Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_session_id_from_request(request):
     Utility function that returns the session ID from a given HTTP request
     :return: a UUID session identifier
     log.debug(1, 'Getting cookie from request')
 def test_duplicate_settings(self):
     log.debug(1, 'test_duplicate_settings')
     manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
     params = dict()
     params['id'] = 'rtneuron'
     params['command_line'] = 'rtneuron-app.py'
     params['environment_variables'] = \
     params['modules'] = 'BBP/viz/latest'
     params['process_rest_parameters_format'] = '--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}'
     params['scheduler_rest_parameters_format'] = '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}'
     params['project'] = 'project'
     params['queue'] = 'test'
     params['exclusive'] = False
     params['nb_nodes'] = 1
     params['nb_cpus'] = 1
     params['nb_gpus'] = 1
     params['graceful_exit'] = True
     params['wait_until_running'] = True
     params['name'] = 'name'
     params['description'] = 'description'
     status = manager.create(params)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)
     # Duplicate
     status = manager.create(params)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 409)
     # Delete Settings
     status = manager.delete(params['id'])
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
 def test_delete_invalid_session(self):
     log.debug(1, 'test_delete_invalid_session')
     session_id = SessionManager.get_session_id()
     # Delete session
     sm = SessionManager()
     status = sm.delete_session(session_id)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 404)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def create_session(cls, session_id, owner, renderer_id):
     Creates a user session
     :param session_id: Id for the new session
     :param owner: Session owner
     :param renderer_id: Id of the renderer associated to the session
     :rtype A tuple containing the status and the description of the potential error
     sgs = SystemGlobalSettings.objects.get()
     if sgs.session_creation:
             session = Session(
                 valid_until=datetime.datetime.now() +
             with transaction.atomic():
             msg = 'Session successfully created'
             log.debug(1, msg)
             response = json.dumps({'contents': msg})
             return [http_status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response]
         except IntegrityError as e:
             response = json.dumps({'contents': str(e)})
             return [http_status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT, response]
         msg = 'Session creation is currently suspended'
         response = json.dumps({'contents': str(msg)})
         return [http_status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, response]
 def create_session(cls, session_id, owner, renderer_id):
     Creates a user session
     :param session_id: Id for the new session
     :param owner: Session owner
     :param renderer_id: Id of the renderer associated to the session
     :rtype A tuple containing the status and the description of the potential error
     sgs = SystemGlobalSettings.objects.get()
     if sgs.session_creation:
             session = Session(
                 valid_until=datetime.datetime.now() +
             with transaction.atomic():
             msg = 'Session successfully created'
             log.debug(1, msg)
             response = json.dumps({'contents': msg})
             return [http_status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response]
         except IntegrityError as e:
             response = json.dumps({'contents': str(e)})
             return [http_status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT, response]
         msg = 'Session creation is currently suspended'
         response = json.dumps({'contents': str(msg)})
         return [http_status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, response]
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_duplicate_settings(self):
     log.debug(1, 'test_duplicate_settings')
     manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
     params = dict()
     params['id'] = 'rtneuron'
     params['command_line'] = 'rtneuron-app.py'
     params['environment_variables'] = \
     params['modules'] = 'BBP/viz/latest'
     params['process_rest_parameters_format'] = '--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}'
     params['scheduler_rest_parameters_format'] = '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}'
     params['project'] = 'project'
     params['queue'] = 'test'
     params['exclusive'] = False
     params['nb_nodes'] = 1
     params['nb_cpus'] = 1
     params['nb_gpus'] = 1
     params['memory'] = 0
     params['graceful_exit'] = True
     params['wait_until_running'] = True
     params['name'] = 'name'
     params['description'] = 'description'
     status = manager.create(params)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)
     # Duplicate
     status = manager.create(params)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 409)
     # Delete Settings
     status = manager.delete(params['id'])
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
 def test_delete_invalid_settings(self):
     log.debug(1, 'test_delete_invalid_settings')
     manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
     params = dict()
     params['id'] = '@%$#$'
     # Delete Settings
     status = manager.delete(params)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 404)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_delete_invalid_settings(self):
     log.debug(1, 'test_delete_invalid_settings')
     manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
     params = dict()
     params['id'] = '@%$#$'
     # Delete Settings
     status = manager.delete(params)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 404)
 def setUp(self):
     log.debug(1, 'setUp')
     sm = SessionManager()
     # Clear sessions
     status = sm.clear_sessions()
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
     # List sessions
     status = sm.resume_sessions()
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
 def test_create_session(self):
     log.debug(1, 'test_create_session')
     session_id = SessionManager.get_session_id()
     # Create session
     sm = SessionManager()
     status = sm.create_session(session_id, DEFAULT_USER, DEFAULT_RENDERER)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)
     # Delete new session
     status = sm.delete_session(session_id)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
 def get_session_id_from_request(request):
     Utility function that returns the session ID from a given HTTP request
     :return: a UUID session identifier
     log.debug(1, 'Getting cookie from request')
         session_id = request.COOKIES[consts.COOKIE_ID]
     except KeyError as e:
         session_id = SessionManager.get_session_id()
         log.info(1, 'Cookie ' + str(e) + ' is missing. New session ID is ' + str(session_id))
     return session_id
 def resume_sessions(cls):
     Resumes the creation of new session.
     sgs = SystemGlobalSettings.objects.get(id=0)
     if sgs.session_creation:
         msg = 'Session creation already resumed'
         sgs.session_creation = True
         msg = 'Creation of new session now resumed'
     log.debug(1, msg)
     return [http_status.HTTP_200_OK, msg]
Exemplo n.º 13
 def resume_sessions(cls):
     Resumes the creation of new session.
     sgs = SystemGlobalSettings.objects.get(id=0)
     if sgs.session_creation:
         msg = 'Session creation already resumed'
         sgs.session_creation = True
         msg = 'Creation of new session now resumed'
     log.debug(1, msg)
     return [http_status.HTTP_200_OK, msg]
Exemplo n.º 14
 def suspend_sessions(cls):
     Suspends the creation of new session. This administration feature is
     here to prevent overloading of the system
     sgs = SystemGlobalSettings.objects.get(id=0)
     if not sgs.session_creation:
         msg = 'Session creation already suspended'
         sgs.session_creation = False
         msg = 'Creation of new session now suspended'
     log.debug(1, msg)
     return [http_status.HTTP_200_OK, msg]
 def suspend_sessions(cls):
     Suspends the creation of new session. This administration feature is
     here to prevent overloading of the system
     sgs = SystemGlobalSettings.objects.get(id=0)
     if not sgs.session_creation:
         msg = 'Session creation already suspended'
         sgs.session_creation = False
         msg = 'Creation of new session now suspended'
     log.debug(1, msg)
     return [http_status.HTTP_200_OK, msg]
    def start(session_info, params, environment):
        Gently starts a given process, waits for 2 seconds and checks for its appearance
        :param session_info: Session information containing the PID of the process
        :return: A Json response containing on ok status or a description of the error
            settings = manager.RenderingResourceSettingsManager.get_by_id(
            default_parameters = manager.RenderingResourceSettingsManager.format_rest_parameters(
                'rest' + str(settings.id + session_info.id))

