Exemplo n.º 1
whr = np.where(list_images["type"] == "blanks")
create_masks.main(arguments=["--max_val", "30000", "--min_val", "1000", "--stars",
                             "--circular"] + list(list_images["filename"][whr])) 

# Combine bias images
print "Combining bias images"                
whr = np.where(list_images["type"] == "bias")
bias_images = list(list_images["filename"][whr])
superbias = combine_images.main(arguments=["--average", "median", 
                                           "--all_together", "--output", "superbias.fits",
                                           "--mask_key", "mask", "--filterk", filterk] + bias_images[:])    

# Subtract bias from all images.  
print "Subtracting bias"
newname = arith.main(arguments=["--suffix", " -b", "--message", 
                                       "BIAS SUBTRACTED", "--mask_key", 
                                       "mask"] + list(list_images["filename"]) +
                                       [ "-", superbias["AllFilters"]])
list_images["filename"][:] = newname
# Combine skyflats using blocks to distinguish between sunset and sunrise flats.
print "Combining sky flats"
skyflat_indices = np.where(list_images["type"] == "skyflats")    
times = list_images["time"][skyflat_indices]  # times of the skyflat images 
block_limits = utilities.group_images_in_blocks(times, limit=20)  
master_skyflats = {}
for ii in range(len(block_limits)-1): 
    block = list_images["filename"][skyflat_indices][block_limits[ii]:block_limits[ii+1]]
    time_block = utilities.mean_datetime(list_images["time"][skyflat_indices]
                                    [block_limits[ii]:block_limits[ii+1]] )
    skyflat = combine_images.main(arguments=["--average", "median", "--norm",
                                           "--scale", "median",
Exemplo n.º 2
print "Bias images", bias_images
output_bias = os.path.join(directory, "superbias.fits")
superbias = combine_images.main(arguments=["--average", "median", 
                                           "--output", output_bias,
                                           "--mask_key", "mask",
                                           "--filterk", filterk] +\
print "Subtract bias"
for ii, im in enumerate(list_images["filename"]):
    if list_images["type"][ii] not in ["bias", "unknown"]:
        args = ["--suffix", " -b", "--message", "BIAS SUBTRACTED", "--mask_key", "mask", im, "-", superbias["AllFilters"]]
        if type_of_bias_subtraction:
            args = [type_of_bias_subtraction] + args
        newname = arith.main(arguments=args)
        list_images["filename"][ii] = newname

print "Combine flats"
output_flats = os.path.join(directory, "masterskyflat.fits")
flat_indices = np.where(list_images["type"] == "skyflats")    
flats = combine_images.main(arguments=["--average", "median", "--norm",
                                         "--scale", "median", "--output",
                                         output_flats, "--mask_key", "mask",
                                         "--filterk", filterk] + 

print "Correct flat-field"
for ii,im in enumerate(list_images["filename"]):
    if list_images["type"][ii] not in ["bias", "unknown"]:
        # Guess the filter of the image from the name, find correct flat
Exemplo n.º 3
def combine(args):
    # Create the folders that do not already exist for the output file
    outdir, outfile = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(args.output))
    if outdir == "":
        outdir = "."


    # Build a list of the filter of each image
    #filter_list, images_filters = build_filter_list(args)
    images_filters = utils.collect_from_images(args.input, args.filterk)

    # If user wants all images to be combined together, regardless of filter:
    if args.all_together:
        images_filters = ["AllFilters"] * len(images_filters)

    # Create a default dictionary for the resulting images
    result = collections.defaultdict(str)    
    # For each of the filters present combine the images (and write)
    for filt in set(images_filters):
        # list of objects with current filter (exception: allfilters is true)
        list1 = [args.input[p] for p,f in enumerate(images_filters) if f == filt ]

        # Check that all images have same dimension. If not, exit program
        if not utils.check_dimensions(list1):
            sys.exit("Dimensions of images to combine are different!")

        # Calculate scale of images
        scales = compute_scales(list1, args.scale, args.mask_key)

        # Get the sizes of the images
        lx, ly = utils.get_from_header(list1[0], "NAXIS2", "NAXIS1")

        # Now, in order to avoid loading many images in memory, we need to slice the images in pieces and combine a slice
        # of all the images at a time
        n_slices = 32          # divide the slow axis in this many pieces

        # Define the whole image and set all elements of mask to False
        whole_image = numpy.ma.zeros([lx,ly])
        whole_image.mask = numpy.zeros_like(whole_image.data)

        for xmin in range(0, lx, lx/n_slices):
            xmax = min(xmin + lx/n_slices, lx)

