Exemplo n.º 1
def zero_mean_analysis():

    Function to generate data for zero mean analysis. The result return the mean, 
    std and non zero grid count for each hour. 
    When using this, pipe the output out to a file. e.g. python train_model.py > file.txt
    #start data and end data from populate estimates script
    start_date = datetime(2013,3,1)
    end_date = datetime(2015,11,1)

    # Open database connection
    db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","pollution","pollution","pollution_monitoring" )

    # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
    cursor = db.cursor()

    sql_str = """ INSERT IGNORE INTO CV_values (datetime, date, time, weekdays, dayoftheweek, mean_fixed)
                        date as datetime, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%Y-%m-%d") AS date, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%H") as time, if(WEEKDAY(date)<5, true, false) AS weekdays, WEEKDAY(date) AS dayoftheweek, avg(co) as mean_fixed
                        user_id = 2 and date between "{0}" AND "{1}" AND co IS NOT NULL AND latitude is not null and longitude is not null AND (latitude <= {2} AND latitude >= {3}) AND (longitude >= {4} AND longitude <= {5})
                    GROUP BY
                    ORDER BY
                        date asc """.format(start_date, end_date, NW_BOUND[0], SW_BOUND[0], NW_BOUND[1], NE_BOUND[1])


    #retrieve and group the data by datetime (hour)
    sql_string = """select datetime, date, time, dayoftheweek, grid_location, co from {0}  order by datetime asc, grid_location asc; """.format(data_table)
    df_mysql = data_from_db(sql_string)

    grouped = df_mysql.groupby(['datetime'])

    X = [] 
    y = []

    stats = []

    #iterate through and group by datetime
    for name, group in grouped:
        X.append([group['dayoftheweek'].iloc[0], group['time'].iloc[0]])
        assert(len(group['co'].values.flatten()) == 10000)

        date_vals = group[['datetime', 'date', 'time', 'dayoftheweek']].values[0]
        query_datetime = date_vals[0]

        #get data for an hour
        select_str = """SELECT 
                            date as datetime, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%Y-%m-%d") AS date, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%H") as time, if(WEEKDAY(date)<5, true, false) AS weekdays, WEEKDAY(date) AS dayoftheweek, latitude, longitude, user_id, co 
                            user_id != 2 and date between "{0}" and date_add("{0}", interval 1 hour) and co is not null and latitude is not null and longitude is not null AND (latitude <= {1} AND latitude >= {2}) AND (longitude >= {3} AND longitude <= {4}) AND co > 0 AND co < 60
                        ORDER BY
                            date asc """.format(query_datetime, NW_BOUND[0], SW_BOUND[0], NW_BOUND[1], NE_BOUND[1])
        df_mysql = data_from_db(select_str, verbose=False, exit_on_zero=False)

        #check the number of bins populated
        _, non_zero_grid_count = create_mean_value_grid(df_mysql)

        #update status array
        # use degrees of freedom = 0, i.e. without Bessel's correction
        stats.append(np.append(date_vals, [group['co'].mean(), group['co'].std(ddof=0), non_zero_grid_count]))

    #write all the rows of stats
    for row in stats:
        print(';'.join(["%s" % i for i in row]))

def main():

    SVM uses the known data, called SamplesGridData, training the model with this data
    and using the resultant model to infer unknown data points. There is no interpolation
    in this method.. 


    # Open database connection
    db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","pollution","pollution","pollution_monitoring" )

    # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # get the oldest date
    #sql_str = """select distinct date from Samples  where user_id = 2 order by date asc limit 1;"""
    # start date
    #start_date = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    start_date = datetime(2013,3,1)

    # get the newest date
    #sql_str = """select distinct date from Samples  where user_id = 2 order by date desc limit 1;"""
    # end date
    #end_date = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    end_date = datetime(2015,11,1)

    #Choose the data table to use
    zero_mean = True
    non_zero_grid_count_threshold = 10

    #second pass is needed for inputting the mean and stddev for all the rows of the table
    populate_initially = True
    populate_second_pass = True

    #table which has data inserted for model training
    data_table = "samplesGridData"

    #epochs are time period to iterate over
    #provide some buffer time (extra epoch)
    epochs =  ((end_date - start_date).days*24 + 1)
    print "Start data and end date: {0} to {1}".format(start_date, end_date)
    print "Number of hours of data: {0}".format(epochs)
    first_date = start_date
    total_rows = 0
    no_epoch_count = 0
    skip_epoch_count = 0