            command_line = [
            ] + default_parameters.split()
                command_line += str(params).split()
            except KeyError:
                log.debug(1, 'No parameters specified')
            except TypeError:
                log.debug(1, 'No parameters specified')

            environment_variables = settings.environment_variables.split() + environment.split(',')
            process_env = os.environ.copy()
            for environment_variable in environment_variables:
                if environment_variable != '':
                    variable = environment_variable.split('=')
                    process_env[variable[0]] = variable[1]

            log.info(1, 'Launching ' + settings.id + ' with ' + str(command_line))
            process = subprocess.Popen(
                stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            session_info.process_pid = process.pid
            session_info.status = SESSION_STATUS_STARTING
            response = json.dumps(
                    {'message': 'Process started', 'processId': str(session_info.process_pid)})
            return [200, response]
        except RenderingResourceSettings.DoesNotExist as e:
            response = json.dumps({'contents': str(e)})
            return [404, response]
 def keep_alive_session(cls, session_id):
     Updated the specified session with a new expiration timestamp
     :param session_id: Id of the session to update
     log.debug(1, 'Session ' + str(session_id) + ' is being updated')
         sgs = SystemGlobalSettings.objects.get(id=0)
         session = Session.objects.get(id=session_id)
         session.valid_until = datetime.datetime.now() + \
         msg = 'Session ' + str(session_id) + ' successfully updated'
         return [http_status.HTTP_200_OK, msg]
     except Session.DoesNotExist as e:
         return [http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, str(e)]
 def test_session_status(self):
     log.debug(1, 'test_session_status')
     session_id = SessionManager.get_session_id()
     sm = SessionManager()
     # Create session
     status = sm.create_session(session_id, DEFAULT_USER, DEFAULT_RENDERER)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)
     # Check session status (must be STOPPED)
     sm = SessionManager()
     status = sm.query_status(session_id)
     js = json.loads(status[1])
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
     nt.assert_true(js['code'] == 0)
     # Delete session
     sm = SessionManager()
     status = sm.delete_session(session_id)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def keep_alive_session(cls, session_id):
     Updated the specified session with a new expiration timestamp
     :param session_id: Id of the session to update
     log.debug(1, 'Session ' + str(session_id) + ' is being updated')
         sgs = SystemGlobalSettings.objects.get(id=0)
         session = Session.objects.get(id=session_id)
         session.valid_until = datetime.datetime.now() + \
         msg = 'Session ' + str(session_id) + ' successfully updated'
         return [http_status.HTTP_200_OK, msg]
     except Session.DoesNotExist as e:
         return [http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, str(e)]
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __session_status(cls, session):
        Forwards the HTTP request to the rendering resource held by the given session
        :param : session: Session holding the rendering resource
        :param : command: Command passed to the rendering resource
        :param : request: HTTP request
        :rtype : An HTTP response containing the status and description of the command
        # check if the hostname of the rendering resource is currently available
        status = cls.__verify_hostname(session)
        if status[0] != 200:
            return status

