Exemplo n.º 1
def test_grid_list(example_model_and_crs):
    model, crs = example_model_and_crs
    # create some grid objects
    grid_a, grid_b, grid_c = add_grids(model, crs, False)
    # access a grid part
    grid_1 = model.grid(title='GRID C')
    assert grid_1 is not None
    assert bu.matching_uuids(grid_1.uuid, grid_c.uuid)
    assert len(model.parts(obj_type='IjkGridRepresentation')) == 3
    # check that the call to grid() has added the returned grid to the cache list
    assert len(model.grid_list_uuid_list()) == len(model.grid_list) == 1
    assert bu.matching_uuids(model.grid_list[0].uuid, grid_c.uuid)
    assert model.grid_list[0] is grid_1
    # access another grid by uuid and check that it is added to cached list
    grid_2 = model.grid(uuid=grid_a.uuid)
    assert bu.matching_uuids(grid_2.uuid, grid_a.uuid)
    assert len(model.grid_list_uuid_list()) == len(model.grid_list) == 2
    # add all 3 grids to the grid cache list, checking for duplicates
    model.add_grid(grid_a, check_for_duplicates=True)
    model.add_grid(grid_b, check_for_duplicates=True)
    model.add_grid(grid_c, check_for_duplicates=True)
    assert len(model.parts(obj_type='IjkGridRepresentation')) == 3
    assert len(model.grid_list_uuid_list()) == 3
    # check use of cached grids
    grid_3a = model.grid_for_uuid_from_grid_list(grid_b.uuid)
    assert bu.matching_uuids(grid_3a.uuid, grid_b.uuid)
    assert grid_3a is grid_b
    grid_3b = model.grid_for_uuid_from_grid_list(grid_b.uuid)
    assert grid_3a is grid_3b
    assert tuple(grid_3a.extent_kji) == (3, 3, 3)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_crs_reuse():
    model = rq.Model(new_epc = True, create_basics = True)
    crs_a = rqc.Crs(model)
    crs_b = rqc.Crs(model)
    assert len(model.parts(obj_type = 'LocalDepth3dCrs')) == 1
    assert crs_a == crs_b
    assert bu.matching_uuids(crs_a.uuid, crs_b.uuid)
    crs_c = rqc.Crs(model, z_inc_down = False)
    assert len(model.parts(obj_type = 'LocalDepth3dCrs')) == 2
    assert crs_c != crs_a
    assert not bu.matching_uuids(crs_c.uuid, crs_a.uuid)
    crs_d = rqc.Crs(model, z_units = 'ft')
    assert len(model.parts(obj_type = 'LocalDepth3dCrs')) == 3
    crs_e = rqc.Crs(model, z_inc_down = False)
    assert len(model.uuids(obj_type = 'LocalDepth3dCrs')) == 3
    assert crs_e == crs_c
    assert bu.matching_uuids(crs_e.uuid, crs_c.uuid)
    crs_f = rqc.Crs(model)
    crs_f.create_xml(reuse = False)
    assert len(model.parts(obj_type = 'LocalDepth3dCrs')) == 4
    assert crs_f == crs_a
    assert not bu.matching_uuids(crs_f.uuid, crs_a.uuid)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_model_iterators(example_model_with_well):

    model, well_interp, datum, traj = example_model_with_well

    w = next(model.iter_wellbore_interpretations())
    d = next(model.iter_md_datums())
    t = next(model.iter_trajectories())

    assert bu.matching_uuids(w.uuid, well_interp.uuid)
    assert bu.matching_uuids(d.uuid, datum.uuid)
    assert bu.matching_uuids(t.uuid, traj.uuid)
    assert w == well_interp
    assert d == datum
    assert t == traj
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_model_copy_all_parts(example_model_with_properties):

    epc = example_model_with_properties.epc_file
    dir = example_model_with_properties.epc_directory
    copied_epc = os.path.join(dir, 'copied.epc')

    # test copying without consolidation
    original = rq.Model(epc)
    assert original is not None
    copied = rq.new_model(copied_epc)
    copied.copy_all_parts_from_other_model(original, consolidate=False)

    assert set(original.uuids()) == set(copied.uuids())
    assert set(original.parts()) == set(copied.parts())

    # test without consolidation of two crs objects
    copied = rq.new_model(copied_epc)
    new_crs = rqc.Crs(copied)

    copied.copy_all_parts_from_other_model(original, consolidate=False)

    assert len(copied.parts()) == len(original.parts()) + 1
    assert set(original.parts()).issubset(set(copied.parts()))
    assert len(copied.parts(obj_type='LocalDepth3dCrs')) == 2

