Exemplo n.º 1
    def _create_phase(self, phase, reference_system, positions, atom_indices, thermodynamic_state, protocols=None, options=None, mpicomm=None):
        Create a repex object for a specified phase.

        phase : str
           The phase being initialized (one of ['complex', 'solvent', 'vacuum'])
        reference_system : simtk.openmm.System
           The reference system object from which alchemical intermediates are to be construcfted.
        positions : list of simtk.unit.Qunatity objects containing (natoms x 3) positions (as np or lists)
           The list of positions to be used to seed replicas in a round-robin way.
        atom_indices : dict
           atom_indices[phase][component] is the set of atom indices associated with component, where component is ['ligand', 'receptor']
        thermodynamic_state : ThermodynamicState
           Thermodynamic state from which reference temperature and pressure are to be taken.
        protocols : dict of list of AlchemicalState, optional, default=None
           If specified, the alchemical protocol protocols[phase] will be used for phase 'phase' instead of the default.
        options : dict of str, optional, default=None
           If specified, these options will override default repex simulation options.


        # Combine simulation options with defaults to create repex options.
        repex_options = dict(self.default_options.items() + options.items())

        # Make sure positions argument is a list of coordinate snapshots.
        if hasattr(positions, 'unit'):
            # Wrap in list.
            positions = [positions]

        # Check the dimensions of positions.
        for index in range(len(positions)):
            # Make sure it is recast as a np array.
            positions[index] = unit.Quantity(np.array(positions[index] / positions[index].unit), positions[index].unit)

            [natoms, ndim] = (positions[index] / positions[index].unit).shape
            if natoms != reference_system.getNumParticles():
                raise Exception("positions argument must be a list of simtk.unit.Quantity of (natoms,3) lists or np array with units compatible with nanometers.")

        # Create metadata storage.
        metadata = dict()

        # Make a deep copy of the reference system so we don't accidentally modify it.
        reference_system = copy.deepcopy(reference_system)

        # TODO: Use more general approach to determine whether system is periodic.
        is_periodic = self._is_periodic(reference_system)

        # Make sure pressure is None if not periodic.
        if not is_periodic: thermodynamic_state.pressure = None

        # Compute standard state corrections for complex phase.
        metadata['standard_state_correction'] = 0.0
        # TODO: Do we need to include a standard state correction for other phases in periodic boxes?
        if phase == 'complex-implicit':
            # Impose restraints for complex system in implicit solvent to keep ligand from drifting too far away from receptor.
            logger.debug("Creating receptor-ligand restraints...")
            reference_positions = positions[0]
            if self.restraint_type == 'harmonic':
                restraints = HarmonicReceptorLigandRestraint(thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions, atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
            elif self.restraint_type == 'flat-bottom':
                restraints = FlatBottomReceptorLigandRestraint(thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions, atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
                raise Exception("restraint_type of '%s' is not supported." % self.restraint_type)

            force = restraints.getRestraintForce() # Get Force object incorporating restraints
            metadata['standard_state_correction'] = restraints.getStandardStateCorrection() # standard state correction in kT
        elif phase == 'complex-explicit':
            # For periodic systems, we do not use a restraint, but must add a standard state correction for the box volume.
            # TODO: What if the box volume fluctuates during the simulation?
            box_vectors = reference_system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors()
            box_volume = thermodynamic_state._volume(box_vectors)
            STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME = 1660.53928 * unit.angstrom**3
            metadata['standard_state_correction'] = np.log(STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME / box_volume) # TODO: Check sign.

        # Use default alchemical protocols if not specified.
        if not protocols:
            protocols = self.default_protocols

        # Create alchemically-modified states using alchemical factory.
        logger.debug("Creating alchemically-modified states...")
        #factory = AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory(reference_system, ligand_atoms=atom_indices['ligand'], test_positions=positions[0], platform=repex_options['platform'])
        factory = AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory(reference_system, ligand_atoms=atom_indices['ligand'])
        alchemical_states = protocols[phase]
        alchemical_system = factory.alchemically_modified_system
        thermodynamic_state.system = alchemical_system

        # Check systems for finite energies.
        finite_energy_check = False
        if finite_energy_check:
            logger.debug("Checking energies are finite for all alchemical systems.")
            integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(1.0 * unit.femtosecond)
            context = openmm.Context(alchemical_system, integrator)
            for alchemical_state in alchemical_states:
                AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory.perturbContext(context, alchemical_state)
                potential = context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy()
                if np.isnan(potential / unit.kilocalories_per_mole):
                    raise Exception("Energy for system %d is NaN." % index)
            del context, integrator
            logger.debug("All energies are finite.")