        # query the status of the current session
        status = session_manager.SessionManager.query_status(session.id)
        if status[0] == 200:
            return status
            msg = 'Rendering resource is not yet available: ' + status[1]
            log.debug(1, msg)
            return status
    def test_list_sessions(self):
        log.debug(1, 'test_list_sessions')
        session_id = SessionManager.get_session_id()
        sm = SessionManager()
        # Create session
        status = sm.create_session(session_id, DEFAULT_USER, DEFAULT_RENDERER)
        nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)
        # List sessions
        sm = SessionManager()
        status = sm.list_sessions(SessionDetailsSerializer)
        nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)

        # Decode JSON response
        decoded = json.loads(status[1].content)
        nt.assert_true(decoded[0]['owner'] == DEFAULT_USER)
        nt.assert_true(decoded[0]['renderer_id'] == DEFAULT_RENDERER)

        # Delete session
        sm = SessionManager()
        status = sm.delete_session(session_id)
        nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __session_status(cls, session):
        Forwards the HTTP request to the rendering resource held by the given session
        :param : session: Session holding the rendering resource
        :param : command: Command passed to the rendering resource
        :param : request: HTTP request
        :rtype : An HTTP response containing the status and description of the command
        # check if the hostname of the rendering resource is currently available
        status = cls.__verify_hostname(session)
        if status[0] != 200:
            return status

        # query the status of the current session
        status = session_manager.SessionManager.query_status(session.id)
        if status[0] == 200:
            return status
            msg = 'Rendering resource is not yet available: ' + status[1]
            log.debug(1, msg)
            return status
 def test_suspend_resume_sessions(self):
     log.debug(1, 'test_suspend_resume_sessions')
     session_id = SessionManager.get_session_id()
     sm = SessionManager()
     # Suspend sessions
     status = sm.suspend_sessions()
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
     # Create session
     status = sm.create_session(session_id, DEFAULT_USER, DEFAULT_RENDERER)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 403)
     # List sessions
     sm = SessionManager()
     status = sm.resume_sessions()
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
     # Create session
     status = sm.create_session(session_id, DEFAULT_USER, DEFAULT_RENDERER)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)
     # Delete session
     sm = SessionManager()
     status = sm.delete_session(session_id)
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __open_process(cls, session, request):
        Starts a local rendering resource process
        :param : session: Session holding the rendering resource
        :param : request: HTTP request with a body containing a JSON representation of the process
        :rtype : An HTTP response containing the status and description of the command
        parameters = ''
            parameters = request.DATA['params']
        except KeyError:
            log.debug(1, 'No parameters specified')

        environment = ''
            environment = request.DATA['environment']
        except KeyError:
            log.debug(1, 'No environment specified')

        log.debug(1, 'Executing command <Open> parameters=' + str(parameters) +
                  ' environment=' + str(environment))

        if session.process_pid == -1:
            session.http_host = consts.DEFAULT_RENDERER_HOST
            session.http_port = consts.DEFAULT_RENDERER_HTTP_PORT + random.randint(0, 1000)
            pm = process_manager.ProcessManager
            status = pm.start(session, parameters, environment)
            return HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
            msg = 'process is already started'
            response = json.dumps({'contents': str(msg)})
            return HttpResponse(status=401, content=response)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_format_rest_parameters(self):
        log.debug(1, 'test_format_rest_parameters')
        manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
        # test 1
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000')

