Exemplo n.º 1
def streamGetter(embedCode):
    ## Decrypts the embed code and returns a stream path
    retlist = []
    smil = CommonUtils().grabEncrypted(embedCode)
    decrypted_smil = ooyalaCrypto().ooyalaDecrypt(smil)
    videoList = MagicNaming().getVideoUrl(decrypted_smil)
    videoArray = "".join(videoList)
    ## Pulls the playpath from the stream path
    Segments = videoArray.rsplit("/", 2)
    playpath = "mp4:s/" + Segments[1] + "/" + Segments[2]

    ## Returns the title, description, thumbnail url and playpath
    return playpath
Exemplo n.º 2
def streamGetter(embedCode):
    ## Decrypts the embed code and returns a stream path
    retlist = []
    smil = CommonUtils().grabEncrypted(embedCode)
    decrypted_smil = ooyalaCrypto().ooyalaDecrypt(smil)
    videoList = MagicNaming().getVideoUrl(decrypted_smil)
    videoArray = ''.join(videoList)
    ## Pulls the playpath from the stream path
    Segments = videoArray.rsplit('/', 2)
    playpath = 'mp4:s/' + Segments[1] + '/' + Segments[2]

    ## Returns the title, description, thumbnail url and playpath
    return playpath
Exemplo n.º 3
def streamGetter(url):
	## Open the PostTV video URL
	response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
	page_source = response.read()
	## Pull some metadata from the video page source
	soup = BeautifulSoup(page_source)
	for titles in soup.findAll("meta", attrs={"property":"og:title"}):
		title = titles.get("content")
	for descs in soup.findAll("meta", attrs={"property":"og:description"}):
		description = descs.get("content")
	for images in soup.findAll("meta", attrs={"property":"og:image"}):
		image = images.get("content")

	## Look for the Ooyala player string
	m = re.search('"((http)?://player.ooyala.com/player_v2.swf(?!.*adSetCode).*?)"', page_source)
	url = m.group()
	## strip off some extra quotes
	cleanURL = url.replace("\"","")

	## Grabs the embed code from the cleaned URL
	ec = re.search('((?<=embedCode=)(.*)(?=&autoplay))', cleanURL)
	embedCode = ec.group()

	## Decrypts the embed code and returns a stream path
	smil = CommonUtils().grabEncrypted(embedCode)
	decrypted_smil = ooyalaCrypto().ooyalaDecrypt(smil)
	videoList = MagicNaming().getVideoUrl(decrypted_smil)
	videoArray = ''.join(videoList)

	## Pulls the playpath from the stream path
	Segments = videoArray.rsplit('/',2)
	playpath = 'mp4:s/' + Segments[1]+ '/' +Segments[2]

	## Returns the title, description, thumbnail url and playpath
	return (title, description, image, playpath)