        # Randomize ligand position if requested, but only for implicit solvent systems.
        if self.randomize_ligand and (phase == 'complex-implicit'):
            logger.debug("Randomizing ligand positions and excluding overlapping configurations...")
            randomized_positions = list()
            nstates = len(systems)
            for state_index in range(nstates):
                positions_index = np.random.randint(0, len(positions))
                current_positions = positions[positions_index]
                new_positions = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange.randomize_ligand_position(current_positions,
                                                                                      atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'],
                                                                                      self.randomize_ligand_sigma_multiplier * restraints.getReceptorRadiusOfGyration(),
            positions = randomized_positions
        if self.randomize_ligand and (phase == 'complex-explicit'):
            logger.warning("Ligand randomization requested, but will not be performed for explicit solvent simulations.")

        # Identify whether any atoms will be displaced via MC, unless option is turned off.
        mc_atoms = None
        if self.mc_displacement_sigma:
            mc_atoms = list()
            if 'ligand' in atom_indices:
                mc_atoms = atom_indices['ligand']

        # Set up simulation.
        # TODO: Support MPI initialization?
        logger.debug("Creating replica exchange object...")
        store_filename = os.path.join(self._store_directory, phase + '.nc')
        self._store_filenames[phase] = store_filename
        simulation = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange(store_filename, mpicomm=mpicomm)
        simulation.create(thermodynamic_state, alchemical_states, positions,
                          displacement_sigma=self.mc_displacement_sigma, mc_atoms=mc_atoms,
                          options=repex_options, metadata=metadata)

        # Initialize simulation.
        # TODO: Use the right scheme for initializing the simulation without running.
        #logger.debug("Initializing simulation...")

        # TODO: Process user-supplied options.

        # Clean up simulation.
        del simulation

Exemplo n.º 2
    def _create_phase(self, thermodynamic_state, alchemical_phase):
        Create a repex object for a specified phase.

        thermodynamic_state : ThermodynamicState (System need not be defined)
            Thermodynamic state from which reference temperature and pressure are to be taken.
        alchemical_phase : AlchemicalPhase
           The alchemical phase to be created.

        # We add default repex options only on creation, on resume repex will pick them from the store file
        repex_parameters = {
            'number_of_equilibration_iterations': 0,
            'number_of_iterations': 100,
            'timestep': 2.0 * unit.femtoseconds,
            'collision_rate': 5.0 / unit.picoseconds,
            'minimize': False,
            True,  # this causes slowdown with iteration and should not be used for production
            'displacement_sigma': 1.0 * unit.
            nanometers  # attempt to displace ligand by this stddev will be made each iteration

        # Convenience variables
        positions = alchemical_phase.positions
        reference_system = copy.deepcopy(alchemical_phase.reference_system)
        atom_indices = alchemical_phase.atom_indices
        alchemical_states = alchemical_phase.protocol

        # If temperature and pressure are specified, make sure MonteCarloBarostat is attached.
        if thermodynamic_state.temperature and thermodynamic_state.pressure:
            forces = {
                for index in range(reference_system.getNumForces())

            if 'MonteCarloAnisotropicBarostat' in forces:
                raise Exception(
                    'MonteCarloAnisotropicBarostat is unsupported.')

            if 'MonteCarloBarostat' in forces:
                    'MonteCarloBarostat found: Setting default temperature and pressure.'
                barostat = forces['MonteCarloBarostat']
                # Set temperature and pressure.
                except AttributeError:  # versions previous to OpenMM7.1
                # Create barostat and add it to the system if it doesn't have one already.
                logger.debug('MonteCarloBarostat not found: Creating one.')
                barostat = openmm.MonteCarloBarostat(

        # Check the dimensions of positions.
        for index in range(len(positions)):
            n_atoms, _ = (positions[index] / positions[index].unit).shape
            if n_atoms != reference_system.getNumParticles():
                err_msg = "Phase {}: number of atoms in positions {} and and " \
                          "reference system differ ({} and {} respectively)"
                err_msg.format(alchemical_phase.name, index, n_atoms,
                raise RuntimeError(err_msg)

