Exemplo n.º 1
def display_path(path, points, to, env):
    for i in range(len(path) - 1):
        edge = rendering.PolyLine(
            [points[path[i]].to_list(), points[path[i + 1]].to_list()], False)
        edge.set_color(0, 128, 0)
    edge = rendering.PolyLine(
        [points[path[len(path) - 1]].to_list(),
         to.to_list()], False)
    edge.set_color(0, 128, 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def display_edges(points, env, onetime=True):
    graph = env.master_network
    edges = list(graph.edges)
    # points = env.network_points
    edges = [(points[e[0]].to_list(), points[e[1]].to_list()) for e in edges]

    if env.rendering:
        for e in edges:
            edge = rendering.PolyLine([e[0], e[1]], False)
            if onetime:
Exemplo n.º 3
 def set_health_bar(self, rec, viewer=None):
     self.bar = rec
     if len(self.robots) == 1:
         self.robots[0].health_bar = rec
         if viewer:
                 rendering.PolyLine([p.to_list() for p in rec.vertices],
         left_middle = rec.vertices[0].midpoint(rec.vertices[3])
         self.robots[0].health_bar = type(rec)(rec.vertices[0], \
             rec.width, rec.height/2)
         self.robots[1].health_bar = type(rec)(left_middle, \
             rec.width, rec.height/2)
         if viewer:
                     p.to_list() for p in self.robots[0].health_bar.vertices
                 ], True))
                     p.to_list() for p in self.robots[1].health_bar.vertices
                 ], True))
Exemplo n.º 4
	def init_rendering(self):
		self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(self.width, self.height)
		boundary = rendering.PolyLine([(1, 0), (1, 499), (800, 499), (800, 0)], True)

		health_bar_params = (20, 260)
		self.my_team.set_health_bar(UprightRectangle(Point(10, self.height / 2 - health_bar_params[1] / 2), \
			health_bar_params[0], health_bar_params[1]), self.viewer)
		self.enemy_team.set_health_bar(UprightRectangle(Point(self.width - health_bar_params[0] - 10, \
			self.height / 2 - health_bar_params[1] / 2), health_bar_params[0], health_bar_params[1]), self.viewer)

		for char in self.inactables():
			geoms = char.render()
			for geom in geoms:
    def __init__(self):

        # Record time
        self.game_time = 0
        self.finished = False

        self.characters = {
            "obstacles": [],
            "zones": [],
            "robots": [],
            "bullets": [],

        # Initialize teams
        BLUE = Team("BLUE")
        RED = Team("RED")
        BLUE.enemy, RED.enemy = RED, BLUE
        self.my_team, self.enemy_team = BLUE, RED

        # Initialize robots
        myRobot = AttackRobot(self, BLUE, Point(170, 295), 0)
        enemyRobot = ManualControlRobot("OSPWADBR", self, RED, Point(250, 110),
        self.characters['robots'] = [myRobot, enemyRobot]
        for i in range(len(self.characters['robots'])):
            self.characters['robots'][i].id = i

        # Defining course obstacles
        self.characters['obstacles'] = [
            Obstacle(p[0], p[1], p[2])
            for p in [(Point(325, 0), 25, 100), (
                Point(450, 400), 25,
                100), (Point(350, 238), 100,
                       25), (Point(580, 100), 100,
                             25), (Point(120, 375), 100,
                                   25), (Point(140, 140), 25,
                                         100), (Point(635, 260), 25, 100)]

        # Team start areas
        self.startingZones = [
            StartingZone(p[0], p[1])
            for p in [(Point(0, 0), BLUE), (Point(700, 0),
                                            BLUE), (Point(0, 400),
                                                    RED), (Point(700, 400),

        self.defenseBuffZones = [
            DefenseBuffZone(p[0], p[1])
            for p in [(Point(120, 275), BLUE), (Point(580, 125), RED)]

        self.loadingZones = [
            LoadingZone(p[0], p[1])
            for p in [(Point(350, 0), RED), (Point(350, 400), BLUE)]

        self.characters['zones'] = self.startingZones + self.defenseBuffZones + \

        # self.background = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), self.width, self.height, 0)

        self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(self.width, self.height)

        boundary = rendering.PolyLine([(1, 0), (1, 499), (800, 499), (800, 0)],
        boundary.set_color(COLOR_BLACK[0], COLOR_BLACK[1], COLOR_BLACK[2])

        for char in self.characters['obstacles'] + self.characters['zones']:
            geoms = char.render()
            for geom in geoms:
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        # initialize robot movement parameters
        Move.ticks_until_astar_recalc = 25
        delta = 40  # offset of graph points from wall corners
        # delta = ((((Robot.width / 2) ** 2) + ((Robot.height / 2) ** 2))) ** .5 + 1 #radius of robot + 1 (divide by 2 is deliberate)

