Exemplo n.º 1
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print "You must provide a URL and JSON object"
url_re = re.compile(
    r'^https?://' # http:// or https://
    r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}|' #domain...
    r'localhost|' #localhost...
    r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' # ...or ip
    r'(?::\d+)?' # optional port
    r'(?:/?|/\S+)$', re.IGNORECASE)

# check we have a valid url
if not url_re.match(sys.argv[1]):
    print "You must provide a valid URL"

# print a message as it may take time for the responce to return
print "Connecting to %s" % sys.argv[1]

# make the request
    conn = Connection(sys.argv[1])
    # otherwise we should just print the response
    response = conn.request_put("/", body=sys.argv[2])
except socket.error:
    print "We couldn't connect to %s" % sys.argv[1]

print "Response was %s" % response['headers'].status
Exemplo n.º 2

import csv
import simplejson as json
from restful_lib import Connection
#conn = Connection("http://mc933.lab.ic.unicamp.br:8010")
conn = Connection("http://mc933.lab.ic.unicamp.br:8010/getBusesPositions")
#response = conn.request_get("/getPosition")
response = conn.request_get("")

buses = json.loads(response["body"])

for i in buses:
    response = conn.request_get(str(i))
    obj = json.loads(response["body"])
    writer = csv.writer(open('points.csv', 'ab')) #, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL
    #writer.writerow(['Horario', 'Latitude', 'Longitude'])
    writer.writerow([datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"), str(lat), str(lon)])
    return "Point (" + str(lat) + ',' + str(lon) + ") saved at " + datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    #print response["body"] + "\n"
#coordenada = json.loads(response["body"])

conn.request_put("/sidewinder", {'color': 'blue'}, headers={'content-type':'application/json', 'accept':'application/json'})
Exemplo n.º 3

from restful_lib import Connection
conn = Connection("http://localhost:8888")
response = conn.request_get("/getNearestBusStops?lat=-22.8177;lon=-47.0683")

print response['body']

conn.request_put("/sidewinder", {'color': 'blue'}, headers={'content-type':'application/json', 'accept':'application/json'})
class SensorBase:

    def __init__(self, host, email, password):
        Set up a connection with the sensorbase host
        self.host = host
        self.email = email
        self.password = password

        self.connection = Connection(self.host, self.email, self.password)

    def get_sensordata(self,user=None):
        Deprecated! Written during development to get acquainted with
        Hackystat's REST API. Might become handy if sensorbase.py becomes
        a python lib to interact with hackystat. Refactoring needed?
        if user == None:
            user = self.email

        response = self.connection.request_get("/sensordata"+user)
        xml_string = response[u'body']
        tree = ET.XML(xml_string)

    def put_sensordata(self, datatype="", tool="", resource="", properties=""):
        Used to put up new sensordata on the hackystat server. Creates and
        XML element tree according to the xml schema (hardcoded). Will probably
        need some refactoring later on.

        time = self.get_timestamp()

        # build a tree structure
        e_sensordata = ET.Element("SensorData")

        e_timestamp = ET.SubElement(e_sensordata, "Timestamp")
        e_timestamp.text = time
        e_runtime = ET.SubElement(e_sensordata, "Runtime")
        e_runtime.text = time

        e_tool = ET.SubElement(e_sensordata, "Tool")
        e_tool.text = tool

        e_datatype = ET.SubElement(e_sensordata, "SensorDataType")
        e_datatype.text = datatype

        e_resource = ET.SubElement(e_sensordata, "Resource")
        e_resource.text = resource

        e_owner = ET.SubElement(e_sensordata, "Owner")
        e_owner.text = self.email

        e_properties = ET.SubElement(e_sensordata, "Properties")

        for property_key in properties.keys():
            e_property = ET.SubElement(e_properties, "Property")
            e_key = ET.SubElement(e_property, "Key")
            e_key.text = property_key
            e_value = ET.SubElement(e_property, "Value")
            e_value.text = properties[property_key]

        uri = "/sensordata/[email protected]/"+time
        response = self.connection.request_put(uri, None,
        print response

    def get_timestamp(self,hour=0,minute=0):
        time_current = datetime.now()
        time_current = time_current + timedelta(hours=hour,minutes=minute)