        # Inizialize metadata storage.
        metadata = dict()

        # Store a serialized copy of the reference system.
        metadata['reference_system'] = openmm.XmlSerializer.serialize(
        metadata['topology'] = utils.serialize_topology(

        # TODO: Use more general approach to determine whether system is periodic.
        is_periodic = self._is_periodic(reference_system)
        is_complex_explicit = len(atom_indices['receptor']) > 0 and is_periodic
        is_complex_implicit = len(
            atom_indices['receptor']) > 0 and not is_periodic

        # Make sure pressure is None if not periodic.
        if not is_periodic: thermodynamic_state.pressure = None

        # Create a copy of the system for which the fully-interacting energy is to be computed.
        # For explicit solvent calculations, an enlarged cutoff is used to account for the anisotropic dispersion correction.
        fully_interacting_system = copy.deepcopy(reference_system)
        if is_periodic:
            # Expand cutoff to maximum allowed
            # TODO: Should we warn if cutoff can't be extended enough?
            # TODO: Should we extend to some minimum cutoff rather than the maximum allowed?
            box_vectors = fully_interacting_system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(
            max_allowed_cutoff = 0.499 * max([
                max(vector) for vector in box_vectors
            ])  # TODO: Correct this for non-rectangular boxes
                'Setting cutoff for fully interacting system to maximum allowed (%s)'
                % str(max_allowed_cutoff))
            for force_index in range(fully_interacting_system.getNumForces()):
                force = fully_interacting_system.getForce(force_index)
                if hasattr(force, 'setCutoffDistance'):
                if hasattr(force, 'setCutoff'):

        # Construct thermodynamic state
        fully_interacting_state = copy.deepcopy(thermodynamic_state)
        fully_interacting_state.system = fully_interacting_system

        # Compute standard state corrections for complex phase.
        metadata['standard_state_correction'] = 0.0
        # TODO: Do we need to include a standard state correction for other phases in periodic boxes?
        if is_complex_implicit:
            # Impose restraints for complex system in implicit solvent to keep ligand from drifting too far away from receptor.
            logger.debug("Creating receptor-ligand restraints...")
            reference_positions = positions[0]
            if self._restraint_type == 'harmonic':
                restraints = HarmonicReceptorLigandRestraint(
                    thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions,
                    atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
            elif self._restraint_type == 'flat-bottom':
                restraints = FlatBottomReceptorLigandRestraint(
                    thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions,
                    atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
                raise Exception("restraint_type of '%s' is not supported." %

            force = restraints.getRestraintForce(
            )  # Get Force object incorporating restraints
                'standard_state_correction'] = restraints.getStandardStateCorrection(
                )  # standard state correction in kT
        elif is_complex_explicit:
            # For periodic systems, we do not use a restraint, but must add a standard state correction for the box volume.
            # TODO: What if the box volume fluctuates during the simulation?
            box_vectors = reference_system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors()
            box_volume = thermodynamic_state._volume(box_vectors)
            STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME = 1660.53928 * unit.angstrom**3
            metadata['standard_state_correction'] = -np.log(
                STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME / box_volume)

        # Create alchemically-modified states using alchemical factory.
        logger.debug("Creating alchemically-modified states...")
            alchemical_indices = atom_indices[
                'ligand_counterions'] + atom_indices['ligand']
        except KeyError:
            alchemical_indices = atom_indices['ligand']
        factory = AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory(reference_system,
        alchemical_system = factory.alchemically_modified_system
        thermodynamic_state.system = alchemical_system

        # Check systems for finite energies.
        # TODO: Refactor this into another function.
        finite_energy_check = False
        if finite_energy_check:
                "Checking energies are finite for all alchemical systems.")
            integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(1.0 * unit.femtosecond)
            context = openmm.Context(alchemical_system, integrator)
            for alchemical_state in alchemical_states:
                    context, alchemical_state)
                potential = context.getState(
                if np.isnan(potential / unit.kilocalories_per_mole):
                    raise Exception("Energy for system %d is NaN." % index)
            del context, integrator
            logger.debug("All energies are finite.")