        # Record time
        self.game_time = 0
        self.finished = False

        self.characters = {
            "obstacles": [],
            "zones": [],
            "robots": [],
            "bullets": [],

        # Initialize teams
        BLUE = Team("BLUE", self.pygame_rendering)
        RED = Team("RED", self.pygame_rendering)
        BLUE.enemy, RED.enemy = RED, BLUE
        self.my_team, self.enemy_team = BLUE, RED

        # Initialize robots
        # my_robot = AttackRobot(self, BLUE, Point(780, 100), 135)
        my_robot = AttackRobot(self, BLUE, Point(780, 100), 135)
        enemy_robot = AttackRobot(self, RED, Point(50, 450), 0)
        # enemy_robot = AttackRobot("ASDWOPR", self, RED, Point(50, 450), 0, ignore_angle=True)

        # bugged spot with closest point unreachable
        # my_robot = AttackRobot(self, BLUE, Point(365.917389, 355.968720), 312.700132)
        # enemy_robot = KeyboardRobot("ASDWOPR", self, RED, Point(419.475727, 80.330731), 132.700132, ignore_angle=True)

        self.characters['robots'] = [my_robot, enemy_robot]

        # my_robot2 = AttackRobot(self, BLUE, Point(20, 100), 0)
        # enemy_robot2 = AttackRobot(self, RED, Point(780, 450), 180)
        # self.characters['robots'] += [my_robot2, enemy_robot2]

        for i in range(len(self.characters['robots'])):
            self.characters['robots'][i].id = i

        # Defining course obstacles
        self.characters['obstacles'] = [
            Obstacle(p[0], p[1], p[2])
            for p in [(Point(325, 0), 25, 100), (
                Point(450, 400), 25,
                100), (Point(350, 238), 100,
                       25), (Point(580, 100), 100,
                             25), (Point(120, 375), 100,
                                   25), (Point(140, 140), 25,
                                         100), (Point(635, 260), 25, 100)]

        # Team start areas
        self.starting_zones = [
            StartingZone(p[0], p[1])
            for p in [(Point(0, 0), BLUE), (Point(700, 0),
                                            BLUE), (Point(0, 400),
                                                    RED), (Point(700, 400),

        self.defense_buff_zones = [
            DefenseBuffZone(p[0], p[1], self)
            for p in [(Point(120, 275), BLUE), (Point(580, 125), RED)]

        self.loading_zones = [
            LoadingZone(p[0], p[1], self)
            for p in [(Point(350, 400), BLUE), (Point(350, 0), RED)]

        self.characters['zones'] = self.starting_zones + self.defense_buff_zones + \

        if self.rendering:
        elif self.pygame_rendering:

        # Init movement network
        G = nx.Graph()
        # delta declaration at the top of this function
        self.network_points = []
        id = 0
        for block in self.characters['obstacles'] + [
            vertices = block.get_vertices()
            delta_bases = [(-1, -1), (1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1)]
            for i in range(4):
                delta_x, delta_y = delta_bases[
                    i]  # abs(i - 1.5) // 1.5 * 2 - 1, i // 2 * 2 - 1
                delta_x *= delta
                delta_y *= delta
                point = vertices[i].move(delta_x, delta_y)
                if self.is_legal(point):
                    point.id = id
                    id += 1

        self.network_edges = []
        for i in range(len(self.network_points)):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(self.network_points)):
                p_i, p_j = self.network_points[i], self.network_points[j]
                if p_i.dis(p_j) <= 250 and self.direct_reachable_forward(
                        p_i, p_j, my_robot, ignore_robots=True):
                    self.network_edges.append((p_i, p_j))
                    G.add_edge(p_i.id, p_j.id, weight=p_i.dis(p_j))

        # remove edges that go through enemy loading zone (assign valid edges to appropriate team)
        # RED.extra_weighted_edge = (0, 8, G[0][8]['weight']) #TODO
        # BLUE.extra_weighted_edge = (2, 14, G[2][14]['weight']) #TODO
        # G.remove_edge(0, 8) #TODO
        # G.remove_edge(2, 14) #TODO

        self.master_network = G

        if self.display_visibility_map:
            for e in self.network_edges:
                edge = rendering.PolyLine([e[0].to_list(), e[1].to_list()],

            for p in self.network_points:
                geom = rendering.Circle(p, 5)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def seed(self, seed=None):
        self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
        return [seed]

	def __init__(self):