            # Now we can build and sort a section of the cube with all the images
            cube = cube_images(list1, args.mask_key, scales, limits=[xmin, 0, xmax, ly])

            # Finally, average! Remember that the cube is sorted so that
            # cube[0,ii,jj] < cube[1,ii,jj] and that the highest values of all
            # are the masked elements. We will take advantage of it if the median
            # is selected, because nowadays the masked median is absurdly slow:
            # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/1811
            map_cube = numpy.ma.count(cube, axis=0) # number non-masked values per pixel
            if args.average == "mean":
                image = numpy.ma.mean(cube, axis=0)
                non_masked_equivalent = numpy.mean(cube.data, axis=0)
            elif args.average == "median":
                image = home_made_median(map_cube, cube)
                non_masked_equivalent = numpy.median(cube.data, axis=0)

            # Image is a masked array, we need to fill in masked values with the
            # args.fill_val if user provided it. Also, values with less than
            # args.nmin valid values should be masked out. If user did not provide
            # a fill_val argument, we will substitute masked values with the
            # unmasked equivalent operation.
            image.mask[map_cube < args.nmin] = 1
            mask = image.mask
            if args.fill_val != '':
                image = image.filled(args.fill_val)
                image.data[mask == True] = non_masked_equivalent[mask == True]
                image = image.data

            whole_image.data[xmin:xmax, 0:ly] = image[:,:]
            whole_image.mask[xmin:xmax, 0:ly] = mask[:,:]

        # And save images. If all_together is activated, use the file name given by user. If not, we need
        # to separate by filter, so compose a new name with the one given by the user adding the filter
        if args.all_together:
            newfile = args.output
            newfile = os.path.join(outdir, utils.add_suffix_prefix(outfile, suffix="_" + filt) )

        if args.out_mask != "":
            name_mask = args.out_mask
            name_mask = newfile + ".msk"
        if os.path.isfile(newfile):
        if os.path.isfile(name_mask):
        fits.writeto(newfile, whole_image.data)
        fits.writeto(name_mask, whole_image.mask.astype(numpy.int))
        result[filt] = newfile

        # Add comments to the headers
        string1 = " - Image built from the combination of the images: "+\
                 ", ".join(list1)
        string2 = " combine = " + args.average + ", scale = " + args.scale
        utils.add_history_line(newfile, string1 + string2 )
        utils.add_history_line(name_mask, " - Mask of image: " + newfile)
        if args.mask_key != "":
            utils.header_update_keyword(newfile, args.mask_key, name_mask,
                                        "Mask for this image")

        # To normalize calculate median and call arith_images to divide by it.
        if args.norm == True:
            median = compute_scales([newfile], args.scale, args.mask_key)[0]
            msg =  "- NORMALIZED USING MEDIAN VALUE:"
            arith_images.main(arguments=["--message", msg, "--output", newfile,
                                         "--mask_key", args.mask_key, "--fill_val",
                                         args.fill_val, newfile, "/", str(median)])
    return result
Exemplo n.º 4
                                                                        "--sigma_key", sky_stdk,
                                                                        "--gain_key", gaink,
                                                                        "--ron_key", read_noisek,
                                                                        "--expt_key", exptimek,
                                                                        "--airm_key", airmassk,
                                                                        "--FWHM_k", seeingk] + obj_images)
    list_images["filename"][np.where(list_images["objname"] == obj)] = output_images

print "Normalize using exposure time. "
for ii, im_name in enumerate(list_images["filename"]):
    if list_images["type"][ii] in ["cig", "clusters"]:
        tt = float(utils.get_from_header(im_name, exptimek))
        newname = utils.add_suffix_prefix(im_name, suffix="-t")
        mssg = "Normalized to exptime (divided by " + str(tt) + ")"
        arith_images.main(arguments=["--output", newname, "--message", mssg, "--mask_key", "MASK", im_name, "/", str(tt)])
        mssg = "Before normalizing: " + str(tt)
        # Update values for the exptime, the sky, the sky std...
        utils.header_update_keyword(newname, exptimek, 1, mssg)
        ss = float(utils.get_from_header(im_name, skyk))
        utils.header_update_keyword(newname, skyk, ss/tt)
        ss_std = float(utils.get_from_header(im_name, sky_stdk))
        utils.header_update_keyword(newname, sky_stdk, ss_std/tt)
        list_images["filename"][ii] = newname

print "Correct for atmospheric extinction."
for ii, im_name in enumerate(list_images["filename"]):
    if list_images["type"][ii] in ["cig", "clusters", "standards"]:
        airmass = float(utils.get_from_header(im_name, airmassk))
        correcting_factor = 10**(ext_coeff * airmass / 2.5)