        # Randomize ligand position if requested, but only for implicit solvent systems.
        if self._randomize_ligand and is_complex_implicit:
                "Randomizing ligand positions and excluding overlapping configurations..."
            randomized_positions = list()
            nstates = len(alchemical_states)
            for state_index in range(nstates):
                positions_index = np.random.randint(0, len(positions))
                current_positions = positions[positions_index]
                new_positions = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange.randomize_ligand_position(
                    current_positions, atom_indices['receptor'],
                    self._randomize_ligand_sigma_multiplier *
            positions = randomized_positions
        if self._randomize_ligand and is_complex_explicit:
                "Ligand randomization requested, but will not be performed for explicit solvent simulations."

        # Identify whether any atoms will be displaced via MC, unless option is turned off.
        mc_atoms = None
        if self._mc_displacement_sigma:
            mc_atoms = list()
            if 'ligand' in atom_indices:
                mc_atoms = atom_indices['ligand']

        # Set up simulation.
        # TODO: Support MPI initialization?
        logger.debug("Creating replica exchange object...")
        store_filename = os.path.join(self._store_directory,
                                      alchemical_phase.name + '.nc')
        self._store_filenames[alchemical_phase.name] = store_filename
        simulation = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange(store_filename)

        # Initialize simulation.
        # TODO: Use the right scheme for initializing the simulation without running.
        #logger.debug("Initializing simulation...")

        # Clean up simulation.
        del simulation

        # Add to list of phases that have been set up.

Exemplo n.º 3
    def _create_phase(self, phase, reference_system, positions, atom_indices, thermodynamic_state, protocols=None):
        Create a repex object for a specified phase.

        phase : str
           The phase being initialized (one of ['complex', 'solvent', 'vacuum'])
        reference_system : simtk.openmm.System
           The reference system object from which alchemical intermediates are to be construcfted.
        positions : list of simtk.unit.Qunatity objects containing (natoms x 3) positions (as np or lists)
           The list of positions to be used to seed replicas in a round-robin way.
        atom_indices : dict
           atom_indices[phase][component] is the set of atom indices associated with component, where component
           is ['ligand', 'receptor', 'complex', 'solvent', 'ligand_counterions']
        thermodynamic_state : ThermodynamicState
           Thermodynamic state from which reference temperature and pressure are to be taken.
        protocols : dict of list of AlchemicalState, optional, default=None
           If specified, the alchemical protocol protocols[phase] will be used for phase 'phase' instead of the default.


        # We add default repex options only on creation, on resume repex will pick them from the store file
        repex_parameters = {
            'number_of_equilibration_iterations': 0,
            'number_of_iterations': 100,
            'timestep': 2.0 * unit.femtoseconds,
            'collision_rate': 5.0 / unit.picoseconds,
            'minimize': False,
            'show_mixing_statistics': True,  # this causes slowdown with iteration and should not be used for production
            'displacement_sigma': 1.0 * unit.nanometers  # attempt to displace ligand by this stddev will be made each iteration

        # Make sure positions argument is a list of coordinate snapshots.
        if hasattr(positions, 'unit'):
            # Wrap in list.
            positions = [positions]

        # Check the dimensions of positions.
        for index in range(len(positions)):
            # Make sure it is recast as a np array.
            positions[index] = unit.Quantity(np.array(positions[index] / positions[index].unit), positions[index].unit)

            [natoms, ndim] = (positions[index] / positions[index].unit).shape
            if natoms != reference_system.getNumParticles():
                raise Exception("positions argument must be a list of simtk.unit.Quantity of (natoms,3) lists or np array with units compatible with nanometers.")

        # Create metadata storage.
        metadata = dict()

        # Make a deep copy of the reference system so we don't accidentally modify it.
        reference_system = copy.deepcopy(reference_system)

        # TODO: Use more general approach to determine whether system is periodic.
        is_periodic = self._is_periodic(reference_system)