        #Time format for both oldcurrent timestamp
        time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000"
        timestamp = time.strftime(time_format, time_current.timetuple())

        return timestamp

    def get_sensor_datatype(self,data):
        Deprecated! Written during development to get acquainted with
        Hackystat's REST API. Might become handy if sensorbase.py becomes
        a python lib to interact with hackystat. Refactoring needed?
        name = data.attrib['Name']
        response = self.connection.request_get("/sensordatatypes/"+name)

        xml_string = response[u'body']

        tree = ET.XML(xml_string)
        return response[u'body']

    def get_projectdata(self,user=None,project=None,args=None):
        Get project data from hackystat server. If no user is defined it
        uses the email login used to initiate the connection, if no project
        is defined it uses 'Default'. Arguments in a dictionary are just
        forwarded. Returns the body of the response. Would it be better for
        this function to be a generator of responses? Might be tricky to
        implement given the structure of hackystat repsonses.

        if user == None:
            user = self.email

        if project == None:
            project = "Default"

        response = self.connection.request_get("/projects/"+\

        return response[u'body']
class RedmineRESTAPIWrapper(object):

    def __init__(self, settings):
        self.api_key = settings.redmine_api_key
        self.conn = Connection(settings.redmine_url)
    def request_put(self, path, payload):
        return self.conn.request_put(path, args= [ ('key', self.api_key) ], body=json.dumps(payload), headers={'content-type':'application/json', 'accept':'application/json'})

    def request_post(self, path, payload):
        return self.conn.request_post(path, args= [ ('key', self.api_key) ], body=json.dumps(payload), headers={'content-type':'application/json', 'accept':'application/json'})

    def request_get(self, path, payload):
        return self.conn.request_get(path, args= [ ('key', self.api_key) ] + payload, headers={'content-type':'application/json', 'accept':'application/json'})

    def put_items_with_payload(self, url, payload_name, items, payload):
        if not isinstance(items, set):
            items = set([items])
        for i in items:
            resp = self.request_put("/{}/".format(url)+str(i)+".json", { payload_name: payload})
            status = resp[u'headers']['status']
            print 'Item {} '.format(url), i, ', http status code: ', status
            if int(status) != 200:
                print resp

    def put_issues_with_payload(self, issues, payload):
        return self.put_items_with_payload("issues", "issue", issues, payload)

    def put_versions_with_payload(self, versions, payload):
        return self.put_items_with_payload("versions", "version", versions, payload)

    def post_time_entries_with_payload(self, payload):
        resp = self.request_post("/time_entries.json", {'time_entry': payload})
        status = resp[u'headers']['status']
        print 'Issue ', payload['issue_id'], ', http status code: ', status

    def get_items_as_json(self, endpoint, payload):
	resp = self.request_get("/"+endpoint+".json", payload)
        status = resp[u'headers']['status']
        return resp[u'body']

    def get_time_entries(self, payload):
        return self.get_items_as_json('time_entries', payload)

    def get_projects(self, payload):
        return self.get_items_as_json('projects', payload)

    def set_projects_parent(self, projects, parent_id):
        return self.put_items_with_payload("projects", "project", projects, { 'parent_id': parent_id})

    def add_issues_to_milestone(self, issues, version_id, milestone_name):
        self.put_issues_with_payload(issues, {'notes': 'Issue added to milestone: '+milestone_name, 'fixed_version_id': version_id})

    def add_issues_on_sprint(self, issues, sprint_id, sprint_name):
        self.put_issues_with_payload(issues, {'notes': 'Issue added to sprint "'+sprint_name+'" from REST API', 'easy_sprint_id': sprint_id})
    def set_issues_status(self, issues, status_id):
        self.put_issues_with_payload(issues, {'status_id': status_id})

    def set_issues_status_and_assigned(self, issues, status_id, assigned_id):
        self.put_issues_with_payload(issues, {'status_id': status_id, 'assigned_to_id': assigned_id})

    def set_issues_assigned(self, issues, assigned_id):
        self.put_issues_with_payload(issues, {'assigned_to_id': assigned_id})

    def set_parent_issue(self, issues, parent_id):
        self.put_issues_with_payload(issues,{'parent_issue_id': parent_id})

    def add_notes_on_issues(self, issues, notes):
        self.put_issues_with_payload(issues,{'notes': notes})

    def add_update_on_commit(self, issue, repo_name, branch_name, commit_hash, commit_msg):
        notes = "Repo <b>%s</b> branch <b>%s</b> commit <b>%s</b>: %s" % (repo_name, branch_name, commit_hash, commit_msg)
        return self.add_notes_on_issues(set([issue]), notes)