        # test 2
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port} --rest-schema ${rest_schema}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000 --rest-schema schema')

        # test 3
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port} --rest-schema ${rest_schema}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000 --rest-schema schema')

        # test 4
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port} --rest-schema ${rest_schema}',
            'localhost', '3000', 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000 --rest-schema schema')

        # test 5
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:3000')

        # test 6
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000:schema')
    def test_format_rest_parameters(self):
        log.debug(1, 'test_format_rest_parameters')
        manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
        # test 1
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000')

        # test 2
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port} --rest-schema ${rest_schema}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000 --rest-schema schema')

        # test 3
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port} --rest-schema ${rest_schema}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000 --rest-schema schema')

        # test 4
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port} --rest-schema ${rest_schema}',
            'localhost', '3000', 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000 --rest-schema schema')

        # test 5
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:3000')

        # test 6
        value = manager.format_rest_parameters(
            '--rest ${rest_hostname}:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}',
            'localhost', 3000, 'schema')
        nt.assert_true(value == '--rest localhost:3000:schema')
Exemplo n.º 27
    def execute(cls, request, command):
        Executes a command on the rendering resource
        :param : request: The REST request
        :param : command: Command to be executed on the rendering resource
        :rtype : A Json response containing on ok status or a description of the error
        # pylint: disable=R0912
            session_id = session_manager.SessionManager(
                1, 'Processing command <' + command + '> for session ' +
            session = Session.objects.get(id=session_id)
            response = None
            if command == 'schedule':
                response = cls.__schedule_job(session, request)
            elif command == 'open':
                response = cls.__open_process(session, request)
            elif command == 'status':
                status = cls.__session_status(session)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
            elif command == 'log':
                status = cls.__rendering_resource_out_log(session)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
            elif command == 'err':
                status = cls.__rendering_resource_err_log(session)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])

            elif command == 'job':
                status = cls.__job_information(session)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
            elif command == 'imagefeed':
                status = cls.__image_feed(session_id)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
                url = request.get_full_path()
                prefix = settings.BASE_URL_PREFIX + '/session/'
                cmd = url[url.find(prefix) + len(prefix) + 1:len(url)]
                response = cls.__forward_request(session, cmd, request)
            return response
        except (KeyError, TypeError) as e:
            log.debug(1, str(traceback.format_exc(e)))
            response = json.dumps({'contents': 'Cookie is missing'})
            return HttpResponse(status=404, content=response)
        except Session.DoesNotExist as e:
            log.debug(1, str(traceback.format_exc(e)))
            response = json.dumps({'contents': 'Session does not exist'})
            return HttpResponse(status=404, content=response)
        except Exception as e:
            msg = traceback.format_exc(e)
            response = json.dumps({'contents': str(msg)})
            return HttpResponse(status=500, content=response)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def execute(cls, request, command):
        Executes a command on the rendering resource
        :param : request: The REST request
        :param : command: Command to be executed on the rendering resource
        :rtype : A Json response containing on ok status or a description of the error
        # pylint: disable=R0912
            session_id = session_manager.SessionManager().get_session_id_from_request(request)
            log.debug(1, 'Processing command <' + command + '> for session ' + str(session_id))
            session = Session.objects.get(id=session_id)
            response = None
            if command == 'schedule':
                response = cls.__schedule_job(session, request)
            elif command == 'open':
                response = cls.__open_process(session, request)
            elif command == 'status':
                status = cls.__session_status(session)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
            elif command == 'log':
                status = cls.__rendering_resource_out_log(session)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
            elif command == 'err':
                status = cls.__rendering_resource_err_log(session)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])

            elif command == 'job':
                status = cls.__job_information(session)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
            elif command == 'imagefeed':
                status = cls.__image_feed(session_id)
                response = HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
                url = request.get_full_path()
                prefix = settings.BASE_URL_PREFIX + '/session/'
                cmd = url[url.find(prefix) + len(prefix) + 1: len(url)]
                response = cls.__forward_request(session, cmd, request)
            return response
        except KeyError as e:
            log.debug(1, str(traceback.format_exc(e)))
            response = json.dumps({'contents': 'Cookie ' + str(e) + ' is missing'})
            return HttpResponse(status=404, content=response)
        except Session.DoesNotExist as e:
            log.debug(1, str(traceback.format_exc(e)))
            response = json.dumps({'contents': 'Session does not exist'})
            return HttpResponse(status=404, content=response)
        except Exception as e:
            msg = traceback.format_exc(e)
            response = json.dumps({'contents': str(msg)})
            return HttpResponse(status=500, content=response)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __open_process(cls, session, request):
        Starts a local rendering resource process
        :param : session: Session holding the rendering resource
        :param : request: HTTP request with a body containing a JSON representation of the process
        :rtype : An HTTP response containing the status and description of the command
        parameters = ''
            parameters = request.DATA['params']
        except KeyError:
            log.debug(1, 'No parameters specified')

        environment = ''
            environment = request.DATA['environment']
        except KeyError:
            log.debug(1, 'No environment specified')

