Exemplo n.º 1
def _processPackageDir(p,dn,P,allowCompiled=True):
	if _ofile: print('searching package', p, 'dn=',dn, file=_ofile)
	from reportlab.lib.utils import rl_glob, rl_isfile, rl_isdir, isCompactDistro
	if isCompactDistro():
		ext = '.pyc'
		init = '__init__'+ext
		FN = [normpath(x) for x in rl_glob(path_join(dn,'*'))]
		D = []
		dn = normpath(dn)
		for x in FN:
			x = path_dirname(x)
			if x not in D and rl_isdir(x) and path_dirname(x)==dn and rl_isfile(path_join(x,init)): D.append(x)
		F = [x for x in FN if x.endswith(ext) and path_dirname(x)==dn and not path_basename(x).startswith('__init__.')]
		ext = '.py'
		init = '__init__'+ext
		FN = [path_join(dn,x) for x in os.listdir(dn)]
		D = [x for x in FN if path_isdir(x) and isPyFile(path_join(x,init))]
		F = [x for x in FN if (x.endswith(ext) or (allowCompiled and (x.endswith(ext+'c') or x.endswith(ext+'o')))) and not path_basename(x).startswith('__init__.')]
	for f in F:
		mn = path_splitext(path_basename(f))[0]
		if p: mn = p+'.'+mn
		if mn not in P:
			if _ofile: print('appending 1',mn, file=_ofile)
	for f in D:
		mn = p+('.'+path_basename(f))
		if mn not in P:
			if _ofile: print('appending 2',mn, file=_ofile)
Exemplo n.º 2
def bruteForceSearchForAFM(faceName):
    """Looks in all AFM files on path for face with given name.

    Returns AFM file name or None.  Ouch!"""
    from reportlab.rl_config import T1SearchPath

    for dirname in T1SearchPath:
        if not rl_isdir(dirname): continue
        possibles = rl_glob(dirname + os.sep + '*.[aA][fF][mM]')
        for possible in possibles:
            (topDict, glyphDict) = parseAFMFile(possible)
            if topDict['FontName'] == faceName:
                return possible
    return None
def bruteForceSearchForAFM(faceName):
    """Looks in all AFM files on path for face with given name.

    Returns AFM file name or None.  Ouch!"""
    from reportlab.rl_config import T1SearchPath

    for dirname in T1SearchPath:
        if not rl_isdir(dirname): continue
        possibles = rl_glob(dirname + os.sep + '*.[aA][fF][mM]')
        for possible in possibles:
            (topDict, glyphDict) = parseAFMFile(possible)
            if topDict['FontName'] == faceName:
                return possible
    return None
def bruteForceSearchForAFM(faceName):
    """Looks in all AFM files on path for face with given name.

    Returns AFM file name or None.  Ouch!"""
    from reportlab.rl_config import T1SearchPath

    for dirname in T1SearchPath:
        if not rl_isdir(dirname): continue
        possibles = rl_glob(dirname + os.sep + '*.[aA][fF][mM]')
        for possible in possibles:
                topDict, glyphDict = parseAFMFile(possible)
                if topDict['FontName'] == faceName:
                    return possible
                v.args = (' '.join(map(str,v.args))+', while looking for faceName=%r' % faceName,)
Exemplo n.º 5
def _processPackageDir(p, dn, P, allowCompiled=True):
    if _ofile: print('searching package', p, 'dn=', dn, file=_ofile)
    from reportlab.lib.utils import rl_glob, rl_isfile, rl_isdir, isCompactDistro
    if isCompactDistro():
        ext = '.pyc'
        init = '__init__' + ext
        FN = [normpath(x) for x in rl_glob(path_join(dn, '*'))]
        D = []
        dn = normpath(dn)
        for x in FN:
            x = path_dirname(x)
            if x not in D and rl_isdir(x) and path_dirname(
                    x) == dn and rl_isfile(path_join(x, init)):
        F = [
            x for x in FN if x.endswith(ext) and path_dirname(x) == dn
            and not path_basename(x).startswith('__init__.')
        ext = '.py'
        init = '__init__' + ext
        FN = [path_join(dn, x) for x in os.listdir(dn)]
        D = [x for x in FN if path_isdir(x) and isPyFile(path_join(x, init))]
        F = [
            x for x in FN if (x.endswith(ext) or (allowCompiled and (
                x.endswith(ext + 'c') or x.endswith(ext + 'o'))))
            and not path_basename(x).startswith('__init__.')
    for f in F:
        mn = path_splitext(path_basename(f))[0]
        if p: mn = p + '.' + mn
        if mn not in P:
            if _ofile: print('appending 1', mn, file=_ofile)
    for f in D:
        mn = p + ('.' + path_basename(f))
        if mn not in P:
            if _ofile: print('appending 2', mn, file=_ofile)