Exemplo n.º 1
def update_playlist(id, type=''):
    settings = m_xml.xml_get_elem('playlists/playlist', 'playlist', {'id': id}, type=type) #Grab the xml settings for this playlist
    if settings is None:
        dev.log('Could not find playlist '+id+' in the '+dev.typeXml(type)+' file', True)
        return False
        dev.log('Updating playlist %s (Id: %s)' % (settings.find('title').text.encode('utf-8'), id))
        #Check in which folder the show should be added
        folder = settings.find('overwritefolder').text
        if folder is None or folder == '':
            folder = dev.legal_filename(settings.find('title').text) #Overwrite folder is not set in settings.xml, so set the folder to the title of the show
            folder = dev.legal_filename(folder)
        #Create the tvshow.nfo
        writenfo = settings.find('writenfo').text
        if writenfo != 'no':
            if type == '' or type == 'tv':
                generators.write_tvshow_nfo(folder, settings)
        update_playlist_vids(id, folder, settings, type=type)
        #Save the time this playlist got updated in the xml
        import datetime
        m_xml.xml_update_playlist_attr(id, 'scansince', d.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"), type=type)
        return True
def delete_playlist(id, type=''):
    #Grab the settings from this playlist
    settings = m_xml.xml_get_elem('playlists/playlist', 'playlist', {'id': id}, type=type) #Grab the xml settings for this playlist
    if settings is None:
        dev.log('deletePlaylist: Could not find playlist '+id+' in the '+dev.typeXml(type)+' file', True)
        return False
        i = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("Delete Playlist", "Are you sure you want to delete this playlist?")
        if i == 0:
            editPlaylist(id, type=type)
            if m_xml.xml_remove_playlist(id, type=type) is True:
                #Remove the episodenr xml file to
                file = os.path.join(vars.settingsPath+dev.typeEpnr(type), id+'.xml' )
                if os.path.isfile(file):
                    success = os.remove(file) #Remove the episodenr xml file
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Removed Playlist', 'Succesfully removed playlist '+id)
                i = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno('Delete from library', 'Do you also want to delete the videos from your library?')
                if i != 0:
                    #Check in which folder the show resides
                    folder = settings.find('overwritefolder').text
                    if folder is None or folder == '':
                        folder = dev.legal_filename(settings.find('title').text) #Overwrite folder is not set in settings.xml, so set the folder to the title of the show
                        folder = dev.legal_filename(folder)
                    movieLibrary = vars.tv_folder #Use the directory from the addon settings
                    if type == 'musicvideo':
                        movieLibrary = vars.musicvideo_folder
                    elif type == 'movies':
                        movieLibrary = vars.movies_folder
                    dir = os.path.join(movieLibrary, folder) #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
                    success = shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=True) #Remove the directory
                    xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Removed from library', 'Deleted the videos from your library (You should clean your library, otherwise they will still show in your library)')
def delete_playlist(id, type=''):
    #Grab the settings from this playlist
    settings = m_xml.xml_get_elem('playlists/playlist', 'playlist', {'id': id}, type=type) #Grab the xml settings for this playlist
    if settings is None:
        dev.log('deletePlaylist: Could not find playlist '+id+' in the '+dev.typeXml(type)+' file', True)
        return False
        i = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("Delete Playlist", "Are you sure you want to delete this playlist?")
        if i == 0:
            editPlaylist(id, type=type)
            if m_xml.xml_remove_playlist(id, type=type) is True:
                #Remove the episodenr xml file to
                file = os.path.join(vars.settingsPath+dev.typeEpnr(type), id+'.xml' )
                if os.path.isfile(file):
                    success = os.remove(file) #Remove the episodenr xml file
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Removed Playlist', 'Succesfully removed playlist '+id)
                i = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno('Delete from library', 'Do you also want to delete the videos from your library?')
                if i != 0:
                    #Check in which folder the show resides
                    folder = settings.find('overwritefolder').text
                    if folder is None or folder == '':
                        folder = dev.legal_filename(settings.find('title').text) #Overwrite folder is not set in settings.xml, so set the folder to the title of the show
                        folder = dev.legal_filename(folder)
                    movieLibrary = vars.tv_folder #Use the directory from the addon settings
                    if type == 'musicvideo':
                        movieLibrary = vars.musicvideo_folder
                    elif type == 'movies':
                        movieLibrary = vars.movies_folder
                    dir = os.path.join(movieLibrary, folder) #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
                    success = shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=True) #Remove the directory
                    xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Removed from library', 'Deleted the videos from your library (You should clean your library, otherwise they will still show in your library)')
Exemplo n.º 4
def refresh_playlist(id, type=''):
    #Grab the settings from this playlist
    settings = m_xml.xml_get_elem(
        'playlists/playlist', 'playlist', {'id': id},
        type=type)  #Grab the xml settings for this playlist
    if settings is None:
            'refreshPlaylist: Could not find playlist ' + id + ' in the ' +
            typeXml(type) + ' file', True)
        return False
        i = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(
            "Refresh Playlist",
            "Are you sure you want to refresh this playlist?")
        if i != 0:
            m_xml.xml_update_playlist_setting(id, 'lastvideoId', '', type=type)
            #Delete the .xml containing all scanned videoId's as well
            file = os.path.join(vars.settingsPath, dev.typeEpnr(type))
            file = os.path.join(file, id + '.xml')
            if os.path.isfile(file):
                success = os.remove(file)  #Remove the episodenr xml file