    #populate the first stage of the process for samplesGridData
    if populate_initially:
        for _ in xrange(epochs):
            #do a quick check to see if data for a datetime exists, skip if it does
            sql_str = """ select datetime from {0} where datetime="{1}" limit 1;""".format(data_table, first_date)
            if cursor.rowcount > 0:
                skip_epoch_count += 1
                first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)

            #is there sensor data, skip if not
            select_str = """select * from Samples where user_id != 2 and date like "{0}%" and co < 60 and co > 0 limit 1;""".format(first_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H"))
            if cursor.rowcount == 0:
                skip_epoch_count += 1
                print "Skipped {0} due to lack of sensor data".format(first_date)
                first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)
            #get data for an hour
            select_str = """SELECT 
                                date as datetime, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%Y-%m-%d") AS date, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%H") as time, if(WEEKDAY(date)<5, true, false) AS weekdays, WEEKDAY(date) AS dayoftheweek, latitude, longitude, user_id, co 
                                user_id != 2 and date between "{0}" and date_add("{0}", interval 1 hour) and co is not null and latitude is not null and longitude is not null AND (latitude <= {1} AND latitude >= {2}) AND (longitude >= {3} AND longitude <= {4}) AND co > 0 AND co < 60
                            ORDER BY
                                date asc """.format(first_date, NW_BOUND[0], SW_BOUND[0], NW_BOUND[1], NE_BOUND[1])

            df_mysql = data_from_db(select_str, verbose=True, exit_on_zero=False)
            if df_mysql is None:
                print "No data returned for {0}".format(first_date)
                no_epoch_count += 1
                first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)

            #check the number of bins or grid locations populated
            _, non_zero_grid_count = create_mean_value_grid(df_mysql)

            #discount grid if it doesn't have enough pixels (i.e. less than threshold)
            if non_zero_grid_count < non_zero_grid_count_threshold:
                skip_epoch_count += 1
                print "Skipped {0} due to non zero grid count less than threshold".format(first_date)
                first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)

            #interpolate to get a grid
            known, z, ask, _ = gridify_sydney(df_mysql, verbose=False, heatmap=False)
            if len(known) == 0:
                raise Exception("No data for {0}".format(first_date))

            columns = df_mysql.columns.values
            vals = list(df_mysql.iloc[0])
            row_dict = dict(zip(columns, vals))
            relevant_columns = ['time','weekdays','dayoftheweek']
            data_common = ['"{0}"'.format(row_dict['datetime'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00"))] + ['"{0}"'.format(row_dict['date'])] + ["{0}".format(row_dict[col]) for col in relevant_columns] + ["{0}".format(get_season(row_dict['datetime']))]

            if zero_mean:
                select_str = 'select date, location_name, co  from Samples where user_id=2 and date="{0}" and (location_name="Prospect" or location_name="Rozelle" or location_name="Liverpool" or location_name="Chullora") order by location_name;'.format(row_dict['datetime'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00"))
                fixed_samples_data = data_from_db(select_str, verbose=False, exit_on_zero=False)
                assert len(fixed_samples_data) == 4
                FIXED_LOCATIONS = ['Chullora', 'Liverpool', 'Prospect', 'Rozelle']
                mean_fixed = np.nanmean([fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name==location]['co'].iloc[0] for location in FIXED_LOCATIONS])
                co_chullora = fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Chullora']['co'].iloc[0] if not np.isnan(fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Chullora']['co'].iloc[0]) else mean_fixed
                co_liverpool = fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Liverpool']['co'].iloc[0] if not np.isnan(fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Liverpool']['co'].iloc[0]) else mean_fixed
                co_prospect = fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Prospect']['co'].iloc[0]  if not np.isnan(fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Prospect']['co'].iloc[0]) else mean_fixed
                co_rozelle = fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Rozelle']['co'].iloc[0]  if not np.isnan(fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Rozelle']['co'].iloc[0]) else mean_fixed

                for i, _ in enumerate(z):
                    total_rows += 1
                    # input data into sql
                    grid_location_row, grid_location_col = known[i]
                    data = data_common + ["{0}".format(x) for x in [grid_location_row, grid_location_col, co_chullora, co_liverpool, co_prospect, co_rozelle, z[i]]]
                    #print data
                    insert_str = """insert ignore into {0} (datetime, date, time, weekdays, dayoftheweek, season, grid_location_row, grid_location_col, co_chullora, co_liverpool, co_prospect, co_rozelle, co_original) values ({1}); """.format(data_table, ','.join(data))
                        print insert_str
                  raise Exception("You should always be running this zero mean set")
            print "At {0}, Number of rows considered in total: {1}".format(first_date, total_rows)
            # commit
            first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)