        # Make sure pressure is None if not periodic.
        if not is_periodic: thermodynamic_state.pressure = None

        # Compute standard state corrections for complex phase.
        metadata['standard_state_correction'] = 0.0
        # TODO: Do we need to include a standard state correction for other phases in periodic boxes?
        if phase == 'complex-implicit':
            # Impose restraints for complex system in implicit solvent to keep ligand from drifting too far away from receptor.
            logger.debug("Creating receptor-ligand restraints...")
            reference_positions = positions[0]
            if self._restraint_type == 'harmonic':
                restraints = HarmonicReceptorLigandRestraint(thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions, atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
            elif self._restraint_type == 'flat-bottom':
                restraints = FlatBottomReceptorLigandRestraint(thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions, atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
                raise Exception("restraint_type of '%s' is not supported." % self._restraint_type)

            force = restraints.getRestraintForce() # Get Force object incorporating restraints
            metadata['standard_state_correction'] = restraints.getStandardStateCorrection() # standard state correction in kT
        elif phase == 'complex-explicit':
            # For periodic systems, we do not use a restraint, but must add a standard state correction for the box volume.
            # TODO: What if the box volume fluctuates during the simulation?
            box_vectors = reference_system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors()
            box_volume = thermodynamic_state._volume(box_vectors)
            STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME = 1660.53928 * unit.angstrom**3
            metadata['standard_state_correction'] = - np.log(STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME / box_volume)

        # Use default alchemical protocols if not specified.
        if not protocols:
            protocols = self.default_protocols

        # Create alchemically-modified states using alchemical factory.
        logger.debug("Creating alchemically-modified states...")
            alchemical_indices = atom_indices['ligand_counterions'] + atom_indices['ligand']
        except KeyError:
            alchemical_indices = atom_indices['ligand']
        factory = AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory(reference_system, ligand_atoms=alchemical_indices,
        alchemical_states = protocols[phase]
        alchemical_system = factory.alchemically_modified_system
        thermodynamic_state.system = alchemical_system

        # Check systems for finite energies.
        # TODO: Refactor this into another function.
        finite_energy_check = False
        if finite_energy_check:
            logger.debug("Checking energies are finite for all alchemical systems.")
            integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(1.0 * unit.femtosecond)
            context = openmm.Context(alchemical_system, integrator)
            for alchemical_state in alchemical_states:
                AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory.perturbContext(context, alchemical_state)
                potential = context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy()
                if np.isnan(potential / unit.kilocalories_per_mole):
                    raise Exception("Energy for system %d is NaN." % index)
            del context, integrator
            logger.debug("All energies are finite.")

        # Randomize ligand position if requested, but only for implicit solvent systems.
        if self._randomize_ligand and (phase == 'complex-implicit'):
            logger.debug("Randomizing ligand positions and excluding overlapping configurations...")
            randomized_positions = list()
            nstates = len(alchemical_states)
            for state_index in range(nstates):
                positions_index = np.random.randint(0, len(positions))
                current_positions = positions[positions_index]
                new_positions = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange.randomize_ligand_position(current_positions,
                                                                                      atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'],
                                                                                      self._randomize_ligand_sigma_multiplier * restraints.getReceptorRadiusOfGyration(),
            positions = randomized_positions
        if self._randomize_ligand and (phase == 'complex-explicit'):
            logger.warning("Ligand randomization requested, but will not be performed for explicit solvent simulations.")

        # Identify whether any atoms will be displaced via MC, unless option is turned off.
        mc_atoms = None
        if self._mc_displacement_sigma:
            mc_atoms = list()
            if 'ligand' in atom_indices:
                mc_atoms = atom_indices['ligand']

        # Set up simulation.
        # TODO: Support MPI initialization?
        logger.debug("Creating replica exchange object...")
        store_filename = os.path.join(self._store_directory, phase + '.nc')
        self._store_filenames[phase] = store_filename
        simulation = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange(store_filename)
        simulation.create(thermodynamic_state, alchemical_states, positions,
                          displacement_sigma=self._mc_displacement_sigma, mc_atoms=mc_atoms,
                          options=repex_parameters, metadata=metadata)

        # Initialize simulation.
        # TODO: Use the right scheme for initializing the simulation without running.
        #logger.debug("Initializing simulation...")

        # Clean up simulation.
        del simulation

        # Add to list of phases that have been set up.

Exemplo n.º 4
    def _create_phase(self,
        Create a repex object for a specified phase.

        phase : str
           The phase being initialized (one of ['complex', 'solvent', 'vacuum'])
        reference_system : simtk.openmm.System
           The reference system object from which alchemical intermediates are to be construcfted.
        positions : list of simtk.unit.Qunatity objects containing (natoms x 3) positions (as np or lists)
           The list of positions to be used to seed replicas in a round-robin way.
        atom_indices : dict
           atom_indices[phase][component] is the set of atom indices associated with component, where component is ['ligand', 'receptor']
        thermodynamic_state : ThermodynamicState
           Thermodynamic state from which reference temperature and pressure are to be taken.
        protocols : dict of list of AlchemicalState, optional, default=None
           If specified, the alchemical protocol protocols[phase] will be used for phase 'phase' instead of the default.
        options : dict of str, optional, default=None
           If specified, these options will override default repex simulation options.