            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Refreshed Playlist',
                                'Succesfully refreshed playlist ' + id)
            i = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(
                'Delete from library',
                'Do you also want to delete the previous videos from your library?'
            if i != 0:
                #Check in which folder the show resides
                folder = settings.find('overwritefolder').text
                if folder is None or folder == '':
                    folder = dev.legal_filename(
                    )  #Overwrite folder is not set in settings.xml, so set the folder to the title of the show
                    folder = dev.legal_filename(folder)
                movieLibrary = vars.tv_folder  #Use the directory from the addon settings
                if type == 'musicvideo':
                    movieLibrary = vars.musicvideo_folder
                elif type == 'movies':
                    movieLibrary = vars.movies_folder
                dir = os.path.join(movieLibrary,
                                   folder)  #Set the folder to the maindir/dir

                success = shutil.rmtree(
                    dir, ignore_errors=True)  #Remove the directory
                #if vars.update_videolibrary == "true" and type=='':
                #    update_dir = vars.tv_folder_path
                #    if type == 'musicvideo':
                #        update_dir = vars.musicvideo_folder_path
                #    dev.log('Updating video library is enabled. Cleaning librarys directory %s' % update_dir, True)
                #    xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.updatelibrary(Video,'+update_dir+')')

                    'Removed from library',
                    'Deleted the previous videos from your library (You should clean your library, otherwise they will still show in your library)'
            editPlaylist(id, type=type)  #Load the editplaylist view
Exemplo n.º 5
def write_strm(name, fold, videoid, show=None, season=None, episode=None, startpoint = None, endpoint = None, artist='', album='', song='', year='', type=''):
    #dev.log('strm('+name+', '+fold+', '+videoid+')')
    movieLibrary = vars.tv_folder #The path we should save in is the vars.tv_folder setting from the addon settings
    if type=='musicvideo':
        movieLibrary = vars.musicvideo_folder
    sysname = urllib.quote_plus(videoid) #Escape strings in the videoid if needed
    enc_name = dev.legal_filename(name) #Encode the filename to a legal filename
    if vars.__settings__.getSetting("strm_link") == "Youtube Library":
        if type == 'musicvideo':
            content = 'plugin://plugin.video.youtubelibrary/?mode=playmusicvideo'
            if startpoint != None:
                content += '&startpoint='+startpoint
            if endpoint != None:
                content += '&endpoint='+endpoint
            content += '&id=%s&artist=%s&song=%s&album=%s&year=%s&filename=%s' % (sysname, artist, song, album, year, enc_name) #Set the content of the strm file with a link back to this addon for playing the video 
            content = 'plugin://plugin.video.youtubelibrary/?mode=play&id=%s&show=%s&season=%s&episode=%s&filename=%s' % (sysname, show, season, episode, enc_name) #Set the content of the strm file with a link back to this addon for playing the video
        content = vars.KODI_ADDONLINK+'%s' % ( sysname) #Set the content of the strm file with a link to the official Kodi Youtube Addon

    xbmcvfs.mkdir(movieLibrary) #Create the maindirectory if it does not exists yet
    folder = os.path.join(movieLibrary, fold) #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
    xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder) #Create this subfolder if it does not exist yet

    stream = os.path.join(folder, enc_name + '.strm') #Set the file to maindir/name/name.strm
    file = xbmcvfs.File(stream, 'w') #Open / create this file for writing
    file.write(str(content.encode('UTF-8'))) #Write the content in the file
    file.close() #Close the file
    dev.log('write_strm: Written strm file: '+fold+'/'+enc_name+'.strm')
    return enc_name
def downloadYoutubeVid(name, fold, videoid, settings, type='', season=None):
    #youtube-dl command to download best quality: -f bestvideo[ext!=webm]‌​+bestaudio[ext!=webm]‌​/best[ext!=webm]

