Exemplo n.º 1
    def to_representation(self, value):
        # get guild_id
        guild_id = value[0]

        # Check if an emblem already exists for the current guild
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, self.GUILD_EMBLEM_PATH.format(id=guild_id))):
            return serializers.Hyperlink('{url}/{path}'.format(url=CONFIG['server']['conf']['server_domain'],
                                                               path=self.GUILD_EMBLEM_PATH.format(id=guild_id)), None)
            # if not - create
            # get blob data [emblem_data]
            emblem_data = value[1]
            if emblem_data:
                # generate .bmp guild emblem based on blob in our db
                binary_string = binascii.unhexlify(emblem_data)
                binary_string = codecs.decode(binary_string, "zlib")
                # write new emblem into emblem's path
                with open(self.GUILD_EMBLEM_PATH.format(id=guild_id), 'wb') as f:
                return serializers.Hyperlink('{url}/{path}'.format(url=CONFIG['server']['conf']['server_domain'],
                                                                       id=guild_id)), None)
        # No emblem found for this guild
        return None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_narrow_url(self, instance):
        Return a link suitable for narrowing on the current item.

        Since we don't have any means of getting the ``view name`` from here,
        we can only return relative paths.
        text = instance[0]
        request = self.context["request"]
        query_params = request.GET.copy()

        # Never keep the page query parameter in narrowing urls.
        # It will raise a NotFound exception when trying to paginate a narrowed queryset.
        page_query_param = self.get_paginate_by_param()
        if page_query_param in query_params:
            del query_params[page_query_param]

        selected_facets = set(
            query_params.pop(self.root.facet_query_params_text, []))
        selected_facets.add("%(field)s_exact:%(text)s" % {
            "field": self.parent_field,
            "text": text

        path = "%(path)s?%(query)s" % {
            "path": request.path_info,
            "query": query_params.urlencode()
        url = request.build_absolute_uri(path)
        return serializers.Hyperlink(url, "narrow-url")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_narrow_url(self, instance):
        Return a link suitable for narrowing on the current item.

        Since we don't have any means of getting the ``view name`` from here,
        we can only return relative paths.
        field = instance['field']
        request = self.context['request']
        query_params = request.GET.copy()

        # Never keep the page query parameter in narrowing urls.
        # It will raise a NotFound exception when trying to paginate a narrowed queryset.
        page_query_param = self.get_paginate_by_param()
        if page_query_param in query_params:
            del query_params[page_query_param]

        selected_facets = set(query_params.pop('selected_query_facets', []))
        query_params.setlist('selected_query_facets', sorted(selected_facets))

        path = '{path}?{query}'.format(path=request.path_info,
        url = request.build_absolute_uri(path)
        return serializers.Hyperlink(url, name='narrow-url')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_narrow_url(self, instance):
        Return a link suitable for narrowing on the current item.
        text = instance[0]
        request = self.context['request']
        query_params = request.GET.copy()

        # Never keep the page query parameter in narrowing urls.
        # It will raise a NotFound exception when trying to paginate a narrowed queryset.
        page_query_param = self.get_paginate_by_param()
        if page_query_param and page_query_param in query_params:
            del query_params[page_query_param]

        selected_facets = set(
            query_params.pop(self.root.facet_query_params_text, []))
        selected_facets.add('%(field)s_exact:%(text)s' % {
            'field': self.parent_field,
            'text': text

        path = '%(path)s?%(query)s' % {
            'path': request.path_info,
            'query': query_params.urlencode()
        url = request.build_absolute_uri(path)
        return serializers.Hyperlink(url, 'narrow-url')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def to_representation(self, value):
        # get guild_id
        guild_id = value[0]

        # Check if an emblem already exists for the current guild
        if os.path.isfile(
            return serializers.Hyperlink(
                    path=self.GUILD_EMBLEM_PATH.format(id=guild_id)), None)
            # if not - create
            # get blob data [emblem_data]
            emblem_data = value[1]
            if emblem_data:
                # generate guild emblem string based on blob in our db
                binary_string = binascii.unhexlify(emblem_data)
                binary_string = codecs.decode(binary_string, "zlib")
                # make emblem transparent
                img = Image.open(BytesIO(binary_string))
                img = img.convert("RGBA")
                items = img.getdata()

                png_transparent = []
                for item in items:
                    if item[0] == 255 and item[1] == 0 and item[2] == 255:
                        png_transparent.append((255, 255, 255, 0))

                # save new emblem into emblem's path
                img.save(self.GUILD_EMBLEM_PATH.format(id=guild_id), "PNG")
                return serializers.Hyperlink(
                        path=self.GUILD_EMBLEM_PATH.format(id=guild_id)), None)
        # No emblem found for this guild
        return None
Exemplo n.º 6
 def to_representation(self, value):
     map_name, x, y = value[0], value[1], value[2]
     # check if map image already exists
     if not os.path.isfile(
                 self.MINIMAP_PATH.format(map_name=map_name, x=x, y=y))):
         gat = Gat(self.GAT_PATH.format(map_name=map_name), scale=2)
         gat(x=x, y=y, map_name=map_name, path=self.MINIMAP_PATH)
     # return path to it
     return serializers.Hyperlink(
             path=self.MINIMAP_PATH.format(map_name=map_name, x=x, y=y)),
Exemplo n.º 7
    def to_representation(self, value):
        request = self.context.get('request', None)
        format = self.context.get('format', None)

        assert request is not None, (
            "`%s` requires the request in the serializer"
            " context. Add `context={'request': request}` when instantiating "
            "the serializer." % self.__class__.__name__)

        # By default use whatever format is given for the current context
        # unless the target is a different type to the source.
        # Eg. Consider a HyperlinkedIdentityField pointing from a json
        # representation to an html property of that representation...
        # '/snippets/1/' should link to '/snippets/1/highlight/'
        # ...but...
        # '/snippets/1/.json' should link to '/snippets/1/highlight/.html'
        if format and self.format and self.format != format:
            format = self.format

        # Return the hyperlink, or error if incorrectly configured.
            url = self.get_url(value, request, format)
        except NoReverseMatch:
            msg = ('Could not resolve URL for hyperlinked identity using '
                   'get_complete_url method. ')
            if value in ('', None):
                value_string = {'': 'the empty string', None: 'None'}[value]
                msg += (
                    " WARNING: The value of the field on the model instance "
                    "was %s, which may be why it didn't match any "
                    "entries in your URL conf." % value_string)
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg)

        if url is None:
            return None

        return serializers.Hyperlink(url, six.text_type(value))
 def setup(self):
     self.default_hyperlink = serializers.Hyperlink('http://example.com',