    def add_update_on_commit_from_line(self, line, repo_name, branch_name):
        (commit_hash, commit_msg) =line.split(' ',1)
        match = re.search("\#(\d+)", commit_msg)
        if match:
            issue = match.group(1)
            resp =self.add_update_on_commit(issue,repo_name, branch_name, commit_hash, commit_msg)

    def add_issues_to_milestone_1(self, issues):
        self.add_issues_to_milestone(issues, 61, "Milestone 1")

    def close_issues(self, issues):
        self.set_issues_status(issues, settings.statuses['closed'])

    def get_items_as_json_full(self, endpoint, params = None, process_cb = None):
        (offset, limit, read, total) = (0, 25, 0, 65535)
        if params is None: params = []
        result = []
        while read<total:
            _params = params + [('limit', limit), ('offset', offset)]
            resp = json.loads(self.get_items_as_json(endpoint, _params))
#            add_to_list(resp["time_entries"], label)
            result += resp[endpoint]
            if process_cb is not None:

            total = resp["total_count"]
            read += limit if (limit+offset < total) else total - offset
            offset += limit
        return result
Exemplo n.º 6
#This is a little example of how to make a PUT request (see  http://microformats.org/wiki/rest/urls )
#To a API written with tastypie (https://github.com/toastdriven/django-tastypie )

# import the standard JSON parser
import json
# import the REST library (from http://code.google.com/p/python-rest-client/)
from restful_lib import Connection

#site url
base_url = "http://IP/api/v1"
conn = Connection(base_url)

#get the global config dict
globalconfig = conn.request_get('/globalconfig/')
globalconfig = json.loads(globalconfig["body"])
globalconfig = globalconfig["objects"][0]

#set the args
globalconfig["sfftrim"] = True

#make the put REST request to update the resource
result = conn.request_put('/globalconfig/1/',
                          headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
Exemplo n.º 7
class Odl:
    """Connect to ODL and do REST transactions."""
    def __init__(self, base_url):
        """Connect to ODL."""
        self.conn = Connection(base_url, username=v.username,
        self.log = logging.getLogger('ODL')

    def clean_up(self):
        """Clean up ODL configuration."""
        params = {'node_id': v.rt1_node_id,
                  'name': v.auto_tunnel_name}

    def read_file(self, filename, params=None):
        """Return the file contents after substituting the params if any."""
        f = open(filename, 'r')
        contents = f.read()
        if params:
            contents = Template(contents)
            contents = contents.substitute(params)

        return contents

    def get(self, path):
        """Request REST GET transaction with timeout."""
        return timeout(self, self.request, ('GET', path, {}))

    def post(self, path, body):
        """Request REST POST transaction with timeout."""
        return timeout(self, self.request, ('POST', path, body))

    def put(self, path, body):
        """Request REST PUT transaction with timeout."""
        return timeout(self, self.request, ('PUT', path, body))

    def request(self, operation, path, body):
        """Request REST transactions."""
        self.log.info("%s : %s", operation, path)

        if body != {}:
            self.log.debug("Body : %s", json.dumps(json.loads(body), indent=2))

        headers = {'content-type':'application/json', 'accept':'application/json'}

        if operation == 'GET':
            response = self.conn.request_get(path, args={}, headers=headers)
        elif operation == 'POST':
            response = self.conn.request_post(path, args={}, body=body, headers=headers)
        elif operation == 'PUT':
            response = self.conn.request_put(path, args={}, body=body, headers=headers)

        status = int(response['headers']['status'])

        self.log.info("Response : %s %s", status, httplib.responses[status])

        response_body = json.loads(response['body'])
        self.log.debug("Response Body : %s\n", json.dumps(response_body, indent=2))

        return status, response_body

    def get_pcep_topology(self, params=None):
        """Return the content of PCEP topology response."""
        return self.get("/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/pcep-topology")

    def post_add_lsp(self, params=None):
        """Add LSP and return the content of the response."""
        self.node_id = params['node_id']  # Required for auto undo
        if params.has_key('sid'):
            body = self.read_file(v.add_lsp_sr_file, params)
        elif params.has_key('sid2'):
            body = self.read_file(v.add_lsp_sr2_file, params)
        elif params.has_key('sid3'):
            body = self.read_file(v.add_lsp_sr3_file, params)
            body = self.read_file(v.add_lsp_file, params)
        return self.post("/operations/network-topology-pcep:add-lsp", body)