    movieLibrary = vars.tv_folder  #The path we should save in is the vars.tv_folder setting from the addon settings
    if type == 'musicvideo':
        movieLibrary = vars.musicvideo_folder
    if type == 'movies':
        movieLibrary = vars.movies_folder

    folder = os.path.join(movieLibrary,
                          fold)  #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
    enc_name = dev.legal_filename(
        name)  #Encode the filename to a legal filename

        movieLibrary)  #Create the maindirectory if it does not exist yet
    xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder)  #Create this subfolder if it does not exist yet

    xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder)  #Create this subfolder if it does not exist yet
    if type == '' or type == 'tv':
        folder = os.path.join(folder, 'Season ' +
                              season)  #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
        xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder)  #Create this subfolder if it does not exist yet

    full_file_path = os.path.join(folder,
                                  enc_name)  #Set the file to maindir/name/name

    dev.log('Downloading ' + videoid, 1)
    #vid = YDStreamExtractor.getVideoInfo(videoid,quality=1)
    path = os.path.join(movieLibrary, fold)  #Set the folder to the maindir/dir

    #url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKSU82afy1w" #ducktales intro to test
    url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + videoid
    vid = YDStreamExtractor.getVideoInfo(url, quality=1)

    if vid == None:
        dev.log('Failed to retrieve video from url: ' + url)
        return False

    if settings.find('download_videos').text == '720p':
        dev.log('%%%%%%% QUALITY: 720p quality selected')
        format = 'bestvideo[height<=?720]+bestaudio/best[height<=?720]'
    elif settings.find('download_videos').text == '1080p':
        dev.log('%%%%%%% QUALITY: 1080p quality selected')
        format = 'bestvideo[height<=?1080]+bestaudio/best[height<=?1080]'
        dev.log('%%%%%%% QUALITY: best quality selected')
        format = 'bestvideo+bestaudio/best'

    ydl_opts = {
        'format': format,
        'logger': MyLogger(),
        'progress_hooks': [my_hook],
        'outtmpl': full_file_path + '.%(ext)s',
        #'-o' : enc_name+'.%(ext)s',
    with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
        return ydl.download(['https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=' + videoid])
def downloadYoutubeVid(name, fold, videoid, settings, type='', season=None):
    #youtube-dl command to download best quality: -f bestvideo[ext!=webm]‌​+bestaudio[ext!=webm]‌​/best[ext!=webm]
    movieLibrary = vars.tv_folder #The path we should save in is the vars.tv_folder setting from the addon settings
    if type=='musicvideo':
        movieLibrary = vars.musicvideo_folder
    if type=='movies':
        movieLibrary = vars.movies_folder
    folder = os.path.join(movieLibrary, fold) #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
    enc_name = dev.legal_filename(name) #Encode the filename to a legal filename
    xbmcvfs.mkdir(movieLibrary) #Create the maindirectory if it does not exist yet
    xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder) #Create this subfolder if it does not exist yet
    xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder) #Create this subfolder if it does not exist yet
    if type == '' or type == 'tv':
        folder = os.path.join(folder, 'Season '+season) #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
        xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder) #Create this subfolder if it does not exist yet