    #after all the rows have been populated with the original co, we need to populate the normalised value, mean and std
    if populate_second_pass:
        select_str = """ select * from {0};""".format(data_table)
        df_mysql = data_from_db(select_str, verbose=True, exit_on_zero=False)
        co_mean, co_stddev = df_mysql['co_original'].mean(), df_mysql['co_original'].std(ddof=0)
        df_mysql['co_mean'] = co_mean
        df_mysql['co_stddev'] = co_stddev
        df_mysql['co'] = (df_mysql['co_original']-co_mean)/co_stddev

        for index, row in df_mysql.iterrows():
            update_sql = "UPDATE {0} SET co={1}, co_mean={2}, co_stddev={3} WHERE datetime='{4}' AND grid_location_row={5} AND grid_location_col={6}".format(data_table, row['co'], row['co_mean'], row['co_stddev'], row['datetime'], row['grid_location_row'], row['grid_location_col'])

    print "No epoch count: {0} and Skip epoch counts {1}".format(no_epoch_count,skip_epoch_count)
def main():

    Populating the Estimates was an initial method used by NN, then by SVM. Here, 
    Interpolation was used to calculate values for all the grids. This data was then
    fed into the model to train.

    This technigue could be left for populating the samplesGridData and using the model
    to estimate points. i.e. no interpolation used for estimation


    # Open database connection
    db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","pollution","pollution","pollution_monitoring" )

    # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # get the oldest date
    #sql_str = """select distinct date from Samples  where user_id = 2 order by date asc limit 1;"""
    # start date
    #start_date = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    start_date = datetime(2013,3,1)

    # get the newest date
    #sql_str = """select distinct date from Samples  where user_id = 2 order by date desc limit 1;"""
    # end date
    #end_date = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    end_date = datetime(2015,11,1)

    #Choose the data table to use
    zero_mean = True
    non_zero_grid_count_threshold = 10

    #table which has data inserted for model training
    data_table =  "Estimates_zeroMean" if zero_mean else  "Estimates_old"

    #epochs are the time periods to iterate over
    #provide some buffer time (extra epoch)
    epochs =  ((end_date - start_date).days*24 + 1)
    print "Start data and end date: {0} to {1}".format(start_date, end_date)
    print "Number of hours of data: {0}".format(epochs)
    first_date = start_date
    total_rows = 0
    no_epoch_count = 0
    skip_epoch_count = 0

    for _ in xrange(epochs):
        #do a quick check to see if data for a datetime exists, skip if it does
        sql_str = """ select datetime from {0} where datetime="{1}" limit 1;""".format(data_table, first_date)
        if cursor.rowcount > 0:
            skip_epoch_count += 1
            first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)

        #is there sensor data, skip if not
        select_str = """select * from Samples where user_id != 2 and date like "{0}%" and co < 60 and co > 0 limit 1;""".format(first_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H"))
        if cursor.rowcount == 0:
            skip_epoch_count += 1
            print "Skipped {0} due to lack of sensor data".format(first_date)
            first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)
        #get data for an hour
        select_str = """SELECT 
                            date as datetime, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%Y-%m-%d") AS date, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%H") as time, if(WEEKDAY(date)<5, true, false) AS weekdays, WEEKDAY(date) AS dayoftheweek, latitude, longitude, user_id, co 
                            user_id != 2 and date between "{0}" and date_add("{0}", interval 1 hour) and co is not null and latitude is not null and longitude is not null AND (latitude <= {1} AND latitude >= {2}) AND (longitude >= {3} AND longitude <= {4}) AND co > 0 AND co < 60
                        ORDER BY
                            date asc """.format(first_date, NW_BOUND[0], SW_BOUND[0], NW_BOUND[1], NE_BOUND[1])
        df_mysql = data_from_db(select_str, verbose=True, exit_on_zero=False)
        if df_mysql is None:
            print "No data returned for {0}".format(first_date)
            no_epoch_count += 1
            first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)

        #check the number of bins populated
        _, non_zero_grid_count = create_mean_value_grid(df_mysql)

