Exemplo n.º 1
    xy = array(values, dtype=dtype)

    key_frames = []
    prev_key_value = 0

    for frame in frames:
        key_value = frame[3]
        if not key_value == prev_key_value:
            prev_key_value = key_value
            new_data = array([(frame[0], frame[1], frame[2])], dtype=dtype)
            xy = append(xy, new_data, 0)
            key_array = parse_keys(key_value, keys)
            key_frames.append([frame[0], key_array])

    xy = sort(xy, order='time')

    return xy, key_frames

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Test select from multiple
    from replay_parser import ReplayParser
    import os
    import psutil
    import cProfile
    replay = ReplayParser("Cynesta_-_S3RL_feat_Mixie_Moon_-_FriendZoned_Slayeds_Insane_2020-04-21_Osu.osr")
    frames, times = replay.get_frames()
    #xy_pos, key_frames = preprocess_frames(frames, {'left': 'F', 'right': 'G', 'smoke': 'D'})

Exemplo n.º 2
    elif len(handle_info['matches']) > 1:
        window_title, hwnd = select_from_multiple(handle_info['matches'])
        window_title, hwnd = handle_info['matches'][0]

    PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010
    PID = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)[1]  # Get process PID
    process = win32api.OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, False,
                                   PID)  # Open Process in READ mode
    time_ptr = getTimePointer(
        process.handle)  # Get pointer address to game time
    game_time = readTime(time_ptr,
                         process.handle)  # Read game time with given address

    replay = ReplayParser(sys.argv[1])  # Parse replay file
    frames, times = replay.get_frames()  # Get replay frames

    mouse_frames, key_frames = preprocess_frames(frames, keyDict)

    speed_modifier = 1.5 if replay.mods & 64 == 64 else 1  # If it's dt, we need to wait less for game time to catch up

    k1_message_queue = Queue()
    mouse_message_queue = Queue()
    key_listener_queue = Queue()

    k1p = Process(target=keyProcessor, args=(k1_message_queue, ))
    klp = Process(target=keyListenerProcess,
                  args=(keyQuickRetry, 'Q', key_listener_queue))
    mousep = Process(target=mouseProcessor, args=(mouse_message_queue, ))