            1, 'Executing command <Open> parameters=' + str(parameters) +
            ' environment=' + str(environment))

        if session.process_pid == -1:
            session.http_host = consts.DEFAULT_RENDERER_HOST
            session.http_port = consts.DEFAULT_RENDERER_HTTP_PORT + random.randint(
                0, 1000)
            pm = process_manager.ProcessManager
            status = pm.start(session, parameters, environment)
            return HttpResponse(status=status[0], content=status[1])
            msg = 'process is already started'
            response = json.dumps({'contents': str(msg)})
            return HttpResponse(status=401, content=response)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def tearDown(self):
     log.debug(1, 'tearDown')
     # Clear session
     manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
     status = manager.clear()
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def setUp(self):
     log.debug(1, 'setUp')
     manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
     # Clear session
     status = manager.clear()
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_list_settings(self):
        log.debug(1, 'test_list_settings')
        manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
        params = dict()
        params['id'] = 'rtneuron'
        params['command_line'] = 'rtneuron-app.py'
        params['environment_variables'] = \
        params['modules'] = 'BBP/viz/latest'
        params['process_rest_parameters_format'] = '--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}'
        params['scheduler_rest_parameters_format'] = '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}'
        params['project'] = 'project'
        params['queue'] = 'test'
        params['exclusive'] = False
        params['nb_nodes'] = 1
        params['nb_cpus'] = 1
        params['nb_gpus'] = 1
        params['memory'] = 0
        params['graceful_exit'] = True
        params['wait_until_running'] = True
        params['name'] = 'name'
        params['description'] = 'description'
        status = manager.create(params)
        nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)

        params['id'] = 'livre'
        params['command_line'] = 'livre'
        params['environment_variables'] = \
        params['modules'] = 'BBP/viz/2015.R3'
        params['process_rest_parameters_format'] = \
            '--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}'
        params['scheduler_rest_parameters_format'] = \
            '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}'
        params['project'] = 'project'
        params['queue'] = 'test'
        params['exclusive'] = False
        params['nb_nodes'] = 1
        params['nb_cpus'] = 1
        params['nb_gpus'] = 1
        params['memory'] = 0
        params['graceful_exit'] = True
        params['wait_until_running'] = True
        params['name'] = 'name'
        params['description'] = 'description'
        status = manager.create(params)
        nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)
        status = manager.list(RenderingResourceSettingsSerializer)
        nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
        value = status[1]
        reference = '[' \
                    '{"id": "livre", ' \
                    '"command_line": "livre", ' \
                    '"environment_variables": ' \
                    '"EQ_WINDOW_IATTR_HINT_HEIGHT=512,EQ_WINDOW_IATTR_HINT_WIDTH=512", ' \
                    '"modules": ' \
                    '"BBP/viz/2015.R3", ' \
                    '"process_rest_parameters_format": ' \
                    '"--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}", ' \
                    '"scheduler_rest_parameters_format": ' \
                    '"--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}", ' \
                    '"project": "project", ' \
                    '"queue": "test", ' \
                    '"exclusive": false, ' \
                    '"nb_nodes": 1, ' \
                    '"nb_cpus": 1, ' \
                    '"nb_gpus": 1, ' \
                    '"memory": 0, ' \
                    '"graceful_exit": true, ' \
                    '"wait_until_running": true, ' \
                    '"name": "name", ' \
                    '"description": "description"}, ' \
                    '{"id": "rtneuron", ' \
                    '"command_line": "rtneuron-app.py", ' \
                    '"environment_variables": ' \
                    '"EQ_WINDOW_IATTR_HINT_HEIGHT=512,EQ_WINDOW_IATTR_HINT_WIDTH=512", ' \
                    '"modules": "BBP/viz/latest", ' \
                    '"process_rest_parameters_format": ' \
                    '"--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}", ' \
                    '"scheduler_rest_parameters_format": ' \
                    '"--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}", ' \
                    '"project": "project", ' \
                    '"queue": "test", ' \
                    '"exclusive": false, ' \
                    '"nb_nodes": 1, ' \
                    '"nb_cpus": 1, ' \
                    '"nb_gpus": 1, ' \
                    '"memory": 0, ' \
                    '"graceful_exit": true, ' \
                    '"wait_until_running": true, ' \
                    '"name": "name", ' \
                    '"description": "description"}' \

