Exemplo n.º 1
 def _get_pkgs_details_from_apt_cache_show(self, pkg_dicts):
     # Convert package names to name:arch=version format
     queries = ["%(name)s:%(architecture)s=%(version)s" % p
                for p in pkg_dicts]
     # Call "apt-cache show" in batches
     exec_gen = execute_command_batch(self._session, ['apt-cache', 'show'],
     # Parse and accumulate "apt-cache show" results
     results = (parse_apt_cache_show_pkgs_output(out)
                for (out, _, _) in exec_gen)
     # Combine sequence of lists
     results = itertools.chain.from_iterable(results)
     # Turn apt-cache show results into a lookup table by package name
     results = self.create_lookup_from_apt_cache_show(results)
     # Loop through each package and find the respective apt-cache results
     for p in pkg_dicts:
         r = results.get("%(name)s:%(architecture)s" % p)
         if not r:
             lgr.warning("Was unable to run apt-cache show for %s" %
         # Update the dictionary with found results (if present)
         for f in ("source_name", "source_version", "size", "md5",
                   "sha1", "sha256"):
             if f in r:
                 p[f] = r[f]
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _get_pkgs_arch_and_version(self, pkg_dicts):
     # Convert package names to name:arch format
     # Use "dpkg -s pkg" to get the installed version and arch
     # Note: "architecture" is in the dict, but may be null
     queries = [(p["name"] if not p["architecture"]
                 else "%(name)s:%(architecture)s" % p)
                for p in pkg_dicts]
     # Call "dpkg -s" in batches
     exec_gen = execute_command_batch(self._session, ['dpkg', '-s'],
     # Parse and accumulate "dpkg -s" results
     # dpkg -s uses the same output as apt-cache show pkg
     results = (parse_apt_cache_show_pkgs_output(out)
                for (out, _, _) in exec_gen)
     # Combine sequence of lists
     results = itertools.chain.from_iterable(results)
     # Turn dpkg -s results into a lookup table by package name
     results = self.create_lookup_from_apt_cache_show(results)
     # Loop through each package and find the respective dpkg results
     for p in pkg_dicts:
         r = results.get(p["name"] if not p["architecture"]
                         else "%(name)s:%(architecture)s" % p)
         if not r:
             lgr.warning("Was unable to run dpkg -s for %s" %
         # Update the dictionary with found results
         p["architecture"] = r["architecture"]
         p["version"] = r["version"]