    # test with consolidation of two crs objects
    copied = rq.new_model(copied_epc)
    new_crs = rqc.Crs(copied)

    copied.copy_all_parts_from_other_model(original, consolidate=True)

    assert len(copied.parts()) == len(original.parts())
    assert len(copied.parts(obj_type='LocalDepth3dCrs')) == 1

    crs_uuid = copied.uuid(obj_type='LocalDepth3dCrs')
    assert (bu.matching_uuids(crs_uuid, new_crs.uuid) or bu.matching_uuids(
        crs_uuid, original.uuid(obj_type='LocalDepth3dCrs')))

    # test write and re-load of copied model
    re_opened = rq.Model(copied_epc)
    assert re_opened is not None

    assert len(copied.parts()) == len(original.parts())

    crs_uuid = re_opened.uuid(obj_type='LocalDepth3dCrs')
    assert (bu.matching_uuids(crs_uuid, new_crs.uuid) or bu.matching_uuids(
        crs_uuid, original.uuid(obj_type='LocalDepth3dCrs')))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def extract_patches(self, surface_root):
        """Scan surface root for triangle patches, create TriangulatedPatch objects and build up patch_list."""

        if len(self.patch_list) or surface_root is None:
        paired_list = []
        self.patch_list = []
        for child in surface_root:
            if rqet.stripped_of_prefix(child.tag) != 'TrianglePatch':
            patch_index = rqet.find_tag_int(child, 'PatchIndex')
            assert patch_index is not None
            triangulated_patch = TriangulatedPatch(self.model,
            assert triangulated_patch is not None
            if self.crs_uuid is None:
                self.crs_uuid = triangulated_patch.crs_uuid
                if not bu.matching_uuids(triangulated_patch.crs_uuid,
                        'mixed coordinate reference systems in use within a surface'
            paired_list.append((patch_index, triangulated_patch))
        assert len(
        ), f'no triangulated patches found for surface: {self.title}'
        assert len(paired_list) and paired_list[0][0] == 0 and len(
            paired_list) == paired_list[-1][0] + 1
        for _, patch in paired_list:
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_model(tmp_path):

    epc = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'model.epc')
    model = rq.new_model(epc)
    assert model is not None
    crs = rqc.Crs(model)
    crs_root = crs.create_xml()
    assert os.path.exists(epc)
    md_datum_1 = rqw.MdDatum(model,
                             location=(0.0, 0.0, -50.0),
    md_datum_1.create_xml(title='Datum & 1')
    md_datum_2 = rqw.MdDatum(model,
                             location=(3.0, 0.0, -50.0),
    md_datum_2.create_xml(title='Datum < 2')
    assert len(model.uuids(obj_type='MdDatum')) == 2

    model = rq.Model(epc)
    assert model is not None
    assert len(model.uuids(obj_type='MdDatum')) == 2
    datum_part_1 = model.part(obj_type='MdDatum', title='1', title_mode='ends')
    datum_part_2 = model.part(obj_type='MdDatum', title='2', title_mode='ends')
    assert datum_part_1 is not None and datum_part_2 is not None and datum_part_1 != datum_part_2
    datum_uuid_1 = rqet.uuid_in_part_name(datum_part_1)
    datum_uuid_2 = rqet.uuid_in_part_name(datum_part_2)
    assert not bu.matching_uuids(datum_uuid_1, datum_uuid_2)
    p1 = model.uuid_part_dict[bu.uuid_as_int(datum_uuid_1)]
    p2 = model.uuid_part_dict[bu.uuid_as_int(datum_uuid_2)]
    assert p1 == datum_part_1 and p2 == datum_part_2
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_two_grid_gcs(tmp_path):
    epc = make_epc_with_abutting_grids(tmp_path)

    # re-open the model and establish the abutting grid connection set
    model = rq.Model(epc)
    gcs_uuid = model.uuid(obj_type='GridConnectionSetRepresentation')
    assert gcs_uuid is not None
    gcs = rqf.GridConnectionSet(model, uuid=gcs_uuid)
    assert gcs is not None