    full_file_path = os.path.join(folder, enc_name) #Set the file to maindir/name/name
    dev.log('Downloading '+videoid, 1)
    #vid = YDStreamExtractor.getVideoInfo(videoid,quality=1)
    path = os.path.join(movieLibrary, fold) #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
    #url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKSU82afy1w" #ducktales intro to test
    url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="+videoid
    vid = YDStreamExtractor.getVideoInfo(url,quality=1)
    if vid == None:
        dev.log('Failed to retrieve video from url: '+url)
        return False
    if settings.find('download_videos').text  == '720p':
        dev.log('%%%%%%% QUALITY: 720p quality selected')
        format = 'bestvideo[height<=?720]+bestaudio/best[height<=?720]'
    elif settings.find('download_videos').text == '1080p':
        dev.log('%%%%%%% QUALITY: 1080p quality selected')
        format = 'bestvideo[height<=?1080]+bestaudio/best[height<=?1080]'
        dev.log('%%%%%%% QUALITY: best quality selected')
        format = 'bestvideo+bestaudio/best'
    ydl_opts = {
    'format': format,
    'logger': MyLogger(),
    'progress_hooks': [my_hook],
    'outtmpl' : full_file_path+'.%(ext)s',
    #'-o' : enc_name+'.%(ext)s',
    with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
        return ydl.download(['https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='+videoid])
def refresh_playlist(id, type=''):
    #Grab the settings from this playlist
    settings = m_xml.xml_get_elem('playlists/playlist', 'playlist', {'id': id}, type=type) #Grab the xml settings for this playlist
    if settings is None:
        dev.log('refreshPlaylist: Could not find playlist '+id+' in the '+typeXml(type)+' file', True)
        return False
        i = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("Refresh Playlist", "Are you sure you want to refresh this playlist?")
        if i != 0:
            m_xml.xml_update_playlist_setting(id, 'lastvideoId', '', type=type)
            #Delete the .xml containing all scanned videoId's as well
            file = os.path.join(vars.settingsPath, dev.typeEpnr(type))
            file = os.path.join(file, id+'.xml')
            if os.path.isfile(file):
                success = os.remove(file) #Remove the episodenr xml file
            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Refreshed Playlist', 'Succesfully refreshed playlist '+id)
            i = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno('Delete from library', 'Do you also want to delete the previous videos from your library?')
            if i != 0:
                #Check in which folder the show resides
                folder = settings.find('overwritefolder').text
                if folder is None or folder == '':
                    folder = dev.legal_filename(settings.find('title').text) #Overwrite folder is not set in settings.xml, so set the folder to the title of the show
                    folder = dev.legal_filename(folder)
                movieLibrary = vars.tv_folder #Use the directory from the addon settings
                if type == 'musicvideo':
                    movieLibrary = vars.musicvideo_folder
                elif type == 'movies':
                    movieLibrary = vars.movies_folder
                dir = os.path.join(movieLibrary, folder) #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
                success = shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=True) #Remove the directory
                #if vars.update_videolibrary == "true" and type=='':
                #    update_dir = vars.tv_folder_path
                #    if type == 'musicvideo':
                #        update_dir = vars.musicvideo_folder_path
                #    dev.log('Updating video library is enabled. Cleaning librarys directory %s' % update_dir, True)
                #    xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.updatelibrary(Video,'+update_dir+')')

                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Removed from library', 'Deleted the previous videos from your library (You should clean your library, otherwise they will still show in your library)')
            editPlaylist(id, type=type) #Load the editplaylist view
Exemplo n.º 9
def update_playlist(id, type=''):
    settings = m_xml.xml_get_elem(
        'playlists/playlist', 'playlist', {'id': id},
        type=type)  #Grab the xml settings for this playlist
    if settings is None:
            'Could not find playlist ' + id + ' in the ' + dev.typeXml(type) +
            ' file', True)
        return False
        dev.log('Updating playlist %s (Id: %s)' %
                (settings.find('title').text.encode('utf-8'), id))
        #Check in which folder the show should be added
        folder = settings.find('overwritefolder').text
        if folder is None or folder == '':
            folder = dev.legal_filename(
            )  #Overwrite folder is not set in settings.xml, so set the folder to the title of the show
            folder = dev.legal_filename(folder)

        #Create the tvshow.nfo
        writenfo = settings.find('writenfo').text
        if writenfo != 'no':
            if type == '' or type == 'tv':
                generators.write_tvshow_nfo(folder, settings)
            elif type == 'musicvideo':
                generators.write_artist_nfo(folder, settings)

        if update_playlist_vids(id, folder, settings, type=type) == False:
            return False  #something failed while updating the videos of the playlist

        #Save the time this playlist got updated in the xml
        import datetime
        d = datetime.datetime.now()
                                       d.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"),

        return True
Exemplo n.º 10
def write_tvshow_nfo(fold, settings):
    name = 'tvshow'
    movieLibrary = vars.tv_folder #Use the directory from the addon settings

