Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_generate_watched_forks_instances(self):
        This will test that the method is able to return all of the watched
        forks' instances for a specific organization and not anything else.
        fork1, fork2, fork3 = self._setup_watched_forks()
        watched_forks = generate_watched_forks_instances(self.organization)

        # Because the third fork doesn't have any instances, it's not going to be shown in the reports
        self.assertIsInstance(watched_forks, defaultdict)
        self.assertEqual(len(watched_forks), 2)

        # Watched Fork 1 has only two instances
        self.assertIsInstance(watched_forks[fork1], list)
        self.assertEqual(len(watched_forks[fork1]), 2)
        for instance in watched_forks[fork1]:
            self.assertIsInstance(instance, OpenEdXInstance)

        # Watched Fork 2 has only one instance
        self.assertIsInstance(watched_forks[fork2], list)
        self.assertEqual(len(watched_forks[fork2]), 1)
        for instance in watched_forks[fork2]:
            self.assertIsInstance(instance, OpenEdXInstance)

        # Watched Fork 3 has no instances
        self.assertIsInstance(watched_forks[fork3], list)
        self.assertEqual(len(watched_forks[fork3]), 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def report(request, organization, year, month):
    Report view
        invoice_start_date = timezone.make_aware(
            datetime(int(year), int(month), 1))
    except ValueError:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(
            content='<h1>Bad Request</h1>'
            '<p>Error when processing given date, consider using parameters within range</p>'

    organization = get_object_or_404(Organization, github_handle=organization)
    forks_instances = generate_watched_forks_instances(organization)
    billing_data, total = generate_charges(forks_instances, invoice_start_date)

    return render(request,
                      'year': year,
                      'month': month,
                      'month_name': calendar.month_name[int(month)],
                      'organization': organization,
                      'billing_data': billing_data,
                      'total': total,