    # check that attributes have been preserved
    assert gcs.number_of_grids() == 2
    assert len(gcs.grid_list) == 2
    assert not bu.matching_uuids(gcs.grid_list[0].uuid, gcs.grid_list[1].uuid)
    assert gcs.count == 6
    assert gcs.grid_index_pairs.shape == (6, 2)
    assert np.all(gcs.grid_index_pairs[:, 0] == 0)
    assert np.all(gcs.grid_index_pairs[:, 1] == 1)
    assert gcs.face_index_pairs.shape == (6, 2)
    assert np.all(gcs.face_index_pairs[:, 0] == gcs.face_index_map[1, 1])  # J+
    assert np.all(gcs.face_index_pairs[:, 1] == gcs.face_index_map[1, 0])  # J-
    assert tuple(gcs.face_index_inverse_map[gcs.face_index_pairs[0,
                                                                 0]]) == (1, 1)
    assert tuple(gcs.face_index_inverse_map[gcs.face_index_pairs[0,
                                                                 1]]) == (1, 0)
    assert gcs.cell_index_pairs.shape == (6, 2)
    assert np.all(gcs.cell_index_pairs >= 0)
    assert np.all(gcs.cell_index_pairs < 60)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def try_reuse(self):
        """Look for an equivalent existing RESQML object and modify the uuid of this object if found.

           boolean: True if an equivalent object was found, False if not

           by design this method may change this object's uuid as a side effect

        assert self.uuid is not None
        if self.root is not None:
            return True
        uuid_list = self.model.uuids(obj_type=self.resqml_type)
        for other_uuid in uuid_list:
            if bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other_uuid):
                logger.debug(f'reusing existing xml for uuid {other_uuid}')
                return True
                other = self.__class__(self.model, uuid=other_uuid)
            except Exception:
                return False
            if self == other:
                    f'reusing equivalent resqml object with uuid {other_uuid}')
                self.uuid = other_uuid  # NB: change of uuid for this object
                assert self.root is not None
                return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 9
    def is_equivalent(self, other_crs: 'Crs') -> bool:
        """Returns True if this crs is effectively the same as the other crs."""

        # log.debug('testing crs equivalence')
        if other_crs is None:
            return False
        if self is other_crs:
            return True
        if bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other_crs.uuid):
            return True
        if self.resqml_type != other_crs.resqml_type:
            return False
        if self.xy_units != other_crs.xy_units or self.z_units != other_crs.z_units:
            return False
        if self.z_inc_down != other_crs.z_inc_down:
            return False
        if (self.time_units is not None or other_crs.time_units
                is not None) and self.time_units != other_crs.time_units:
            return False
        if self.axis_order != other_crs.axis_order:
            return False
        if not self.has_same_epsg_code(other_crs):
            return False
        if self.null_transform and other_crs.null_transform:
            return True
        if (maths.isclose(self.x_offset, other_crs.x_offset, abs_tol=1e-4) and
                maths.isclose(self.y_offset, other_crs.y_offset, abs_tol=1e-4)
                and maths.isclose(
                    self.z_offset, other_crs.z_offset, abs_tol=1e-4)
                and maths.isclose(
                    self.rotation, other_crs.rotation, abs_tol=1e-4)):
            return True
        # todo: handle and check rotation units; modularly equivalent rotations
        return False
Exemplo n.º 10
    def is_equivalent(self, other, check_extra_metadata=True):
        """Returns True if this interpretation is essentially the same as the other; otherwise False."""

        if other is None or not isinstance(other, GeobodyInterpretation):
            return False
        if self is other or bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other.uuid):
            return True
        if self.geobody_feature is not None:
            if not self.geobody_feature.is_equivalent(other.geobody_feature):
                return False
        elif other.geobody_feature is not None:
            return False
        if self.root is not None and other.root is not None:
            if rqet.citation_title_for_node(
                    self.root) != rqet.citation_title_for_node(other.root):
                return False
        elif self.root is not None or other.root is not None:
            return False
        if check_extra_metadata and not equivalent_extra_metadata(self, other):
            return False
        return (self.domain == other.domain and equivalent_chrono_pairs(
            self.has_occurred_during, other.has_occurred_during)
                and self.composition == other.composition
                and self.implacement == other.implacement
                and self.geobody_shape == other.geobody_shape)
Exemplo n.º 11
def _grid_for_uuid_from_grid_list(model, uuid):
    """Returns the cached grid object matching the given uuid, if found in the grid list, otherwise None."""

    for grid in model.grid_list:
        if bu.matching_uuids(uuid, grid.uuid):
            return grid
    return None
Exemplo n.º 12
    def is_equivalent(self, other, check_extra_metadata=True):
        """Returns True if this interpretation is essentially the same as the other; otherwise False."""

