset
		Description: Reset cells inside the provided region whose coordinates do not also fall within any of the provided exemption ranges.
		Parameters: region=None, exemptions=None
			region: Region - A region for maze reset to span
			exemptions: Regions - A collection of regions for maze reset to avoid
		Return: None

		# Ensure that valid boundaries are set.
		if region is None:
			region = Region((0, 0), (self.get_width(), self.get_height()))

		# Reset all cells that do not fall inside any of the provided exempt ranges.
		for row in self.m_cells:

			# If the current row is inside the reset boundary, check for cells to reset inside that row.
			for cell in row:
				exempt = False

				# If the current cell is outside the reset boundary, move on to the next cell.
				if not region.contains(cell.m_position):

				# Check for the inclusion of each cell in each provided exempt range.
				if exemptions is not None:
					for exemption in exemptions:

						# Reset the boundary walls of the provided exempt ranges.
						border_directions = exemption.on_border(cell.m_position)
						for border_direction in border_directions:
							self.set_wall(cell, border_direction, True)

						# If the cell falls inside any of the provided exempt ranges, do not reset it.
						if exemption.contains(cell.m_position):
							exempt = True

					# Do not reset exempt cells.
					if exempt:

				# Completely reset non-exempt cells.
				for direction in list(Direction):
					self.set_wall(cell, direction, True)
Exemplo n.º 6
	def trailblaze(self, source_cell, direction=None, region=None, exemptions=None):
		Method: trailblaze
		Description: Trailblaze from the source cell in the specified direction, knocking down both sides of the wall between the source and the target.
		Parameters: source_cell, direction=None, region=None, exemptions=None
			source_cell: Cell - The cell to trailblaze from
			direction: Direction - The direction to trailblaze in (None simply visits the source cell)
			region: Region - A region for trailblazing to span
			exemptions: Regions - A collection of regions for trailblazing to avoid
		Return: Cell - The target cell is trailblazing was successful, and None otherwise

		# If the direction is None, "trailblaze" to the source cell by marking it as visited.
		if direction is None:
			return source_cell

		# Ensure that valid boundaries are set.
		if region is None:
			region = Region((0, 0), (self.get_width(), self.get_height()))

		# Grab the target cell.
		target_cell = self.get_neighbor_cell(source_cell, direction)

		# If the target cell is invalid, return without trailblazing.
		if target_cell is None:
			return None

		# If the target cell is exempt, return without trailblazing.
		if exemptions is not None:
			for exemption in exemptions:
				if exemption.contains(target_cell.m_position):
					return None

		# If non-exempt target cell is valid, trailblaze to it.
		if not target_cell.is_visited() and region.contains(target_cell.m_position):

			# Remove wall between source and target cells.
			self.set_wall(source_cell, direction, False)

			# Visit the target cell.

			return target_cell