Exemplo n.º 1
def angle_in_circle(image_filename, position_of_star, rht_data, radius):
    """ Gets a star, draws a circle around it and returns the average rht angle and standard deviation in this circle. """

    ipoints, jpoints, hthets, naxis1, naxis2, wlen, smr, thresh, thets_deg = rht_data

    c = CirclePixelRegion(PixCoord(

    # Check which RHT data is in this region, these are the indices:
    indices = c.contains(PixCoord(ipoints, jpoints))
    # hthets[indices] are all the pixel angle distributions found in the circle

    # Loop through pixels:
    # We multiply by thets_deg to get angle distribution, then normalise by dividing by the sum of the distribution, and finally take the sum of all values to get the average angle.
    average_on_pixel = []
    for i, v in enumerate(hthets[indices]):
            (hthets[indices][i] * thets_deg / hthets[indices][i].sum()).sum())

    return np.mean(average_on_pixel), np.std(average_on_pixel)
	if(PRINTER.input_text("Automatically find most-intense region? [y/n]") == "y"):
		PRINTER.info_text("Identifying region")
		px = np.argwhere(MAPCUBE[0].data == MAPCUBE[0].data.max()) * u.pixel

		if len(px) > 1:
			temp = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(np.array(px))
			px = [px[int(temp[0] + 0.5)]]


		center = PixCoord(x = 2048, y = 2048)
		radius = 1600
		region = CirclePixelRegion(center, radius)
		point = PixCoord(px[0][1], px[0][0])

		if not region.contains(point):
			PRINTER.info_text("Identified region is outside the solar disk")
			PRINTER.info_text("Defaulting to user selection...")
			INIT_COORD = cutout_selection(MAPCUBE)
			INIT_COORD = MAPCUBE[0].pixel_to_world(px[0][1], px[0][0])

		auto_sel = True
		INIT_COORD = cutout_selection(MAPCUBE)
		auto_sel = False

