Exemplo n.º 1
def export_key(dir, signing_key):
	assert signing_key is not None


	# Convert signing_key to key ID
	keyID = None
	keys_output = subprocess.check_output(['gpg', '--with-colons', '--list-keys', signing_key])
	for line in keys_output.split('\n'):
		parts = line.split(':')
		if parts[0] == 'pub':
			if keyID:
				raise Exception('Two key IDs returned from GPG!')
			keyID = parts[4]
	assert keyID, "Can't find GPG key '%s'" % signing_key

	key_file = os.path.join(dir, keyID + '.gpg')
	if not os.path.isfile(key_file):
		with open(key_file, 'w') as key_stream:
			subprocess.check_call(["gpg", "-a", "--export", signing_key], stdout = key_stream)
		print("Exported public key as '%s'" % key_file)
	return key_file
Exemplo n.º 2
def export_key(dir, signing_key):
	assert signing_key is not None


	# Convert signing_key to key ID
	keyID = None
	keys_output = subprocess.check_output(['gpg', '--with-colons', '--list-keys', signing_key])
	for line in keys_output.split('\n'):
		parts = line.split(':')
		if parts[0] == 'pub':
			if keyID:
				raise Exception('Two key IDs returned from GPG!')
			keyID = parts[4]
	assert keyID, "Can't find GPG key '%s'" % signing_key

	key_file = os.path.join(dir, keyID + '.gpg')
	if not os.path.isfile(key_file):
		with open(key_file, 'w') as key_stream:
			subprocess.check_call(["gpg", "-a", "--export", signing_key], stdout = key_stream)
		print("Exported public key as '%s'" % key_file)
	return key_file
Exemplo n.º 3
def process_method(config, incoming_dir, impl, method, required_digest):
	archives = []

	if not isinstance(method, model.Recipe):
		# turn an individual method into a single-step Recipe
		step = method
		method = model.Recipe()

	has_external_archives = False

	for step in method.steps:
		if not hasattr(step, 'url'): continue
		archive = step.url

		if '/' in archive:
			has_external_archives = True
			url = archive
			actual_size = urltest.get_size(url)
			if actual_size != step.size:
				raise SafeException("External archive {url} has size {actual}, but expected {expected} bytes".format(
					url = url, actual = actual_size, expected = step.size))
			continue		# Hosted externally

		if not valid_simple_name.match(archive):
			raise SafeException("Illegal archive name '{name}'".format(name = archive))

		archive_path = join(incoming_dir, archive)
		if not os.path.isfile(archive_path):
			raise SafeException("Referenced upload '{path}' not found".format(path = archive_path))

		existing = config.archive_db.entries.get(archive, None)
		if existing is not None:
			new_sha1 = get_sha1(archive_path)
			if new_sha1 != existing.sha1:
				raise SafeException("A different archive with basename '{name}' is "
						    "already in the repository: {archive}".format(name = archive, archive = existing))
			archive_rel_url = paths.get_archive_rel_url(config, archive, impl)

			# Copy to archives directory

			backup_dir = config.LOCAL_ARCHIVES_BACKUP_DIR	# note: may be relative; that's OK
			backup_target_dir = join(backup_dir, dirname(archive_rel_url))
			copy_path = join(backup_dir, archive_rel_url)
			shutil.copyfile(archive_path, copy_path)

			stored_archive = Archive(abspath(copy_path), archive_rel_url, step.size, archive_path)
			actual_size = os.path.getsize(stored_archive.source_path)
			if step.size != actual_size:
				raise SafeException("Archive '{archive}' has size '{actual}', but XML says size should be {expected}".format(
					archive = archive,
					actual = actual_size,
					expected = step.size))

		step.url = os.path.abspath(archive_path)			# (just used below to test it)

	if not has_external_archives:
		# Check archives unpack to give the correct digests
		impl.feed.local_path = "/is-local-hack.xml"
			blocker = config.zconfig.fetcher.cook(required_digest, method,
						config.zconfig.stores, impl_hint = impl, dry_run = True, may_use_mirror = False)
			impl.feed.local_path = None

	return archives
Exemplo n.º 4
def process_method(config, incoming_dir, impl, method, required_digest):
	archives = []

	if not isinstance(method, model.Recipe):
		# turn an individual method into a single-step Recipe
		step = method
		method = model.Recipe()

	has_external_archives = False

	for step in method.steps:
		if not hasattr(step, 'url'): continue
		archive = step.url

		if '/' in archive:
			has_external_archives = True
			test_archive = getattr(config, 'check_external_archive', _default_archive_test)
			test_archive(step, archive)
			continue		# Hosted externally

		if not valid_simple_name.match(archive):
			raise SafeException("Illegal archive name '{name}'".format(name = archive))

		archive_path = join(incoming_dir, archive)
		if not os.path.isfile(archive_path):
			raise SafeException("Referenced upload '{path}' not found".format(path = archive_path))

		existing = config.archive_db.entries.get(archive, None)
		if existing is not None:
			new_sha1 = get_sha1(archive_path)
			_assert_identical_archives(archive, sha1=new_sha1, existing=existing)
			archive_rel_url = paths.get_archive_rel_url(config, archive, impl)

			# Copy to archives directory

			backup_dir = config.LOCAL_ARCHIVES_BACKUP_DIR	# note: may be relative; that's OK
			backup_target_dir = join(backup_dir, dirname(archive_rel_url))
			copy_path = join(backup_dir, archive_rel_url)
			shutil.copyfile(archive_path, copy_path)

			stored_archive = Archive(abspath(copy_path), archive_rel_url, step.size, archive_path)
			actual_size = os.path.getsize(stored_archive.source_path)
			if step.size != actual_size:
				raise SafeException("Archive '{archive}' has size '{actual}', but XML says size should be {expected}".format(
					archive = archive,
					actual = actual_size,
					expected = step.size))

		step.url = os.path.abspath(archive_path)			# (just used below to test it)

	if not has_external_archives and getattr(config, 'CHECK_DIGESTS', True) and os.name != 'nt':
		# Check archives unpack to give the correct digests
		impl.feed.local_path = "/is-local-hack.xml"
			blocker = config.zconfig.fetcher.cook(required_digest, method,
						config.zconfig.stores, impl_hint = impl, dry_run = True, may_use_mirror = False)
			impl.feed.local_path = None

	return archives