        print value

        nt.assert_true(value == reference)
 def tearDown(self):
     log.debug(1, 'tearDown')
 def tearDown(self):
     log.debug(1, 'tearDown')
     # Clear session
     manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
     status = manager.clear()
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
 def setUp(self):
     log.debug(1, 'setUp')
     manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
     # Clear session
     status = manager.clear()
     nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
    def test_list_settings(self):
        log.debug(1, 'test_list_settings')
        manager = RenderingResourceSettingsManager()
        params = dict()
        params['id'] = 'rtneuron'
        params['command_line'] = 'rtneuron-app.py'
        params['environment_variables'] = \
        params['modules'] = 'BBP/viz/latest'
        params['process_rest_parameters_format'] = '--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}'
        params['scheduler_rest_parameters_format'] = '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}'
        params['project'] = 'project'
        params['queue'] = 'test'
        params['exclusive'] = False
        params['nb_nodes'] = 1
        params['nb_cpus'] = 1
        params['nb_gpus'] = 1
        params['graceful_exit'] = True
        params['wait_until_running'] = True
        params['name'] = 'name'
        params['description'] = 'description'
        status = manager.create(params)
        nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)

        params['id'] = 'livre'
        params['command_line'] = 'livre'
        params['environment_variables'] = \
        params['modules'] = 'BBP/viz/2015.R3'
        params['process_rest_parameters_format'] = \
            '--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}'
        params['scheduler_rest_parameters_format'] = \
            '--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}'
        params['project'] = 'project'
        params['queue'] = 'test'
        params['exclusive'] = False
        params['nb_nodes'] = 1
        params['nb_cpus'] = 1
        params['nb_gpus'] = 1
        params['graceful_exit'] = True
        params['wait_until_running'] = True
        params['name'] = 'name'
        params['description'] = 'description'
        status = manager.create(params)
        nt.assert_true(status[0] == 201)
        status = manager.list(RenderingResourceSettingsSerializer)
        nt.assert_true(status[0] == 200)
        value = status[1]
        reference = '[' \
                    '{"id": "livre", ' \
                    '"command_line": "livre", ' \
                    '"environment_variables": ' \
                    '"EQ_WINDOW_IATTR_HINT_HEIGHT=512,EQ_WINDOW_IATTR_HINT_WIDTH=512", ' \
                    '"modules": ' \
                    '"BBP/viz/2015.R3", ' \
                    '"process_rest_parameters_format": ' \
                    '"--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}", ' \
                    '"scheduler_rest_parameters_format": ' \
                    '"--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}:${rest_schema}", ' \
                    '"project": "project", ' \
                    '"queue": "test", ' \
                    '"exclusive": false, ' \
                    '"nb_nodes": 1, ' \
                    '"nb_cpus": 1, ' \
                    '"nb_gpus": 1, ' \
                    '"graceful_exit": true, ' \
                    '"wait_until_running": true, ' \
                    '"name": "name", ' \
                    '"description": "description"}, ' \
                    '{"id": "rtneuron", ' \
                    '"command_line": "rtneuron-app.py", ' \
                    '"environment_variables": ' \
                    '"EQ_WINDOW_IATTR_HINT_HEIGHT=512,EQ_WINDOW_IATTR_HINT_WIDTH=512", ' \
                    '"modules": "BBP/viz/latest", ' \
                    '"process_rest_parameters_format": ' \
                    '"--rest {$rest_hostname}:${rest_port}", ' \
                    '"scheduler_rest_parameters_format": ' \
                    '"--rest $SLURMD_NODENAME:${rest_port}", ' \
                    '"project": "project", ' \
                    '"queue": "test", ' \
                    '"exclusive": false, ' \
                    '"nb_nodes": 1, ' \
                    '"nb_cpus": 1, ' \
                    '"nb_gpus": 1, ' \
                    '"graceful_exit": true, ' \
                    '"wait_until_running": true, ' \
                    '"name": "name", ' \
                    '"description": "description"}' \

        print value

        nt.assert_true(value == reference)