Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.commands = {}
        self.variables = Env.load_variables_group(prefix="telegram")
        if not self.variables.get("api_key"):  # pragma: no cover
            raise ServiceUnavailable("Missing API KEY")
        self.updater = Updater(
            # Starting from v13 use_context is True by default
            # use_context=True,
            workers=Env.to_int(self.variables.get("workers"), default=1),

        # Inline keyboard callback

        # Errors

        self.admins = Bot.get_ids(self.variables.get("admins"))
        if not self.admins:  # pragma: no cover
            print_and_exit("No admin list")

        self.users = Bot.get_ids(self.variables.get("users"))

        self.api = BotApiClient(self.variables)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_redis_url(variables: Dict[str, str], protocol: str) -> str:
        host = variables.get("host")
        port = Env.to_int(variables.get("port"))
        pwd = variables.get("password", "")
        creds = ""
        if pwd:
            creds = f":{pwd}@"

        return f"{protocol}://{creds}{host}:{port}/0"
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_env(self, faker: Faker) -> None:

        assert not Env.to_bool(None)
        assert Env.to_bool(None, True)
        assert not Env.to_bool(False)
        assert Env.to_bool(True)
        assert not Env.to_bool(0)
        assert Env.to_bool(1)
        assert Env.to_bool(1 + faker.pyint())
        assert Env.to_bool(-faker.pyint() - 1)
        assert not Env.to_bool("")
        assert not Env.to_bool("false")
        assert not Env.to_bool("False")
        assert not Env.to_bool("FALSE")
        assert Env.to_bool("true")
        assert Env.to_bool("True")
        assert Env.to_bool("TRUE")
        assert Env.to_bool(faker.pystr())
        assert not Env.to_bool(object)
        assert Env.to_bool(object, True)

        random_default = faker.pyint()
        assert Env.to_int(None) == 0
        assert Env.to_int(None, random_default) == random_default
        assert Env.to_int(random_default) == random_default
        assert Env.to_int("42") == 42
        assert Env.to_int("-42") == -42
        assert Env.to_int(str(random_default)) == random_default
        assert Env.to_int(faker.pystr()) == 0
        assert Env.to_int(faker.pystr(), random_default) == random_default
        assert Env.to_bool(object) == 0

        prefix = faker.pystr().lower()
        var1 = faker.pystr()
        var2 = faker.pystr().lower()
        var3 = faker.pystr().upper()
        val1 = faker.pystr()
        val2 = faker.pystr()
        val3 = faker.pystr()

        os.environ[f"{prefix}_{var1}"] = val1
        os.environ[f"{prefix}_{var2}"] = val2
        os.environ[f"{prefix}_{var3}"] = val3
        variables = Env.load_variables_group(prefix)
        assert variables is not None
        assert isinstance(variables, dict)
        assert len(variables) == 3
        assert var2 in variables
        assert var3 not in variables
        assert var3.lower() in variables
        assert variables.get(var1.lower()) == val1
        assert variables.get(var2.lower()) == val2
        assert variables.get(var3.lower()) == val3
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_mongodb_url(variables: Dict[str, str], protocol: str) -> str:
        host = variables.get("host")
        port = Env.to_int(variables.get("port"))
        user = variables.get("user", "")
        pwd = variables.get("password", "")

        creds = ""
        if user and pwd:
            creds = f"{user}:{pwd}@"

        return f"{protocol}://{creds}{host}:{port}"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def connect(self, **kwargs: str) -> "RedisExt":

        variables = self.variables.copy()

        # ssl=True, ssl_ca_certs=certifi.where()
        # turning off hostname verification (not recommended):
        # ssl_cert_reqs=None
        # Please note about the huge drop of performances with TLS:
        # https://github.com/redis/redis/issues/7595
        self.r = StrictRedis(
            host=variables.get("host", "redis.dockerized.io"),
            port=Env.to_int(variables.get("port"), 6379),
        return self
Exemplo n.º 6
    def connect(self, **kwargs):

        variables = self.variables.copy()

        # ssl=True, ssl_ca_certs=certifi.where()
        # turning off hostname verification (not recommended):
        # ssl_cert_reqs=None
        # Please note about the huge drop of performances with TLS:
        # https://github.com/redis/redis/issues/7595
        self.r = StrictRedis(
            host=variables.get("host", "redis.dockerized.io"),
            port=Env.to_int(variables.get("port"), 6379),
            # Usually 0 is used by celery
            # 1 by celery-beat
            # 2 by flask caching
            # We use use here 3? Or keep 0 and shift the others?
        return self
Exemplo n.º 7
    def connect(self, **kwargs: str) -> "Mail":

        port = Env.to_int(self.instance_variables.get("port")) or 25

        host = self.instance_variables.get("host")

        if port == 465:
            smtp = SMTP_SSL(host)
            smtp = SMTP(host)

        log.debug("Connecting to {}:{}", host, port)
        smtp.connect(host, port)

        username = self.instance_variables.get("username")
        password = self.instance_variables.get("password")
        if username and password:
            smtp.login(username, password)

        self.smtp = smtp
        return self
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_instance(
        self: T,
        verification: Optional[int] = None,
        expiration: Optional[int] = None,
        **kwargs: str,
    ) -> T:

        if not Connector.check_availability(self.name):
            raise ServiceUnavailable(f"Service {self.name} is not available")

        if verification is None:
            # this should be the default value for this connector
            verification = Env.to_int(self.variables.get("verification_time"))

        if expiration is None:
            # this should be the default value for this connector
            expiration = Env.to_int(self.variables.get("expiration_time"))

        # When context is empty this is a connection at loading time
        # Do not save it
        if stack.top is None:
            log.debug("First connection for {}", self.name)
            # can raise ServiceUnavailable exception
            obj = self.initialize_connection(expiration, verification, **kwargs)
            return obj

        unique_hash = str(sorted(kwargs.items()))

        obj = self.get_object(name=self.name, key=unique_hash)

        # if an expiration time is set, verify the instance age
        if obj and obj.connection_expiration_time:

            # the instance is invalidated if older than the expiration time
            if datetime.now() >= obj.connection_expiration_time:

                log.info("{} connection is expired", self.name)
                obj = None

        # If a verification time is set, verify the instance age
        if obj and obj.connection_verification_time:
            now = datetime.now()

            # the instance is verified if older than the verification time
            if now >= obj.connection_verification_time:
                # if the connection is still valid, set a new verification time
                if obj.is_connected():
                    # Set the new verification time
                    ver = timedelta(seconds=verification)
                    obj.connection_verification_time = now + ver
                # if the connection is no longer valid, invalidate the instance
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                        "{} is no longer connected, connector invalidated", self.name
                    obj.disconnected = True

        # return the instance only if still connected
        # (and not invalidated by the verification check)
        if obj and not obj.disconnected:
            return obj

        # can raise ServiceUnavailable exception
        obj = self.initialize_connection(expiration, verification, **kwargs)
        self.set_object(name=self.name, obj=obj, key=unique_hash)
        return obj
Exemplo n.º 9
    def connect(self, **kwargs):

        if port := self.instance_variables.get("port"):
            port = Env.to_int(port)