        #discount grid if it doesn't have enough pixels (i.e. less than threshold)
        if non_zero_grid_count < non_zero_grid_count_threshold:
            skip_epoch_count += 1
            print "Skipped {0} due to non zero grid count less than threshold".format(first_date)
            first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)

        #interpolate to get a grid
        known, z, ask, _ = gridify_sydney(df_mysql, verbose=False, heatmap=False)
        if len(known) == 0:
            raise Exception("No data for {0}".format(first_date))

        columns = df_mysql.columns.values
        vals = list(df_mysql.iloc[0])
        row_dict = dict(zip(columns, vals))
        relevant_columns = ['time','weekdays','dayoftheweek']
        data_common = ['"{0}"'.format(row_dict['datetime'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00"))] + ['"{0}"'.format(row_dict['date'])] + ["{0}".format(row_dict[col]) for col in relevant_columns] + ["{0}".format(get_season(row_dict['datetime']))]

        if len(known) < 8:
            Nnear = len(known)
            Nnear = 8

        # do the interpolation
        (interpolation_grid, interpol_name) = idw_interpol(known, z, ask, Nnear=Nnear)

        #implement for zero mean Estimates table
        if zero_mean:
            #do the zero mean bit
            interpolation_grid = interpolation_grid.flatten()
            interpolation_grid = (interpolation_grid - np.mean(interpolation_grid))/np.nanstd(interpolation_grid)

        #add each element to the db as a row
        for i in xrange(len(interpolation_grid)):
            total_rows += 1
            # input data into sql
            data = data_common + ["{0}".format(x) for x in [i, interpolation_grid[i]]]
            #print data
            insert_str = """insert ignore into {0} () values ({1}); """.format(data_table, ','.join(data))
        print "At {0}, Number of rows considered in total: {1}".format(first_date, total_rows)
        # commit at each epoch, i.e. every 10000 rows
        first_date += timedelta(seconds=3600)

    print "No epoch count: {0} and Skip epoch counts {1}".format(no_epoch_count,skip_epoch_count)
def main(granularity, start_date, end_date):

    SVM uses the known data, called SamplesGridData, training the model with this data
    and using the resultant model to infer unknown data points. There is no interpolation
    in this method.. 


    global total_rows, skip_epoch_count, non_zero_grid_count, no_epoch_count

    # Open database connection
    #db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","pollution","pollution","pollution_monitoring" )

    # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
    #cursor = db.cursor()

    non_zero_grid_count_threshold = 1

    errors = []

    #second pass is needed for inputting the mean and stddev for all the rows of the table
    populate_initially = True
    populate_second_pass = False

    interval = granularity['interval']
    data_table = granularity['data_table']
    interval_period = granularity['interval_period']
    date_format = granularity["date_format"]
    epoch_variable = granularity['epoch_variable']

    target_datetimes = get_time_periods_with_sensor_data(start_date, end_date, data_table, interval)

    #epochs are time period to iterate over
    epochs =  len(target_datetimes)

    print "Start data and end date: {} to {}".format(start_date, end_date)
    print "Number of time periods of data: {}, granularity is {}".format(epochs, interval)

    db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","pollution","pollution","pollution_monitoring" )
    cursor = db.cursor()

    #populate the first stage of the process for samplesGridData
    if populate_initially:
        for target_datetime in target_datetimes:
            target_datetime = datetime.strptime(target_datetime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
            #get data for an time period
            select_str = """SELECT 
                                date as datetime, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%Y-%m-%d") AS date, 
                                DATE_FORMAT(date,"%H") as hour, 
                                DATE_FORMAT(date,"%i") as minute, 
                                if(WEEKDAY(date)<5, true, false) AS weekdays, 
                                WEEKDAY(date) AS dayoftheweek, 
                                latitude, longitude, user_id, co 
                                user_id != 2 AND date between "{0}" 
                                AND DATE_ADD("{0}", INTERVAL {5} SECOND) 
                                AND co is not null 
                                and latitude is not null and longitude is not null 
                                AND (latitude <= {1} AND latitude >= {2}) 
                                AND (longitude >= {3} AND longitude <= {4}) 
                                AND co > 0 AND co < 60
                            ORDER BY
                                date asc """.format(
                                    NW_BOUND[0], SW_BOUND[0], NW_BOUND[1], NE_BOUND[1], 

            df_mysql = data_from_db(select_str, verbose=True, exit_on_zero=False)
            if df_mysql is None:
                print "No data returned for {0}".format(target_datetime)
                no_epoch_count += 1