    #Grab the published date and convert it to a normal date
    d = ytube.convert_published(settings.find('published').text)
    normaldate = d['year']+'-'+d['month']+'-'+d['day']
    #Grab the tags and convert them to xml
    tags = settings.find('tags')
    tags_xml = ''
    if tags is not None:
        tags = settings.find('tags').text
        if '/' in tags:
            multi_tags = tags.split('/')
            tags_xml = ''
            for tag in multi_tags:
                tags_xml += '<tag>'+tag.strip(' \t\n\r')+'</tag>'
        elif tags.strip(' \t\n\r') is not '':
            tags_xml = '<tag>'+tags.strip(' \t\n\r')+'</tag>'
    #Create the contents of the xml file
    content = u"""
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
                <thumb aspect="poster">%(thumb)s</thumb>
                <thumb aspect="banner">%(banner)s</thumb>
    """ % {
        'title': settings.find('title').text,
        'plot': settings.find('description').text,
        'year': d['year'],
        'genre': settings.find('genre').text,
        'studio': settings.find('channel').text,
        'thumb': settings.find('thumb').text,
        'banner': settings.find('banner').text,
        'fanart': settings.find('fanart').text,
        'date': normaldate,
        'tags': tags_xml,
    xbmcvfs.mkdir(movieLibrary) #Create the maindirectory if it does not exists yet
    enc_name = dev.legal_filename(name) #Set the filename to a legal filename
    folder = os.path.join(movieLibrary, fold) #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
    xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder) #Create this subfolder if it does not exist yet
    stream = os.path.join(folder, enc_name + '.nfo') #Set the file to maindir/name/name.strm
    import codecs
    # process Unicode text
    with codecs.open(stream,'w',encoding='utf8') as f:
    #file = xbmcvfs.File(stream, 'w') #Open / create this file for writing
    #file.write(str(content)) #Write the content in the file
    #file.close() #Close the file
    dev.log('write_tvshow_nfo: Written tvshow.nfo file: '+fold+'/'+enc_name+'.nfo')
    #If the setting download_images is true, we should also download the images as actual files into the directory
    if vars.__settings__.getSetting("download_images") == "true":
        dev.log('download_images enabled, so downloading images to '+folder)
        urllib.urlretrieve(settings.find('thumb').text, folder+"/folder.jpg")
        urllib.urlretrieve(settings.find('banner').text, folder+"/banner.jpg")
        urllib.urlretrieve(settings.find('fanart').text, folder+"/fanart.jpg")
Exemplo n.º 11
def write_nfo(name, fold, vid, settings, season='', episode='', duration='0', overwrite_title=None, overwrite_description=None, musicvideo=None, type=''):
    #dev.log('write_nfo('+name+', '+fold+')')
    movieLibrary = vars.tv_folder #Use the directory from the addon settings
    if type=='musicvideo':
        movieLibrary = vars.musicvideo_folder
    snippet = vid['snippet']
    #See if we should do something to the title according to the settings
    title = snippet['title']
    if overwrite_title != None:
        title = overwrite_title
    removetitle = settings.find('removetitle').text
    if removetitle == None:
        removetitle = ''
    if len(removetitle) > 0:
        #See if there are multiple lines
        if '|' in removetitle:
            strip = removetitle.split('|')
            for s in strip:
                #Check if we should do regex
                r = reg(s, title)
                if r is not None:
                    s = r
                if s in title:
                    title = title.replace(s, '') #Remove this line from the title
            #Check if this is a regex var of what should be removed
            rem = reg(removetitle, title)
            if rem is not None:
                removetitle = rem #Regex was succesfull, set removetitle to the found string so it can be removed as normal
            title = re.sub(removetitle, '', title, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
            #if removetitle in title:
                #title = title.replace(removetitle, '')
    #See if we should do something to the title according to the settings
    striptitle = settings.find('striptitle').text
    if striptitle == None:
        striptitle = ''
    if len(striptitle) > 0:
        #See if there are multiple lines
        if '|' in striptitle:
            strip = striptitle.split('|')
            for s in strip:
                if s in title:
                    title = title[:title.index(s)] #Strip everything to the point where the line was found
            #Check if this is a regex var of what should be removed
            rem = reg(title, striptitle)
            if rem is not None:
                striptitle = rem #Regex was succesfull, set striptitle to the found string so it can be stripped as normal
            if striptitle in title:
                title = title[:title.index(striptitle)] #Strip everything to the point where the line was found
    #See if we should do something to the description according to the settings
    description = snippet['description']
    if overwrite_description != None:
        description = overwrite_description
    removedescription = settings.find('removedescription').text
    if removedescription == None:
        removedescription = ''
    if len(removedescription) > 0:
        #See if there are multiple lines
        if '|' in removedescription:
            strip = removedescription.split('|')
            for s in strip:
                if s in description:
                    description = description.replace(s, '') #Remove this line from the description