    def post_update_lsp(self, params=None):
        """Update LSP and return the content of the response."""
        if params.has_key('sid'):
            body = self.read_file(v.update_lsp_sr_file, params)
        elif params.has_key('sid2'):
            body = self.read_file(v.update_lsp_sr2_file, params)
        elif params.has_key('sid3'):
            body = self.read_file(v.update_lsp_sr3_file, params)
            body = self.read_file(v.update_lsp_file, params)
        return self.post("/operations/network-topology-pcep:update-lsp", body)

    def post_remove_lsp(self, params=None):
        """Remove LSP and return the content of the response."""
        if params is None:
            # Auto undo
            params = {}
            move_attr_to_params(self, params, 'node_id')

        if params.has_key("node_id"):
            body = self.read_file(v.remove_lsp_file, params)
            return self.post("/operations/network-topology-pcep:remove-lsp", body)

    def post_add_label(self, params=None):
        """Add label and return the content of the response."""
        if params.has_key('in_label') and params.has_key('out_label'):
            body = self.read_file(v.add_label_dwnld_in_out_file, params)
        elif params.has_key('in_label'):
            body = self.read_file(v.add_label_dwnld_in_file, params)
        elif params.has_key('out_label'):
            body = self.read_file(v.add_label_dwnld_out_file, params)
        elif params.has_key('node_label'):
            body = self.read_file(v.add_label_map_node_file, params)
        elif params.has_key('adj_label'):
            body = self.read_file(v.add_label_map_adj_file, params)
            body = self.read_file(v.add_label_db_sync_end_file, params)

        return self.post("/operations/network-topology-pcep:add-label", body)

    def post_remove_label(self, params=None):
        """Remove label and return the content of the response."""
        body = self.read_file(v.remove_label_file, params)
        return self.post("/operations/network-topology-pcep:remove-label", body)
class RestClientEngine(object):

    __metaclass__ = Singleton

    def __init__(self, conn=None):
        if not conn:
            self.conn = Connection(GENERAL_PARAMETERS['base_url'],
            self.conn = conn

    def executeRequest(self,
        Execute a Http request using pre configured configurations.
        :param identifier Identifier of the configuration block of the request.
        :param body Body content of the request. Default None.
        :param query_parameter Query parameters of URL. apis/apiServ?param1=value1&...  Default None.
        :param kwargs You can include in it pathVariables and extra headers.
        :return Dictionary with the body response and headers that contains status code too.
        :raises NotFoundException if a parameter is not present in config or in method call.
        rel_url = self.buildUrl(identifier, kwargs)
        headers = self.buildHeaders(identifier, kwargs)

        if identifier in REQUESTS:
            if REQUESTS[identifier]['method'] in ('get', 'post', 'put',
                if REQUESTS[identifier]['method'] == 'get':
                    return self.conn.request_get(rel_url,
                elif REQUESTS[identifier]['method'] == 'post':
                    return self.conn.request_post(rel_url,
                elif REQUESTS[identifier]['method'] == 'put':
                    return self.conn.request_put(rel_url,
                elif REQUESTS[identifier]['method'] == 'delete':
                    return self.conn.request_delete(rel_url, headers=headers)
                    raise NotFoundException('method not found')
                raise NotFoundException('method not found')

    def buildHeaders(self, identifier, kwargs):
        result = {}
        if 'headers' in GENERAL_PARAMETERS:
            for key, value in GENERAL_PARAMETERS['headers'].items():
                result[key] = value

        if identifier in REQUESTS:
            if 'headers' in REQUESTS[identifier]:
                for key, value in REQUESTS[identifier]['headers'].items():
                    result[key] = value
            raise NotFoundException('Request identifier not found exception.')

        if 'headers' in kwargs:
            for key, value in kwargs['headers'].items():
                result[key] = value

        if GENERAL_PARAMETERS['username'] and GENERAL_PARAMETERS['password']:
            result['Authorization'] = ''.join([
                'Basic ',

        return result

    def buildUrl(self, identifier, kwargs):
        if identifier in REQUESTS:
            relative_url = REQUESTS[identifier]['relative_url']
            raise NotFoundException('Request identifier not found exception.')

