Exemplo n.º 1
# color_limit = max(abs(np.nanmin(esp_values)), abs(np.nanmax(esp_values)))
# color_span = [-color_limit, color_limit]

# Note that the y-axis is not set for different charge_types! If this is
# desired behaviour, it could be set in a similar manner here.

for charge_type in charge_types.keys():
    charge_dir = output_path + charge_type
    # raises OSError if directory exists
    if charge_types[charge_type][0] in ['.', '_']:
        filename = path + molecule_name + charge_types[charge_type]
        filename = path + charge_types[charge_type]

    update_with_charges(charge_type, filename, molecule)

    print("\n{0} charges:".format(charge_type.upper()))
    for atom in molecule:
    # The same but to file (would be better with my Tee class from featsel)
    with open(charge_dir + '/charges.txt', 'w') as f:
        for atom in esp_cube.molecule:
            atom.print_with_charge(charge_type, f=f)

    # This is costly but was designed to be easy for many charge types, so
    # should be moved outside of the loop
    rep = calc_grid_field(esp_cube.molecule, esp_cube.field.grid, 'rep_esp',
    # Change details of calculating difference here (absolute, relative)
    diff = difference(esp_cube.field, rep)
Exemplo n.º 2
    with open(path + "fit_points.p", 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump([elem.filename for elem in calcs], f)

# PART 2 --- run when the Gaussian calculations have been completed
if False:
    with open(path + "fit_points.p", 'rb') as f:
        calcs = pickle.load(f)

    rms_list = []
    charges_dict = {}

    color_span = []
    error_color_span = []
    for calc in calcs:
        g = resp_helpers.G09_esp(path + calc + '.esp')
        charges.update_with_charges(charge_type, path + calc + '.log',
        with open(path + calc + "-charges.txt", "a") as fc:
            for atom in g.molecule:
                atom.print_with_charge(charge_type, fc)
                if atom.label in charges_dict:
                    charges_dict[atom.label] = [atom.charges[charge_type]]

            min_rms, min_rrms, rep_esp_field = rms_and_rep(g.field, g.molecule,
            print("\n", min_rms, file=fc)

        # Default given as extremal values of methane CHelpG
        color_span = check_color_span(g.field.values, color_span,
Exemplo n.º 3

log_fn = path + molecule_name + "_" + charge_type + ".log"
esp_log_fn = path + molecule_name + "_" + esp_charge_type + ".log"
g = resp_helpers.G09_esp(path + esp_fn)

# Both the Gaussian ESP fitting methods and other charge assignment methods may
# not yield equivalent charges. As equivalent charges make more sense for force
# field development, they will be used. The ESP charges are equivalenced by
# performing unrestrained RESP, which will be used as a reference for the fit
# minimum. Charges from the other method will be equivalenced manually by my
# averaging function `resp.equivalence`. They will be scaled to obtain
# different ratio charges. All the charges are calculated and printed at the
# start for reference.
update_with_charges(esp_charge_type, esp_log_fn, g.molecule)
update_with_charges(charge_type, log_fn, g.molecule)
equiv_charges = resp.equivalence(g.molecule, charge_type, path)[0]
_update_molecule_with_charges(g.molecule, equiv_charges,
                              charge_type + '_equiv')
print("\nRunning unrestrained RESP to fit ESP with equivalence:")
esp_equiv_molecule = resp.run_resp(path,
                                   resp_output_path + 'unrest',

charge_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, g.molecule, charge_type)[1]
equiv_charge_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, g.molecule, charge_type + '_equiv')[1]
esp_charge_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, g.molecule, esp_charge_type)[1]
resp_charge_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, esp_equiv_molecule, 'resp')[1]
Exemplo n.º 4

log_fn = path + molecule_name + "_" + charge_type + ".log"
esp_log_fn = path + molecule_name + "_" + esp_charge_type + ".log"
g = resp_helpers.G09_esp(path + esp_fn)

