Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_view_name(self, respect_name=True):
        Get or generate human readable view name.
        Extended version from DRF to support usage from both class and instance.
        if isinstance(self, type):
            view = self
            view = self.__class__

        # Name may be set by some Views, such as a ViewSet.
        if respect_name:
            name = getattr(view, "name", None)
            if name is not None:
                return name

        name = view.__name__
        for suffix in ("ViewSet", "View", "API", "Admin"):
            name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, suffix)
        name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)

        # Suffix may be set by some Views, such as a ViewSet.
        suffix = getattr(view, "suffix", None)
        if suffix:
            name += " " + suffix

        return name
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_view_name(cls, suffix=None):
    name = cls.__name__
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
    name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)
    if suffix:
        name += ' ' + suffix

    return name
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_view_name(cls, suffix=None):
    name = cls.__name__
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
    name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)
    if suffix:
        name += ' ' + suffix

    return name
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_view_name(self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, "View")
        name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, "ViewSet")
        name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)
        suffix = getattr(self, "suffix", None)
        # Hack for page title display in BrowsableAPIRenderer.
        if suffix and suffix != "List":
            return suffix

        return name
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_view_name(view_cls, suffix=None):
    Given a view class, return a textual name to represent the view.
    This name is used in the browsable API, and in OPTIONS responses.
    This function is the default for the `VIEW_NAME_FUNCTION` setting.
    name = view_cls.__name__
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
    name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)
    if suffix:
        name += ' ' + suffix

    return name
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_view_name(view_cls, suffix=None):
    Given a view class, return a textual name to represent the view.
    This name is used in the browsable API, and in OPTIONS responses.

    This function is the default for the `VIEW_NAME_FUNCTION` setting.
    name = view_cls.__name__
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
    name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)
    if suffix:
        name += ' ' + suffix

    return name
Exemplo n.º 7
def rest_framework_view_name(cls, suffix=None):
    # Do exactly what the default function does
    import rest_framework.utils.formatting as formatting
    name = cls.__name__
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
    name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)
    if suffix:
        name = ' '.join((name, suffix))

    # Make names more readable
    name = name.replace("Xbgw Device ", "XBee Gateway - Radio ")
    name = name.replace("Io", "I/O")
    name = name.replace("X Bee", "XBee")
    name = name.replace("Api", "API")

    return name
Exemplo n.º 8
def rest_framework_view_name(cls, suffix=None):
    # Do exactly what the default function does
    import rest_framework.utils.formatting as formatting
    name = cls.__name__
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
    name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)
    if suffix:
        name = ' '.join((name, suffix))

    # Make names more readable
    name = name.replace("Xbgw Device ", "XBee Gateway - Radio ")
    name = name.replace("Io", "I/O")
    name = name.replace("X Bee", "XBee")
    name = name.replace("Api", "API")

    return name
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_view_name(view_cls, suffix=None):
    Derive the view name from its associated model, if it has one. Fall back to DRF's built-in `get_view_name`.
    if hasattr(view_cls, 'queryset'):
        # Determine the model name from the queryset.
        name = view_cls.queryset.model._meta.verbose_name
        name = ' '.join([w[0].upper() + w[1:] for w in name.split()])  # Capitalize each word

        # Replicate DRF's built-in behavior.
        name = view_cls.__name__
        name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
        name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
        name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)

    if suffix:
        name += ' ' + suffix

    return name
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_entity_description(entity):
    Returns description in format:
    * entity human readable name
     * docstring

        entity_name = entity.__name__.strip('_')
    except AttributeError:
        # entity is a class instance
        entity_name = entity.__class__.__name__

    label = '* %s' % formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(entity_name)
    if entity.__doc__ is not None:
        entity_docstring = formatting.dedent(smart_text(
            entity.__doc__)).replace('\n', '\n\t')
        return '%s\n * %s' % (label, entity_docstring)

    return label
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_view_name(view_cls, suffix=None):
    Derive the view name from its associated model, if it has one. Fall back to DRF's built-in `get_view_name`.
    if hasattr(view_cls, 'queryset'):
        # Determine the model name from the queryset.
        name = view_cls.queryset.model._meta.verbose_name
        name = ' '.join([w[0].upper() + w[1:] for w in name.split()])  # Capitalize each word

        # Replicate DRF's built-in behavior.
        name = view_cls.__name__
        name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
        name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
        name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)

    if suffix:
        name += ' ' + suffix

    return name
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_view_name(view):
    Given a view instance, return a textual name to represent the view.
    This name is used in the browsable API, and in OPTIONS responses.

    This function replaces the Rest Framework default.
    name = getattr(view, "name", None)
    if name is not None:
        return name

    name = view.__class__.__name__
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, "View")
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, "ViewSet")
    name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)

    # Use title for datasets instead of the generic 'Schema'
    if name == "Schema":
        name = getattr(view.schema_generator, "title", "Schema")

    # Use the title for instances
    response = getattr(view, "response", None)
    suffix = getattr(view, "suffix",
                     None)  # viewsets have this set to List or Instance

    if suffix == "Instance" and response:
        if response.status_code == 200:
                name = response.data["_links"]["self"]["title"]
            except KeyError:
                # When the _links field is not rendered, this might happen because _fields
                # is used to limit what the response returns. At the same time, this gives
                # an opportunity to directly read the first response field as title.
                if "_fields" in view.request.GET:
                    first_field = view.request.GET["_fields"].split(",", 1)[0]
                    name = response.data[first_field]
            name = f"{response.reason_phrase} ({response.status_code})"
    return name
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_view_name(view):
    Given a view instance, return a textual name to represent the view.
    This name is used in the browsable API, and in OPTIONS responses.

    This function is the default for the `VIEW_NAME_FUNCTION` setting.
    # Name may be set by some Views, such as a ViewSet.
    name = getattr(view, 'name', None)
    if name is not None:
        return name

    name = view.__class__.__name__
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
    name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)

    # Suffix may be set by some Views, such as a ViewSet.
    suffix = getattr(view, 'suffix', None)
    if suffix:
        name += ' ' + suffix

    return name
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_view_name(view):
    Given a view class, return a textual name to represent the view.
    This name is used in the browsable API, and in OPTIONS responses.

    This function is the default for the `VIEW_NAME_FUNCTION` setting.
    # Name may be set by some Views, such as a ViewSet.
    name = getattr(view, 'name', None)
    if name is not None:
        return name

    name = view.__class__.__name__
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'View')
    name = formatting.remove_trailing_string(name, 'ViewSet')
    name = formatting.camelcase_to_spaces(name)

    # Suffix may be set by some Views, such as a ViewSet.
    suffix = getattr(view, 'suffix', None)
    if suffix:
        name += ' ' + suffix

    return name