        # Make sure positions argument is a list of coordinate snapshots.
        if hasattr(positions, 'unit'):
            # Wrap in list.
            positions = [positions]

        # Check the dimensions of positions.
        for index in range(len(positions)):
            # Make sure it is recast as a np array.
            positions[index] = unit.Quantity(
                np.array(positions[index] / positions[index].unit),

            [natoms, ndim] = (positions[index] / positions[index].unit).shape
            if natoms != reference_system.getNumParticles():
                raise Exception(
                    "positions argument must be a list of simtk.unit.Quantity of (natoms,3) lists or np array with units compatible with nanometers."

        # Create metadata storage.
        metadata = dict()

        # Make a deep copy of the reference system so we don't accidentally modify it.
        reference_system = copy.deepcopy(reference_system)

        # TODO: Use more general approach to determine whether system is periodic.
        is_periodic = self._is_periodic(reference_system)

        # Make sure pressure is None if not periodic.
        if not is_periodic: thermodynamic_state.pressure = None

        # Compute standard state corrections for complex phase.
        metadata['standard_state_correction'] = 0.0
        # TODO: Do we need to include a standard state correction for other phases in periodic boxes?
        if phase == 'complex-implicit':
            # Impose restraints for complex system in implicit solvent to keep ligand from drifting too far away from receptor.
            if self.verbose: print "Creating receptor-ligand restraints..."
            reference_positions = positions[0]
            if self.restraint_type == 'harmonic':
                restraints = HarmonicReceptorLigandRestraint(
                    thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions,
                    atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
            elif self.restraint_type == 'flat-bottom':
                restraints = FlatBottomReceptorLigandRestraint(
                    thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions,
                    atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
                raise Exception("restraint_type of '%s' is not supported." %

            force = restraints.getRestraintForce(
            )  # Get Force object incorporating restraints
                'standard_state_correction'] = restraints.getStandardStateCorrection(
                )  # standard state correction in kT
        elif phase == 'complex-explicit':
            # For periodic systems, we do not use a restraint, but must add a standard state correction for the box volume.
            # TODO: What if the box volume fluctuates during the simulation?
            box_vectors = reference_system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors()
            box_volume = thermodynamic_state._volume(box_vectors)
            STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME = 1660.53928 * unit.angstrom**3
            metadata['standard_state_correction'] = np.log(
                STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME / box_volume)  # TODO: Check sign.

        # Use default alchemical protocols if not specified.
        if not protocols:
            protocols = self.default_protocols

        # Create alchemically-modified states using alchemical factory.
        if self.verbose: print "Creating alchemically-modified states..."
        factory = AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory(
            reference_system, ligand_atoms=atom_indices['ligand'])
        systems = factory.createPerturbedSystems(protocols[phase])

        # Randomize ligand position if requested, but only for implicit solvent systems.
        if self.randomize_ligand and (phase == 'complex-implicit'):
            if self.verbose:
                print "Randomizing ligand positions and excluding overlapping configurations..."
            randomized_positions = list()
            nstates = len(systems)
            for state_index in range(nstates):
                positions_index = np.random.randint(0, len(positions))
                current_positions = positions[positions_index]
                new_positions = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange.randomize_ligand_position(
                    current_positions, atom_indices['receptor'],
                    self.randomize_ligand_sigma_multiplier *
            positions = randomized_positions

        # Identify whether any atoms will be displaced via MC.
        mc_atoms = list()
        if 'ligand' in atom_indices:
            mc_atoms = atom_indices['ligand']

        # Combine simulation options with defaults.
        options = dict(self.default_options.items() + options.items())

        # Set up simulation.
        # TODO: Support MPI initialization?
        if self.verbose: print "Creating replica exchange object..."
        store_filename = os.path.join(self._store_directory, phase + '.nc')
        self._store_filenames[phase] = store_filename
        simulation = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange(store_filename,
        simulation.verbose = self.verbose

        # Initialize simulation.
        # TODO: Use the right scheme for initializing the simulation without running.
        #if self.verbose: print "Initializing simulation..."