            #check the number of bins or grid locations populated
            _, non_zero_grid_count = create_mean_value_grid(df_mysql)

            #discount grid if it doesn't have enough pixels (i.e. less than threshold)
            if non_zero_grid_count < non_zero_grid_count_threshold:
                skip_epoch_count += 1
                print "Skipped {0} due to non zero grid count less than threshold".format(target_datetime)

            #interpolate to get a grid
            known, z, ask, _ = gridify_sydney(df_mysql, verbose=False, heatmap=False)
            if len(known) == 0:
                raise Exception("No data for {0}".format(target_datetime))

            columns = df_mysql.columns.values
            vals = list(df_mysql.iloc[0])
            row_dict = dict(zip(columns, vals))
            relevant_columns = ['hour','minute', 'weekdays','dayoftheweek']
            data_common = ['"{}"'.format(row_dict['datetime'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00"))] + \
                    ['"{}"'.format(row_dict['date'])] + \
                    ["{}".format(row_dict[col]) for col in relevant_columns] + \

            # hour always needs to be used here to retrieve fixed station values
            select_str = """select
                              date, location_name, co
                              user_id=2 and date="{0}" and
                              (location_name="Prospect" or location_name="Rozelle"
                              or location_name="Liverpool" or location_name="Chullora")
                          order by
                              location_name;""".format(row_dict['datetime'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00"))

            fixed_samples_data = data_from_db(select_str, verbose=False, exit_on_zero=False)

                assert len(set(fixed_samples_data.location_name)) == 4
            except AssertionError:
                print "error: 4 fixed station values not found for {}".format(target_datetime)

            FIXED_LOCATIONS = ['Chullora', 'Liverpool', 'Prospect', 'Rozelle']
            mean_fixed = np.nanmean([fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name==location]['co'].iloc[0] for location in FIXED_LOCATIONS])

            co_chullora = fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Chullora']['co'].iloc[0] \
                if not np.isnan(fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Chullora']['co'].iloc[0]) else mean_fixed
            co_liverpool = fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Liverpool']['co'].iloc[0] \
                if not np.isnan(fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Liverpool']['co'].iloc[0]) else mean_fixed
            co_prospect = fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Prospect']['co'].iloc[0]  \
                if not np.isnan(fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Prospect']['co'].iloc[0]) else mean_fixed
            co_rozelle = fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Rozelle']['co'].iloc[0]  \
                if not np.isnan(fixed_samples_data[fixed_samples_data.location_name=='Rozelle']['co'].iloc[0]) else mean_fixed

            for i, _ in enumerate(z):
                total_rows += 1
                # input data into sql
                grid_location_row, grid_location_col = known[i]
                data = data_common + \
                        ["{0}".format(x) for x in [grid_location_row, grid_location_col, co_chullora, co_liverpool, co_prospect, co_rozelle, z[i]]]
                insert_str = """
                                 insert ignore into {0} 
                                     (datetime, date, hour, minute, weekdays, 
                                     dayoftheweek, season, 
                                     co_chullora, co_liverpool, co_prospect, co_rozelle, co_original) 
                             """.format(data_table, ','.join(data))
                    print insert_str
            print "At {0}, Number of rows considered in total: {1}".format(target_datetime, total_rows)
            # commit

    print "No epoch count: {0} and Skip epoch counts {1}".format(no_epoch_count,skip_epoch_count)
    print "dates with no complete fixed station data are {}".format(errors)

    # after all the rows have been populated with the original co, 
    # we need to populate the normalised value, mean and std
    if populate_second_pass:
        select_str = """ select * from {};""".format(data_table)
        df_mysql = data_from_db(select_str, verbose=True, exit_on_zero=False)
        if not df_mysql:
            print "no rows in {}. Script completed".format(data_table)
        co_mean, co_stddev = df_mysql['co_original'].mean(), df_mysql['co_original'].std(ddof=0)
        df_mysql['co_mean'] = co_mean
        df_mysql['co_stddev'] = co_stddev
        df_mysql['co'] = (df_mysql['co_original']-co_mean)/co_stddev

        for index, row in df_mysql.iterrows():
            update_sql = """
                co={1}, co_mean={2}, co_stddev={3} 
                datetime='{4}' AND grid_location_row={5} AND grid_location_col={6}
            """.format(data_table, row['co'], row['co_mean'], row['co_stddev'], row['datetime'], row['grid_location_row'], row['grid_location_col'])