# Both the Gaussian ESP fitting methods and other charge assignment methods may
# not yield equivalent charges. As equivalent charges make more sense for force
# field development, they will be used. The ESP charges are equivalenced by
# performing unrestrained RESP, which will be used as a reference for the fit
# minimum. Charges from the other method will be equivalenced manually by my
# averaging function `resp.equivalence`. They will be scaled to obtain
# different ratio charges. All the charges are calculated and printed at the
# start for reference.
update_with_charges(esp_charge_type, esp_log_fn, g.molecule)
update_with_charges(charge_type, log_fn, g.molecule)
equiv_charges = resp.equivalence(g.molecule, charge_type, path)[0]
_update_molecule_with_charges(g.molecule, equiv_charges, charge_type+'_equiv')
print("\nRunning unrestrained RESP to fit ESP with equivalence:")
esp_equiv_molecule = resp.run_resp(
    path, resp_output_path + 'unrest', resp_type='unrest', esp_fn=esp_fn)

charge_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, g.molecule, charge_type)[1]
equiv_charge_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, g.molecule, charge_type + '_equiv')[1]
esp_charge_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, g.molecule, esp_charge_type)[1]
resp_charge_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, esp_equiv_molecule, 'resp')[1]

print("\nThe molecule with {0} charges:".format(charge_type.upper()))
print("RRMS: {0:.5f}".format(charge_rrms))
for atom in g.molecule:
Exemplo n.º 5
    levels = [1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100]

    print("\nRunning unrestrained RESP to fit ESP with equivalence:")
    esp_equiv_molecule = resp.run_resp(path,
                                       resp_output_path + 'unrest',
    # Equivalence alternative charge as well (i.e. unrest RESP on its own grid)
    alt_esp_equiv_molecule = resp.run_resp(path,
                                           resp_output_path + 'alt_unrest',

    charges.update_with_charges(esp_charge_type, log_fn, g.molecule)
    # This should actually be called esp_charge_rms
    charge_rms, charge_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, g.molecule,
    resp_rms, resp_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, esp_equiv_molecule, 'resp')[:2]
    # Note that, crucially, the equivalenced alternative charges are evaluated
    # on the same grid as the original charges, i.e. `g.field`
    alt_resp_rms, alt_resp_rrms = rms_and_rep(g.field, alt_esp_equiv_molecule,

    print("\nThe molecule with {0} charges:".format(esp_charge_type.upper()))
    print(" RMS: {0:.5f}".format(charge_rms))
    print("RRMS: {0:.5f}".format(charge_rrms))
    print("RMSV: {0:.5f}".format(charge_rms / charge_rrms))
    for atom in g.molecule:
Exemplo n.º 6
    with open(path + "fit_points.p", 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump([elem.filename for elem in calcs], f)

# PART 2 --- run when the Gaussian calculations have been completed
if False:
    with open(path + "fit_points.p", 'rb') as f:
        calcs = pickle.load(f)

    rms_list = []
    charges_dict = {}

    color_span = []
    error_color_span = []
    for calc in calcs:
        g = resp_helpers.G09_esp(path + calc + '.esp')
        charges.update_with_charges(charge_type, path + calc + '.log',
        with open(path + calc + "-charges.txt", "a") as fc:
            for atom in g.molecule:
                atom.print_with_charge(charge_type, fc)
                if atom.label in charges_dict:
                    charges_dict[atom.label] = [atom.charges[charge_type]]

            min_rms, min_rrms, rep_esp_field = rms_and_rep(g.field, g.molecule,
            print("\n", min_rms, file=fc)

        # Default given as extremal values of methane CHelpG
        color_span = check_color_span(g.field.values, color_span,
Exemplo n.º 7
# color_limit = max(abs(np.nanmin(esp_values)), abs(np.nanmax(esp_values)))
# color_span = [-color_limit, color_limit]

# Note that the y-axis is not set for different charge_types! If this is
# desired behaviour, it could be set in a similar manner here.

for charge_type in charge_types.keys():
    charge_dir = output_path + charge_type
    # raises OSError if directory exists
    if charge_types[charge_type][0] in ['.', '_']:
        filename = path + molecule_name + charge_types[charge_type]
        filename = path + charge_types[charge_type]

    update_with_charges(charge_type, filename, molecule)

    print("\n{0} charges:".format(charge_type.upper()))
    for atom in molecule:
    # The same but to file (would be better with my Tee class from featsel)
    with open(charge_dir + '/charges.txt', 'w') as f:
        for atom in esp_cube.molecule:
            atom.print_with_charge(charge_type, f=f)

    # This is costly but was designed to be easy for many charge types, so
    # should be moved outside of the loop
    rep = calc_grid_field(esp_cube.molecule, esp_cube.field.grid, 'rep_esp',
    # Change details of calculating difference here (absolute, relative)
    diff = difference(esp_cube.field, rep)