        if other is None or not isinstance(other, HorizonInterpretation):
            return False
        if self is other or bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other.uuid):
            return True
        if self.genetic_boundary_feature is not None:
            if not self.genetic_boundary_feature.is_equivalent(
                return False
        elif other.genetic_boundary_feature is not None:
            return False
        if self.root is not None and other.root is not None:
            if rqet.citation_title_for_node(
                    self.root) != rqet.citation_title_for_node(other.root):
                return False
        elif self.root is not None or other.root is not None:
            return False
        if (self.domain != other.domain or not equivalent_chrono_pairs(
                self.has_occurred_during, other.has_occurred_during)
                or self.sequence_stratigraphy_surface !=
            return False
        if check_extra_metadata and not equivalent_extra_metadata(self, other):
            return False
        if not self.boundary_relation_list and not other.boundary_relation_list:
            return True
        if not self.boundary_relation_list or not other.boundary_relation_list:
            return False
        return set(self.boundary_relation_list) == set(
Exemplo n.º 13
    def is_equivalent(self, other, check_extra_metadata=True):
        """Returns True if this interpretation is essentially the same as the other; otherwise False.

           other (StratigraphicColumn): the other stratigraphic column to compare this one against
           check_extra_metadata (bool, default True): if True, then extra metadata items must match for the two
              columns to be deemed equivalent; if False, extra metadata is ignored in the comparison

           bool: True if this stratigraphic column is essentially the same as the other; False otherwise

        if not isinstance(other, StratigraphicColumn):
            return False
        if self is other or bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other.uuid):
            return True
        if len(self.ranks) != len(other.ranks):
            return False
        for rank_a, rank_b in zip(self.ranks, other.ranks):
            if rank_a != rank_b:
                return False
        if check_extra_metadata and not rqo.equivalent_extra_metadata(
                self, other):
            return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 14
def _add_grid(model, grid_object, check_for_duplicates=False):
    """Add grid object to list of shareable grids for this model."""

    if check_for_duplicates:
        for g in model.grid_list:
            if bu.matching_uuids(g.uuid, grid_object.uuid):
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __eq__(self, other):
     """Implements equals operator; uses is_equivalent() otherwise compares class type and uuid."""
     if hasattr(self, 'is_equivalent'):
         return self.is_equivalent(other)
     if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
         return False
     other_uuid = getattr(other, "uuid", None)
     return bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other_uuid)
Exemplo n.º 16
def _parts_list_filtered_by_related_uuid(model,
    """From a list of parts, returns a list of those parts which have a relationship with the given uuid."""

    if not model.rels_present or parts_list is None or uuid is None:
        return None
    filtered_list = []
    this_part = _part_for_uuid(model, uuid)

    if this_part is not None:
        rels_part_root = _root_for_part(
            model, rqet.rels_part_name_for_part(this_part), is_rels=True)
        if rels_part_root is not None:
            for relation_node in rels_part_root:
                if rqet.stripped_of_prefix(
                        relation_node.tag) != 'Relationship':
                target_part = relation_node.attrib['Target']
                if target_part not in parts_list:
                if uuid_is_source is not None:
                    source_dest = relation_node.attrib['Type']
                    if uuid_is_source:
                        if 'source' not in source_dest:
                        if 'source' in source_dest:

    for part in parts_list:
        if part in filtered_list:
        rels_part_root = _root_for_part(model,
        if rels_part_root is None:
        for relation_node in rels_part_root:
            if rqet.stripped_of_prefix(relation_node.tag) != 'Relationship':
            target_part = relation_node.attrib['Target']
            relation_uuid = rqet.uuid_in_part_name(target_part)
            if bu.matching_uuids(uuid, relation_uuid):
                if uuid_is_source is not None:
                    source_dest = relation_node.attrib['Type']
                    if uuid_is_source:
                        if 'source' in source_dest:
                            continue  # relation is source, so uuid is not
                        if 'source' not in source_dest:
                            continue  # relation is not source, so uuid is

    return filtered_list
Exemplo n.º 17
 def is_equivalent(self, other, check_extra_metadata = True):
     """Returns True if this feature is essentially the same as the other; otherwise False."""
     if other is None or not isinstance(other, GeneticBoundaryFeature):
         return False
     if self is other or bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other.uuid):
         return True
     if check_extra_metadata and not equivalent_extra_metadata(self, other):
         return False
     return self.feature_name == other.feature_name and self.kind == other.kind and self.absolute_age == other.absolute_age
Exemplo n.º 18
    def is_equivalent(self, other):
        """Implements equals operator, comparing metadata items deemed significant."""