        # TODO: Process user-supplied options.

        # Clean up simulation.
        del simulation

Exemplo n.º 5
    def _create_phase(self, thermodynamic_state, alchemical_phase):
        Create a repex object for a specified phase.

        thermodynamic_state : ThermodynamicState (System need not be defined)
            Thermodynamic state from which reference temperature and pressure are to be taken.
        alchemical_phase : AlchemicalPhase
           The alchemical phase to be created.

        # We add default repex options only on creation, on resume repex will pick them from the store file
        repex_parameters = {
            'number_of_equilibration_iterations': 0,
            'number_of_iterations': 100,
            'timestep': 2.0 * unit.femtoseconds,
            'collision_rate': 5.0 / unit.picoseconds,
            'minimize': False,
            'show_mixing_statistics': True,  # this causes slowdown with iteration and should not be used for production
            'displacement_sigma': 1.0 * unit.nanometers  # attempt to displace ligand by this stddev will be made each iteration

        # Convenience variables
        positions = alchemical_phase.positions
        reference_system = copy.deepcopy(alchemical_phase.reference_system)
        atom_indices = alchemical_phase.atom_indices
        alchemical_states = alchemical_phase.protocol

        # If temperature and pressure are specified, make sure MonteCarloBarostat is attached.
        if thermodynamic_state.temperature and thermodynamic_state.pressure:
            forces = { reference_system.getForce(index).__class__.__name__ : reference_system.getForce(index) for index in range(reference_system.getNumForces()) }

            if 'MonteCarloAnisotropicBarostat' in forces:
                raise Exception('MonteCarloAnisotropicBarostat is unsupported.')

            if 'MonteCarloBarostat' in forces:
                logger.debug('MonteCarloBarostat found: Setting default temperature and pressure.')
                barostat = forces['MonteCarloBarostat']
                # Set temperature and pressure.
                except AttributeError:  # versions previous to OpenMM7.1
                # Create barostat and add it to the system if it doesn't have one already.
                logger.debug('MonteCarloBarostat not found: Creating one.')
                barostat = openmm.MonteCarloBarostat(thermodynamic_state.pressure, thermodynamic_state.temperature)

        # Check the dimensions of positions.
        for index in range(len(positions)):
            n_atoms, _ = (positions[index] / positions[index].unit).shape
            if n_atoms != reference_system.getNumParticles():
                err_msg = "Phase {}: number of atoms in positions {} and and " \
                          "reference system differ ({} and {} respectively)"
                err_msg.format(alchemical_phase.name, index, n_atoms,
                raise RuntimeError(err_msg)

        # Inizialize metadata storage.
        metadata = dict()

        # Store a serialized copy of the reference system.
        metadata['reference_system'] = openmm.XmlSerializer.serialize(reference_system)
        metadata['topology'] = utils.serialize_topology(alchemical_phase.reference_topology)

        # TODO: Use more general approach to determine whether system is periodic.
        is_periodic = self._is_periodic(reference_system)
        is_complex_explicit = len(atom_indices['receptor']) > 0 and is_periodic
        is_complex_implicit = len(atom_indices['receptor']) > 0 and not is_periodic

        # Make sure pressure is None if not periodic.
        if not is_periodic: thermodynamic_state.pressure = None

        # Create a copy of the system for which the fully-interacting energy is to be computed.
        # For explicit solvent calculations, an enlarged cutoff is used to account for the anisotropic dispersion correction.
        fully_interacting_system = copy.deepcopy(reference_system)
        if is_periodic:
            # Expand cutoff to maximum allowed
            # TODO: Should we warn if cutoff can't be extended enough?
            # TODO: Should we extend to some minimum cutoff rather than the maximum allowed?
            box_vectors = fully_interacting_system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors()
            max_allowed_cutoff = 0.499 * max([ max(vector) for vector in box_vectors ]) # TODO: Correct this for non-rectangular boxes
            logger.debug('Setting cutoff for fully interacting system to maximum allowed (%s)' % str(max_allowed_cutoff))
            for force_index in range(fully_interacting_system.getNumForces()):
                force = fully_interacting_system.getForce(force_index)
                if hasattr(force, 'setCutoffDistance'):
                if hasattr(force, 'setCutoff'):

        # Construct thermodynamic state
        fully_interacting_state = copy.deepcopy(thermodynamic_state)
        fully_interacting_state.system = fully_interacting_system