        parameters = self.getParameterFromConfigFile(relative_url)

        replaced_relative_url = self.replaceParameters(relative_url,
                                                       parameters, kwargs)

        return replaced_relative_url

    def getParameterFromConfigFile(self, relative_url):
        return re.findall('{(?P<parameter>[a-zA-Z%0-9_-]+)}', relative_url)

    def replaceParameters(self, relative_url, parameters, kwargs):
        result = relative_url
        for parameter in parameters:
            if parameter in kwargs:
                result = result.replace(''.join(['{', parameter, '}']),
                                        kwargs[parameter], 1)
                raise NotFoundException(''.join(
                    ['Parameter ', parameter, ' not found for build the url']))
        return result
Exemplo n.º 9
class AdflyApiExample():
    ##    BASE_HOST = 'https://api.adf.ly'
    ##    # TODO: Replace this with your secret key.
    ##    SECRET_KEY = '4c8fa05a-d826-4c06-86e4-59b86bf4868c'
    ##    # TODO: Replace this with your public key.
    ##    PUBLIC_KEY = '2ba3f6ce601d043c177eb2a83eb34f5f'
    ##    # TODO: Replace this with your user id.
    ##    USER_ID = 2
    ##    AUTH_TYPE = dict(basic=1, hmac=2)

    BASE_HOST = 'https://api.adf.ly'
    AUTH_TYPE = dict(basic=1, hmac=2)

    def __init__(self):
        # In this example we use rest client provided by
        # http://code.google.com/p/python-rest-client/
        # Of course you are free to use any other client.
        self._connection = Connection(self.BASE_HOST)

    def get_groups(self, page=1):
        response = self._connection.request_get('/v1/urlGroups',
        return json.loads(response['body'])

    def expand(self, urls, hashes=[]):
        params = dict()

        if type(urls) == list:
            for i, url in enumerate(urls):
                params['url[%d]' % i] = url
        elif type(urls) == str:
            params['url'] = urls

        if type(hashes) == list:
            for i, hashval in enumerate(hashes):
                params['hash[%d]' % i] = hashval
        elif type(hashes) == str:
            params['hash'] = hashes

        response = self._connection.request_get('/v1/expand',
        return json.loads(response['body'])

    def shorten(self, urls, domain=None, advert_type=None, group_id=None):
        params = dict()
        if domain:
            params['domain'] = domain
        if advert_type:
            params['advert_type'] = advert_type
        if group_id:
            params['group_id'] = group_id

        if type(urls) == list:
            for i, url in enumerate(urls):
                params['url[%d]' % i] = url
        elif type(urls) == str:
            params['url'] = urls

        response = self._connection.request_post('/v1/shorten',
        return json.loads(response['body'])

    def get_urls(self, page=1, search_str=None):
        response = self._connection.request_get('/v1/urls',
        return json.loads(response['body'])

    def update_url(self, url_id, **kwargs):
        params = dict()

        allowed_kwargs = [
            'url', 'advert_type', 'title', 'group_id', 'fb_description',
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if k in allowed_kwargs:
                params[k] = v

        response = self._connection.request_put('/v1/urls/%d' % url_id,
        return json.loads(response['body'])

    def delete_url(self, url_id):
        response = self._connection.request_delete('/v1/urls/%d' % url_id,
        return json.loads(response['body'])

    def _get_params(self, params={}, auth_type=None):
        """Populates request parameters with required parameters,
        such as _user_id, _api_key, etc.
        auth_type = auth_type or self.AUTH_TYPE['basic']

        params['_user_id'] = self.USER_ID
        params['_api_key'] = self.PUBLIC_KEY

        if self.AUTH_TYPE['basic'] == auth_type:
        elif self.AUTH_TYPE['hmac'] == auth_type:
            # Get current unix timestamp (UTC time).
            params['_timestamp'] = int(time.time())
            params['_hash'] = self._do_hmac(params)
            raise RuntimeError

        return params

    def _do_hmac(self, params):
        if type(params) != dict:
            raise RuntimeError

        # Get parameter names.
        keys = params.keys()
        # Sort them using byte ordering.
        # So 'param[10]' comes before 'param[2]'.
        queryParts = []

        # Url encode query string. The encoding should be performed
        # per RFC 1738 (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1738)
        # which implies that spaces are encoded as plus (+) signs.
        for key in keys:
            quoted_key = urllib.quote_plus(str(key))
            if params[key] is None:
                params[key] = ''

            quoted_value = urllib.quote_plus(str(params[key]))
            queryParts.append('%s=%s' % (quoted_key, quoted_value))

        return hmac.new(self.SECRET_KEY, '&'.join(queryParts),