        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return False
        if self.md_reference != other.md_reference or not np.allclose(
                self.location, other.location):
            return False
        return bu.matching_uuids(self.crs_uuid, other.crs_uuid)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def create_xml(self,
        """Creates xml for this stratigraphic unit feature.

           add_as_part (bool, default True): if True, the feature is added to the parent model as a high level part
           originator (str, optional): if present, is used as the originator field of the citation block
           reuse (bool, default True): if True, the parent model is inspected for any equivalent feature and, if found,
              the uuid of this feature is set to that of the equivalent part
           add_relationships (bool, default True): if True and add_as_part is True, relationships are created with
              the referenced top and bottom units, if present

           lxml.etree._Element: the root node of the newly created xml tree for the feature

        if reuse and self.try_reuse():
            return self.root  # check for reusable (equivalent) object
        # create node with citation block
        suf = super().create_xml(add_as_part=False, originator=originator)

        if self.bottom_unit_uuid is not None:

        if self.top_unit_uuid is not None:

        if add_as_part:
            self.model.add_part('obj_StratigraphicUnitFeature', self.uuid, suf)
            if add_relationships:
                if self.bottom_unit_uuid is not None:
                        suf, 'destinationObject',
                if self.top_unit_uuid is not None and not bu.matching_uuids(
                        self.bottom_unit_uuid, self.top_unit_uuid):
                        suf, 'destinationObject',

        return suf
Exemplo n.º 20
def _set_support_and_model_from_collection(collection, other, support_uuid,
    _confirm_support_and_model_from_collection(collection, support_uuid, grid,

    assert collection.support_uuid is None or other.support_uuid is None or bu.matching_uuids(
        collection.support_uuid, other.support_uuid)
    if collection.support_uuid is None and collection.number_of_parts() == 0:
Exemplo n.º 21
    def is_equivalent(self, other, check_extra_metadata=True):
        """Returns True if this feature is essentially the same as the other; otherwise False."""

        if other is None or not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return False
        if self is other or bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other.uuid):
            return True
        if check_extra_metadata and not equivalent_extra_metadata(self, other):
            return False
        return self.feature_name == other.feature_name
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Implements equals operator.

        Compares class type and uuid

        # TODO: more detailed equality comparison
        other_uuid = getattr(other, "uuid", None)
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and bu.matching_uuids(
            self.uuid, other_uuid)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def is_equivalent(self, other, check_extra_metadata=True):
        """Returns True if this feature is essentially the same as the other; otherwise False."""

        if not isinstance(other, OrganizationFeature):
            return False
        if self is other or bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other.uuid):
            return True
        return (self.feature_name == other.feature_name
                and self.organization_kind == other.organization_kind
                and ((not check_extra_metadata)
                     or equivalent_extra_metadata(self, other)))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def is_equivalent(self, other, check_extra_metadata = True):
        """Returns True if this interpretation is essentially the same as the other; otherwise False."""

        if other is None or not isinstance(other, FaultInterpretation):
            return False
        if self is other or bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other.uuid):
            return True

        attr_list = ['tectonic_boundary_feature', 'root', 'maximum_throw', 'mean_azimuth', 'mean_dip']
        one_none_attr_list = [(getattr(self, v) is None) != (getattr(other, v) is None) for v in attr_list]
        if any(one_none_attr_list):
            # If only one of self or other has a None attribute
            return False

        # List of attributes that are not None in either self or other
        non_none_attr_list = [a for a in attr_list if getattr(self, a) is not None]