		# Record time
		self.game_time = 0
		self.finished = False
		[0]: game_time. Total number of steps elapsed. Equivalent to game_time/50 seconds
		[1]: number of robots on each team
		[2-41]: state of 4 robots. non-existant robots are 0 padded. 9 numbers each
				[2-3]: x, y coord of center of robot
				[4]: robot angle in degrees  [5]: robot gun angle relative to front in degrees
				[6]: bullet count [7]: remaining number of rounds of shooting cooldown
				[8]: remaining number of rounds of defense buff [9]: flag=1 if robot is shooting 0 otherwise
				[10]: remaining health  [11]: robot type index
		[42-51]: state of two defense zones.
				[42]: flag=1 if can be activated 0 otherwise
				[43-46]: number of seconds the zone has been touched by each robot
		[52-57]: state of two loading zones.
				[52]: number of refills available
				[53]: number of bullets not yet poured from previous refill
				[54]: number of bullets loaded into the current robot
		[58-297]: state of 60 bullets.
				[58-59]: x, y coord of bullet
				[60]: direction of bullet in radian
				[61]: id of bullet's master robot

		self.characters = {
			"obstacles": [],
			"zones": [],
			"robots": [],
			"bullets": [],

        action_space: The Space object corresponding to valid actions
        observation_space: The Space object corresponding to valid observations
        reward_range: A tuple corresponding to the min and max possible rewards

		# Initialize teams
		BLUE = Team("BLUE", self.pygame_rendering)
		RED = Team("RED", self.pygame_rendering)
		BLUE.enemy, RED.enemy = RED, BLUE
		self.my_team, self.enemy_team = BLUE, RED

		# Initialize robots
		my_robot = AttackRobot(self, BLUE, Point(780, 100), 180)
		# my_robot = AttackRobot(self, BLUE, Point(780, 100), 180)
		my_robot2 = AttackRobot(self, BLUE, Point(20, 100), 0)
		enemy_robot = KeyboardRobot("ASDWOPR", self, RED, Point(50, 450), 0)
		enemy_robot2 = AttackRobot(self, RED, Point(780, 450), 180)
		# enemy_robot = JoystickRobot(self, RED, Point(50, 450), 0)
		# my_robot.load(40)
		self.characters['robots'] = [my_robot, enemy_robot]
		self.characters['robots'] += [my_robot2, enemy_robot2] 
		for i in range(len(self.characters['robots'])):
			self.characters['robots'][i].id = i

		# Defining course obstacles
		self.characters['obstacles'] = [Obstacle(p[0], p[1], p[2])
		    for p in [(Point(325, 0), 25, 100), (Point(450, 400), 25, 100),
				(Point(350, 238), 100, 25), (Point(580, 100), 100, 25),
				(Point(120, 375), 100, 25), (Point(140, 140), 25, 100),
				(Point(635, 260), 25, 100)]]

		# Team start areas
		self.starting_zones = [StartingZone(p[0], p[1]) for p in [(Point(0, 0), BLUE),
		(Point(700, 0), BLUE), (Point(0, 400), RED), (Point(700, 400), RED)]]

		self.defense_buff_zones = [DefenseBuffZone(p[0], p[1], self) for p in [
		(Point(120, 275), BLUE), (Point(580, 125), RED)]]

		self.loading_zones = [LoadingZone(p[0], p[1], self) for p in [
		(Point(350, 400), BLUE), (Point(350, 0), RED)]]

		self.characters['zones'] = self.starting_zones + self.defense_buff_zones + \

		if self.rendering:
		elif self.pygame_rendering:

		# Init movement network
		G = nx.Graph()
		delta = 40
		self.network_points = []
		id = 0
		for block in self.characters['obstacles'] + [self.enemy_team.loading_zone]:
			for i in range(4):
				delta_x, delta_y = abs(i - 1.5) // 1.5 * 2 - 1, i // 2 * 2 - 1
				delta_x *= -delta
				delta_y *= delta
				point = block.vertices[i].move(delta_x, delta_y)
				if self.is_legal(point):
					point.id = id
					id += 1

		self.network_edges = []
		for i in range(len(self.network_points)):
			for j in range(i + 1, len(self.network_points)):
				p_i, p_j = self.network_points[i], self.network_points[j]
				if self.direct_reachable_forward(p_i, p_j, my_robot, True):
					self.network_edges.append(LineSegment(p_i, p_j))
					G.add_edge(p_i.id, p_j.id, weight=p_i.dis(p_j))

		self.network = G

		if self.display_visibility_map:
		    for e in self.network_edges:
		        edge = rendering.PolyLine([e.point_from.to_list(), e.point_to.to_list()], False)

		    for p in self.network_points:
		        geom = rendering.Circle(p, 5)