            #Check if this is a regex var of what should be removed
            rem = reg(description, removedescription)
            if rem is not None:
                removedescription = rem #Regex was succesfull, set removedescription to the found string so it can be removed as normal
            if removedescription in description:
                description = description.replace(removedescription, '')
    #See if we should do something to the description according to the settings
    stripdescription = settings.find('stripdescription').text
    if stripdescription == None:
        stripdescription = ''
    if len(stripdescription) > 0:
        #See if there are multiple lines
        if '|' in stripdescription:
            strip = stripdescription.split('|')
            for s in strip:
                if s in description:
                    description = description[:description.index(s)] #Strip everything to the point where the line was found
            #Check if this is a regex var of what should be removed
            rem = reg(description, stripdescription)
            if rem is not None:
                stripdescription = rem #Regex was succesfull, set stripdescription to the found string so it can be stripped as normal
            if stripdescription in description:
                description = description[:description.index(stripdescription)] #Strip everything to the point where the line was found
    #Grab the best possible thumbnail
    #if 'maxres' in snippet['thumbnails']:
    #    thumbnail = snippet['thumbnails']['maxres']
    if 'standard' in snippet['thumbnails']:
        thumbnail = snippet['thumbnails']['standard']['url']
    elif 'high' in snippet['thumbnails']:
        thumbnail = snippet['thumbnails']['high']['url']
    elif 'medium' in snippet['thumbnails']:
        thumbnail = snippet['thumbnails']['medium']['url']
    elif 'default' in snippet['thumbnails']:
        thumbnail = snippet['thumbnails']['default']['url']
        thumbnail = settings.find('thumbnail').text
    #Grab the published date and convert it to a normal date
    d = ytube.convert_published(snippet['publishedAt'])
    normaldate = d['year']+'/'+d['month']+'/'+d['day']
    #Convert the duration (seconds) in number of minutes
    durationminutes = int(int(duration) / 60)
    durationhms = dev.convert_sec_to_hms(duration)
    if type == 'musicvideo':
        if musicvideo == None:
            return False
        #Grab the featured artists and convert them to xml
        featured_xml = ''
        if musicvideo['featured'] != False:
            for artist in musicvideo['featured']:
                featured_xml += '<artist>'+artist.strip(' \t\n\r')+'</artist>'
        #Grab the tags and convert them to xml
        tags_xml = ''
        if musicvideo['tags'] != False:
            for tag in musicvideo['tags']:
                tags_xml += '<tag>'+tag.strip(' \t\n\r')+'</tag>'
        tags = settings.find('tags')
        if tags is not None:
            tags = settings.find('tags').text
            if '/' in tags:
                multi_tags = tags.split('/')
                for tag in multi_tags:
                    tags_xml += '<tag>'+tag.strip(' \t\n\r')+'</tag>'
            elif tags.strip(' \t\n\r') is not '':
                tags_xml += '<tag>'+tags.strip(' \t\n\r')+'</tag>'
        genre = musicvideo['genre']
        if genre is None:
            genre = ''
        #Create the contents of the xml file
        content = """
        """ % {
            'title': musicvideo['title'].strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'artist': musicvideo['artist'].strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'featured': featured_xml,
            'album': musicvideo['album'].strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'genre': genre.strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'plot': musicvideo['plot'].strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'year': musicvideo['year'].strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'studio': musicvideo['studio'].strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'thumb': thumbnail,
            'durationhms': durationhms,
            'tracknr': musicvideo['tracknr'].strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'fanart': settings.find('fanart').text,
            'tags': tags_xml,
            'durationminutes': durationminutes,
            'duration': duration
        #Create the contents of the xml file
        content = """
        """ % {
            'title': title.strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'plot': description.strip(' \t\n\r'),
            'channel': settings.find('channel').text,
            'thumb': thumbnail,
            'date': normaldate,
            'season': season,
            'episode': episode,
            'durationminutes': durationminutes,
            'duration': duration
    xbmcvfs.mkdir(movieLibrary) #Create the maindirectory if it does not exists yet

    #enc_name = name.translate('\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') #Escape special characters in the name
    enc_name = dev.legal_filename(name)
    folder = os.path.join(movieLibrary, fold) #Set the folder to the maindir/dir
    xbmcvfs.mkdir(folder) #Create this subfolder if it does not exist yet

    stream = os.path.join(folder, enc_name + '.nfo') #Set the file to maindir/name/name.strm
    file = xbmcvfs.File(stream, 'w') #Open / create this file for writing
    file.write(str(content.encode("utf-8"))) #Write the content in the file
    file.close() #Close the file
    dev.log('write_nfo: Written nfo file: '+fold+'/'+enc_name+'.nfo')