        # Additional tests for attributes that are not None
        check_dict = {
                lambda: self.tectonic_boundary_feature.is_equivalent(other.tectonic_boundary_feature),
                lambda: rqet.citation_title_for_node(self.root) != rqet.citation_title_for_node(other.root),
                lambda: maths.isclose(self.maximum_throw, other.maximum_throw, rel_tol = 1e-3),
                lambda: maths.isclose(self.mean_azimuth, other.mean_azimuth, abs_tol = 0.5),
                lambda: maths.isclose(self.mean_dip, other.mean_dip, abs_tol = 0.5)

        check_outcomes = [check_dict[v]() for v in non_none_attr_list]
        if not all(check_outcomes):  # If any of the Additional tests fail then self and other are not equivalent
            return False

        if (not equivalent_chrono_pairs(self.main_has_occurred_during, other.main_has_occurred_during) or
                self.is_normal != other.is_normal or self.domain != other.domain or
                self.is_listric != other.is_listric):
            return False

        if check_extra_metadata and not equivalent_extra_metadata(self, other):
            return False
        if not self.throw_interpretation_list and not other.throw_interpretation_list:
            return True
        if not self.throw_interpretation_list or not other.throw_interpretation_list:
            return False
        if len(self.throw_interpretation_list) != len(other.throw_interpretation_list):
            return False
        for this_ti, other_ti in zip(self.throw_interpretation_list, other.throw_interpretation_list):
            if this_ti[0] != other_ti[0]:
                return False  # throw kind
            if not equivalent_chrono_pairs(this_ti[1], other_ti[1]):
                return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 25
    def is_equivalent(self, other):
        """Returns True if this lookup is the same as other (apart from uuid); False otherwise."""

        if other is None:
            return False
        if self is other:
            return True
        if bu.matching_uuids(self.uuid, other.uuid):
            return True
        if self.title != other.title or self.min_index != other.min_index or self.max_index != other.max_index:
            return False
        return self.str_dict == other.str_dict
Exemplo n.º 26
def _add_part_to_dict_get_support_uuid(collection, part):
    support_uuid = collection.model.supporting_representation_for_part(part)
    if support_uuid is None:
        support_uuid = collection.support_uuid
    elif collection.support_uuid is None:
    elif not bu.matching_uuids(
            support_uuid, collection.support.uuid):  # multi-support collection
    if isinstance(support_uuid, str):
        support_uuid = bu.uuid_from_string(support_uuid)
    return support_uuid
Exemplo n.º 27
def _confirm_support_and_model_from_collection(collection, support_uuid, grid,
    if support_uuid is None and grid is not None:
        support_uuid = grid.uuid
    if support_uuid is not None and collection.support_uuid is not None:
        assert bu.matching_uuids(support_uuid, collection.support_uuid)

    assert other is not None
    if collection.model is None:
        collection.model = other.model
        assert collection.model is other.model
Exemplo n.º 28
def _parts_list_filtered_by_supporting_uuid(model, parts_list, uuid):
    """From a list of parts, returns a list of those parts which have the given uuid as supporting representation."""

    if parts_list is None or uuid is None:
        return None
    filtered_list = []
    for part in parts_list:
        support_ref_uuid = _supporting_representation_for_part(model, part)
        if support_ref_uuid is None:
        if bu.matching_uuids(support_ref_uuid, uuid):
    return filtered_list
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_base_reuse_duplicate(tmp_model):

    # Create object and save
    dummy_1 = ReusableDummyObj(model = tmp_model)
    assert not dummy_1.try_reuse()
    dummy_1.create_xml(add_as_part = True)

    # Should be present in model
    uuids = tmp_model.uuids(obj_type = ReusableDummyObj.resqml_type)
    assert len(uuids) == 1
    assert dummy_1.try_reuse()  # after a part has had xml created and added to model, it is reusable

    # Create duplicate object
    dummy_2 = ReusableDummyObj(model = tmp_model)
    assert not bu.matching_uuids(dummy_1.uuid, dummy_2.uuid)
    assert dummy_2.try_reuse()  # should have matched dummy_1
    assert bu.matching_uuids(dummy_1.uuid, dummy_2.uuid)

    # Only one 'RESQML' object should exist in model, despite us having two resqpy objects
    uuids = tmp_model.uuids(obj_type = ReusableDummyObj.resqml_type)
    assert len(uuids) == 1
    assert bu.matching_uuids(uuids[0], dummy_2.uuid)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def force_uuid_equivalence(self, immigrant_uuid, resident_uuid):
        """Forces immigrant object to be treated as equivalent to (same as) resident object, identified by uuids."""

        assert immigrant_uuid is not None and resident_uuid is not None
        if isinstance(immigrant_uuid, str):
            immigrant_uuid = bu.uuid_from_string(immigrant_uuid)
        if isinstance(resident_uuid, str):
            resident_uuid = bu.uuid_from_string(resident_uuid)
        if bu.matching_uuids(immigrant_uuid, resident_uuid):
        assert immigrant_uuid not in self.map.values()

        self.map[immigrant_uuid] = resident_uuid