        # Compute standard state corrections for complex phase.
        metadata['standard_state_correction'] = 0.0
        # TODO: Do we need to include a standard state correction for other phases in periodic boxes?
        if is_complex_implicit:
            # Impose restraints for complex system in implicit solvent to keep ligand from drifting too far away from receptor.
            logger.debug("Creating receptor-ligand restraints...")
            reference_positions = positions[0]
            if self._restraint_type == 'harmonic':
                restraints = HarmonicReceptorLigandRestraint(thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions, atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
            elif self._restraint_type == 'flat-bottom':
                restraints = FlatBottomReceptorLigandRestraint(thermodynamic_state, reference_system, reference_positions, atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'])
                raise Exception("restraint_type of '%s' is not supported." % self._restraint_type)

            force = restraints.getRestraintForce() # Get Force object incorporating restraints
            metadata['standard_state_correction'] = restraints.getStandardStateCorrection() # standard state correction in kT
        elif is_complex_explicit:
            # For periodic systems, we do not use a restraint, but must add a standard state correction for the box volume.
            # TODO: What if the box volume fluctuates during the simulation?
            box_vectors = reference_system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors()
            box_volume = thermodynamic_state._volume(box_vectors)
            STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME = 1660.53928 * unit.angstrom**3
            metadata['standard_state_correction'] = - np.log(STANDARD_STATE_VOLUME / box_volume)

        # Create alchemically-modified states using alchemical factory.
        logger.debug("Creating alchemically-modified states...")
            alchemical_indices = atom_indices['ligand_counterions'] + atom_indices['ligand']
        except KeyError:
            alchemical_indices = atom_indices['ligand']
        factory = AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory(reference_system, ligand_atoms=alchemical_indices,
        alchemical_system = factory.alchemically_modified_system
        thermodynamic_state.system = alchemical_system

        # Check systems for finite energies.
        # TODO: Refactor this into another function.
        finite_energy_check = False
        if finite_energy_check:
            logger.debug("Checking energies are finite for all alchemical systems.")
            integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(1.0 * unit.femtosecond)
            context = openmm.Context(alchemical_system, integrator)
            for alchemical_state in alchemical_states:
                AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory.perturbContext(context, alchemical_state)
                potential = context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy()
                if np.isnan(potential / unit.kilocalories_per_mole):
                    raise Exception("Energy for system %d is NaN." % index)
            del context, integrator
            logger.debug("All energies are finite.")

        # Randomize ligand position if requested, but only for implicit solvent systems.
        if self._randomize_ligand and is_complex_implicit:
            logger.debug("Randomizing ligand positions and excluding overlapping configurations...")
            randomized_positions = list()
            nstates = len(alchemical_states)
            for state_index in range(nstates):
                positions_index = np.random.randint(0, len(positions))
                current_positions = positions[positions_index]
                new_positions = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange.randomize_ligand_position(current_positions,
                                                                                      atom_indices['receptor'], atom_indices['ligand'],
                                                                                      self._randomize_ligand_sigma_multiplier * restraints.getReceptorRadiusOfGyration(),
            positions = randomized_positions
        if self._randomize_ligand and is_complex_explicit:
            logger.warning("Ligand randomization requested, but will not be performed for explicit solvent simulations.")

        # Identify whether any atoms will be displaced via MC, unless option is turned off.
        mc_atoms = None
        if self._mc_displacement_sigma:
            mc_atoms = list()
            if 'ligand' in atom_indices:
                mc_atoms = atom_indices['ligand']

        # Set up simulation.
        # TODO: Support MPI initialization?
        logger.debug("Creating replica exchange object...")
        store_filename = os.path.join(self._store_directory, alchemical_phase.name + '.nc')
        self._store_filenames[alchemical_phase.name] = store_filename
        simulation = ModifiedHamiltonianExchange(store_filename)
        simulation.create(thermodynamic_state, alchemical_states, positions,
                          displacement_sigma=self._mc_displacement_sigma, mc_atoms=mc_atoms,
                          options=repex_parameters, metadata=metadata,

        # Initialize simulation.
        # TODO: Use the right scheme for initializing the simulation without running.
        #logger.debug("Initializing simulation...")

        # Clean up simulation.
        del simulation

        # Add to list of phases that have been set up.
