def make_ca_context(ca, asset_depth=0):
    Create a base-context for rendering views.
    Includes app_config and JS/CSS includers.

    `asset_depth` indicates how far into the url hierarchy
    the assets are hosted. If 0, then they are at the root.
    If 1 then at /foo/, etc.
    context = flatten_app_config()

    copy = copytext.Copy(app_config.COPY_PATH)

    sheet = copy['community_area_data']

    community_area = ''

    for row in sheet:
    	if row['CA_number'] == ca:
    		community_area = row

    context['COPY'] = copytext.Copy(app_config.COPY_PATH)
    context['JS'] = JavascriptIncluder(asset_depth=asset_depth)
    context['CSS'] = CSSIncluder(asset_depth=asset_depth)
    context['CA'] = row
    return context
Exemplo n.º 2
def _render_tumblr_theme(slug):
    Render out the tumblr theme.
    When handled as an URL, gets target=None.
    When called from fabfile as part of render(),
    gets target from env.settings.

    production: Renders files inline.
    staging/development: Points files to

    {{ copy.key_name }} for bits of copy. Key name is the first column's value.

    # Set up context bits.
    context = flatten_app_config()

    # For copytext.
    context['copy'] = {}

    # For og image reference
    context['slug'] = slug

    # Loop over the copy in the sheet named for the slug.
    # Append it like it's a dict.
    for item in copytext.Copy()[slug]:
        context['copy'][item.key] = item.value

    # Open the theme's file.
    with open('tumblrs/%s/theme.html.tpl' % slug, 'r') as readfile:
        template_string = unicode(

    # Render the template.
    return render_template_string(template_string, **context)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _app_config_js():
    Render app configuration to javascript.
    config = flatten_app_config()
    js = 'window.APP_CONFIG = ' + json.dumps(config, cls=BetterJSONEncoder)

    return js, 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/javascript' }
Exemplo n.º 4
def _app_config_js():
    This includes both client-side config and some COPY vars we need in JS.
    config = flatten_app_config()
    js = 'window.APP_CONFIG = ' + json.dumps(config) + ';'

    features = {}
    data = copytext.Copy(app_config.COPY_PATH)
    for feature in data['feature_list']:
        features[feature['key']] = dict(zip(feature._columns, feature._row))

    features = 'window.FEATURES = ' + json.dumps(features) + ';'

    return '\n'.join([js, features]), 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/javascript' }
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_context(asset_depth=0):
    Create a base-context for rendering views.
    Includes app_config and JS/CSS includers.

    `asset_depth` indicates how far into the url hierarchy
    the assets are hosted. If 0, then they are at the root.
    If 1 then at /foo/, etc.
    context = flatten_app_config()

    context['COPY'] = PlayersCopy(app_config.COPY_PATH)
    context['JS'] = JavascriptIncluder(asset_depth=asset_depth)
    context['CSS'] = CSSIncluder(asset_depth=asset_depth)

    return context
Exemplo n.º 6
def _app_config_js():
    config = flatten_app_config()
    js = 'window.APP_CONFIG = ' + json.dumps(config)

    return js, 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/javascript' }
Exemplo n.º 7
def _app_config_js():
    config = flatten_app_config()
    js = "window.APP_CONFIG = " + json.dumps(config)

    return js, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/javascript"}
Exemplo n.º 8
def _render_tumblr_theme(slug):
    context = flatten_app_config()
    return render_template('%s-theme.html' % slug, **context)
Exemplo n.º 9
def _app_config_js(slug):
    config = flatten_app_config()
    js = 'window.APP_CONFIG = ' + json.dumps(config)

    return js, 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/javascript' }
Exemplo n.º 10
def _app_config_js():
    config = flatten_app_config()
    js = 'window.APP_CONFIG = ' + json.dumps(config, cls=BetterJSONEncoder)

    return make_response(js, 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/javascript' })
Exemplo n.º 11
def _app_config_js():
    config = flatten_app_config()
    js = 'window.APP_CONFIG = ' + json.dumps(config)

    return js, 200, {'Content-Type': 'application/javascript'}
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_app_config_no_db_credentials(self):
     from render_utils import flatten_app_config
     config = flatten_app_config()