Exemplo n.º 1
def assert_cuda_active(should_be_active):
    if should_be_active is True:
        # assert has_cuda()  # Make sure we have cuda for the test
        if not has_cuda():
            warnings.warn("You are trying to use cuda but it's not installed.")


    if should_be_active is True:
        assert is_cuda_active()  # Make sure it is properly activated
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add(self, node, dy, caller=None):
        selfid = id(node)
        if selfid in self.variables:
            v = self.variables[selfid]
            with self.unlock_node(v):
                if has_cuda() and isinstance(dy, GPUValue):
                    diff = v.get_gpu() + dy
                    v[...] += dy
            if has_cuda() and isinstance(dy, GPUValue):
                dy = Variable(dy)
            self.variables[selfid] = dy
            if node._auto_update:

        self._backwards[selfid] += 1

        return self._refcounts[selfid] <= self._backwards[selfid]
Exemplo n.º 3
import numpy as np
from renom.core import Node
from renom.layers.function.utils import imnpool, poolnim
import renom.cuda as cu
if cu.has_cuda():
    from renom.cuda.gpuvalue import GPUValue, get_gpu
from renom.cuda import is_cuda_active

class SimpleContainer(object):
    def __init__(self, item):
        self._item = item

class max_unpoolnd(Node):

    def __new__(cls, x, prev_pool):
        assert len(x.shape) > 3 and len(x.shape) < 6, \
            "Unpoolnd accepts tensors whose dimension is dim > 3 and dim < 6. Actual is {}".format(
        return cls.calc_value(x, prev_pool._item)

    def _oper_cpu(cls, x, prev_pool):
        result = poolnim(prev_pool.attrs._x, x, prev_pool.attrs._kernel,
                         prev_pool.attrs._stride, prev_pool.attrs._padding, mode="max")
        ret = cls._create_node(result)
        ret.attrs._x = x
        ret.attrs._original_x = prev_pool.attrs._x
        ret.attrs._kernel = prev_pool.attrs._kernel
        ret.attrs._stride = prev_pool.attrs._stride
Exemplo n.º 4
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pytest
from itertools import product
import renom.cuda as cuda
from renom.utility.reinforcement.replaybuffer import ReplayBuffer
from renom.utility.searcher import GridSearcher, RandomSearcher, BayesSearcher

skipgpu = pytest.mark.skipif(not cuda.has_cuda(),
                             reason="cuda is not installed")
skipmultigpu = pytest.mark.skipif(not cuda.has_cuda()
                                  or (cuda.cuGetDeviceCount() < 2),
                                  reason="Number of gpu card is less than 2.")

eps = np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.float32).eps)

def auto_diff(function, node, *args):
    loss = function(*args)
    return loss.grad().get(node)

def numeric_diff(function, node, *args):
    shape = node.shape
    diff = np.zeros_like(node)

    if True:  # 5 point numerical diff
        coefficients1 = [1, -8, 8, -1]
        coefficients2 = [-2, -1, 1, 2]
Exemplo n.º 5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pytest
from itertools import product
import renom.cuda as cuda
from renom.utility.reinforcement.replaybuffer import ReplayBuffer
from renom.utility.searcher import GridSearcher, RandomSearcher, BayesSearcher

skipgpu = pytest.mark.skipif(not cuda.has_cuda(), reason="cuda is not installed")
skipmultigpu = pytest.mark.skipif(
    not cuda.has_cuda() or (cuda.cuGetDeviceCount() < 2),
    reason="Number of gpu card is less than 2.")


eps = np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.float32).eps)

def auto_diff(function, node, *args):
    loss = function(*args)
    return loss.grad().get(node)

def numeric_diff(function, node, *args):
    shape = node.shape
    diff = np.zeros_like(node)

    if True:  # 5 point numerical diff
        coefficients1 = [1, -8, 8, -1]
        coefficients2 = [-2, -1, 1, 2]
Exemplo n.º 6
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pytest
import renom.cuda as cuda
from renom.utility.reinforcement.replaybuffer import ReplayBuffer

skipgpu = pytest.mark.skipif(not cuda.has_cuda(), reason="cuda is not installed")


eps = np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.float32).eps)

def auto_diff(function, node, *args):
    loss = function(*args)
    return loss.grad().get(node)

def numeric_diff(function, node, *args):
    shape = node.shape
    diff = np.zeros_like(node)

    if True:  # 5 point numerical diff
        coefficients1 = [1, -8, 8, -1]
        coefficients2 = [-2, -1, 1, 2]
        c = 12
    else:    # 3 point numerical diff
        coefficients1 = [1, -1]
        coefficients2 = [1, -1]
        c = 2